7 research outputs found

    Probing the self-assembly and the accompanying structural changes of hydrophobin SC3 on a hydrophobic surface by mass spectrometry

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    The fungal class I hydrophobin SC3 self-assembles into an amphipathic membrane at hydrophilic-hydrophobic interfaces such as the water-air and water-Teflon interface. During self-assembly, the water-soluble state of SC3 proceeds via the intermediate alpha-helical state to the stable end form called the beta-sheet state. Self-assembly of the hydrophobin at the Teflon surface is arrested in the alpha-helical state. The beta-sheet state can be induced at elevated temperature in the presence of detergent. The structural changes of SC3 were monitored by various mass spectrometry techniques. We show that the so-called second loop of SC3 (C39-S72) has a high affinity for Teflon. Binding of this part of SC3 to Teflon was accompanied by the formation of alpha-helical structure and resulted in low solvent accessibility. The solvent-protected region of the second loop extended upon conversion to the beta-sheet state. In contrast, the C-terminal part of SC3 became more exposed to the solvent. The results indicate that the second loop of class I hydrophobins plays a pivotal role in self-assembly at the hydrophilic-hydrophobic interface. Of interest, this loop is much smaller in case of class II hydrophobins, which may explain the differences in their assembly

    Probing the self-assembly and the accompanying structural changes of hydrophobin SC3 on a hydrophobic surface by mass spectrometry

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    The fungal class I hydrophobin SC3 self-assembles into an amphipathic membrane at hydrophilic-hydrophobic interfaces such as the water-air and water-Teflon interface. During self-assembly, the water-soluble state of SC3 proceeds via the intermediate alpha-helical state to the stable end form called the beta-sheet state. Self-assembly of the hydrophobin at the Teflon surface is arrested in the alpha-helical state. The beta-sheet state can be induced at elevated temperature in the presence of detergent. The structural changes of SC3 were monitored by various mass spectrometry techniques. We show that the so-called second loop of SC3 (C39-S72) has a high affinity for Teflon. Binding of this part of SC3 to Teflon was accompanied by the formation of alpha-helical structure and resulted in low solvent accessibility. The solvent-protected region of the second loop extended upon conversion to the beta-sheet state. In contrast, the C-terminal part of SC3 became more exposed to the solvent. The results indicate that the second loop of class I hydrophobins plays a pivotal role in self-assembly at the hydrophilic-hydrophobic interface. Of interest, this loop is much smaller in case of class II hydrophobins, which may explain the differences in their assembly