50 research outputs found

    Salvage surgery for a giant melanoma on the back

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    We report a case of a giant melanoma on the back with a very extreme Breslow thickness. On physical examination a large odorous and ulcerating tumour was seen adjacent to two large crusted lesions, probably in transit metastases. In the right and left axilla enlarged lymph nodes were palpated. The patient underwent salvage surgery consisting of a complete wide excision of the tumors on the back as well as axillary lymph node dissection on both sides. Histopathology showed a malignant melanoma with a Breslow thickness of 48 mm. Four of fifteen nodes in the right axilla and one of nine nodes in the left axilla, were positive for metastatic disease. Also various in transit and subcutaneous metastases were found in the wide excision specimen. The interest of our observation relies in the rarity of a melanoma with such an extreme Breslow thickness and the difficulty in performing adequate palliative therapy that offers quality of life by means of tumor control

    Parathyroidectomy for patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism in a changing landscape for the management of end-stage renal disease

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    Background: The landscape of patients with end-stage renal disease is changing with the increasing availability of kidney transplantation. In the near future, a less aggressive approach to treat secondary hyperparathyroidism might be beneficial. We report outcomes of parathyroidectomy for end-stage renal disease-related hyperparathyroidism comparing the outcomes of limited, subtotal, and total parathyroidectomy. Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data. Patients were divided into 3 parathyroidectomy subgroups: limited ( Results: In total, 195 patients were included for analysis of whom 13.8% underwent limited parathyroidectomy, 46.7% subtotal parathyroidectomy, and 39.5% total parathyroidectomy. Preoperative parathyroid hormone levels (pg/mL) were 471 (210-868), 1,087 (627-1,795), and 1,070 (475-1,632) for the limited, subtotal, and total parathyroidectomy groups, respectively (P < .001). A decrease in serum parathyroid hormone was seen in all groups; however, postoperative levels remained greater in the limited parathyroidectomy group compared to the subtotal and total parathyroidectomy groups (P < .001). Serum calcium, phosphate, and alkaline phosphatase levels decreased in all groups to within the reference range. In the limited parathyroidectomy group, persistent disease and recurrence occurred more frequently (P = .02 and P = .07, respectively). Conclusion: Subtotal parathyroidectomy is the optimal strategy in an era with an increasing availability of kidney transplantation and improved regimens of dialysis. In this changing practice, the approach to parathyroid surgery, however, might shift to a less aggressive and patient-tailored approach. (C) 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    The costs of complications and unplanned readmissions after pancreatoduodenectomy for pancreatic and periampullary tumors:Results from a single academic center

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    SIMPLE SUMMARY: Complications lead to unplanned readmissions (UR) and are reported to be associated with a two- to threefold increase in hospital admission costs. Since healthcare costs are increasing worldwide, cost containment is the major challenge for future healthcare. In the literature, there are only a few studies that analysed hospital costs after pancreatoduodenectomy (PD). In this study, we aimed to create an understanding of the costs of complications and UR in patients who underwent a PD. ABSTRACT: Background/Objectives: Complications after pancreatoduodenectomy (PD) lead to unplanned readmissions (UR), with a two- to threefold increase in admission costs. In this study, we aimed to create an understanding of the costs of complications and UR in this patient group. Furthermore, we aimed to generate a detailed cost overview that can be used to build a theoretical model to calculate the cost efficacy for prehabilitation. Methods: A retrospective cohort analysis was performed using the Dutch Pancreatic Cancer Audit (DPCA) database of patients who underwent a PD at our institute between 2013 and 2017. The total costs of the index hospital admission and UR related to the PD were collected. Results: Of the 160 patients; 35 patients (22%) had an uncomplicated course; 87 patients (54%) had minor complications, and 38 patients (24%) had severe complications. Median costs for an uncomplicated course were EUR 25.682, and for a complicated course, EUR 32.958 (p = 0.001). The median costs for minor complications were EUR 30.316, and for major complications, EUR 42.664 (p = 0.001). Costs were related to the Comprehensive Complication Index (CCI). The median costs of patients with one or more UR were EUR 41.199. Conclusions: Complications after PD led to a EUR 4.634–EUR 16.982 (18–66%) increase in hospital costs. A UR led to a cost increase of EUR 12.567 (44%). Since hospital costs are directly related to the CCI, reduction in complications will lead to cost-effectiveness

