32 research outputs found

    The grammar of philosophical discourse

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    In this paper, a formal theory is presented that describes syntactic and semantic mechanisms of philosophical discourses. They are treated as peculiar language systems possessing deep derivational structures called architectonic forms of philosophical systems, encoded in philosophical mind. Architectonic forms are constituents of more complex structures called architectonic spaces of philosophy. They are understood as formal and algorithmic representations of various philosophical traditions. The formal derivational machinery of a given space determines its class of all possible architectonic forms. Some of them stand under factual historical philosophical systems and they organize processes of doing philosophy within these systems. Many architectonic forms have never been realized in the history of philosophy. The presented theory may be interpreted as falling under Hegel’s paradigm of comprehending cultural texts. This paradigm is enriched and inspired with Propp’s formal, morphological view on texts. The peculiarity of this modification of the Hegel-Propp paradigm consists of the use of algebraic and algorithmic tools of modeling processes of cultural development. To speak metaphorically, the theory is an attempt at the mathematical and logical history of philosophy inspired by the Internet metaphor. And that is why it belongs to the tradition of doing metaphilosophy in The Lvov-Warsaw School, which is continued today mainly by Woleński, Pelc, Perzanowski, and Jadacki

    Próba formalizacji pojęcia noematu

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    Głównym celem pracy jest przedstawienie formalnej koncepcji noematów. W pierwszej części, trzy nieformalne koncepcje noematów są poddane analizie. Celem tej części jest wyszczególnienie głównych kontrowersji dotyczących różnych sposobów rozumienia noematu. W drugiej części są zaprezentowane podstawowe założenia dotyczące noematów, które wyznaczają sposób formalizacji tego pojęcia. W pozostałych częściach formułuje się definicje noematów oraz innych fundamentalnych pojęć fenomenologicznych. Ponadto, naszkicowane są możliwości dalszego rozwijania proponowanej formalnej koncepcji

    Ubytek przegrody międzykomorowej u sportowca wyczynowego

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    The ventricular septum defect (VSD) is one of the congenital heart diseases that in developed countries can be rarely found in adults. We present a case of young athlete, member of the Polish Olympic Team, diagnosed with VSD during medical check-up. The congenital heart disease did not prevent the athlete from participating in sport on world-class level. Kardiol Pol 2010; 68; 9: 1067-106

    The long term benefit of cardiac rehabilitation program after myocardial infarction in patients under Managed Care for Acute Myocardial Infarction Survivors (MACAMIS) program in Poland: A single center study

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    BACKGROUND: Managed Care for Acute Myocardial Infarction Survivors (MACAMIS) program introduced for patients after myocardial infarction (MI) consists of 4 modules including early cardiac rehabilitation (CR). AIMS: We compared the impact of CR on survival of patients after MI included in the MACAMIS program.  METHODS: Patients in MACAMIS were divided into subgroups based on being or not qualified for CR and whether completed or failed to complete CR. We evaluated one-, two- and three-year mortality. RESULTS: Out of 244 patients in MACAMIS, 174 patients were qualified for CR. They were younger, had less advanced coronary artery disease (CAD), higher ejection fraction (EF) and fewer comorbidities. Finally 102 (58.6%) patients completed CR. These patients were younger, more likely had STEMI, more often were treated invasively with no differences in comorbidity burden. Survival rate at one, two, and three years was 93.6%, 87.8%, and 65.0% respectively. Patients qualified for CR had better prognosis. The mortality rate at one, two and three years were 2.38% vs. 16.18%, P = 0.0003, 6.71% vs. 25.4%, P = 0.002 and 26.87% vs. 51.35%, P = 0.01 respectively. Patients who completed CR again had significantly better prognosis. The mortality rate was 1% vs. 10.29%, P = 0.009, 4.17% vs. 17.56%, P = 0.002 and 23.33% vs. 40.54%, P = 0.09 at analysed periods. The only independent factors related to survival were completion of CR and number of comorbidities. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with MI in MACAMIS program had better prognosis when participating in CR. After completion MACAMIS program the increased mortality was observed in consecutive years. In spite of flexible CR program the proportion of patients qualified and competed CR remains low

    Czy kompetencja arytmetyczna jest uwarunkowana kulturowo?

