21 research outputs found

    The influence of the composts with the participation of municipal sewage sludge on the available forms of phosphorus in the soil as well as the yield of the seeds of spring rape

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    The field and laboratory experiment was carried on the brown incomplete soil of the complex of rye good. The obtained results in the yield experiment show that the composts with the participation of municipal sewage sludge increased essentially the yield of the seeds of spring rape in comparison with the control variant. Doubling of the doses of mineral nitric - potassium fertilization against the background of the composts did not have a significant influence on increasing the yield of the seeds of spring rape in comparison with the single doses. The composts with the participation of municipal sewage sludge in the field and laboratory experiment caused a significant increase of the content of the available forms of phosphorus in the soil. As time went by the distribution of the composts in the soil, the content of the available forms of phosphorus increased

    Sk艂ad chemiczny odpad贸w ziemniaczanych i osad贸w 艣ciekowych w aspekcie mo偶liwo艣ci wykorzystania ich do cel贸w nawozowych

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    W latach 1997 - 2001 prowadzono badania sk艂adu chemicznego wywaru gorzelnianego ziemniaczanego, wycierki ziemniaczanej i komunalnych osad贸w 艣ciekowych. Wyniki bada艅 wskazuj膮, 偶e wywar gorzelniany ziemniaczany i wycierka ziemniaczana maj膮 niskie pH (3,9 i 4,7) oraz zbyt du偶膮 koncentracj臋 potasu w stosunku do azotu i fosforu. Decyduj膮c si臋 na stosowanie wywaru gorzelnianego ziemniaczanego i wycierki ziemniaczanej nale偶y uprzednio gleby zwapnowa膰 a dawki ich ustali膰 na podstawie koncentracji potasu. Komunalne osady 艣ciekowe charakteryzuj膮 si臋 odczynem w granicach oboj臋tnego (pH 6,8 - 7,2) oraz nisk膮 zawarto艣ci膮 potasu w stosunku do azotu i fosforu. Odpady te mo偶na u偶y膰 do produkcji kompost贸w. W ten spos贸b zostanie podniesione pH odpad贸w ziemniaczanych oraz wyr贸wnany stosunek N : P : K. Przyjmuje si臋 stosowanie nast臋puj膮cych proporcji w przeliczeniu na such膮 mas臋 30 - 35% komunalnego osadu 艣ciekowego, 30 - 35% wywaru gorzelnianego ziemniaczanego lub wycierki ziemniaczanej oraz 30-40% materia艂贸w strukturotw贸rczych (s艂oma, trociny, li艣cie, odpady zieleni miejskiej i inne).In the years 1997 - 2001 chemical composition of potato alcohol-distilling decoction, potato pulp, and municipal sewage sludge were investigated. The results of the investigations indicated that the potato alcohol-distilling decoction and potato pulp had a low pH (3.9 and 4.7) and too high concentration of potassium relative to those of nitrogen and phosphorous. To use potato alcohol-distilling decoction and potato pulp, the soil should be limed earlier limed, and the rates of the former two fertilizers should be established based on the concentration of potassium. The municipal sewage sludge had a pH of 6.8 - 7.2 and a low content of potassium relative to those of nitrogen and phosphorous. The wastes may be used to produce composts. This will increase pH of potato wastes and equalize the N : P : K ratio. The proportions of dry matter of municipal sewage sludge, potato alcohol-distilling decoction or potato pulp, and the structure-improving materials (straw, sawdust, leaves, wastes of urban green) should be 30 - 35%, 30 - 35%, and 30 - 40%, respectively

    The effect of sewage sludge composts and potato pulp on uptaking of macroelements by the grain and straw of the spring triticale

