9 research outputs found

    Development of Sizing System for Girls Aged 6 to 12 Years in Croatia

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    Garment size system is an important factor for both the adult population and the population of children and adoles- cents when choosing a suitable and fitting clothing. To develop the size system anthropometric measurements of selected population should be carried out. For this purpose a sample of girls aged 6 to 12 years in Croatia were measured (4002 respondents distributed proportionately to the total population). As the basis for a new method of garment size system, the system and method defined in the standards EN 13402 (1 st –3 rd part) were used. Using the method of cluster analysis three body types of girls was obtained. The new size system for girls will contribute to better production planning of fit- ting patterns and larger selection of garment sizes for more demanding youthful consumers

    Launching a New Brand of Women’s Underwear

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    Women’s underwear plays a significant role in everyday clothing. Underwear serves a number of equally important purposes. High aesthetic requirements have to be fulfilled as well as those of protection and comfort. Therefore, the idea of launching a new fashion brand of women’s underwear is presented in this paper. The main purpose of the paper is the description of the development of a new brand of luxury underwear including the introduction of several economic phases which are cover mission, vision, brand goal, SWOT analysis and 7P marketing mix

    Anthropometric measurements in helath assessment

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    Antropometrija je istraživačka metoda antropologije koja se bavi utvrđivanjem dimenzija ljudskog tijela i njihovim prosuđivanjem. Cilj joj je što točnijim mjerenjem kvantitativno okarakterizirati njegova fiziološka i morfološka obilježja. Ljudsko tijelo se tijekom života, pod utjecajem brojnih čimbenika, neprestano mijenja. Promjene tjelesnih dimenzija i oblika tijela te njihovo sustavno praćenje omogućeno je provođenjem antropometrijskih mjerenja. Rezultati antropometrijskih mjerenja pokazatelj su morfoloških karakteristika te daju uvid u razvojne osobitosti i zdravstveno stanje određene populacije, kao i uvid u promjene u uzastopnim generacijama. Cilj ovog rada je utvrditi zdravstveni rizik ispitanika na temelju tjelesnih izmjera opsega struka i opsega bokova. Ovo istraživanje provedeno je na uzorku od 799 žena i 686 muškaraca starosne dobi od 20 do 85 godina razvrstanih u sedam dobnih skupina. Zaključci istraživanja zasnivaju se na statističkoj analizi primjenom deskriptivne metode.Anthropometrics is a branch of anthropology focused on measuring the human body dimensions and their assessment. The objective is to measure as precisely as possible the human body in order to identify its physiological and morphological characteristics. In the course of human life, the body is subject to numerous influences that change its characteristics. The monitoring of the changes in the human body and in its dimensions and forms is ensured by continuing anthropometric measuring. Results of such measurements give insight into the morphological, developmental and health indicators characteristic of a population, as well as providing an insight into the changes observed in monitoring successive generations. The paper aims to determine the health risks to the subjects based on the measurements of their waist and hips. The study was carried out on a sample including 799 women and 686 men, aged 20 to 85, divided into seven age groups. The conclusions are grounded in the statistical analysis using the descriptive method

    Projektiranje kolekcije odjeće, obuće i modnih dodataka inspirirane engleskom gotičkom sakralnom arhitekturom

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    U ovom se radu istražuje veličanstvenost engleske sakralne gotičke arhitekture, otkrivajući njezino podrijetlo, ključne karakteristike i njen kasniji utjecaj na modni dizajn. Krajnji cilj jest kreirati kolekciju odjeće, obuće i modnih dodataka koja odražava harmonični spoj elemenata engleske sakralne arhitekture i inovativnih modnih formi, dok se inspiracija crpi iz detalja pojedinih arhitektonskih elemenata. S obzirom na bogatstvo unutar opusa povijesti umjetnosti koja se bavi gotičkom arhitekturom, fokus se u ovome radu zadržao na gotičkoj sakralnoj arhitekturi Engleske. Ukupni izgled kolekcije odaje eleganciju i luksuz, s naklonom prošlosti, s ciljem stvaranja odjeće koja obuhvaća bit engleske gotičke sakralne arhitekture, a pritom ostaje nosiva i moderna


