30 research outputs found

    Proizvodnja tvrdog kozjeg sira i sirutke od organskog kozjeg mlijeka

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    Technology of hard goat cheese and whey production from organic goat’s milk is very complex and must be harmonized with the methods and guidelines of organic production. The organic goat cheeses are declared as products of higher quality, with greater or added value, and to achieve this, all technological parameters of production must be controlled and adapted to the desired type of cheese. In this study chemical analyses of the composition of organic and conventional goat’s milk, cheese and whey were performed. Cheese fatty acids profile was determined by gas chromatograph (GC) with FID detector, while for detection of amino acids was used HPLC method with fluorescence detection. Data obtained in the study were analyzed using Statistica 9.0 software package and significant differences were determined using t-test. Based on the results, organic milk was statistically significantly higher in all components, except in ash and sodium (p<0.05, p<0.01). Contrary, cheeses (aged 4 days) did not show significant differences (p<0.05, p<0.01), except for dry matter and lactose. During ripening of organic cheese the contents of threonine, tyrosine, valine and isoleucine decreased, whereas methionine, phenylalanine and lysine, showed a tendency to increase. Saturated fatty acids were mainly represented with myristic, palmitic and stearic acids while oleic acid was dominant as unsaturated FA. Organic whey samples contained significantly more protein (1.43 % versus 0.52 %, p<0.05, p<0.01). The application of organic standards of manufacture and control of all technological parameters in the production of organic hard goat cheese and whey resulted in obtaining a high-quality products.Proizvodnja tvrdih kozjih sireva i sirutke iz organskog kozjeg mlijeka vrlo je kompleksna i mora biti usklađena s metodama i propisima organske proizvodnje. Organski tvrdi kozji sirevi deklariraju se kao proizvodi visoke kvalitete, s većom ili dodanom vrijednošću, a da bi se to postiglo svi tehnološki parametri proizvodnje moraju biti kontrolirani i prilagođeni tipu željenog sira. U ovom ispitivanju izvršene su kemijske analize sastava organskog i konvencionalnog kozjeg mlijeka, sira i sirutke. Profil masnih kiselina bio je određen plinskom kromatografijom s FID detektorom, dok je za identifikaciju aminokiselina korištena HPLC metoda s fluorescentnim detektorom. Podatci dobiveni u istraživanju bili su analizirani primjenom Statistica 9.0 paketa a signifikantne razlike određene su upotrebom t-testa. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata organsko mlijeko bilo je značajno bogatije svim sastojcima, osim u sadržaju pepela i natrija (p<0,05, p<0,01). Suprotno, sirevi (stari 4 dana) nisu pokazali statistički značajne razlike, s izuzetkom udjela suhe tvari i laktoze (p<0,05, p<0,01). Tijekom zrenja organskih sireva udjel treonina, tirozina, valina i izoleucina se smanjivao dok su metionin, fenilalanin i lizin pokazivali tendenciju porasta. U pogledu sadržaja zasićenih masnih kiselina u siru više su bile zastupljene miristinska, palmitinska i stearinska, dok je od nezasićenih masnih kiselina dominirala oleinska. Uzorci organske sirutke sadržavali su više proteina (1,43 % prema 0,52 %, p<0,05, p<0,01). Primjena organskih standarda proizvodnje i kontrola svih tehnoloških parametara u proizvodnji organskih tvrdih kozjih sireva i sirutke rezultirali su dobivanjem visoko kvalitetnih proizvoda

