96 research outputs found

    Integrated evaporation-condensation process of binary liquid mixture separation

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    Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Malta, 16-18 July, 2012.The effects of heat and mass transfer on selectivity and mass fluxes in falling film evaporation of binary mixture on vertical surface, in the presence of inerts in gas (air, helium) and liquid (glycol) phase were investigated. The mathematical model of the process with different simplifying assumptions concerning heat and mass transfer was elaborated. In numerical calculations mass transfer resistances both in gas and liquid phases were considered. Experimental study was performed for 2-ipropanol-water system in the wide range of concentrations and temperatures. The comparison shows small effect of diffusional cross effects on mass transfer and selectivity.dc201

    Effects of Multiple Sintering Parameters on the Thermal Performance of Bi-porous Nickel Wicks in Loop Heat Pipes

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of the following article: Y. Qu, K. Zhou, K. F. Zhang and Y. Tian, ‘Effects of multiple sintering parameters on the thermal performance of bi-porous nickel wicks in Loop Heat Pipes’, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 99: 638-646, August 2016, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2016.04.005. This manuscript version is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License CC BY NC-ND 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built upon in any way.The thermal performance of a water-saturated Loop Heat Pipe (LHP) with bi-porous nickel wicks has been examined theoretically and experimentally, based on five key influencing factors including the content of foaming agent, compacting pressure, incubation time at suitable temperature, sintering temperature and particle size of foaming agent. Comparison was made among a total number of 20 tests with each influencing factor allocated by four different values, where porosity, permeability, capillary suction head and effective thermal conductivity (ETC) were examined. ETC is an important parameter of thermal performance, and its experimental values were compared with eleven theoretical models. The results showed that ETC was mostly affected by the content of foaming agent: 1.9-2.2 times compared to the effect of compacting pressure and incubation time, with the effect of sintering temperature and particle size of foaming agent ata underestimated the true ETC values. In the porosity range of 0.5-0.7, an average of the Chernysheva & Maydanik model and the Chaudhary & Bhandari model was found to be the best fit to the experimental data, providing an accurate method to predict ETC values of water-saturated LHP with bi-porous nickel wicks.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Effect of gap width with inert gas on heat and mass transfer in diffusion distillation process

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    Przeprowadzono badania doświadczalne procesu odparowania filmu ciekłej mieszaniny dwuskładnikowej izopropanol - woda spływającej po ściance rury pionowej w obecności powietrza jako gazu inertnego w szerokim zakresie stężeń i temperatur. Opracowano modele matematyczne procesu przy różnych upraszczających założeniach dotyczących transportu masy. W obliczeniach numerycznych uwzględniono opory transportu ciepła i masy w fazie ciekłej oraz gazowej. Wyniki obliczeń numerycznych uzyskane na podstawie opracowanych modeli matematycznych dobrze zgadzają się z danymi eksperymentalnymi. Stwierdzono duży wpływ temperatury odparowania i szerokości szczeliny na całkowity strumień molowy.The effects of heat and mass transfer on selectivity and mass fluxes in falling film evaporation of binary mixture on vertical surface in the presence of stagnant inert gas were investigated. The mathematical model of the process with different simplifying assumptions concerning heat and mass transfer was elaborated. In numerical calculations mass transfer resistances in both gas and liquid phases were considered. Experimental study was performed for isopropanol-water-air system in the wide range of concentrations and temperatures. The comparison of experimental and calculated data show large effect of evaporation temperature and gap width on total mass flux

    Application of diffusion distillation in separation of binary mixture in the falling film apparatus

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    Przeprowadzono badania doświadczalne procesu odparowania filmu ciekłej mieszaniny dwuskładnikowej spływającej po ściance rury pionowej w obecności nieruchomej warstwy gazu inertnego. W opracowanych modelach matematycznych uwzględniono opory transportu ciepła i masy w fazie ciekłej oraz gazowej. Stwierdzono niewielki wpływ oporów dyfuzyjnych w fazie ciekłej na całkowity strumień molowy i selektywność oraz istotny wpływ efektów krzyżowych dyfuzji, rodzaju gazu inertnego oraz temperatury odparowania na efektywność procesu.Falling film evaporation of binary mixture on a vertical surface in the presence of stagnant inert gas was investigated experimentally. In elaborated mathematical models heat and mass transfer resistances in both gas and liquid phases were taken into account. A comparison of experimental and calculated data showed a small effect of diffusion resistances in liquid phase on total mass flux and selectivity, and a significant influence of cross diffusion effects, kind of inert gas and evaporation temperature on process efficiency

    Increase of binary mixture separation selectivity in diffusion distillation

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    Przedstawiono wyniki badań rozdziału mieszanin ciekłych w zintegrowanym procesie odparowania i kondensacji fi lmu cieczy spływającej po ściance rury pionowej w obecności inertów w fazie gazowej oraz ciekłej. Otrzymano znaczny wzrost selektywności rozdziału mieszaniny ciekłej przy dużej zawartości inertu w fazie ciekłej (glikol). Mierzone wartości strumieni masowych rosną z temperaturą odparowania i maleją ze wzrostem zawartości inertu w fazie ciekłej.Separation of binary liquid mixtures by diffusion distillation was investigated. Experiments were performed in a wetted wall column in the presence of inerts in gas and liquid phase. Increase of selectivity was obtained for a higher inert concentration in liquid phase (glycol). Measured mass fl uxes increased with the increase of evaporation temperature and decreased with the rise of inert concentration in liquid phase