    Morbidity After Inguinal Lymph Node Dissections:It Is Time for a Change

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    Inguinal lymph node dissection (ILND) for stage 3 melanoma is accompanied by high wound complication rates. During the past decades, several changes in perioperative care have been instituted to decrease the incidence of these complications. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of these different care protocols on wound complications after ILND. A retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data was performed with 240 patients who underwent an ILND in the University Medical Center Groningen between 1989 and 2014. Four groups with different treatment protocols were analyzed: A (>= 10 days of bed rest with a Bohler Braun splint), B (10 days of bed rest without a splint), C (5 days of bed rest), and D (1 day of bed rest). The effect of early mobilization, abolishment of the Bohler Braun splint and postural restrictions, and the introduction of prophylactic antibiotics were analyzed. One or more wound complications occurred in 51.2 % of the patients including wound infection (29.8 %), seroma (21.5 %), wound necrosis (13.6 %), and hematoma (5 %). In consecutive periods, respectively 44.4, 60.3, 44.9 and 55.2 % of the patients experienced wound complications. None of the instituted changes in protocols led to a decrease in wound complications. Changes in perioperative care protocols did not affect the rate of wound complications. Perhaps a change in the surgical procedure itself can lead to the necessary reduction of wound complications after ILND

    Surgery alone for papillary thyroid microcarcinoma is less costly and more effective than long term active surveillance

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    Background: Papillary thyroid microcarcinoma is a subtype of thyroid cancer that may be managed with active surveillance rather than immediate surgery. Active surveillance decreases complication rates and may decrease health care costs. This study aims to analyze complication rates of thyroid surgery, papillary thyroid microcarcinoma recurrence, and survival rates. Additionally, the costs of surgery versus hypothetic active surveillance for papillary thyroid microcarcinoma are compared in an Australian cohort. Methods: Papillary thyroid microcarcinoma patients were included from a prospectively collected surgical cohort of patients treated for papillary thyroid cancer between 1985 and 2017. The primary outcomes were the complications of thyroid surgery, recurrence-free survival, overall survival, and cost of surgical treatment and active surveillance. Results: In a total of 349 patients with papillary microcarcinoma with a median age of 48 years (range, 18–90 years), the permanent operative complications rate was 3.7%. Postoperative radioactive iodine did not decrease recurrence-free survival (P = .3). The total cost of surgical treatment was 10,226Australiandollars,whereashypotheticactivesurveillancewasatayearlycostof10,226 Australian dollars, whereas hypothetic active surveillance was at a yearly cost of 756 Australian dollars. Estimated cost of surgical papillary thyroid microcarcinoma treatment was equivalent to the cost of 16.2 years of active surveillance. Conclusion: Surgery may have a long-term economic advantage for younger Australian patients with papillary thyroid microcarcinoma who are likely to require more than 16.2 years of follow-up in an active surveillance scheme

    Impact of cumulative complications on 1-year treatment-related healthcare costs in patients with colorectal peritoneal metastases undergoing cytoreductive surgery with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of all minor and major complications on treatment-related healthcare costs in patients who undergo cytoreductive surgery (CRS) with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) for the treatment of colorectal peritoneal metastases (PMs). METHOD: Patients with histologically proven colorectal PMs who underwent CRS + HIPEC from March 2006 to October 2019 in a tertiary referral centre were retrospectively identified from a prospectively maintained database. Patients were divided into six subgroups according to the severity of the complications, which were scored using the comprehensive complication index (CCI) (CCI 0-9.9, CCI 10-19.9, CCI 20-29.9, CCI 30-39.9, CCI 40-49.9, and CCI 50 or higher). Treatment-related healthcare costs up to 1 year after CRS + HIPEC were obtained from the financial department. Differences in costs and survival outcomes were compared using the chi-squared test and Kruskal-Wallis H test. RESULTS: A total of 142 patients were included (CCI 0-9.9, 53 patients; CCI 10-19.9, 0 patients; CCI 20-29.9, 45 patients; CCI 30-39.9, 14 patients; CCI 40-49, 9 patients; and CCI 50 or higher, 21 patients). Median (interquartile range) treatment-related healthcare costs increased significantly and exponentially for the CCI 30-39, CCI 40-49, and CCI 50 or higher groups (€48 993 (€44 262-€84 805); €57 167 (€43 047-€67 591); and €82 219 (€55 487-€145 314) respectively) compared with those for the CCI 0-9.9 and CCI 20-29.9 groups (€33 856 (€24 433-€40 779) and €40 621 (€31 501-€58 761) respectively, P < 0.010). CONCLUSION: Treatment-related healthcare costs increase exponentially as more complications develop among patients who undergo CRS + HIPEC for the treatment of colorectal PMs. Anastomotic leakages after CRS + HIPEC lead to an increase of 295 per cent of treatment-related healthcare costs

    Opposite Incidence Trends for Differentiated and Medullary Thyroid Cancer in Young Dutch Patients over a 30-Year Time Span (vol 13, 5104, 2021)

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    Error in Figure In the original article [1], there was a mistake in Figure 1 as published. In this figure, two years are missing (2000 and 2001). The AAPC values as previously published are correct. The corrected Figure 1 appears below. In addition, in the original article, there was a mistake in Figure 2A–C as published. In these figures, two years are missing (2000 and 2001). The AAPC values were correct and do not require adjustment. The corrected Figure 2A–C appears below. The authors apologize for any inconvenience caused and state that the scientific conclusions are unaffected. The original article has been updated. (figure presented)