    Aflatoksin M1 u sirovom mlijeku u regiji Vojvodine

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    Aflatoxin М1 was in the spotlight of public attention in Serbia and in the region in 2013 due to high level of this mycotoxin found in milk and milk products. Maximum allowed concentration of aflatoxin M1 in milk by EU regulation is 50 ng/kg, while in the Republic of Serbia, allowed concentration by the current regulation is 250 ng/kg. During seven months period, from May to November, samples of raw milk were being taken from six farms, with 60 to 330 cows, from the region of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, the Republic of Serbia, for the purpose of monitoring the occurrence of aflatoxin M1 in milk and its variation during this period. The highest level of 39.8 ng/kg was found in November, while the mean value for the whole period was 7.9 ng/kg. None of the samples had higher level of this mycotoxin than allowed by EU regulation or by current legislation of the Republic of Serbia. The second group of samples included a total of 38 samples of raw milk, from the period of October and November, were taken from different producers from the region of Vojvodina and analyzed on the occurrence of aflatoxin M1. In this group of samples, the occurrence of aflatoxin M1 was much higher, with the average value of 230 ng/kg. The highest found value was 864 ng/kg. In 13 samples, the aflatoxin M1 content was higher than the allowed by the legislation of the Republic of Serbia, while in 24 (63.2 %) samples determined concentration exceeded the value allowed by EU regulation. Data from this work suggest huge differences in the occurrence of aflatoxin M1 in milk between the producers in this region. Regular monitoring is necessary to avoid situation with the elevated level of aflatoxin M1 in milk. This measure will protect both the consumers and the producers of milk and milk product.Aflatoksin M1 je bio u središtu pozornosti javnosti u Srbiji ali i u regiji u 2013. godini, zbog visoke razine u mlijeku i mliječnim proizvodima. Najveća je dopuštena koncentracija aflatoksina M1 u mlijeku po propisu EU 50 ng/kg, dok je u Republici Srbiji dopuštena koncentracija prema važećem propisu 250 ng/kg. Uzorci sirovog mlijeka prikupljani su sa šest gospodarstava, sa 60 do 330 krava, s područja Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine, Republike Srbije, kontinuirano tijekom sedam mjeseci razdoblja (od svibnja do studenog), u svrhu praćenja pojave aflatoksina M1 u mlijeku i njegova promjena u tom razdoblju. Najviša razina 39,82 ng/kg pronađena je u studenome, dok je srednja vrijednost za cijelo razdoblje bila 7,94 ng/kg. Nijedan od svih uzoraka nije imao višu razinu ovog mikotoksina od razine dopuštene propisom EU ili važećem propisu Republike Srbije. Druga skupina uzoraka, ukupno 38 uzoraka sirovog mlijeka, iz razdoblja listopad/ studeni, uzeto je od različitih proizvođača iz regije Vojvodine i analizirano na pojavu aflatoksina M1. U ovoj skupini uzoraka pojava aflatoksina M1 bila je znatno veća, s prosječnom vrijednošću od 230 ng/kg i najvišom utvrđenom od 864 ng/kg. U 13 (34,27 %) uzoraka utvrđena je koncentracija aflatoksina M1 veća od dopuštene po zakonodavstvu Republike Srbije, dok su u 24 (63,16%) uzorka utvrđene koncentracije prelazile vrijednosti dopuštene propisom EU. Podaci ovog rada ukazuju na velike razlike u pojavi aflatoksina M1 u mlijeku između proizvođača u ovoj regiji. Redovito praćenje je potrebno da bi se izbjegle situacije s povišenom razinom aflatoksina M1 u mlijeku, te da se zaštite i potrošači i proizvođači mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda

    The use of the two different mycotoxin deactivators in the nutrition of dairy cows

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    Ovo istraživanje je provedeno kako bi se ispitao učinak dva različita komercijalna proizvoda za deaktivaciju mikotoksina u hranidbi mliječnih krava. Istraživanje je provedeno na 18 mliječnih krava u različitoj fazi laktacije, s prosječnom proizvodnjom od 14 L mlijeka dnevno. Hranidba krava sastojala se od 8 kg koncentrata hrane, 10 kg smjese graška i pšenice, 4 kg sijena lucerne i slame žitarica davane ad libitum. Prije početka provedbe istraživanja, sve komponente obroka analizirane su na prisutnost aflatoksina B1, a mlijeko je ispitano na prisutnost aflatoksina M1. U prvoj fazi pokusa krave su hranjene krmom koja je sadržavala aflatoksin B1 u koncentraciji od 5±0,9 µg/kg, što je rezultiralo koncentracijom aflatoksina M1 od 181±3,5 ng/kg u mlijeku. U drugoj fazi pokusa u krmni obrok je dodano 0,5 % komercijalnog proizvoda 1 (Neozel®) te je nakon razdoblja adaptacije određivana koncentracija aflatoksina M1 u mlijeku. U trećoj fazi pokusa u krmnu smjesu je dodano 0,3 % komercijalnog proizvoda 2 (miko-Stop®) te je također nakon razdoblja adaptacije određivana koncentracija aflatoksina M1 u mlijeku. Posljednja faza bila je kontrolna faza u kojoj su krave hranjene krmivom koje je sadržavalo aflatoksin B1 (5 µg/kg) bez dodanih deaktivatora mikotoksina. Korištenje oba komercijalna proizvoda tijekom deset dana rezultiralo je smanjenjem koncentracije aflatoksina M1 za 35,9 %, odnosno 53,6 %.The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of two different commercial products for mycotoxin deactivation in the dairy cows’ nutrition. The research was done on the 18 dairy cows in the different phase of lactation, with the average production of 14 L of milk per day. The diet contained in average 8 kg of concentrate feed, 10 kg of mixed peas and wheat forage, 4 kg hay of alfalfa and cereal straw ad libitum. Before starting the trials all components of the cows’ ration were analysed for the presence of aflatoxin B1, while cow’s milk was analysed for the presence of aflatoxin M1. In the first phase of the trial cows were fed diet containing aflatoxin B1 at level of 5±0.9 µg/kg, which resulted in the average aflatoxin M1concentration of 181±3.5 ng/kg in the milk. In the second phase of the trail 0.5% of the commercial product 1 (Neozel®) was added into the feed ration of cows and after the period of adaptation, the aflatoxin M1 concentration in milk was measured. In the third phase of the trail 0.3% of the commercial product 2 (miko-Stop 0.3®) was added into the feed ration of cows and also, after the period of adaptation, the concentration of aflatoxin M1 in milk was measured. The last phase was the control phase in which cows were fed diets with aflatoxin B1 (5 µg/kg) without added mycotoxin deactivators. The use of both commercial products for ten days resulted in the reduction of aflatoxin M1 levels for 35.9% and 53.6%, respectively

