14 research outputs found

    Impact of composts with the participation of municipal sewage sludge on the content of the total forms of copper, manganese and zinc in soil

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    Pot experiment was conducted in the hall of vegetation at University of Agriculture in Szczecin over the years 2001 – 2003 on the soil of IVa complex of agriculture usefulness (very good rye) numbered among loamy sand as regards to the granulometric composition. The composts used in the experiment were after 8 months of decomposition. There was more nitrogen and phosphorus in the composts in comparison with potassium. In the pattern of the research the doses of composts, corresponding with 100, 200 and 300 kg Nźha-1, i.e. 0.63; 0.99 and 0.126 g N pot were used. The experiment was conducted in four repetitions. In 2001 spring rape Licomos variety was the test plant, in 2002 it was the spring triticale Wanad variety and in 2003 oats Polar variety. In the second and third year of the research of the soil there was 0.475 g N, 0.137 g P and 0.315 g K applied into every pot. It corresponded with the doses of 150 kg N.ha-1, 43.6 Pźha-1 and 100 kg Kźha-1. Mineral fertilizers were used in the form of urea, double superphosphate, 60% potassium salt. The obtained results of the research indicate that the content of the total forms of copper, manganese and zinc in the composts, with the participation of sewage sludge fulfilled the norms concerning the organic fertilizers. Over the years, since the time of an application into the soil the composts with the participation of municipal sewage sludge, the content of the total forms of copper, manganese and zinc has decreased. It was caused by the uptake of these micronutrients by plants

    Effect of combustion wastes and sewage sludge compost on the chemical properties of soil

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    A field experiment was conducted univariate in 2008-2010 in the Variety Assessment Station in Szczecin - Dąbie. The soil on which the experience was based is made of light loamy sand (pgl). In terms of granulometric composition it includes it into the category of light soils, agricultural suitability complex IV b, good (5). The experiment included, inter alia, waste compost produced with municipal sewage sludge produced by *GWDA and ash from brown coal (waste grate). No normal ranges for heavy metals being specified in the ministerial regulations were used for environmental purposes, which are maximum 20, 500, 750, 300, 1000 and 16 mg per 1 kg dry matter for cadmium, chromium, lead, nickel, copper and mercury, respectively16 were exceeded in the sewage sludge being used to produce the compost. The field experiment design consisted of 6 fertilisation objects. A test plant was Virginia fanpetals (Sida hermaphodrita Rusby). The content of available phosphorus, potassium and magnesium in the soil, being fertilised with municipal SSC with and without an addition of high-calcium BCA, changed after three years. There was an increase in the content of available phosphorus, potassium and magnesium forms, on average by 8.5%, 16.0% and 9.0%, respectively. When analysing the chemical properties of soil before and after this study, it may be stated that respective systems of municipal sewage sludge compost and high-calcium brown coal ash application differently affected most soil richness indices. The best fertilisation effects were obtained in the system with municipal sewage sludge compost being applied at a dose corresponding to 250 kg N ∙ ha-1 as well as with high-calcium brown coal ash at a dose corresponding to 1.5 Mg CaO ∙ ha-1 being introduced into soil in the first year of study and at a dose corresponding to 0.75 Mg CaO ∙ ha-1 in successive years. Fertilisation with municipal sewage sludge compost without and with addition of high-calcium brown coal ash favourably affected the preservation of soil environment stability and improvement of soil chemical composition

    The effect of industrial wastes and municipal sewage sludge compost on the quality of virginia fanpetals (Sida Hermaphrodita Rusby) biomass Part 2. Heavy metals content, their uptake dynamics and bioaccumulation

