13 research outputs found
Pandemie COVID-19 ve vybraných ukrajinských médiích
Master's Thesis COVID-19 pandemic in selected Ukrainian media gives an overview of the Ukrainian media system with a focus on media ownership and its outcome in the end publications. By choosing three different types of ownership: privately owned media, pro- governmental media and opposition-owned media, we took a look at how the media published articles about COVID-19 at the very beginning of the pandemic. The methodological basis of this work was framing research, which is meant to uncover trends and the ways in which information about the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is presented through the analysis of headlines in the chosen online media sources. The results of the framing research revealed that the frames are indeed present in the materials of the chosen media sources at the beginning of the pandemic. The representation of the frames was discovered to be different from the initial assumptions. The main discoveries revealed how privately owned media are more prone to fearmongering and hope frames, while the politically connected media were statistically less prone to publish anything politically coloured. The results of the study highlight the importance of media responsibilities during the time of medical crisis and how the general public must be critically aware of the dangers of...Diplomová práce Pandemie COVID-19 ve vybraných ukrajinských médiích podává přehled ukrajinského mediálního systému se zaměřením na vlastnictví médií a jeho výsledky ve finálních publikacích. Výběrem tří různých typů vlastnictví: soukromá média, provládní média a média vlastněná opozicí jsme se podívali, jak média publikovala články o COVID-19 na samém začátku pandemie. Metodologickým základem této práce byl rámcový výzkum, který má odhalit trendy a způsoby prezentace informací o probíhající pandemii COVID-19 prostřednictvím analýzy titulků ve vybraných online mediálních zdrojích. Výsledky výzkumu rámcování odhalily, že rámce jsou skutečně přítomny v materiálech vybraných mediálních zdrojů na začátku pandemie. Bylo zjištěno, že reprezentace ramců se liší od původních předpokladů. Hlavní objevy odhalily, jak jsou soukromě vlastněná média náchylnější k šíření strachu a rámcům naděje, zatímco politicky propojená média byla statisticky méně náchylná publikovat cokoliv politicky zabarveného. Výsledky studie zdůrazňují důležitost mediální odpovědnosti v době lékařské krize a to, jak si široká veřejnost musí být kriticky vědoma nebezpečí dezinformací, zejména pokud jde o pandemii COVID-19.Katedra mediálních studiíDepartment of Media StudiesFaculty of Social SciencesFakulta sociálních vě
Транспарентність підприємства: від теорії до практики оцінювання (на прикладі торговельних мереж)
Introduction. In the conditions of globalisation of the world economy and informatisation of society, transparency is one of the most important factors of enterprise development. Openness of information concerning business organisation, performance of activities, implementation of innovations and social activity is a criterion for corporate management culture at the enterprise that determines its investment attractiveness and increasing market value, and creates preconditions for strengthening enterprises’ competitive positions in the market. Purpose. The purpose of the work is to identify the main elements of the enterprise transparency, substantiate methodological principles of its evaluation, conduct empirical research and test the hypothesis of the transparency impact on the main indicators of the enterprise activity. Methods. The methods of comparison, critical analysis and generalisation were used during the research, which allowed the authors to determine the essence, elemental composition and methodical principles for the evaluation of the company’s transparency. Also the methods of scoring, complex integrated assessment and correlation analysis were used to determine the level of transparency of retail networks by individual elements and study the link strength between transparency and the results of activities of trade enterprises. Results. According to the results of the research, the essence of transparency is defined as the transparency of relations between the company and its main stakeholders (owners, employees, buyers, resource providers, community, state), the content of which is disclosed through the set of characteristics of financial, legal, organisational, social anticorruption transparency. To determine the level of the enterprise transparency, a set of indicators reflecting transparency in the context of its main elements and formed based on the open data by