30 research outputs found

    Utjecaji i izazovi CSI efekta - hrvatski primjer

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    In the Republic of Croatia, the impact of ‘CSI’ series on the judicial system (the so-called CSI effect) has not been investigated so far up to now. The aim of this study was to examine the impact of the CSI effect on the operation of the judical system in the Republic of Croatia. An online survey among 104 lawyers was conducted. The results were the following: respondents believe that crime TV series did not influence the way investigations are conducted, their behaviour, court decisions and the way they communicate with the public. They feel that public expectations have changed in part due to crime TV series, but they also think that they have not influenced their behaviour or the decision-making of the courts. They also believe that crime TV series have partly influenced criminal behaviour and state that such series also partially simplify the ways in which the police conduct investigations. Regarding the way of understanding the operation of the judicial system, the respondents believe that crime TV series make it difficult to understand the Croatian legal system and do not accurately portray court proceedings. Respondents stated that crime TV series do not accurately show the availability and value of clues collected at the crime scene. We can conclude that the general attitude of the respondents is that crime TV series have no influence on themselves or the courts, but they believe that such series still leave a mark on the public which, under their influence, creates a misperception about the way the legal system works and functions.U Republici Hrvatskoj utjecaj CSI serija na pravosudni sustav (tzv. CSI efekt) do sada nije istraživan. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj CSI efekta na rad odvjetničkog sustava u Republici Hrvatskoj. U istraživanju je primijenjena online anketa na koju su odgovorila 104 odvjetnika. Pokazalo se sljedeće: ispitanici smatraju kako kriminalističke televizijske serije nisu utjecale na način provođenja istraga, njihovo ponašanje, odlučivanje sudova te način na koji oni komuniciraju s javnošću. Smatraju kako su se očekivanja javnosti dijelom promijenila uslijed kriminalističkih TV serija, ali također misle da ona nisu utjecala na njihovo ponašanje kao i na odlučivanje sudova. Također, smatraju kako su kriminalističke TV serije djelomično utjecale na kriminalna ponašanja te navode kako takve serije, isto tako, djelomično pojednostavnjuju načine na koje policija provodi istrage. Što se tiče načina shvaćanja rada pravosudnog sustava, ispitanici smatraju kako kriminalističke TV serije otežavaju shvaćanje hrvatskog pravnog sustava te ne prikazuju precizno sudske procese. Ispitanici su naveli kako kriminalističke televizijske serije ne prikazuju točno dostupnost i vrijednost tragova prikupljenih na mjestu događaja. Možemo zaključiti kako je općeniti stav ispitanika da kriminalističke TV serije nemaju utjecaj na njih same kao ni na sudove - ali su mišljenja kako takve serije ipak ostavljaju trag na javnosti koja pod njihovim utjecajem stvara pogrešnu percepciju o načinu rada i funkcioniranju pravnog sustava

