235 research outputs found

    Научно-технический прогресс или безопасность человечества

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    Постепенное развитие общественного производства, его постоянное совершенствование являются фундаментальными закономерностями экономической жизни человечества. Они основываются на прогрессе науки и техники. Научно-технический прогресс за тысячелетия человеческой цивилизации прошел сложный и противоречивый путь развития. Это было вызвано тем, что именно технический прогресс, который осуществлялся на первых этапах развития общества, осуществлялся отдельно от научного прогресса до конца XVIII - начала XIX в. И только в период промышленной революции началось быстрое сближение научного и технического прогресса и возник целостный научно-технический прогресс.Gradual development of social production, its constant improvement of the fundamental laws of the economic life of mankind. They are based on the progress of science and technology. Scientific and technological progress for the millennium of human civilization has passed a complex and contradictory path of development. This was due to the fact that it was the technical progress that was carried out at the first stages of the development of society that was carried out separately from scientific progress until the end of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. And only in the period of the industrial revolution did the rapid rapprochement of scientific and technological progress and the emergence of integral scientific and technological progress began


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    The present study was aimed to quantify the dynamics of early antigen specific proliferative responses of lymphocytes to (protein) antigens associated with experimentalMycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Mp) infection cattle. The data were collected from20 experimentally infected calves, and 10 uninfected control animals, during the first 2 years oftheir lives. Several purified protein derivative antigens (Ppdp, Ppda, and Ppdb), tworecombinant Mp heatshock proteins (Hsp65 and Hsp70) and whole bacteria (sonicated Mpstrain 316F) were used to measure lymphocyte proliferation in a lymphocyte proliferationassay. Data were analyzed using a linear mixed effect (LME) model. The results showedsignificant group and timed effects for all antigens tested. At several time points, the responsesin the infected group were found significantly higher as compared to control group. The Ppdantigens induced similar lymphocyte proliferation patterns, as compared to whole bacteriaantigen and Hsp70. These results indicated that the antigen specific proliferative responses oflymphocytes differs for different antigens, probably related to differences in their availabilityduring different stages of infection. The application of LME model is a useful tool for analyzingthe quantitative longitudinal datasets. Keywords: dynamics, Mp, antigen, LM

    Additive technology of obtaining products from ceramics

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    Created an original design of the device, which lets you create samples of thermoplastic ceramic slurry, which after sintering, are obtained ceramics with high strength and hardness parameters

    Introducing Summative Progress Testing in Radiology Residency: Little Change in Residents’ Test Results After Transitioning from Formative Progress Testing

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    Introduction: Educational effects of transitioning from formative to summative progress testing are unclear. Our purpose was to investigate wheth

    An overview of Clinical Quality Registries (CQRs) on gynecological oncology worldwide

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    Introduction: Clinical Quality Registries (CQRs) were initiated in order to compare clinical outcomes between hospitals or regions within a country. To get an overview of these CQRs worldwide the aim of this study was to identify these CQRs for gynecological oncology and to summarize their characteristics, processes and QI's and to establish whether it is feasible to make an international comparison in the future. Methods: To identify CQRs in gynecological oncology a literature search in Pubmed was performed. All papers describing the use of a CQR were included. Administrative, epidemiological and cancer registries were excluded as these registries do not primarily serve to measure quality of care through QI's. The taskforce or contact person of the included CQR were asked to participate and share information on registered items, processes and indicators. Results: Five nations agreed to collaborate: Australia, Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands and Sweden. Denmark, Netherlands and Sweden established a nationwide registry, collecting data on multiple tumor types, and various QI's. Australia and Italy included patients with ovarian cancer only. All nations had a different process to report feedback results to participating hospitals. Conclusion: CQRs serve the same purpose to improve quality of care but vary on different aspects. Although similarities are observed in the topics measured by the QI's, an international comparison was not feasible as numerators or denominators differ between registries. In order to compare on an international level it would be useful to harmonize these registries and to set an international standard to measure the quality of care with similar indicators

    Size of third and fourth ventricle in obstructive and communicating acute hydrocephalus after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage

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    In patients with acute hydrocephalus after aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH), lumbar drainage is possible if the obstruction is in the subarachnoid space (communicating hydrocephalus). In case of intraventricular obstruction (obstructive hydrocephalus), ventricular drainage is the only option. A small fourth ventricle is often considered a sign of obstructive hydrocephalus. We investigated whether the absolute or relative size of the fourth ventricle can indeed distinguish between these two types of hydrocephalus. On CT-scans of 76 consecutive patients with acute headache but normal CT and CSF, we measured the cross-sectional surface of the third and fourth ventricle to obtain normal planimetric values. Subsequently we performed the same measurements on 117 consecutive SAH patients with acute hydrocephalus. These patients were divided according to the distribution of blood on CT-scan into three groups: mainly intraventricular blood (n = 15), mainly subarachnoid blood (n = 54) and both intraventricular and subarachnoid blood (n = 48). The size of the fourth ventricle exceeded the upper limit of normal in 2 of the 6 (33%) patients with intraventricular blood but without haematocephalus, and in 15 of the 54 (28%) patients with mainly subarachnoid blood. The mean ratio between the third and fourth ventricle was 1.45 (SD 0.66) in patients with intraventricular blood and 1.42 (SD 0.91) in those with mainly subarachnoid blood. Neither fourth ventricular size nor the ratio between the third and fourth ventricles discriminates between the two groups. A small fourth ventricle does not necessarily accompany obstructive hydrocephalus and is therefore not a contraindication for lumbar drainage

    Short-term surgical complications after radical hysterectomy - a nationwide cohort study

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    Introduction: Centralization has, among other aspects, been argued to have an impact on quality of care in terms of surgical morbidity. Next, monitoring quality of care is essential in identifying areas of improvement. This nationwide cohort study was conducted to determine the rate of short-term surgical complications and to evaluate its possible predictors in women with early-stage cervical cancer. Material and methods: Women diagnosed with early-stage cervical cancer, 2009 FIGO stages IB1 and IIA1, between 2015 and 2017 who underwent radical hysterectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy in 1 of the 9 specialized medical centers in the Netherlands, were identified from the Netherlands Cancer Registry. Women were excluded if primary treatment consisted of hysterectomy without parametrial dissection or radical trachelectomy. Women in whom radical hysterectomy was aborted during the procedure, were also excluded. Occurrence of intraoperative and postoperative complications and type of complications, developing within 30 days after surgery, were prospectively registered. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to identify predictors of surgical complications. Results: A total of 472 women were selected, of whom 166 (35%) developed surgical complications within 30 days after radical hysterectomy. The most frequent complications were urinary retention with catheterization in 73 women (15%) and excessive perioperative blood loss >1000 mL in 50 women (11%). Open surgery (odds ratio [OR] 3.42; 95% CI 1.73-6.76), chronic pulmonary disease (OR 3.14; 95% CI 1.45-6.79), vascular disease (OR 1.90; 95% CI 1.07-3.38), and medical center (OR 2.83; 95% CI 1.18-6.77) emerged as independent predictors of the occurrence of complications. Body mass index (OR 0.94; 95% CI 0.89-1.00) was found as a negative predictor of urinary retention. Open surgery (OR 36.65; 95% CI 7.10-189.12) and body mass index (OR 1.15; 95% CI 1.08-1.22) were found to be independent predictors of excessive perioperative blood loss. Conclusions: Short-term surgical complications developed in 35% of the women after radical hysterectomy for early-stage cervical cancer in the Netherlands, a nation with centralized surgical care. Comorbidities predict surgical complications, and open surgery is associated with excessive perioperative blood loss