enterprises, is substantiated. The conducted study of transparency of 25 Ukrainian retail chains made it possible to conclude that their level of openness is low (the level of transparency in general is 37.5% in aggregate). Only legal and financial aspects of the activities of enterprises among numerous types of transparency investigated are reflected in corporate websites in sufficient volume (56.6% and 54.2%, respectively). Also, we have determined formal disclosure of information concerning organisational structure of enterprises, associates and subsidiaries (36.0%), social activity (35.4%). The lowest level of openness of trade networks regarding the implementation of anticorruption programs (5.2%) is noted. According to the results of the correlation analysis, we have determined a strong dependence of profit dynamics (y1) of trading enterprises on legal (rx2y1=0.53), organisational (rx3y1=0.50) and financial (rx1y1=0.45) transparency. Also, a direct impact of legal (rx2y2=0.46), social (rx4y2=0.41) and anticorruption transparency (rx5y2=0.31) on dynamics of profitability of sales (y2) has been specified. Conclusion. Resulting from the research, transparency of the enterprise is defined as a complex characteristic, the content of which is disclosed through a set of relations between the company and its main stakeholders in the context of financial, legal, organisational, social and anticorruption openness. The authors of the article have detected a low level of transparency of retail networks in Ukraine and significant dependence of the results of their activity on the level of openness.У статті розвинуто теоретичні положення та методичні засади оцінювання транспарентності підприємства. Проаналізовано світовий досвід щодо визначення видових проявів і рівня відкритості підприємства. Обґрунтовано сукупність показників для оцінювання транспарентності підприємства за характеристиками фінансової, правової, організаційної, соціальної, антикорупційної транспарентності. Наведено результати емпіричного дослідження прозорості й відкритості діяльності торговельних мереж в Україні за підсумками якого визначено, що транспарентність торговельних підприємств є середньою як в цілому так і за окремими її видами. Спираючись на результати кореляційного аналізу встановлено сильний зв'язок між рівнем правової, організаційної, фінансової прозорості та динамікою прибутку торговельних мереж, а також прямий вплив соціальної та антикорупційної прозорості на динаміку рентабельності продажів
SWOT-аналіз інноваційної продукції з використанням харчової добавки «Магнетофуд»
The object of research is the methods of evaluating food products containing food additive «Magnetofood» considering the prospects for its introduction into production. One of the most problematic areas for the commercialization of food production technologies in the early stages of the innovation process is the complex evaluation of scientific and technological developments. In the evaluation of new food products, research is mainly carried out using qualimetric methods based on individual quality indicators, considering existing standards or specifications. However, the methods of qualimetrics evaluation of food quality do not allow to conclude on the potential of its commercialization. Thus, the evaluation of technological innovations using complex evaluation methods, including SWOT analysis, is promising.Used methods of content analysis, expert evaluation, comparative and dynamic analysis, average and relative values, integral evaluation during the research of the introducing prospects into the food industry enterprises activity the innovative products containing additive «Magnetofood». The researches results are the reasoning of a set of unit and integral indicators for SWOT analysis of innovative products containing food additive «Magnetofood». Indicators are calculated taking into account the significance and factors influence that reflect the products quality characteristics and consumers' interest in it, global trends and national peculiarities of the innovative technologies introduction into the nutrition field. Comparison of complex evaluation of the innovative products strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats to its production and implementation made it possible to conclude that there are great prospects for introduction of innovative products containing food additive «Magnetofood» into the activity of food industry enterprises.The developed system of SWOT analysis indicators provides an opportunity to carry out a complex evaluation of the prospects for the innovative technologies introduction in the food products production which will help to optimize the innovation policy of food industry enterprises.