18 research outputs found

    Flood risk perceptions applied to a spatial multi-criteria analysis in the Ebro Delta in Spain

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    The conventional method of risk analysis (with risk as a product of probability and consequences) does not allow for a pluralistic approach that includes the various risk perceptions of stakeholders or lay people within a community or region. In river basins, it is often an expert-based economic analysis of land use values that serves as the underlying estimation of costs. Intangibles such as nature development, biodiversity and cultural heritage are difficult to include in the calculation. Yet, local knowledge can be used to develop a realistic approach to outweighing tangibles and intangibles of land use values, as well as developing new approaches to risk management. This can be important to find appropriate solutions for the mitigation of risk. This presentation introduces a methodology that combines the virtues of three different methods used for risk analysis: the quantifiable conventional approach to risk, the taxonomic analysis of perceived risk and the analytical framework of a spatial multicriteria analysis. The combination of these methods is applied to the case study ’Ebro Delta’ in Spain as part of the European 6th framework project ’Floodsite’. The new approach using this combination is the incorporation of risk perceptions and its application and operationalisation in a multi-criteria analysis. Risk perception is derived from the psychometric paradigm that distinguishes a variety of risk characteristics. Due to a number of similarities among these risk perceptions all known risk characteristics can be condensed into three higher order risk characteristics - awareness, worry and preparedness. This reduction of risk characteristics enables scientists to employ them as weights in a multi-criteria analysis. Risk perception information has been collected with help of an on-site survey. The result is significant levels of ’worry’ and ’awareness’ of the flood risk with an increasing demand for ’preparedness’. Risk perception enters the multi-criteria analysis as complementary weights for the criteria risk and benefit. The results of the survey are applied to a set of scenarios representing both sea level rise and land subsidence for a time span of fifty years. Land use alternatives that are based upon the given scenarios have been presented to stakeholders and evaluated. For effective land use policy in flood prone areas it can be useful to compare land use alternatives based upon their performance with respect to risk and benefit. In this way the regional decision maker has been given an overview of preferences for handling risk. Even with limited resources a characteristic ’risk profile’ could be drawn that enables the decision maker to develop a suitable land use policy or at least provide a basis for further social learning processes

    A brief guideline for water managers

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    Introducing theoretical insights of particpatory methods into the practical work of water managers

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    The purpose of this contribution is to outline the development of a generic procedure for participatory water management projects in the European TRUST project. The project supported the efforts of five water management projects in Netherlands, Belgium, and Great Britain, and was divided in three theme groups: 1) engineering, 2) environmental impact and 3) participatory processes. In all theme groups, water managers used the opportunity to exchange experience, and initiated a trans-national learning process. Water managers and planners involved in theme group III (participatory processes) collaborated with, Seecon, a German-based consultancy specialising in participatory water management. Because of this collaboration, scientifically-underpinned participatory methods could be introduced in the day-to-day work of the water managers. Despite the variety of case-study-specific approaches such as canal broadening, the construction of a water basin, expansion of a recreational area, construction of multi-functional ponds in a park and the enlargement of pumping capacity in a Dutch polder, Seecon staff were able to develop a generic framework for the design, implementation and evaluation of participatory processes in water management projects. Case-specific issues were addressed in the individual participatory plans developed by Seecon and the partners. An evaluation procedure was developed to monitor the intensity of the participatory processes in the particular case studies throughout the entire project. Seecon interviewed water managers on a regular basis. ’Planning sheets’ were developed as a log book enabling the managers to monitor the participatory process at any stage of their projects, as well as a method to estimate the intensity of participation. Two important lessons have been learned within this project. First, the potential of participation is still not entirely recognised among water managers. Often participation is seen as a cumbersome but inevitable procedure prescribed by European or national legislation. Or it is merely seen as a risk analysis to avoid unwanted interruptions by third parties. Second, scientists and consultants must put more effort into developing convincing arguments about the positive effects of stakeholder as well as public participation. The project TRUST was a significant step forward in terms of better collaboration between practitioners, scientists and consultants in the field of participatory processes

    De Maaswerken in perspectief

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    Simulating stake holder support for river management

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