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    Taking into consideration the acid pH soil, high content of potassium in relation to nitrogen and phosphorus and the insignificant quantity of heavy metals in the potato pulp and the slight alkaline pH soil as well, high amount of nitrogen and phosphorus in relation to potassium in the municipal sewage sludge, the experiment was carried out in order to define the effect of composts from these waste on uptaking macroelements by the grain and the straw of the Wanad variety spring triticale. The vegetative - pot experiment was carried out on the brown incomplete soil of the slight acid pH (pH(KCl) 6,1), of the granulometric composition of slight loam (V complex), an average content of available forms of phosphorus and potassium and a high content of magnesium. The obtained results show that the grain and the straw of spring trticale took distinctly more macroelements under the influence the fertilization of the composts with the municipal sewage sludge (30%) and the potato pulp (30%) in comparison with the composts with the 60% participation of the potato pulp. The supplementary mineral fertilization which was used against in comparison to composts, increased uptaking the macroelements by the tested plant. The double dose of composts and mineral fertilizers visibly increased nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, cooper, magnesium and sulphur absorbance by the grain and the straw of spring trticale in comparison with the series with a single dose of composts and a supplementary mineral fertilization

    Wplyw kompostow i nawozow mineralnych na aktywnosc dehydrogenazy, fosfatazy kwasnej i zasadowej oraz ureazy w glebie przed siewem i po zbiorze rzepaku jarego

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    W latach 2003-2004 przeprowadzono badania maj膮ce na celu ustalenie wp艂ywu kompost贸w z wycierki ziemniaczanej i komunalnego osadu 艣ciekowego oraz nawoz贸w mineralnych na aktywno艣膰 dehydrogenazy, fosfatazy kwa艣nej i zasadowej oraz ureazy w glebie. Do艣wiadczenie wegetacyjno-wazonowe przeprowadzono na glebie brunatnej nieca艂kowitej zaliczanej do piask贸w lekkich gliniastych. Gleba charakteryzowa艂a si臋 pHKC1 6,1, 艣redni膮 zawarto艣ci膮 form przyswajalnych fosforu i potasu oraz wysok膮 magnezu. Pr贸bki gleby do bada艅 pobrano wiosn膮 18 dni przed wprowadzeniem do gleby nawoz贸w, a przed wysiewem rzepaku jarego, oraz jesieni膮 po zbiorze ro艣liny testowej. Rezultaty bada艅 wskazuj膮, 偶e gleby nawo偶one kompostami charakteryzowa艂y si臋 wy偶sz膮 aktywno艣ci膮 dehydrogenazy, fosfatazy kwa艣nej i zasadowej oraz ureazy ani偶eli w wariancie kontrolnym. Wi臋ksza aktywno艣膰 badanych enzym贸w w glebie wyst膮pi艂a jesieni膮, w por贸wnaniu z wiosennym terminem pobrania pr贸b. Komposty z wycierki ziemniaczanej (30%) i komunalnego osadu 艣ciekowego (30%) w dawkach pojedynczych bez i z dodatkiem nawoz贸w mineralnych oraz podwojonych, spowodowa艂y zwi臋kszenie aktywno艣ci dehydrogenazy i ureazy w glebie, w por贸wnaniu z kompostami z 60% udzia艂em wycierki ziemniaczanej.In the years 2003-2004, investigations were conducted aiming at determining the influence of composts made from potato pulp and a municipal sewage sludge, as well as mineral fertilizers on the activity of dehydrogenase, acid and alkaline phosphatases, as well as urease in the soil. A pot experiment was conducted with the growing medium not the entire brown soil classified as a light loamy sand. pH of the soil was 6.1 and the contents of available forms of phosphorous and potassium were mean, and that of magnesium - high. Soils were sampled in spring, 18 days before the incorporation of fertilizers into the soil and before the sowing of spring rape, as well as in autumn, after the harvest of the test plant. The results obtained indicate that the activities of dehydrogenase, acid and alkaline phosphatases, as well as urease were higher in soils fertilized with composts than those in the control soil. The enzymes compared were more active in autumn than in spring. The composts made from potato pulp (30%) and a municipal sewage sludge (30%) without and with the addition of mineral fertilizers applied at both a single rate and double rates increased the activities of dehydrogenase and urease in the soil as compared with the composts with 60% participation of potato pulp

    Wplyw kompostow z komunalnego osadu sciekowego i wycierki ziemniaczanej, slomy i trocin na pobranie makroskladnikow i mikroskladnikow przez nasiona rzepaku jarego