Объектом исследования являются методы оценивания пищевой продукции с использованием добавки «Магнетофуд» с учётом перспектив её внедрения в производство. Одной из наибольших проблем коммерциализации технологии производства пищевых продуктов на ранних стадиях инновационного процесса является комплексное оценивание научно-технологических разработок. При оценивании новых пищевых продуктов исследования осуществляются преимущественно с использованием методов квалиметрии по отдельным показателям качества продукции и с учётом существующих стандартов или технических условий. Однако методы квалиметрической оценки качества пищевой продукции не позволяют сделать вывод относительно потенциала её коммерциализации. Учитывая это, оценивание технологических инноваций с использованием методов комплексной оценки, в том числе SWOT-анализа, является перспективным.В ходе исследования перспектив внедрения в деятельность предприятий пищевой промышленности инновационной продукции, изготовленной с использованием добавки «Магнетофуд», использованы методы контент-анализа, экспертных оценок, сравнительного и динамического анализа, средних и относительных величин, интегральной оценки. Результатом является обоснование совокупности единичных и интегральных показателей для проведения SWOT-анализа пищевой продукции, изготовленной с использованием добавки «Магнетофуд». Показатели рассчитаны с учётом значимости и силы влияния факторов, отражающих качественные характеристики продукции и интерес к ней потребителей, мировые тенденции и национальные особенности внедрения инновационных технологий в сферу питания. Сопоставление между собой обобщенных оценок сильных и слабых сторон инновационной продукции, возможностей и угроз её производства и реализации позволило сделать вывод о больших перспективах внедрения в деятельность предприятий пищевой промышленности инновационной продукции, изготовленной с использованием добавки «Магнетофуд».Разработанная система показателей SWOT-анализа дает возможность осуществлять комплексную оценку перспектив внедрения инновационных технологий в производство пищевой продукции, что будет способствовать оптимизации инновационной политики предприятий пищевой промышленности.Об’єктом дослідження є методи оцінювання харчової продукції з використанням добавки «Магнетофуд» з огляду на перспективи її впровадження у виробництво. Однією з найбільших проблем комерціалізації технологій виробництва харчових продуктів на ранніх стадіях інноваційного процесу є комплексне оцінювання науково-технологічних розробок. Під час оцінювання нових харчових виробів дослідження здійснюються здебільшого з використанням методів кваліметрії за окремими показниками якості продуктів та з урахуванням існуючих стандартів чи технічних умов. Проте методи кваліметричної оцінки якості харчової продукції не дозволяють зробити висновок про потенціал її комерціалізації. Ураховуючи зазначене, оцінювання технологічних інновацій із застосуванням методів комплексної оцінки, зокрема SWOT-аналізу, є перспективним.У ході дослідження перспектив упровадження в діяльність підприємств харчової промисловості інноваційної продукції, виробленої з використанням добавки «Магнетофуд», використано методи контент-аналізу, експертних оцінок, порівняльного та динамічного аналізу, середніх і відносних величин, інтегральної оцінки. Результатом є обґрунтування сукупності одиничних та інтегральних показників для проведення SWOT-аналізу харчової продукції, виробленої з використанням добавки «Магнетофуд». Показники розраховано з огляду на значущість і силу впливу чинників, які відображають якісні характеристики продукції та інтерес до неї споживачів, світові тенденції та національні особливості впровадження інноваційних технологій у сферу харчування. Зіставлення між собою узагальнених оцінок сильних і слабких сторін інноваційної продукції, можливостей і загроз її виробництва та реалізації дозволило зробити висновок про великі перспективи впровадження в діяльність підприємств харчової промисловості інноваційної продукції, виробленої з використанням добавки «Магнетофуд». Розроблена система показників SWOT-аналізу дає можливість комплексно оцінити перспективи впровадження інноваційних технологій у виробництво харчової продукції, що сприятиме оптимізації інноваційної політики підприємств харчової промисловості
Особливості ринку та економічного стану підприємств косметичної галузі у контексті реформування нормативно-правової бази та гармонізаціїї до вимог регламенту Євросоюзу
There is a certain dissonance between the rate of increase in demand, for an expanded range of perfumery and cosmetic goods, and the slow development of regulatory and legal regulation of their production and safety.