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    A single-factor fi eld experiment was carried out at the Cultivar Evaluation Station in Szczecin-Dąbie in 2008-2010. In the experiment, the compost produced with municipal sewage sludge by the GWDA method and high-calcium brown coal ash (furnace waste) were used. The perennial energy crop was a test plant - Virginia fanpetals (Sida hermaphrodita Rusby). It results from the carried out study that Virginia fanpetals biomass contained on average the most manganese (24.7 mg?kg-1 d.m.), lead (2.50 mg?kg-1 d.m.) and zinc (50.5 mg?kg-1 d.m.) in 2008, while the most cadmium (0.33 mg?kg-1 d.m.), copper (3.78 mg?kg-1 d.m.) and nickel (2.57 mg?kg-1 d.m.) in 2010. Average cadmium, copper, manganese, nickel, lead and zinc contents in test plant biomass were higher, respectively by 14.3%, 10.0%, 7.3%, 19.3%, 29.1% and 6.9%, in the objects where municipal sewage sludge compost had been applied without and with addition of high-calcium brown coal ash when compared to those where only calcium carbonate or high-calcium brown coal ash had been introduced into the soil. The differences in cadmium, copper, manganese, nickel, lead and zinc contents in Virginia fanpetals biomass between particular experimental objects were not signifi cant. The least zinc was absorbed by the test plant biomass in the object with high-calcium brown coal ash being applied in the fi rst year of study and annually. When evaluating the dynamics of heavy metals uptake, it was found to be the lowest in the fi rst year of study (ranging from 4.40% to 11.0%). It increased in the second and the third year of study, oscillating between 29.9% and 65.7%. The degree of heavy metals accumulation in Virginia fanpetals biomass differed, depending on the fertilisation applied. The bioaccumulation factor of cadmium, copper and nickel after three study years was average, while that of manganese, lead and zinc was intense

    The influence of the composts with the participation of municipal sewage sludge on the available forms of phosphorus in the soil as well as the yield of the seeds of spring rape

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    The field and laboratory experiment was carried on the brown incomplete soil of the complex of rye good. The obtained results in the yield experiment show that the composts with the participation of municipal sewage sludge increased essentially the yield of the seeds of spring rape in comparison with the control variant. Doubling of the doses of mineral nitric - potassium fertilization against the background of the composts did not have a significant influence on increasing the yield of the seeds of spring rape in comparison with the single doses. The composts with the participation of municipal sewage sludge in the field and laboratory experiment caused a significant increase of the content of the available forms of phosphorus in the soil. As time went by the distribution of the composts in the soil, the content of the available forms of phosphorus increased

    The effect of industrial wastes and municipal sewage sludge compost on the quality of virginia fanpetals (SIDA HERMAPHRODITA RUSBY) biomass. Part 1. Macroelements content and their upatke dynamics

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    A single-factor field experiment was carried out at the Cultivar Evaluation Station in Szczecin-Dąbie in 2008-2010. In the experiment, the compost produced with municipal sewage sludge by the GWDA method was used and high-calcium brown coal ash at a dose corresponding. A test plant was Virginia fanpetals (Sida hermaphodrita Rusby). The obtained results show that Virginia fanpetals biomass contained on average the most nitrogen (3.72 gźkg-1 d.m.), calcium (6.03 gźkg-1 d.m.) and sulphur (1.24 gźkg-1 d.m.) in 2008, while the most potassium (4.39 gźkg-1 d.m.) in 2010. Significantly more phosphorus, magnesium and sulphur was contained by Virginia fanpetals biomass from the objects where municipal sewage sludge compost had been applied without and with addition of high-calcium brown coal ash when compared to calcium carbonate or high-calcium brown coal ash being introduced into soil at the beginning of study. Differences in average nitrogen, potassium and calcium contents in the test plant biomass from particular fertilisation objects were not significant. The macroelements uptake by Virginia fanpetals biomass depended on the yield size and the content of chemical elements under discussion in it

    Effect of combustion wastes and sewage sludge compost on the chemical properties of soil

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    A field experiment was conducted univariate in 2008-2010 in the Variety Assessment Station in Szczecin - Dąbie. The soil on which the experience was based is made of light loamy sand (pgl). In terms of granulometric composition it includes it into the category of light soils, agricultural suitability complex IV b, good (5). The experiment included, inter alia, waste compost produced with municipal sewage sludge produced by *GWDA and ash from brown coal (waste grate). No normal ranges for heavy metals being specified in the ministerial regulations were used for environmental purposes, which are maximum 20, 500, 750, 300, 1000 and 16 mg per 1 kg dry matter for cadmium, chromium, lead, nickel, copper and mercury, respectively16 were exceeded in the sewage sludge being used to produce the compost. The field experiment design consisted of 6 fertilisation objects. A test plant was Virginia fanpetals (Sida hermaphodrita Rusby). The content of available phosphorus, potassium and magnesium in the soil, being fertilised with municipal SSC with and without an addition of high-calcium BCA, changed after three years. There was an increase in the content of available phosphorus, potassium and magnesium forms, on average by 8.5%, 16.0% and 9.0%, respectively. When analysing the chemical properties of soil before and after this study, it may be stated that respective systems of municipal sewage sludge compost and high-calcium brown coal ash application differently affected most soil richness indices. The best fertilisation effects were obtained in the system with municipal sewage sludge compost being applied at a dose corresponding to 250 kg N ∙ ha-1 as well as with high-calcium brown coal ash at a dose corresponding to 1.5 Mg CaO ∙ ha-1 being introduced into soil in the first year of study and at a dose corresponding to 0.75 Mg CaO ∙ ha-1 in successive years. Fertilisation with municipal sewage sludge compost without and with addition of high-calcium brown coal ash favourably affected the preservation of soil environment stability and improvement of soil chemical composition