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    Bior膮c pod uwag臋 kwa艣ny odczyn, du偶膮 zawarto艣膰 potasu w stosunku do azotu i fosforu oraz niewielk膮 ilo艣膰 metali ci臋偶kich w wycierce ziemniaczanej oraz odczyn lekko zasadowy, du偶膮 ilo艣膰 azotu i fosforu w stosunku do potasu w komunalnym osadzie 艣ciekowym, przeprowadzono badania maj膮ce na celu okre艣lenie oddzia艂ywania kompost贸w z tych odpad贸w na pobranie makroskladnik贸w i mikrosk艂adnik贸w przez nasiona rzepaku jarego odmiany Licosmos. Badania wegetacyjno-wazonowe przeprowadzono na glebie o odczynie lekko kwa艣nym (pHKC1 6,1), o sk艂adzie granulometrycznym piasku gliniastego lekkiego (kompleks V), 艣redniej zawarto艣ci form przyswajalnych fosforu i potasu i wysokiej magnezu. Gleba posiada艂a stosunek 小 : N (10,4 : 1). Uzyskane rezultaty wskazuj膮, 偶e nasiona rzepaku jarego pobra艂y wyra藕nie wi臋cej makrosk艂adnik贸w pod wp艂ywem nawo偶enia kompostami z wycierki ziemniaczanej (30%) i komunalnego osadu 艣ciekowego (30%) ani偶eli komposty z 60% udzia艂em wycierki ziemniaczanej. Uzupe艂niaj膮ce nawo偶enie mineralne stosowane na tle kompost贸w z wycierki ziemniaczanej (30%) i komunalnego osadu 艣ciekowego (30%) w niewielkim stopniu zwi臋kszy艂o pobranie makrosk艂adnik贸w przez nasiona rzepaku. Natomiast uzupe艂niaj膮ce nawo偶enie mineralne stosowane na tle kompost贸w z 60% udzia艂em wycierki ziemniaczanej wyra藕nie zwi臋kszy艂o pobranie makroskladnik贸w przez nasiona rzepaku. Podwojenie dawek kompost贸w oraz uzupe艂niaj膮cego nawo偶enia mineralnego wyra藕nie zwi臋kszy艂o pobranie makrosk艂adnik贸w i mikrosk艂adnik贸w przez nasiona rzepaku jarego w por贸wnaniu z dawkami pojedynczymi kompost贸w stosowanych bez i z nawo偶eniem mineralnym.Taking into account the acid reagent, a high content of potassium in relation to nitrogen and phosphorum as well as a low amount of heavy metals in potato pulp and a lightly alkaline soil pH, a high quantity of nitrogen and phosphorum in relation to potassium in the municipal sewage sludge the experiments were carried out to describe the interaction of composts from these wastes for the uptake of macroelements and microelements by seeds of the spring rape cultivar Licosmos. Vegetational - pot experiments were carried out on a lightly acid soil pH (pHKC, 6.1), with the composition of a light-clay sand (complex V), the average content of available forms of phosphorum and potassium and the high content of magnesium. The soil has a relation 小 : N 10.4 : 1. The 小 : N ratio of soil was 10.4 : 1. The obtained results of the research show that seeds of the spring rape contained much more macroelements under the influence of fertilization with composts from the potato pulp (30%) and municipal sewage sluge (30%) than the composts with 60% participation of the potato pulp. The complementary mineral fertilization applied with composts from the potato pulp (30%) and from the municipal sewage sludge (30%) to a little extend increased the uptake of macroelements by seeds of the spring rape. However, the complementary mineral fertilization applied with composts with 30% participation of the potato pulp to a large extend increased the uptake of macroelements by seeds of the spring rape. A double dose of composts and the complementary mineral fertilization conciderably increased the uptake of macroelements and microelements by seeds of the spring rape in comparison with the individual doses of composts applied without and with the mineral fertilization

    Zmiany sk艂adu chemicznego w czasie kompostowania wycierki ziemniaczanej z osadem 艣ciekowym