During the research, it was established that the inertia of state bodies regarding the approval of laws has a significant impact on the economic development of industry enterprises. Problems in methods for determining substances have been identified; ambiguity of the legislative framework regarding the legal liability of producers for falsification, use of non-regulated components, labeling requirements.
To solve the problem, a critical analysis of the regulatory impact of the regulatory framework, in time, on the economic condition and competitiveness of industry products was carried out. The legislative requirements put forward in Ukraine, EU countries, Canada, America, China on control of production and testing of cosmetics on animals have been analyzed. As a result of the research, four stages of reforming regulatory regulation by the state and bringing the legislative framework of the industry in line with European requirements have been identified and substantiated. New categories introduced into the regulatory framework have been identified and the prospects for exporting goods produced within the framework of the new regulatory framework are shown.
Based on the results of the research, identical and different requirements of the Ukrainian and European regulations for cosmetic products, for packaging, labeling, methods for studying stability, physical and chemical indicators, sampling procedure for expert evaluation were established.
It is shown that the introduced changes meet the requirements of European standards and could increase the competitiveness and investment potential of domestic enterprises of the cosmetic industryВиявлено певний дисонанс між темпами підвищення попиту, на розширений асортимент парфюмерно-косметичних товарів, та повільним розвитком нормативно-правового регулювання їх виробництва і безпечності.
При проведенні досліджень встановлено, що значний вплив на економічний розвиток підприємств галузі чинить інертність державних органів щодо затвердження законів. Виявлено проблеми у методах визначення речовин; неоднозначність законодавчої бази щодо юридичної відповідальності виробників за фальсифікацію, використання не регламентованих складових, вимог до маркування.
Для рішення проблеми, проведено критичний аналіз регуляторного впливу нормативно-законодавчої бази, у часі, на економічний стан та конкурентоспроможність продукції галузі. Розібрано законодавчі вимоги, що висуваються в Україні, країнах ЄС, Канаді, Америці, Китаї щодо контролю виробництва та тестування на тваринах косметики. У результаті досліджень визначено та обґрунтовано чотири етапи проведення реформування нормативно-правового регулювання зі сторони держави і приведення законодавчої бази галузі у відповідність до Європейських вимог. Виявлено нові категорії, що введені до нормативно-законодавчої бази та показано перспективи експорту товарів, вироблених у рамках нового нормативно-правового поля.
За результатами досліджень встановлено ідентичні та відмінні вимоги Українського і Європейського регламенту на косметичну продукцію, щодо пакування, маркування, методів дослідження стабільності, фізико-хімічних показників, порядку відбору проб для експертної оцінки.
Показано, що запроваджені зміни відповідають вимогам Європейських стандартів і дозволять підвищити конкурентоспроможність та інвестиційний потенціал вітчизняних підприємств косметичної галуз
COVID-19 pandemic in selected Ukrainian media
Master's Thesis COVID-19 pandemic in selected Ukrainian media gives an overview of the Ukrainian media system with a focus on media ownership and its outcome in the end publications. By choosing three different types of ownership: privately owned media, pro- governmental media and opposition-owned media, we took a look at how the media published articles about COVID-19 at the very beginning of the pandemic. The methodological basis of this work was framing research, which is meant to uncover trends and the ways in which information about the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is presented through the analysis of headlines in the chosen online media sources. The results of the framing research revealed that the frames are indeed present in the materials of the chosen media sources at the beginning of the pandemic. The representation of the frames was discovered to be different from the initial assumptions. The main discoveries revealed how privately owned media are more prone to fearmongering and hope frames, while the politically connected media were statistically less prone to publish anything politically coloured. The results of the study highlight the importance of media responsibilities during the time of medical crisis and how the general public must be critically aware of the dangers of..
