59 research outputs found


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    As the worldā€™s population and urbanization have significantly increased in the past few decades, the generation of municipal solid waste has accelerated on global scale. The biowaste disposal, which is an integral part of municipal waste, leads to leachate production. These kinds of wastewater are characterized by complex composition with very high concentrations of organic and inorganic pollution substances and toxicity, which may have harmful impact on the environment. This study investigated the physico-chemical and biological characterization of leachate from biowaste. The experiments were conducted in batch performance with initial concentration of leachate, expressedas chemical oxygen demand, 12.21 Ā± 0.46 g O2/L and pH value 4.05 Ā± 0.13. Obtained results showed that leachate from biowaste have high value of chemical oxygen demand, toxicity and low pH. Overall efficiency of the process of aerobic biodegradation was 89 %. The abundance of viable bacterial cells and development of activated sludge flocs during the experiment confirmed the biodegradability of leachate from biowaste

    Extraction and Stability of Olive Pomace Polyphenols in Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents

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    Polifenolni spojevi, zaostali u komini koja je nusproizvod u proizvodnji maslinova ulja, antioksidansi su koji imaju pozitivan učinak na ljudsko zdravlje. Za izdvajanje polifenola sve čeŔće se primjenjuju prirodna eutektička otapala koje karakterizira netoksičnost, biorazgradljivost, nezapaljivost te niska cijena. U ovom radu upotrijebljeno je prirodno niskotemperaturno eutektičko otapalo (NADES) pripravljeno od triju komponenti: DL-jabučne kiseline, D-fruktoze i glicerola (MaFruGly) s različitim udjelima vode koji omogućavaju uspjeÅ”nu ekstrakciju polifenola. Određena je optimalna metoda ekstrakcije, a nakon provedene ekstrakcije, ekstrakti su podvrgnuti mikrobioloÅ”koj analizi te je praćena stabilnost izdvojenih polifenola. Istraživanje je pokazalo da su najuspjeÅ”nije metode za ekstrakciju polifenola mikrovalno ultrazvučna te ekstrakcija ultrazvučnom sondom, a NADES s 30 % vode optimalno otapalo za održavanje stabilnosti polifenola. Ovo djelo je dano na koriÅ”tenje pod licencom Creative Commons Imenovanje 4.0 međunarodna.Polyphenols, left in olive pomace, which is a by-product in the production of olive oil, are antioxidants that have a positive effect on human health. For the extraction of polyphenols, the use of natural deep eutectic solvents is increasingly encountered, characterised by non-toxicity, biodegradability, nonflammability, and low price. In this work, a natural deep eutectic solvent (NADES) was prepared from three components: malic acid, D-fructose, and glycerol (MaFruGly) with different water contents that allow successful extraction of polyphenols. The optimal extraction method was determined. Following extraction, the microbial activity was tested and stability of the isolated polyphenols monitored. Research has shown that the most successful methods for polyphenol extraction are microwave ultrasound and ultrasonic probe extraction, and NADES with 30 % water has proven to be the optimal solvent for maintaining the stability of polyphenols. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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