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    Bior膮c pod uwag臋 wysokie pH oraz ma艂膮 ilo艣膰 potasu w stosunku do azotu i fosforu w komunalnych osadach 艣ciekowych oraz niskie pH i du偶膮 ilo艣膰 potasu w stosunku do azotu i fosforu w wycierce ziemniaczanej, przeprowadzono badania nad mo偶liwo艣ci膮 produkcji kompost贸w z tych odpad贸w. Rezultaty bada艅 wskazuj膮, 偶e komposty z komunalnego osadu 艣ciekowego (30%) i wycierki ziemniaczanej (30%) zawiera艂y wi臋cej masy organicznej i sk艂adnik贸w pokarmowych dla ro艣lin, ani偶eli komposty tylko z wycierki ziemniaczanej (60%) niezale偶nie od zastosowanych komponent贸w (s艂oma, trociny). W miar臋 up艂ywu czasu rozk艂adu w kompostach wzros艂a zawarto艣膰 suchej masy oraz form og贸lnych i przyswajalnych fosforu i potasu. Zmniejszy艂a si臋 zawarto艣膰 azotu og贸lnego.Taking into account the high pH and the low amount of potassium relative to nitrogen and phosphorous in municipal sewage sludge, as well as the low pH and the high amount of potassium relative to nitrogen and phosphorous in potato pulp, the possibility of compost production from these wastes was examined. The results obtained indicated that the composts made from municipal sewage sludge (305) and potato pulp (30%) contained more organic matter and nutrients for plants than composts prepared only from potato pulp (60%) independent the on the additions used (straw, saw dust). With the progressing decomposition of composts, the contents of dry matter, as well as total and assimilable forms of phosphorous and potassium increased. In contrast, the content of total nitrogen decreased

    Wplyw nawozow jednoskladnikowych i wieloskladnikowych na ksztaltowanie stosunkow jonowych K:Mg, K:[Mg+Ca], Ca:P oraz N:S w roslinach uprawnych

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    W latach 1997-2000 przeprowadzono do艣wiadczenie po艂ow臋 na glebie p艂owej o sk艂adzie granulometrycznym poziomu pr贸chnicznego piasku gliniastego mocnego. Ro艣linami testowymi w kolejnych latach by艂y ziemniaki, j臋czmie艅 jary, 艂ubin 偶贸艂ty i pszen偶yto ozime. W plonach ro艣lin oznaczono zawarto艣ci makro- sk艂adnik贸w. Obliczono stosunki jonowe K : Mg, K : (Mg + Ca), Ca : P oraz N : S charakteryzuj膮ce jako艣膰 plon贸w. Uzyskane rezultaty wykazywa艂y, 偶e stosunki jonowe K : Mg i K : (Mg + Ca) w bulwach ziemniak贸w by艂y szersze ani偶eli w ziarnie zb贸偶 i nasionach 艂ubinu, a nawo偶enie mineralne mia艂o wp艂yw na zaw臋偶enie stosunku Ca : P w badanych ro艣linach. Jednocze艣nie nawozy mineralne przyczyni艂y si臋 do rozszerzenia stosunku N : S w ziarnie pszen偶yta ozimego oraz nasionach 艂ubinu 偶贸艂tego.Field experiment was conducted in 1997 - 2000, a on a grey brown podsolic soil of granulometric composition in humus horizon characterized as a loamy sand. The test plants in following years were potato, spring barley, yellow lupine, and winter triticale, respectively. The content of macroelements was determined in the plant yields. The K : Mg, K : (Mg + Ca), Ca : P, and N : S ionic ratios were calculated to characterize the quality of yields,. The results indicated that the K : Mg and K : (Mg + Ca) ionic ratios in potato tubers were wider than in cereal grain and yellow lupine seeds, and the mineral fertilization narrowed the Ca : P ratio in the plants investigated. Mineral fertilizers extended the N : S ratio in winter triticale grain and yellow lupine seeds

    Wp艂yw mineralnych nawoz贸w wielosk艂adnikowych i FeSo4 *7 H2O na kszta艂towanie stosunk贸w jonowych w korzeniach rzodkiewki