Digitization of the Agricultural Sector: The Impact of ICT on the Development of Enterprises in Ukraine
Purpose. The purpose of the research paper is determining the effect of information and communication technologies (ICTs) on the agricultural enterprises performance in Ukraine by studying the dependence of the performance of agricultural enterprises on the activity of their digital solutions implementation. Methodology / approach. The effect of ICTs on the performance of agricultural enterprises is studied using the methods of average and relative values, dynamic analysis – in determining the trends in the development of enterprises of the ICT segment and the activity of implementation of digital solutions by agricultural enterprises in their practice; correlation analysis – in studying the dependence of the performance of agricultural enterprises on the activity of digital solutions implementation. Results. The dependence of the performance of agricultural enterprises on the activity of their implementation of digital solutions is determined. A direct link between the volume of activities of enterprises operating in the ICT segment and the investments of agricultural enterprises in software is established. It has been determined that the activity of agricultural enterprises in terms of investments in software has a positive effect on their activities results, causing an increase in the volume of sold products, added value and labour productivity. A direct but weak effect of software investments on the cost efficiency of current and environmental activities has been diagnosed. A feedback relationship has been established between the investments made by agricultural enterprises in the acquisition of software and the profitability of their operating activities, which is increasing with taking into account the time lag. Originality / scientific novelty. The article provides empirical evidence of the dependence of agricultural enterprises activity indices on ICT segment enterprises development. The dependence of the results of agricultural enterprises activity on the activity of their digital solutions implementation was investigated with and without taking into account the time lag. The scientific and methodological foundations for assessing the impact of ICT on the performance of enterprises have been improved, in particular by allocating indicators for this assessment by stages of research. Practical value / significance. The results of the study can be used in the decision-making process regarding the digital transformation of agricultural enterprises through the implementation of ICT
The Formation of a System of Indicators of Problem Monitoring of the Financial Results of Trade Enterprise
The article is aimed at defining theoretical foundations and developing scientific-methodical and practical recommendations on substantiation of target values of indicators of financial results for organization of problem monitoring at trade enterprises. It has been determined that the tasks of problem monitoring of financial results depend on the certain stage of the life cycle of enterprise. Its staying at the stages of development, formation or recession requires differentiation of both management goals and target values of financial results. Taking into consideration the coherence of determination of financial results, it has been proved that the main object of problem monitoring is the indicator of net financial result. In order to ensure the break-even activity of a trade enterprise, the target setting for the formation of its net financial result is to achieve zero value; to maintain the rate of growth and profitability of equity capital – a financial result, calculated according to the maximum profitability of equity for the enterprise; to maximize the financial result and ensure the profitability of equity at the level of enterprises-competitors – the financial result, taking into account the maximum profitability of equity based on the data obtained from the benchmarking analysis
Digitalization of the agricultural sector: the impact of ICT on the development of enterprises in Ukraine
Purpose. The purpose of the research paper is determining the effect of information and communication technologies (ICTs) on the agricultural enterprises performance in Ukraine by studying the dependence of the performance of agricultural enterprises on the activity of their digital solutions implementation. Methodology / approach. The effect of ICTs on the performance of agricultural enterprises is studied using the methods of average and relative values, dynamic analysis – in determining the trends in the development of enterprises of the ICT segment and the activity of implementation of digital solutions by agricultural enterprises in their practice; correlation analysis – in studying the dependence of the performance of agricultural enterprises on the activity of digital solutions implementation. Results. The dependence of the performance of agricultural enterprises on the activity of their implementation of digital solutions is determined. A direct link between the volume of activities of enterprises operating in the ICT segment and the investments of agricultural enterprises in software is established. It has been determined that the activity of agricultural enterprises in terms of investments in software has a positive effect on their activities results, causing an increase in the volume of sold products, added value and labour productivity. A direct but weak effect of software investments on the cost efficiency of current and environmental activities has been diagnosed. A feedback relationship has been established between the investments made by agricultural enterprises in the acquisition of software and the profitability of their operating activities, which is increasing with taking into account the time lag. Originality / scientific novelty. The article provides empirical evidence of the dependence of agricultural enterprises activity indices on ICT segment enterprises development. The dependence of the results of agricultural enterprises activity on the activity of their digital solutions implementation was investigated with and without taking into account the time lag. The scientific and methodological foundations for assessing the impact of ICT on the performance of enterprises have been improved, in particular by allocating indicators for this assessment by stages of research. Practical value / significance. The results of the study can be used in the decision-making process regarding the digital transformation of agricultural enterprises through the implementation of ICT