    Utjecaji i izazovi CSI efekta - hrvatski primjer

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    In the Republic of Croatia, the impact of ‘CSI’ series on the judicial system (the so-called CSI effect) has not been investigated so far up to now. The aim of this study was to examine the impact of the CSI effect on the operation of the judical system in the Republic of Croatia. An online survey among 104 lawyers was conducted. The results were the following: respondents believe that crime TV series did not influence the way investigations are conducted, their behaviour, court decisions and the way they communicate with the public. They feel that public expectations have changed in part due to crime TV series, but they also think that they have not influenced their behaviour or the decision-making of the courts. They also believe that crime TV series have partly influenced criminal behaviour and state that such series also partially simplify the ways in which the police conduct investigations. Regarding the way of understanding the operation of the judicial system, the respondents believe that crime TV series make it difficult to understand the Croatian legal system and do not accurately portray court proceedings. Respondents stated that crime TV series do not accurately show the availability and value of clues collected at the crime scene. We can conclude that the general attitude of the respondents is that crime TV series have no influence on themselves or the courts, but they believe that such series still leave a mark on the public which, under their influence, creates a misperception about the way the legal system works and functions.U Republici Hrvatskoj utjecaj CSI serija na pravosudni sustav (tzv. CSI efekt) do sada nije istraživan. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj CSI efekta na rad odvjetničkog sustava u Republici Hrvatskoj. U istraživanju je primijenjena online anketa na koju su odgovorila 104 odvjetnika. Pokazalo se sljedeće: ispitanici smatraju kako kriminalističke televizijske serije nisu utjecale na način provođenja istraga, njihovo ponašanje, odlučivanje sudova te način na koji oni komuniciraju s javnošću. Smatraju kako su se očekivanja javnosti dijelom promijenila uslijed kriminalističkih TV serija, ali također misle da ona nisu utjecala na njihovo ponašanje kao i na odlučivanje sudova. Također, smatraju kako su kriminalističke TV serije djelomično utjecale na kriminalna ponašanja te navode kako takve serije, isto tako, djelomično pojednostavnjuju načine na koje policija provodi istrage. Što se tiče načina shvaćanja rada pravosudnog sustava, ispitanici smatraju kako kriminalističke TV serije otežavaju shvaćanje hrvatskog pravnog sustava te ne prikazuju precizno sudske procese. Ispitanici su naveli kako kriminalističke televizijske serije ne prikazuju točno dostupnost i vrijednost tragova prikupljenih na mjestu događaja. Možemo zaključiti kako je općeniti stav ispitanika da kriminalističke TV serije nemaju utjecaj na njih same kao ni na sudove - ali su mišljenja kako takve serije ipak ostavljaju trag na javnosti koja pod njihovim utjecajem stvara pogrešnu percepciju o načinu rada i funkcioniranju pravnog sustava

    Forensic investigation of a mass grave at Ovčara, near Vukovar, of victims killed by the Serbian army in 1991

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    Objective: To evaluate the contribution of forensic research to the discovery and analysis of mass graves of victims of the Yugoslav People’s Army and Serbian paramilitaries at Ovčara, near Vukovar, and to the identification of exhumed victims as missing persons who were forcibly removed from Vukovar Hospital on 20 November 1991. Methods: We analysed official international documentation and transcripts from the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. Data on causes of death and injury classifications were derived from autopsy reports and their interpretation by a forensic specialist. Identification of individuals was based on a report by a representative of the Commission on Detainees and Missing Persons. Results: Scientific and expert evidence from forensic research of the Ovčara mass grave shows that 198 male and 2 female bodies (one of a pregnant woman) in civilian clothes were exhumated from the site, with an average age of 32.5 years, including 3 minors. The determined manner of death for all 200 exhumed bodies was homicide, and the cause of death for 95% of the victims was a gunshot wound to a vital part of the body, in 67% of cases to the head. Traces of medical treatment and hospital workwear were found on 53% of the victims. 96% of the bodies were positively identified, 46.5% using classical forensic methods, and 49.5% by DNA analysis. Most of the victims were Croatian nationals of the Catholic faith. Conclusion: Forensic analysis and identification confirmed that the war crime victims exhumed from the Ovčara mass grave were listed as missing persons who disappeared from Vukovar Hospital. Their murder was used as relevant evidence of planned ethnic cleansing in court

    Projekt „Tragovi prošlosti vidljivi u sadašnjosti”, Ekonomska škola Mije Mirkovića Rijeka

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    The Utilization of Frontal Sinuses in Forensics