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    W latach 1997 - 1999 przeprowadzono do艣wiadczenie wazonowe na glebie zaliczanej do kategorii piasku gliniastego mocnego. Celem do艣wiadczenia by艂o okre艣lenie dzia艂ania mineralnych nawoz贸w wielosk艂adnikowych (Polifoska 8 i Polimag 306) bez i z dodatkiem odpadu 7 hydratu siarczanu(VI) 偶elaza(II) jako 藕r贸d艂a siarki i 偶elaza na stosunki jonowe K : Mg, K : Ca, K : (Mg + Ca), Ca : Mg i Ca : P w korzeniach rzodkiewki odmiany Sopel Lodu. Rezultaty bada艅 wskazuj膮, 偶e mineralne nawozy wielosk艂adnikowe a tak偶e stosowany na ich tle odpad 7 hydratu siarczanu(VI) 偶elaza(II) pozytywnie oddzia艂uj膮 na kszta艂towanie stosunk贸w jonowych K : Mg i K : (Mg + Ca), nie maj膮 wp艂ywu na warto艣ci stosunk贸w jonowych Ca : P i Ca : Mg oraz rozszerzy艂y stosunek jonowy K : Ca ponad warto艣膰 optymaln膮.In the years 1997 - 1999, a pot experiment with soil of the loamy sand category was conducted. The aim of the experiment was to determine the influence of multicomponent mineral fertilizers (Polifoska 8 and Polimag 306) with and without the addition of 7hydrated sulphur(VI) iron(II), as a source of sulphur and iron, on the K : Mg, K : Ca, K : (Mg + Ca), Ca : Mg, and Ca : P ionic proportions in the roots of radish cv. Sopel Lodu. The mineral fertilizers applied withoud and with the 7hydrated sulphur(VI) iron(II)waste improved the K : Mg and K : (Mg + Ca) ionic proportions, did not influence the Ca : P and Ca : Mg proportions, and increased the K : Ca ionic proportions over the optimal value

    Zmiany zawarto艣ci kadmu, niklu i o艂owiu w czasie kompostowania wycierki ziemniaczanej z osadem 艣ciekowym

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    Celem bada艅 by艂o okre艣lenie zawarto艣ci i przemian w trakcie rozk艂adu masy kompostowej sporz膮dzonej z komunalnego osadu 艣ciekowego i wycierki ziemniaczanej form og贸lnych i rozpuszczalnych w 0,5 mol HCl路dm鲁 kadmu, niklu i o艂owiu. Uzyskane rezultaty bada艅 wskazuj膮, 偶e komposty z udzia艂em komunalnego osadu 艣ciekowego (30%) i wycierki ziemniaczanej (30%) zawiera艂y wi臋cej form og贸lnych i rozpuszczalnych w 0,5 mol HCl路dm鲁 kadmu, niklu i o艂owiu w por贸wnaniu z kompostami sporz膮dzonymi tylko z wycierki ziemniaczanej (60%). W trakcie procesu rozk艂adu masy kompostowej w niewielkim stopniu wzros艂a zawarto艣膰 form og贸lnych kadmu, niklu i o艂owiu oraz form rozpuszczalnych kadmu i niklu. Zawarto艣膰 form og贸lnych kadmu, niklu i o艂owiu w kompostach mie艣ci艂a si臋 w normach dopuszczaj膮cych do ich przyrodniczego zagospodarowania.The aim of the presented studies was tthe determination the contents and transformation of total and dissolvable (in 0.5 mol HCl路dm鲁) forms of cadmium, nickel and lead during the decomposition of composts made from municipal sewage sludge and potato pulp. The study indicated that composts with municipal sewage sludge (30%) and potato pulp (30%) contained more total and dissolvable forms of cadmium, nickel, and lead as compared with those made only from potato pulp (60%). During the decomposition of composts, the contents of total forms of cadmium, nickel, and lead and the dissolvable forms of cadmium and nickel slightly increased. The contents of total forms of cadmium, nickel, and lead in the composts were within the norms admitting them for natural utilization