    The effect of industrial wastes and municipal sewage sludge compost on the quality of virginia fanpetals (Sida Hermaphrodita Rusby) biomass Part 2. Heavy metals content, their uptake dynamics and bioaccumulation

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    A single-factor fi eld experiment was carried out at the Cultivar Evaluation Station in Szczecin-Dąbie in 2008-2010. In the experiment, the compost produced with municipal sewage sludge by the GWDA method and high-calcium brown coal ash (furnace waste) were used. The perennial energy crop was a test plant - Virginia fanpetals (Sida hermaphrodita Rusby). It results from the carried out study that Virginia fanpetals biomass contained on average the most manganese (24.7 mg?kg-1 d.m.), lead (2.50 mg?kg-1 d.m.) and zinc (50.5 mg?kg-1 d.m.) in 2008, while the most cadmium (0.33 mg?kg-1 d.m.), copper (3.78 mg?kg-1 d.m.) and nickel (2.57 mg?kg-1 d.m.) in 2010. Average cadmium, copper, manganese, nickel, lead and zinc contents in test plant biomass were higher, respectively by 14.3%, 10.0%, 7.3%, 19.3%, 29.1% and 6.9%, in the objects where municipal sewage sludge compost had been applied without and with addition of high-calcium brown coal ash when compared to those where only calcium carbonate or high-calcium brown coal ash had been introduced into the soil. The differences in cadmium, copper, manganese, nickel, lead and zinc contents in Virginia fanpetals biomass between particular experimental objects were not signifi cant. The least zinc was absorbed by the test plant biomass in the object with high-calcium brown coal ash being applied in the fi rst year of study and annually. When evaluating the dynamics of heavy metals uptake, it was found to be the lowest in the fi rst year of study (ranging from 4.40% to 11.0%). It increased in the second and the third year of study, oscillating between 29.9% and 65.7%. The degree of heavy metals accumulation in Virginia fanpetals biomass differed, depending on the fertilisation applied. The bioaccumulation factor of cadmium, copper and nickel after three study years was average, while that of manganese, lead and zinc was intense

    The effect of sewage sludge composts and potato pulp on uptaking of macroelements by the grain and straw of the spring triticale

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    Taking into consideration the acid pH soil, high content of potassium in relation to nitrogen and phosphorus and the insignificant quantity of heavy metals in the potato pulp and the slight alkaline pH soil as well, high amount of nitrogen and phosphorus in relation to potassium in the municipal sewage sludge, the experiment was carried out in order to define the effect of composts from these waste on uptaking macroelements by the grain and the straw of the Wanad variety spring triticale. The vegetative - pot experiment was carried out on the brown incomplete soil of the slight acid pH (pH(KCl) 6,1), of the granulometric composition of slight loam (V complex), an average content of available forms of phosphorus and potassium and a high content of magnesium. The obtained results show that the grain and the straw of spring trticale took distinctly more macroelements under the influence the fertilization of the composts with the municipal sewage sludge (30%) and the potato pulp (30%) in comparison with the composts with the 60% participation of the potato pulp. The supplementary mineral fertilization which was used against in comparison to composts, increased uptaking the macroelements by the tested plant. The double dose of composts and mineral fertilizers visibly increased nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, cooper, magnesium and sulphur absorbance by the grain and the straw of spring trticale in comparison with the series with a single dose of composts and a supplementary mineral fertilization

    The effect of composts from potato pulp and municipal sewage sludge for changes of microelements in the soil during incubation