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    The purpose of this essay is not to answer the question posed in the title, but to specify the ''preconditions'' for the defense of two opposing stances: mathematical culturalism and mathematical anticulturalism. The names of these stances are not present in the source literature. Introducing them to the debate on the nature of the relationship between expert mathematical knowledge and its folk counterpart is justified, because the dispute concerns i.a. the cultural status of mathematical discourse - especially due to the fact that the acceptance of one of the stances results in rejecting various models of teaching arithmetic in school, considering them incompatible with the stance taken in the dispute. The presented essay does not, however, focus on the strategies, methods, or transfer & teaching techniques concerning mathematics in public education systems

    A Formalisation of the Idealism-Realism Controversy

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    This is an attempt of formalizing the language of the idealism-realism debate in terms of possible worlds. Different versions of idealism and realism are presented within the proposed framework. Finally, the proposed formal construction is applied to the interpretation of some philosophical positions that can be found in the history of philosophy

    Mathematical Facts in Light of Nonfregean Logic

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    The paper presents a new argument supporting the ontological standpoint according to which there are no mathematical facts in any set theoretic model (world) constructed on the grounds of second order arithmetical theories founded upon set theory. Slingshot arguments directed against facts, situations and other propositional entities are usually blocked by rejecting one of the main inference rules used in various versions of this argument. Authors distinguish two types of main inference rules used in these variants: (i) for non-propositional expressions: iota-conversion rules (ι-conv), iota-substitution rules (ι-subs), lambda-conversion principle (λ-conv); and (ii) for propositional expressions: the principle of substitutivity for logical equivalents (PSLE). Even if strategies for defending facts by the rejection of one of the mentioned rules are accepted, it may be shown that the acceptance of the requirement that mathematical facts (situations or truth-makers) differing with regard to their constituents are different facts, leads to the contradiction in meta-theories of set theoretic models for first order arithmetical theories. In the paper, a new type of slingshot argument is presented, which may be called hyper-slingshot. The difference between meta-theoretical hyper-slingshots and conventional slingshots consists in the fact that the former are formulated in the semantic meta-language of mathematical theories without the use of the iota-operator or the name-forming lambda-operator, whereas the latter require for their expression at least one of these non-standard term-operators. Furthermore, in hyper-slingshots PSLE is not used, whereas in conventional slingshots, PSLE plays a crucial inferential role. Hyper-slingshots implement simpler language tools in comparison with those used in conventional slingshots

    The Controversy over Ontology of Situations as the Controversy over the Compositionality Principle. The Argument of a Metaphor

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    In the paper there is presented the argument for the situational paradigm of theory of language. In comparison to the nominativistic semantics it is argued in the paper that the propositional semantics is a better tool of explaining various speech acts in which the principle of compositionality is collapsed. In the paper there are also described referential mechanisms of metaphorical speech acts. In accordance with these mechanisms the metaphorical status of speech acts is determined by the collapse of Fregean referential compositionality of speech acts. In the paper there are constructed two notions of compositionality. First of them may be called classical Fregean concept of compositionality which establishes a semantic correlate of a complex speech act on a functional basis of semantic correlates of constituents of a complex speech act. According to the second notion of compositionality, correlates of constituents of a complex speech act are recursively deter-mined by a correlate of a complex speech act. Mataphorical speech acts possess such a property that correlates of their constituent expressions are determined in processes of de-coding by recursive compositionality functions. Maximal metaphors are speech acts in which recursive as well as Fregean compositionality collapse. In the paper it is argued that the traditional nominativistic semantics is not able to explain communicational functioning of metaphorical speech acts. That is why the conclusion of the paper resolves itself to the thesis that the situational semantic paradigm which should base on recursive notion of compositionality, is better than the nominativistic paradigm