    Technological process of added value cheese making on registered agricultural households in Vojvodina

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    The technological process of cheese making is a process of transforming milk as a raw material into cheese and value adding. Small producers at registered agricultural households (RAHs) use milk of good quality that they produced. Also, they produce cheese by applying skills and experience as an indispensable part of quality, in contrast to big dairy plants where milk originating from a large number of producers is used, and furthermore the production automation is applied. RAHs produce many traditional cow cheeses, and more recently, goat and sheep cheese production is growing. Lisnati cheese (rolled cheese), 'podliveni' cheese with or without spices, cream cheese, brined cheese 'kriška', smoked goat cheese, various types of semi-hard and hard cheeses are products with added value, due to the good milk quality, as well as the specific technological process. Cheese yield contribute that profit is higher than in case when milk is sold to dairy plant. The aim of this study was to monitor the technological processes of the most important cheeses that are produced on RAHs in Vojvodina. Study is shown that quality should be constantly improved in order to achieve sustainability of these products on the market. When considering the assortment and quality of cheeses on RAHs in Vojvodina, it can be said that many of them have the characteristics of branding products. The impact of adding value to cheeses and other dairy products is manifested through higher primary milk production, employment and the livelihoods of people in the countryside, as well as the economic prosperity of small family farms in general

    The influence of different molecular weight seminal plasma protein content on some fertility parameters in boar s ejaculates

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different percentage of seminal plasma proteins with different molecular weight on sperm motility and fertility parameters (farrowing rate (FR), number of live-born pigs (PBA) per litter and percentage of unsuccessful insemination). A total of 50 sperm-rich ejaculate fractions were collected (one per boar) using the gloved hand method. The quality parameters of the semen samples were first evaluated at the farm. Further assessment of sperm quality was performed on a CASA - computer assisted semen analysis by two competent operators. Seminal plasma protein fractions were obtained by AOAC -Association of Official Analytical Chemists as a chemical method. The assessment of reproductive performance was carried out based on collected data of three parameters in selected 9696 sows: FR, PBA per litter and percentage of unsuccessful insemination. Protein fractions were divided in to three groups (10 - 20kDa, 21 - 30kDa and 31-40kDa) Proteins with 10 - 20kDa did not have significant effect and correlation with analyzed parameters. Significant differences were recorded in farrowing rate between samples with up to 80 % compared to samples with 10% of proteins with 21 - 30kDa. Significant differences were recorded in unsuccessful insemination between samples with different percentage of proteins with 31 - 40kDa. Results of this study have shown the effect of different percentage of certain fraction of seminal plasma proteins on boar ejaculates fertility potential

    Biokristalizacija kao metoda za diferenciranje organski i konvencionalno proizvedenog mlijeka

