309 research outputs found

    Travel-related sexually transmitted infections

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    Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are among the most common notifiable health problems worldwide, with particularly high rates in developing countries. Men and women with multiple sexual partners at home or a previous history of STIs are more likely to have casual sexual exposure (CSE) while travelling. Over the last several decades 5% to even 50% of short-term travellers engaged in CSE during foreign trips. It is estimated that only 50% of travellers use condoms during casual sex abroad. Sexual contact with commercial sex workers is an exceptionally high-risk behaviour. The common risk factor is also young age. Adolescents and young adults constitute 25% of the sexually active population, but represent almost 50% of all new acquired STIs. Many STIs are asymptomatic and therefore can be difficult to identify and control. The clinical manifestation of STIs can be grouped into a number of syndromes, such as genital ulcer or erosion, urethral or vaginal discharge, pelvic inflammatory disease. STIs are divided into curable infections caused by bacteria (gonorrhoea, chlamydiasis, syphilis, chancroid, lymphogranuloma venereum, granuloma inguinale) or protozoa (trichomoniasis) and incurable viral infections (genital herpes, genital warts, HIV). STIs are not only a cause of acute morbidity, but may result in complications including male and female infertility, ectopic pregnancy, cervical cancer, premature mortality or miscarriage. Monogamous sex with a stable, uninfected partner or sexual abstinence remains the only way to avoid the risk of becoming infected with STIs.

    The comparative analysis of selected psychosocial and psychopathological factors among sexual offenders acting under or without the influence of alcohol

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    INTRODUCTION: The issue of the effect of alcohol on sex related offences is complex. A comprehensive theory describing the criminal behaviours committed under the influence of alcohol has not yet been developed. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The purpose of this paper was to evaluate and compare psychosocial and psychopathological factors characterising sexual offenders acting under or without the influence of alcohol. The study dataset consisted of 180 court ordered psychiatric-sexuological assessments issued by forensic experts from the Mental Health Outpatient Unit between 2004 and 2012 in the 10th Military Clinic Hospital in Bydgoszcz (Poland). The assessments were done for the offenders who committed sexual offences as defined in Chapter XXV of the Criminal Code in Poland: Offences Against Sexual Freedom and Morality. This study used a specially designed questionnaire: Charter for Diagnosis of Factors Determining Criminal Activity. RESULTS: Relevant statistically significant differences have been observed between the study groups. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The study confirmed the criminogenic effect of alcohol on sexual offences, especially rape, in both adults and adolescent population. 2. The alcohol induced disinhibition influencing the commission of sexual offence is characteristic for individuals with comorbid permanent personality disorders and organic personality disorders. 3. The offenders committing sexual offences under the influence of alcohol are found to exhibit low level of social functioning.INTRODUCTION: The issue of the effect of alcohol on sex related offences is complex. A comprehensive theory describing the criminal behaviours committed under the influence of alcohol has not yet been developed. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The purpose of this paper was to evaluate and compare psychosocial and psychopathological factors characterising sexual offenders acting under or without the influence of alcohol. The study dataset consisted of 180 court ordered psychiatric-sexuological assessments issued by forensic experts from the Mental Health Outpatient Unit between 2004 and 2012 in the 10th Military Clinic Hospital in Bydgoszcz (Poland). The assessments were done for the offenders who committed sexual offences as defined in Chapter XXV of the Criminal Code in Poland: Offences Against Sexual Freedom and Morality. This study used a specially designed questionnaire: Charter for Diagnosis of Factors Determining Criminal Activity. RESULTS: Relevant statistically significant differences have been observed between the study groups. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The study confirmed the criminogenic effect of alcohol on sexual offences, especially rape, in both adults and adolescent population. 2. The alcohol induced disinhibition influencing the commission of sexual offence is characteristic for individuals with comorbid permanent personality disorders and organic personality disorders. 3. The offenders committing sexual offences under the influence of alcohol are found to exhibit low level of social functioning

    The comparative analysis of selected psychosocial and psychopathological factors among the sexual offenders with personality disorders

