3 research outputs found

    Pore size effects on the sorption of supercritical CO2 in mesoporous CPG 10 silica

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    Excess sorption isotherms of supercritical carbon dioxide in mesoporous CPG 10 silica glasses with nominal pore sizes of 7.5 and 35 nm were measured gravimetrically at 35 and 50 C and pressures of 0 200 bar. Formation of broad maxima in the excess sorption was observed at fluid densities below the bulk critical density. Positive values of excess sorption were measured at bulk densities below 0.7 g cm3, i.e., the interfacial fluid is denser than the bulk fluid at low pressures. Zero and negative values were obtained at higher densities, i.e., the adsorbed fluid becomes equal to and eventually less dense than the corresponding bulk fluid. Pronounced confinement effects on sorption behavior have been found and further analyzed by normalizing the excess sorption to the adsorbent surface area and pore volume, yielding new insight into supercritical fluid adsorption in this range of pore sizes and P, T conditions. If normalized to the specific surface area, the excess sorption is higher for the 35 nm pore size material, but the pore volume normalized excess sorption is higher for the 7.5 nm pore size material. With increasing pore width, the excess sorption peak position shifts to higher pressure. Both CPG 10 materials exhibit regions of constant mean pore fluid density as a function of bulk CO2 density at 35 C but not at 50 C. This region is located between the excess sorption peak maximum and the adsorption depletion transition point. Applied to the situation of CO2 sequestration in dry sandstone formations, the results of this study indicate that carbon storage capacity is enhanced by sorption effects, particularly at low temperature and in narrow pores with high surface to volume ratio

    CO2 Sorption to Subsingle Hydration Layer Montmorillonite Clay Studied by Excess Sorption and Neutron Diffraction Measurements

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    Geologic storage of CO2 requires that the caprock sealing thestorage rock is highly impermeable to CO2. Swelling clays, which are important components of caprocks, may interact with CO2 leading to volume change and potentially impacting the seal quality. The interactions of supercritical sc CO2 with Na saturated montmorillonite clay containing a subsingle layer of water in the interlayer region have been studied by sorption and neutron diffraction techniques.The excess sorption isotherms show maxima at bulk CO2 densities of amp; 8776;0.15 g cm3, followed by an approximately linear decrease of excess sorption to zero and negative values with increasing CO2 bulk density. Neutron diffraction experiments on the same clay sample measured interlayer spacing and composition. The results show that limited amounts of CO2 are sorbed into the interlayer region, leading to depression of the interlayer peak intensity and an increase of the d 001 spacing by ca. 0.5 . The density of CO2 in the clay pores is relatively stable over a wide range of CO2 pressures at a given temperature, indicating the formation of a clay CO2 phase. At the excess sorption maximum, increasing CO2 sorption with decreasing temperature is observed while the high pressure sorption properties exhibit weak temperature dependenc