161 research outputs found

    Guillaume Dupuytren And His Contributions To Knowledge About Tumors

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    Guillaume Dupuytren was born in the village of Pierrebuffi~re, on 5 October 1777. Though his father was a lawyer and parliamentarian, many of Dupuytren\u27s other ancestors had been physicians, mostly surgeons. Guillaume entered the College of Magnac-Laval at age seven. From age 12 to 17 he attended the Marche School in Paris. Upon completion of these studies, he wished to join the army, but his father insisted that he become a surgeon. At age 18 he became a prosector at Charity Hospital in Paris under the tutelage of Dr. Boyer and studied under Pinel, Corvisart, Cuvier, and others. His peers were Bichat, Lederc, Ailbert, and Laennec. Dupuytren became Surgeon-in-chief at l\u27Hotel Dieu Hospital in 1815 at age 38, and later was Surgeon to Louis XVIII. III at age 57 of a stroke, Dupuytrendied on 8 February 1835. His contributions to knowledge of cancer included observations and lectures concerning malignant cysts, lacrimal tumors, hydatid tumors of muscle and viscera, fibro-cellular tumors, polyps, hydro sarco cele, hemorrhoidal tumors, and cartilaginous tumors

    A Cancer Of Environmental and Occupational Etiology and a Thigh Tumor Described by Sir Percivall Pott in the Eighteenth Century

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    Percivall Pott was born in London, England 26 December 1713. His father died when he was four, leaving Mrs. Pott with Percivall and a daughter by a previous marriage. Pott\u27s education was thereafter financed by one of Mrs. Pott\u27s cousins, Dr. Wilco x, Bishop of Roches· ter. Although Pott became proficient in classical literature, and although Dr. Wilcox hoped that he would choose a career in theology, he chose a career in surgery instead and was bound as an apprentice to Dr. Nourse, a surgeon at St. Bartholomew\u27s Hospital in 1729. He spent 58 years at this hospital, resigning from the post of Surgeon in July 1787. One and one-half years later, after visiting sick patients on horseback in cold weather, he developed pneumonia and died within a few days, having a4nost reached his 75th birthday. Pott was not only innovative in his surgical practice but also was an excellent writer. He published articles on many subjects, including treatment of fracture of the fibula (Pott\u27s fracture), tumors, hernia congenita, fistula Iachrymalis, head injuries, hydrocele, tubercular spine, the need for amputation of limbs in certain cases, cataract surgery, and fistulae; one of his most famous observations was the development of carcinoma of the scrotum among young chimney sweepers in London

    Guillaume Dupuytren And His Contributions To Knowledge About Tumors

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    Guillaume Dupuytren was born in the village of Pierrebuffi~re, on 5 October 1777. Though his father was a lawyer and parliamentarian, many of Dupuytren\u27s other ancestors had been physicians, mostly surgeons. Guillaume entered the College of Magnac-Laval at age seven. From age 12 to 17 he attended the Marche School in Paris. Upon completion of these studies, he wished to join the army, but his father insisted that he become a surgeon. At age 18 he became a prosector at Charity Hospital in Paris under the tutelage of Dr. Boyer and studied under Pinel, Corvisart, Cuvier, and others. His peers were Bichat, Lederc, Ailbert, and Laennec. Dupuytren became Surgeon-in-chief at l\u27Hotel Dieu Hospital in 1815 at age 38, and later was Surgeon to Louis XVIII. III at age 57 of a stroke, Dupuytrendied on 8 February 1835. His contributions to knowledge of cancer included observations and lectures concerning malignant cysts, lacrimal tumors, hydatid tumors of muscle and viscera, fibro-cellular tumors, polyps, hydro sarco cele, hemorrhoidal tumors, and cartilaginous tumors

    Инновационный развитие промышленных предприятий в Украине

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    Проведено аналіз проблем інноваційної діяльності промислових підприємств України. Зроблено висновок про необхідність постійного та дослідження інноваційної діяльності підприємств і визначення основних перешкод у процесі інноваційного розвитку. Визначено фактори, які впливають на інноваційний розвиток промисловості та виокремлено структуру інноваційного розвитку промисловості.The analysis of the problems of innovation industrial enterprises of Ukraine. The conclusion about the need for continued research and innovation in enterprises and identify major obstacles to innovation. The factors influencing the innovative development of industry and highlights the innovative structure of the industry.Проведен анализ проблем инновационной деятельности промышленных предприятий Украины. Сделан вывод о необходимости постоянного и исследования инновационной деятельности предприятий и определение основных препятствий в процессе инновационного развития. Определены факторы, влияющие на инновационное развитие промышленности и выделены структуру инновационного развития промышленности