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    INTRODUCTION: An important component in the study of sex related offences is the analysis of the effects of personality disorders and their correlation with other psychopathology. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The purpose of this paper is to evaluate and compare psychosocial and psychopathological factors characterising sexual offenders with and without the comorbid personality disorders (antisocial and not otherwise specified). The study dataset consisted of 180 court ordered psychiatric-sexuological assessments issued by forensic experts from the Mental Health Outpatient Unit between 2004 and 2012 in the 10th Military Clinic Hospital in Bydgoszcz (Poland). RESULTS: Relevant statistically significant differences have been observed between the study groups. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The study revealed strong association between the prevalence of personality disorders and the use of psychoactive substances among the perpetrators of sexual offences with antisocial personality disorder. 2. Predictive factors influencing the formation of antisocial (dissocial) personality occur in the developmental stage and relate to the family low level of social functioning and the disrupted family structure.INTRODUCTION: An important component in the study of sex related offences is the analysis of the effects of personality disorders and their correlation with other psychopathology. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The purpose of this paper is to evaluate and compare psychosocial and psychopathological factors characterising sexual offenders with and without the comorbid personality disorders (antisocial and not otherwise specified). The study dataset consisted of 180 court ordered psychiatric-sexuological assessments issued by forensic experts from the Mental Health Outpatient Unit between 2004 and 2012 in the 10th Military Clinic Hospital in Bydgoszcz (Poland). RESULTS: Relevant statistically significant differences have been observed between the study groups. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The study revealed strong association between the prevalence of personality disorders and the use of psychoactive substances among the perpetrators of sexual offences with antisocial personality disorder. 2. Predictive factors influencing the formation of antisocial (dissocial) personality occur in the developmental stage and relate to the family low level of social functioning and the disrupted family structure

    Kompetencje nauczyciela współczesnej szkoły – teoretyczne i empiryczne eksploracje

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    Competence of the Modern School Teacher - Theoretical and Empirical ResearchesRadykalna zmiana tego, co dzieje się w szkole i wokół niej stawia przed nauczycielem wyzwania, z którymi wcześniej nie miał do czynienia. Wymaga bowiem od niego jako osoby, która nie tylko uczy innych, przekazując im wiedzę, ale naucza jak należy żyć [11, s. 268] większego namysłu i rozwagi w podejmowaniu decyzji pedagogicznych, coraz większej kreatywności, samodzielności w działaniach, a także przyjęcia odpowiedzialności za podjęte kroki [15, s. 35]. Stąd problemem niezwykle aktualnym i o dużej wadze jest pytanie o kompetencje współczesnego nauczyciela

    Przygotowanie do starości jako zadanie jednostek i zbiorowości

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    The demographic phenomenon of the aging of the Polish society, in addition to a clear increase in interest in the period of old age, both in the individual aspect and from the social point of view, is associated with the need to intensify efforts to prepare for old age. Long-term neglect in education for old age strengthens negative behaviors in the elderly. Hence, one should look for ways leading to a change of one's own (present or future) living space for the better, ways leading to old age in its desirable essence. The aim of this is to show preparation for old age as an essential task of individuals and collectivity. In addition, the author hopes that the content presented in the study will give rise to thoughts about the readiness for Poles and Poles to shape their own future, and above all, readiness to take responsibility for themselves in old age.Demograficzne zjawisko starzenia się społeczeństwa polskiego, obok wyraźnego wzrostu zainteresowania okresem starości zarówno w aspekcie jednostkowym, jak i z punktu widzenia społecznego, wiąże się z koniecznością intensyfikacji działań służących przygotowaniu do starości. Długotrwałe zaniedbania w edukacji na rzecz starości powodują utrwalenie negatywnych zachowań u osób w podeszłym wieku. Stąd, należy szukać dróg prowadzących do zmiany własnej (obecnej lub przyszłej) przestrzeni życiowej na lepszą, dróg prowadzących do starości w swej istocie pożądanej. Celem niniejszej jest ukazanie przygotowania do starości jako istotnego zadania jednostek i zbiorowości. Ponadto, autor ma nadzieję, iż przedstawione w opracowaniu treści staną się przyczynkiem do przemyśleń odnośnie gotowości do kształtowania przez Polki i Polaków własnej przyszłości, a przede wszystkim gotowości do przejęcia odpowiedzialności za siebie w okresie starości