    Intraoperative MET-receptor targeted fluorescent imaging and spectroscopy for lymph node detection in papillary thyroid cancer:novel diagnostic tools for more selective central lymph node compartment dissection

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    PURPOSE: Patients undergoing prophylactic central compartment dissection (PCLND) for papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) are often overtreated. This study aimed to determine if molecular fluorescence-guided imaging (MFGI) and spectroscopy can be useful for detecting PTC nodal metastases (NM) and to identify negative central compartments intraoperatively. METHODS: We used a data-driven prioritization strategy based on transcriptomic profiles of 97 primary PTCs and 80 normal thyroid tissues (NTT) to identify tumor-specific antigens for a clinically available near-infrared fluorescent tracer. Protein expression of the top prioritized antigen was immunohistochemically validated with a tissue microarray containing primary PTC (n = 741) and NTT (n = 108). Staining intensity was correlated with 10-year locoregional recurrence-free survival (LRFS). A phase 1 study (NCT03470259) with EMI-137, targeting MET, was conducted to evaluate safety, optimal dosage for detecting PTC NM with MFGI, feasibility of NM detection with quantitative fiber-optic spectroscopy, and selective binding of EMI-137 for MET. RESULTS: MET was selected as the most promising antigen. A worse LRFS was observed in patients with positive versus negative MET staining (81.9% versus 93.2%; p = 0.02). In 19 patients, no adverse events related to EMI-137 occurred. 0.13 mg/kg EMI-137 was selected as optimal dosage for differentiating NM from normal lymph nodes using MFGI (p < 0.0001) and spectroscopy (p < 0.0001). MFGI identified 5/19 levels (26.3%) without NM. EMI-137 binds selectively to MET. CONCLUSION: MET is overexpressed in PTC and associated with increased locoregional recurrence rates. Perioperative administration of EMI-137 is safe and facilitates NM detection using MFGI and spectroscopy, potentially reducing the number of negative PCLNDs with more than 25%. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT03470259

    MET-receptor targeted fluorescent imaging and spectroscopy to detect multifocal papillary thyroid cancer

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    Purpose: Multifocal disease in PTC is associated with an increased recurrence rate. Multifocal disease (MD) is underdiagnosed with the current gold standard of pre-operative ultrasound staging. Here, we evaluate the use of EMI-137 targeted molecular fluorescence-guided imaging (MFGI) and spectroscopy as a tool for the intra-operative detection of uni- and multifocal papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) aiming to improve disease staging and treatment selection. Methods: A phase-1 study (NCT03470259) with EMI-137 was conducted to evaluate the possibility of detecting PTC using MFGI and quantitative fiber-optic spectroscopy. Results: Fourteen patients underwent hemi- or total thyroidectomy (TTX) after administration of 0.09 mg/kg (n = 1), 0.13 mg/kg (n = 8), or 0.18 mg/kg (n = 5) EMI-137. Both MFGI and spectroscopy could differentiate PTC from healthy thyroid tissue after administration of EMI-137, which binds selectively to MET in PTC. 0.13 mg/kg was the lowest dosage EMI-137 that allowed for differentiation between PTC and healthy thyroid tissue. The smallest PTC focus detected by MFGI was 1.4 mm. MFGI restaged 80% of patients from unifocal to multifocal PTC compared to ultrasound. Conclusion: EMI-137-guided MFGI and spectroscopy can be used to detect multifocal PTC. This may improve disease staging and treatment selection between hemi- and total thyroidectomy by better differentiation between unifocal and multifocal disease. Trial registration: NCT03470259.</p

    Surveillance of Sentinel Node-Positive Melanoma Patients with Reasons for Exclusion from MSLT-II:Multi-Institutional Propensity Score Matched Analysis

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    BACKGROUND: In sentinel lymph node (SLN)-positive melanoma, two randomized trials demonstrated equivalent melanoma-specific survival with nodal surveillance vs completion lymph node dissection (CLND). Patients with microsatellites, extranodal extension (ENE) in the SLN, or >3 positive SLNs constitute a high-risk group largely excluded from the randomized trials, for whom appropriate management remains unknown. STUDY DESIGN: SLN-positive patients with any of the three high-risk features were identified from an international cohort. CLND patients were matched 1:1 with surveillance patients using propensity scores. Risk of any-site recurrence, SLN-basin-only recurrence, and melanoma-specific mortality were compared. RESULTS: Among 1,154 SLN-positive patients, 166 had ENE, microsatellites, and/or >3 positive SLN. At 18.5 months median follow-up, 49% had recurrence (vs 26% in patients without high-risk features, p 3 positive SLN constitute a high-risk group with a 2-fold greater recurrence risk. For those managed with nodal surveillance, SLN-basin recurrences were more frequent, but all-site recurrence and melanoma-specific mortality were comparable to patients treated with CLND. Most recurrences were outside the SLN-basin, supporting use of nodal surveillance for SLN-positive patients with microsatellites, ENE, and/ or >3 positive SLN