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    U radu je opisana važnost antropometrijskog mjerenja s posebnim osvrtom na obuću. Istaknuta je problematika koja se odnosi na primjenu zastarjelog sustava koji se koristi više od 40 godina. Iz tog razloga pokrenut je složeni tehnologijski istraživačko-razvojni projekt “Hrvatski antropometrijski sustav.” U okviru tog projekta provedeno je nacionalno mjerenje stanovništva u Republici Hrvatskoj s ciljem izrade završne projekcije nove hrvatske norme veličina za odjeću i obuću. U radu su istaknuti važnost i rezultati antropometrijkih mjerenja.The paper describes the significance of anthropometric measurements with special reference to footwear. The problems with regard to the outdated system which has been used for more than 40 years are stressed. For this reason a compound technological research project under the title "Croatian Anthropometric System" was launched. Within the scope of this project a national measurement of the population of the Republic of Croatia has been performed in order to make the final projection of a new Croatian standard of garment and footwear sizes. The paper emphasizes the significance and results of these anthropometric measurements


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    U radu je opisana važnost antropometrijskog mjerenja s posebnim osvrtom na obuću. Istaknuta je problematika koja se odnosi na primjenu zastarjelog sustava koji se koristi više od 40 godina. Iz tog razloga pokrenut je složeni tehnologijski istraživačko-razvojni projekt “Hrvatski antropometrijski sustav.” U okviru tog projekta provedeno je nacionalno mjerenje stanovništva u Republici Hrvatskoj s ciljem izrade završne projekcije nove hrvatske norme veličina za odjeću i obuću. U radu su istaknuti važnost i rezultati antropometrijkih mjerenja.The paper describes the significance of anthropometric measurements with special reference to footwear. The problems with regard to the outdated system which has been used for more than 40 years are stressed. For this reason a compound technological research project under the title "Croatian Anthropometric System" was launched. Within the scope of this project a national measurement of the population of the Republic of Croatia has been performed in order to make the final projection of a new Croatian standard of garment and footwear sizes. The paper emphasizes the significance and results of these anthropometric measurements

    New Anthropometric Instruments

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    Anthropometric examinations have been carried out since 1901 (USA) with the aim of developing and furthering the garment and footwear size system. The contribution to the solution of these problems was noticed in the last decades when a technical board was founded and the propositions in ISO norm series as well as in European norm (EN) series were prescribed. Two methods are employed in anthropometric measurements: the conventional one using anthropometric instruments and the one applying a 3D body scanner. The method using 3D scanning is faster and more accurate, but at the same time it is more complicated and expensive. In the framework of STIRP Croatian Anthropometric System the classical method was applied because out of the total number of examinees (0,68% of the whole population of the Republic of Croatia) 6,380 children up to the age of 5,4 were examined. That was the reason why the development of new anthropometric instruments was taken up with the aim of developing and improving the existing ones. In this paper a new anthropometer with two legs has been described: it contributes to the stability of the instrument when a larger number of examinees has to be tested. In addition to this, new goniometers for determining the shoulder-tilt have been presented and described

    Determination of Regional Presence of Male Body Types as a Prerequisite for Improving Garment Manufacture

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    Garment manufacture and garment fit to physique is a never-ending research subject. The human body is subject to changes that are reflected in its shape and body measurements, and appear in all periods of life. Monitoring the changes and gaining insight into the actual amounts of physical dimensions of an individual population unfold numerous opportunities to affect clothing design and manufacturing. In accordance with the issues mentioned above, a research was carried out to determine male body types of the Croatian male population. Male body types for a specific clothing size determine waist and hip girth, which completes the information on main body measurement amounts. Furthermore, the types of bodies are prescribed by the European Standard 14302-3 and, accordingly, in the observed sample, the presence of a particular type is determined with respect to regional affiliation and age. This study was conducted on a sample of 4090 test subjects divided into five regions, ages 20 to 85 years, divided into seven age groups. By statistical analysis of the results, that is, by the methods of descriptive statistics, the values of physical dimensions necessary for this research were determined