    Zika - kolejne zagrożenie na epidemiologicznej mapie świata

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    Zika fever is an acute infectious disease caused by the Zika virus (ZIKV) of the Flaviviridae family and Flavivirus genus. It is transmitted by day-time active Aedes mosquitoes, and potentially by sexual contacts, blood transfusion, and from mother to foetus (resulting in microcephaly in a child). ZIKV was first isolated from a macaque monkey in the Zika forest in Uganda in 1947. The first case of the Zika fever in a human was recorded in Nigeria in 1954. Until 2007 only 14 cases of the disease were confirmed worldwide. In 2007, there was an outbreak of the Zika fever in Micronesia (Yap Island) with an estimated 5,000 cases. Between 2013 and 2015 a further outbreak of the disease occurred in the Pacific islands: in French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Cook Islands, Easter Island, and Solomon Islands. In 2015, the Zika fever spread to Brazil and more than 20 other countries in the South and Central America. Until March 2016, an estimated 1.6 million autochthonous cases of Zika have been reported globally, with approximately 1.5 million cases recorded in Brazil. Typically, 80% of Zika infections are asymptomatic. The most common symptoms of the disease include fever, maculopapular rash, muscle and joint pain, conjunctivitis. Zika fever can be diagnosed on the basis of clinical signs (it must be differentiated from dengue, chikungunya), ZIKV identification is also possible by the application of polymerase chain reaction in acutely ill patients and the detection of specific IgM and IgG antibodies to ZIKV. Until today, there is no effective antiviral treatment or an effective vaccine against Zika fever (in case of an infection only symptomatic treatment is applied). In August 2016 in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Summer Olympic Games will take place, attracting thousands of athletes and spectators. The fight against the Zika fever and the race against time have gained momentum.  Zika jest ostrą chorobą zakaźną wywoływaną przez wirusa Zika (ZIKV), flavivirusa z rodziny Flaviviridae. Jest przenoszony przez aktywne w ciągu dnia komary z rodzaju Aedes, prawdopodobnie również przez kontakty seksualne, przetaczanie krwi oraz z matki na płód (będąc przyczyną małogłowia u dzieci). ZIKV po raz pierwszy wyizolowano u makaka z lasu Zika w Ugandzie w 1947 r. Pierwszy przypadek gorączki Zika u człowieka został rozpoznany w Nigerii w 1954 r. Do 2007 r. na świecie zanotowano zaledwie 14 cases choroby u ludzi. W 2007 r. w Mikronezji (wyspa Yap) wybuchła epidemia Zika z szacowaną liczbą 5 tysięcy przypadków wśród ludności miejscowej. W latach 2013-2015 kolejne masowe zachorowania wystąpiły na wyspach Pacyfiku: na Polinezji Francuskiej, Nowej Kaledonii, Wyspach Cooka, Wyspie Wielkanocnej oraz Wyspach Salomona. W 2015 r. gorączka Zika dotarła do Brazylii oraz ponad 20 innych państwa Ameryki Południowej i Środkowej. Do dnia dzisiejszego (marzec 2016 r.) szacuje się 1.6 miliona przypadków endemicznego występowania choroby na świecie, w tym 1.5 miliona zachorowań w Brazylii. Około 80% zakażeń Zika przebiega bezobjawowo. Do najczęstszych objawów chorobowych należą gorączka, wysypka plamisto-grudkowa, bóle mięśni i stawów, zapalenie spojówek. Gorączka Zika może być rozpoznawana na podstawie objawów (należy różnicować ją z dengą i chikungynya), identyfikacji ZIKV metodami biologii molekularnej (PCR) w ostrej fazie choroby oraz wykrycia specyficznych przeciwciał IgM i IgG. Do chwili obecnej nie uzyskano skutecznej terapii przeciwwirusowej (leczenie wyłącznie objawowe) ani szczepionki przeciw gorączce Zika. W sierpniu 2016 r. w Rio de Janeiro w Brazylii odbędą się letnie Igrzyska Olimpijskie, na które przybędą tysiące sportowców i kibiców. Walka z czasem i gorączką Zika nabiera rozpędu