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    Sažetak Individualizacija osoba i ljudskih ostataka jedan je od izazova s kojim se susreću forenzičari u svome radu u slučajevima poput masovnih katastrofa, požara i masovnih grobnica. Frontalni se sinusi pojavljuju kod većine ljudi te su kod svake osobe individualnog oblika i dimenzija. Koriste se za individualizaciju osoba kada nisu prisutni crteži papilarnih linija te kada DNK analiza nije moguća. U praksi se frontalni sinusi rabe za individualizaciju osoba od 20-ih godina 20. stoljeća. Određivanje spola prvi je korak u stvaranju biološkog profila ljudskih ostataka. U dosadašnjim istraživanjima spolnog dimorfizma frontalnih sinusa postotak pouzdanosti procjene spola iznosio je od 60 % do 85 %. Razlike u rezultatima autori objašnjavaju korištenjem različitih radioloških metoda kojima su napravljene snimke, veličinom uzorka te populacijskom specifičnošću. Za potrebe individualizacije osoba razvijeni su brojni kodni sustavi za klasifikaciju oblika i dimenzija frontalnih sinusa koji su u stvarnim slučajevima omogućili pozitivnu individualizaciju posmrtnih ostataka. Kodni sustavi polaze od ideje da će kombinacija koda biti jedinstvena ili dovoljno rijetka unutar promatrane populacije. Unatoč nedostacima, kodni sustavi klasifikacije frontalnih sinusa predstavljaju dobru pomoćnu metodu prilikom individualizacije osoba. Nijedno istraživanje proučavanjem populacijske specifičnosti te spolnoga dimorfizma frontalnih sinusa nije napravljeno na području Republike Hrvatske.Individualization of persons and human remains is one of the most common challenges forensic experts encounter during their work with cases such as mass disasters, fires and mass graves. Frontal sinuses are an anatomical structure with unique shape and dimensions that appears in almost the whole human population. They are used for personal identification when the fingerprints are not present and when the DNA analysis is impossible or financially unsuitable and time-consuming. Frontal sinuses have been in use as a mean of individualization since 1920\u27s. Sex determination is a first step in a process of biological profiling of human remains. Studies of sexual dimorphism of frontal sinuses resultet with the percentage of reliability of sex estimation ranging from 60% to 85%. The authors explain the differences in the results by using different radiological methods for recording, sample size and population specificity. For the purposes of individualization, a number of coding systems have been developed for the classification of the shape and dimensions of the frontal sinuses, which have provided a positive individualization of mortal remains in real cases. Coding systems are based on the idea that the code combination will be unique or rare enough within the observed population. Despite the disadvantages, coding systems for frontal sinus classification are a good auxiliary method when individualizing individuals. No research on the population\u27s specificity and the sexual dimorphism of the frontal sinuses was done on the territory of the Republic of Croatia

    Sex estimation by the patterns of lip impressions (cheiloscopy) – an analysis of a Croatian sample and a scoping review

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    Aim: To determine whether there is sexual dimorphism of lip prints’ morphological features in the Croatian population and to provide a scoping review for the accuracy of sex estimation on lip prints. Methods: The study on the Croatian population included 88 male and 88 female (median age 25, range 18 - 50) participants. Lip prints were analyzed by quadrant, and then the predominant pattern on the entire lip was observed. A systematic search of the relevant bibliographical databases was conducted, including Medline, Scopus, Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC), and Cinahl (October 23rd, 2020). OpenGrey, Open Science Framework, and Science.gov databases were searched for grey literature. Findings were reported in the narrative form in accordance with the PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) checklist. A total of 80 studies were included. Results: The study of sexual dimorphism of lip prints in the Croatian population showed that there were no statistically significant differences between males and females; and when all quadrants were considered together (χ2 = 3.625, P = 0.459), sex could be estimated for only 55.7% of persons. Twenty-nine studies (36.3%) did not find differences between males and females, and 34 (42.5%) found sexual dimorphism only in some of the lip parts and some quadrants. The assessment of examined studies showed that only six studies met all quality criteria. Conclusion: There is no forensically significant sexual dimorphism in lip prints in the Croatian population. The scoping review showed that sex estimation using lip prints should not be used as evidence in court as the present methodology is not reliable and the potential rate of error is unknown