    An Examination of Student Loans, Partisanship and Complaining Behavior: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

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    This research examines consumer complaints within a government-to-consumer context. The study is focused on two highly discussed topics, student loans and partisanship. While student loans are widely promoted to college students, outstanding U.S. student loan debt trails only consumer debt. Similarly, a stark contrast exists between the views of the two major political parties within the U.S. Our examination provides a nuanced view of partisanship and its effect on complaining behaviors within the student loan realm. Specifically, our study investigates whether partisanship affects the level of student loan complaints submitted to a federal agency initiated during partisan division. Our contributions include the use of a diverse, integrated database that enables insights into complaining behaviors within an understudied area, the government-to-consumer context

    Social media and customer relationship management technologies: Influencing buyer-seller information exchanges

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    Highlights Social media and CRM technology aid salespeople in market sensing and customer-linking activities. Social media utilization enhance the competitive information collection abilities of the seller. CRM techpositively affects seller product information communication, which enablesbuyer information sharing intentions. Sellers capture value from buyers by CRM utilization. Seller experience has significant moderating and explanatory power regarding the use of sales technology. Abstract Due to the increasing array of sales technology, salespeople must understand how each application assists them. This study examines how business-to-business salespeople use different forms of sales technology to meet their boundary-spanning roles. Our research draws from social exchange theory and task-technology fit theory to test a model that examines how salespeople use CRM and social media technologies differentially to support competitive information collection, product information communication, and buyer information sharing. Dyadic data from industrial buyers and sellers is used to analyze the technology-behavior relationships. Our study\u27s results reveal social media use and CRM technology both positively influence buyer-seller information exchanges; however, each technology takes a distinct route to enable the information exchange between the buyer and the seller. The results also suggest that managers need to champion the use of both technology applications to their salesforce

    Salesperson ambidexterity and customer satisfaction: examining the role of customer demandingness, adaptive selling, and role conflict

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    This research investigates the effects of sales-service ambidexterity on salesperson role perceptions, behaviors, and customer satisfaction. Using a business-to-business, salesperson-customer sample, we build and test a model which highlights both the positive and negative consequences of this simultaneous goal pursuit. Specifically, while sales-service ambidexterity positively impacts adaptive selling behaviors, it also increases perceptions of role conflict among salespeople. Customer demandingness moderates these relationships. Taken together, the results provide insights for firms on how to manage their sales force to optimize both sales and service outcomes based on characteristics of their salespeople and customers

    Elucidating dissociation activation energies in host–guest assemblies featuring fast exchange dynamics

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    The ability to mediate the kinetic properties and dissociation activation energies (Ea_{a}) of bound guests by controlling the characteristics of "supramolecular lids" in host-guest molecular systems is essential for both their design and performance. While the synthesis of such systems is well advanced, the experimental quantification of their kinetic parameters, particularly in systems experiencing fast association and dissociation dynamics, has been very difficult or impossible with the established methods at hand. Here, we demonstrate the utility of the NMR-based guest exchange saturation transfer (GEST) approach for quantifying the dissociation exchange rates (kout_{out})) and activation energy (Ea,out_{a, out}) in host-guest systems featuring fast dissociation dynamics. Our assessment of the effect of different monovalent cations on the extracted Ea,out_{a, out} in cucurbit[7]uril:guest systems with very fast kout_{out} highlights their role as "supramolecular lids" in mediating a guest\u27s dissociation Ea_{a}. We envision that GEST could be further extended to study kinetic parameters in other supramolecular systems characterized by fast kinetic properties and to design novel switchable host-guest assemblies

    Становление и составляющие механизма валютного рынка в Украине

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    У цій статті проведено огляд процесу становлення валютного ринку в Україні та складових механізмів його функціонування. Було проведено загальний огляд від моменту створення валютного ринку у нашій державі, процес його функціонування, а також розглянуто основні складові його функціонування на основі даних з різного роду джерел.This article provides an overview of the process of the foreign exchange market in Ukraine and the components of the mechanism of its functioning. There have been public display since the foreign exchange market in the country, the process of its operation, as well as the basic components of its operation on the basis of data from various sources.В этой статье проведен обзор процесса становления валютного рынка в Украине и составляющих механизмов его функционирования. Было проведено всеобщее обозрение с момента создания валютного рынка в нашей стране, процесс его функционирования, а также рассмотрены основные составляющие его функционирования на основе данных из разного рода источников