4 research outputs found

    Glendonite-Like Carbonate Aggregates from the Lower Ordovician Koporye Formation (Russian Part of the Baltic Klint): Detailed Mineralogical and Geochemical Data and Paleogeographic Implications

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    Stellate and plate-like carbonate bodies, traditionally called anthraconites, are found throughout the Baltic-Ladoga Klint in bituminous shale of the Koporye Formation (Tremadocian, Lower Ordovician). Although this time interval is usually considered as a greenhouse, there is some evidence for the existence of at least temporary cold conditions during the Cambrian–Ordovician. However, the origin of anthraconites is still strongly debated. We studied the mineralogical, petrographic, cathodoluminescence, geochemical, and isotopic characteristics of anthraconites from five sections of the Russian part of the Baltic paleobasin. A close similarity between the morphological, petrographic, cathodoluminescence, and isotopic characteristics of the studied anthraconites with those of glendonites allow us to suggest that these bodies formed in a similar paleo-environment and should be considered as pseudomorphs of the mineral ikaite. The oxygen and carbon isotope ratios reveal that ikaite precipitation occurred in low-temperature conditions on the seafloor. The carbon isotopic values reveal influence of inorganic seawater carbon along with organic matter decomposition and/or methane oxidation during ikaite-glendonite transformations. The oxygen isotopic composition significantly changed after deposition due to meteoric diagenesis. We propose that the studied Tremadocian anthraconites formed under a region of upwelling, where cold phosphate-rich deep waters rose to the relatively shallow part of the Baltic paleobasin, providing favorable conditions for ikaite precipitation. Based on our cathodoluminescence study, we suggest that ikaite was transformed to calcite over several stages during diagenesis. Mineralogical studies also reveal that primary calcite was transformed to sulfate (gypsum) or dolomite during late superimposed processes

    Cyanobacterial Communities of Carbonate Sediments and Biomineralization in Peterhof Fountainsā€™ Water Supply System, Russia

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    The role of cyanobacterial communities in the formation of carbonate sediments (ancient and modern) is not completely clear. We studied the cyanobacterial communities connected with carbonate sediments of the freshwater bodies feeding the historical Peterhof fountains (Saint-Petersburg, Russia). Cyanobacterial communities were studied by metagenome analysis and optical microscopy. Carbonates associated with cyanobacterial communities (both in situ and in vitro) were studied by powder X-ray diffraction analysis, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. The interconnection between the mineral composition of carbonate sediments and inhabiting microorganism species was established. The leading role of cyanobacteria in carbonate biomineralization in fresh water of Peterhof fountains water supply system was shown. Cyanobacteria of 24 genera were revealed in sediments composed of calcite and aragonite. The crystallization of carbonates on the surface of 13 species of cyanobacteria was found. Using model experiments, a significant contribution of cyanobacterial species of the Oscillatoriaceae family (Phormidium spp., Lyngbya sp., Oscillatoria formosa) to carbonate biomineralization is demonstrated