    Age Estimation in Forensic Examination of Child Pornography

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    Procjena dobi kod vještačenja dječje pornografije Sažetak Dječja pornografija kao pojava u društvu prisutna je od antičkih vremena, ali se razvojem računalne tehnologije i zahvaljujući sve većoj dostupnosti interneta njena fenomenologija promijenila što je uzrokovalo drastičan porast njene dostupnosti ali i kaznenih djela koja se čine u vezi s dječjom pornografijom. Međunarodnim i zakonodavnim naporima dječja pornografija definirana je te se provode različite mjere s ciljem prevencije i suzbijanja ove pojave te sankcioniranja počinitelja. U sudskim postupcima vezanim uz dječju pornografiju važnu ulogu imaju sudski vještaci koji radi zakonskih propisa trebaju procijeniti dob osoba prikazanih u spornim materijalima. U ovome radu opisana je bitna terminologija, relevantni međunarodni dokumenti i nacionalno zakonodavstvo, dostupni statistički podaci, trenutačno korištena metoda vještačenja pornografskog materijala kao i put prema novoj metodi vještačenja procjene dobi korištenjem mjera ljudskih lica, temeljenoj na fotoantropometriji. Na kraju rada opisane su smjernice za buduća istraživanja iz ovog područja pomoću kojih bi se nova metoda vještačenja mogla dalje razvijati i potencijalno rabiti u svrhe vještačenja.Child pornography as a social phenomenon has been present since Antiquity. With the development of computer technology and the increasing availability of the Internet, its phenomenology has changed, resulting in a drastic increase in its availability as well as criminal offenses related to child pornography. The international and legislative efforts were undertaken to define child pornography and various measures are being implemented to prevent and eradicate this phenomenon as well as to sanction the perpetrators. In court proceedings related to child pornography, witness experts have an important role of assessing the age of the persons depicted in the pornographic materials. This paper describes essential terminology, relevant international documents and national legislation, available statistical data, the age estimation method currently used in court proceedings, and the process of development of the new method of age estimation based on photo anthropometry. This paper also recommends guidelines for future researches that would further develop this method and potentially make it applicable in court proceedings

    Detekcija tragova krvi Combur3-testom® nakon tretiranja sredstvima za čišćenje

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    U radu se istraživala djelotvornost preliminarnog testa za krv Combur3-test® E traka u otkrivanju tragova krvi na bijeloj pamučnoj tkanini. Za potrebe istraživanja napravljena su tri seta testova. Prvi set testova nije sadržavao krv već je nakon tretiranja tkanine vodom i sredstvima za čišćenje testiran Combur3-test® E trakicama. U drugom je setu testova ispitana svježa krv na tkanini, dok je u trećem ispitana sasušena krv, obje nakon ispiranja vodom i sredstvima za čišćenje. Combur3-test® pokazao je pozitivne rezultate sa svježom krvi u svim ispitivanim slučajevima (6/6). U testu sa sasušenom krvi koja je tretirana deterdžentom i izbjeljivačem test je bio negativan u dva od šest ispitivanih slučajeva (2/6). Stoga je prilikom uporabe Combur3-test® E traka potreban oprez kad se sumnja na pokušaj uklanjanja tragova krvi čišćenjem ili pranjem uobičajenim sredstvima u domaćinstvu

    Tourist\u27s Perception of Safety in the Republic of Croatia in 2019

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    This research has examined the attitudes and perceptions of tourists that visited the Republic of Croatia (RH) during the summer of 2019 about the perception of safety in RH, especially on general security, as well as food safety, personal safety, epidemic safety, and natural disasters. Also, we have examined the confidence in Croatian services, such as the police, rescue services, medical emergency, etc. Almost all the safety components were above 4, which indicates that the tourists in Croatia feel safe and trust the services. This research could be a significant tool for improving the policies for attracting the tourists during and after the pandemic

    Detekcija tragova krvi Combur3-testom® nakon tretiranja sredstvima za čišćenje

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    U radu se istraživala djelotvornost preliminarnog testa za krv Combur3-test® E traka u otkrivanju tragova krvi na bijeloj pamučnoj tkanini. Za potrebe istraživanja napravljena su tri seta testova. Prvi set testova nije sadržavao krv već je nakon tretiranja tkanine vodom i sredstvima za čišćenje testiran Combur3-test® E trakicama. U drugom je setu testova ispitana svježa krv na tkanini, dok je u trećem ispitana sasušena krv, obje nakon ispiranja vodom i sredstvima za čišćenje. Combur3-test® pokazao je pozitivne rezultate sa svježom krvi u svim ispitivanim slučajevima (6/6). U testu sa sasušenom krvi koja je tretirana deterdžentom i izbjeljivačem test je bio negativan u dva od šest ispitivanih slučajeva (2/6). Stoga je prilikom uporabe Combur3-test® E traka potreban oprez kad se sumnja na pokušaj uklanjanja tragova krvi čišćenjem ili pranjem uobičajenim sredstvima u domaćinstvu