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    The total and soluble content of microelements in the soil was described in the laboratory experiment. The soil was incubated with three doses of composts with a participation of municipal sewage sludge and potato pulp. The obtained results of the experiment pointed that all the composts increased an average total content and the forms soluble in 1 M HCl of microelements in the soil in comparison with the control. In the majority of the variants, the composts made with the 70% participation of municipal sewage sludge and 30% addition of straw or sawdust caused an increase of the content of the analyzed elements in the soil than the composts with the 70% participation of potato pulp and 30% addition of straw or sawdust. The differences are connected with a higher content of microelements, which were put in the soil, with the composts with the 70% participation of municipal sewage sludge and 30% addition of straw or sawdust. There are no differences in the formation of the content of microelements in the soil, which were depended on the type of the structural - formative component during the production of composts. The quantity of the composts' dose had an influence on the formation of the participation of the soluble form of microelements in the total content in the soil. The participation of the soluble form of cadmium, cooper, manganese and nickel in the total content in the soil increased along with increasing the dose of composts. The content of the total forms in the soil incubated with the composts included in the standard for the light soils

    The content of macro- and microelements in perennial reygrass after the application of composts made of potatoe pulp and municipal sludge

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    Prezentowane w pracy badania miały na celu określenie wpływu kompostów z komunalnych osadów ściekowych i wycierki ziemniaczanej na zawartość makro- i mikroskładników w życicy trwałej odmiany Maja. Doświadczenie wazonowe przeprowadzono w hali wegetacyjnej Akademii Rolniczej w Szczecinie na glebie brunatnej niecałkowitej o składzie granulometrycznym piasku lekkiego (gleba lekka, kompleks V). Ze względu na małą zawartość potasu w kompostach z osadów ściekowych wprowadzono dodatkowo nawożenie mineralne 50-procentową solą potasową. Doświadczenie wazonowe obejmowało sześć obiektów nawozowych i jeden kontrolny. Realizowano je w 3 powtórzeniach. Po mineralizacji próbek życicy trwałej oznaczono zawartość K, Mg, Ca, Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb i Zn metodą absorpcyjnej spektometrii atomowej (ASA), Nog metodą Kjeldahla i P - kolorymetrycznie metodą wanadanowo-molibdenową. Zwiększenie dawek kompostów (podwojenie i potrojenie) spowodowało zwiększenie zawartości azotu, wapnia, magnezu, siarki, kadmu, miedzi, manganu, niklu i ołowiu w suchej masie życicy trwałej. Odmienną zależność, czyli zmniejszenie zawartości, odnotowano w przypadku potasu. Najwięcej makro- i mikroskładników zawierały rośliny z obiektów traktowanych kompostami z 70-procentowym udziałem komunalnego osadu ściekowego (E, F), a najmniej z obiektów nawożonych kompostami z 70-procentowym udziałem wycierki ziemniaczanej z dodatkiem słomy żytniej lub trocin z drzew iglastych (C, D). Różnice te były spowodowane większą zawartością makroskładników i metali ciężkich w komunalnych osadach ściekowych niż w wycierce ziemniaczanej.Presented studies were aimed at estimating the effect of composts made of municipal sewage sludge and potatoe pulp on the content of macro-and microelements in the perennial ryegrass var. Maja. Pot experiments were performed in the vegetation hall of the Agricultural Academy in Szczecin in brown incomplete soil of a grain size structure of light sand (light soil, complex V). Due to low content of potassium in composts, plants were additionally fertilised with 50% potassium salt. Pot experiment involved 6 fertilisation and one control object in three repetitions. The content of K, Mg, Ca, Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn was determined after mineralization of ryegrass samples with atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Total nitrogen was determined with the Kjeldahl method and phosphorus - colorimetrically with the vanadium-molybdate method. Doubled and tripled doses of composts increased the content of nitrogen, calcium, magnesium, sulphur, cadmium, copper, manganese nickel and lead in dry mass of perennial ryegrass but decreased the content of potassium. The highest content of macro- and microelements was found in plants from objects treated with composts containing 70% of municipal sewage sludge (E, F) and the least - in objects fertilised with composts containing 70% of potatoe pulp with rye straw and sawdust from coniferous trees (C, D). Differences resulted from higher content of macroelements and heavy metals in municipal sewage sludge than in potatoe pulp