Digitalization of the agricultural sector: the impact of ICT on the development of enterprises in Ukraine
Purpose. The purpose of the research paper is determining the effect of information and communication technologies (ICTs) on the agricultural enterprises performance in Ukraine by studying the dependence of the performance of agricultural enterprises on the activity of their digital solutions implementation. Methodology / approach. The effect of ICTs on the performance of agricultural enterprises is studied using the methods of average and relative values, dynamic analysis – in determining the trends in the development of enterprises of the ICT segment and the activity of implementation of digital solutions by agricultural enterprises in their practice; correlation analysis – in studying the dependence of the performance of agricultural enterprises on the activity of digital solutions implementation. Results. The dependence of the performance of agricultural enterprises on the activity of their implementation of digital solutions is determined. A direct link between the volume of activities of enterprises operating in the ICT segment and the investments of agricultural enterprises in software is established. It has been determined that the activity of agricultural enterprises in terms of investments in software has a positive effect on their activities results, causing an increase in the volume of sold products, added value and labour productivity. A direct but weak effect of software investments on the cost efficiency of current and environmental activities has been diagnosed. A feedback relationship has been established between the investments made by agricultural enterprises in the acquisition of software and the profitability of their operating activities, which is increasing with taking into account the time lag. Originality / scientific novelty. The article provides empirical evidence of the dependence of agricultural enterprises activity indices on ICT segment enterprises development. The dependence of the results of agricultural enterprises activity on the activity of their digital solutions implementation was investigated with and without taking into account the time lag. The scientific and methodological foundations for assessing the impact of ICT on the performance of enterprises have been improved, in particular by allocating indicators for this assessment by stages of research. Practical value / significance. The results of the study can be used in the decision-making process regarding the digital transformation of agricultural enterprises through the implementation of ICT
Digitization of the Agricultural Sector: The Impact of ICT on the Development of Enterprises in Ukraine
Purpose. The purpose of the research paper is determining the effect of information and communication technologies (ICTs) on the agricultural enterprises performance in Ukraine by studying the dependence of the performance of agricultural enterprises on the activity of their digital solutions implementation. Methodology / approach. The effect of ICTs on the performance of agricultural enterprises is studied using the methods of average and relative values, dynamic analysis – in determining the trends in the development of enterprises of the ICT segment and the activity of implementation of digital solutions by agricultural enterprises in their practice; correlation analysis – in studying the dependence of the performance of agricultural enterprises on the activity of digital solutions implementation. Results. The dependence of the performance of agricultural enterprises on the activity of their implementation of digital solutions is determined. A direct link between the volume of activities of enterprises operating in the ICT segment and the investments of agricultural enterprises in software is established. It has been determined that the activity of agricultural enterprises in terms of investments in software has a positive effect on their activities results, causing an increase in the volume of sold products, added value and labour productivity. A direct but weak effect of software investments on the cost efficiency of current and environmental activities has been diagnosed. A feedback relationship has been established between the investments made by agricultural enterprises in the acquisition of software and the profitability of their operating activities, which is increasing with taking into account the time lag. Originality / scientific novelty. The article provides empirical evidence of the dependence of agricultural enterprises activity indices on ICT segment enterprises development. The dependence of the results of agricultural enterprises activity on the activity of their digital solutions implementation was investigated with and without taking into account the time lag. The scientific and methodological foundations for assessing the impact of ICT on the performance of enterprises have been improved, in particular by allocating indicators for this assessment by stages of research. Practical value / significance. The results of the study can be used in the decision-making process regarding the digital transformation of agricultural enterprises through the implementation of ICT