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    Holistic methods, such as biocrystallization and capillary dynamolysis, can be used to confirm differences in chemical composition between organic and conventionally produced milk. The utilization of such methods is complementary to other quality assurance methods and demonstrates a complex aspect of food quality. In this study, biocrystallization was used as a method for distinguishing between organic and conventionally produced pasteurized milk, demonstrating how the differences in the dairy cow feeding regime can affect milk properties. The biocrystallization was performed by means of copper (II) chloride dihydrate (CuCl2*2H2O). The biocrystallization patterns obtained from the conventional and organic milk samples were readily distinguished. A significant indication of differences was the emergence of degradation features in the biocrystallization patterns. While degradation features do not appear in organic milk, conventional milk showed clear indications of degradation, although the compound analysis of the two milks indicated no differences. From the morphological perspective, the biocrystallization patterns of organic milk have fared better according to all criteria. The results of the fatty acid analysis in milk from conventional and certified organic farms showed a greater content of beneficial fatty acids in organic milk: oleic (P<0.05), linoleic and linolenic (P<0.01). The analysis of animal feed indicated a higher content of cellulose, i.e. acid detergent fibers (ADF), and a lower content of neutral detergent fibers (NDF) in the organic animal feed. It was concluded that the method of copper chloride biocrystallization can determine the differences between pasteurized conventional and organic milk, which is greatly important in assuring the consumers of the milk origin, since the organic chain implies the increased quality control of soil, animal feed, animals and final dairy products with added value.Holističke metode, kao što su biokristalizacija i metoda kapilarne dinamolize ukazuju na razlike u kemijskom sastavu između organskog i konvencionalnog mlijeka, a mogu imati pozitivan potencijalni učinak na zdravlje ljudi. Korištenje ovih metoda komplementarno je drugim metodama provjere kvalitete i pokazuje jedan aspekt kompleksnog koncepta kvalitete hrane. U ovom radu utvrđivana je razlika između pasteriziranog mlijeka proizvedenog u uvjetima konvencionalne i organske stočarske proizvodnje u Srbiji biokristalizacijom kao metodom za razlikovanje između organskog i konvencionalnog mlijeka. Rezultati pokazuju kako razlika u režimu hranidbe krava između konvencionalne i organske farme može utjecati na kvalitetu mlijeka. Biokristalizacija je izvršena korištenjem bakar (II) klorida (CuCl2*2H20). Biokristalizacijski obrasci uzoraka konvencionalnog i organskog mlijeka lagani su za razlikovanje. Značajni pokazatelj razlika je pojava odlika degradacije biokristala. Dok se kod organskog mlijeka ne pojavljuje degradacija, konvencionalno mlijeko pokazuje čiste odlike degradacije. S morfološke strane, slike organskog mlijeka rangirane su bolje po svim kriterijima. Rezultati analize mlijeka podrijetlom s konvencionalne i certificirane organske farme pokazuju veći udjel blagotvornih masnih kiselina u organskom mlijeku, i to oleinske (P<0,05), linolne i linolenske (P<0,01). Analiza stočne hrane pokazala je viši sadržaj celuloze, kiselih (ADF) i niži sadržaj neutralnih (NDF) deterdžent vlakana u organskoj hrani. Zaključeno je kako se metodom biokristalizacije bakar kloridom može utvrditi razlika između pasteriziranog konvencionalnog i organskog mlijeka, što je od velikog značaja za informiranje potrošača glede podrijetla mlijeka, s obzirom kako organski lanac implicira strožiju kontrolu zemljišta, stočne hrane, životinja i gotovoga proizvoda s dodatom vrijednošću

    Elisa and HPLC analyses of deoxynivalenol in maize and wheat

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    Deoxynivalenol (DON) is a part of the family of mycotoxins called trichothecenes which are produced by a number of different Fusarium mold species. The presence of DON in 25 wheat and 25 maize samples was examined by Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) methods. The presence of DON was detected and determined in 5 (20%) maize and 6 (25%) wheat samples by both of the methods. Correlation between ELISA and HPLC results was established, with the correlation coefficients (r) of 0.9691 and 0.9735 for wheat and maize samples, respectively. The results obtained by ELISA method were significantly higher than those obtained by HPLC method. This fact can be explained by the presence of conjugated or masked mycotoxins in the samples, especially DON-3-glucoside (DON-3-Glc), which could not be determined by HPLC method due to the lack of external standards. Contrary to this, being insufficiently selective towards masked DON, ELISA method measures total DON content of a sample. According to the obtained results, ELISA can be used as a reliable screening method, but the confirmation of positive results must be done by HPLC method

    Prisustvo zearalenona u najčešće uzgajanim sortama pšenice u Srbiji

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    A total of 45 samples of wheat from three different locations in Vojvodina were analyzed for the presence of zearalenone. Analytical methods based on clean-up by solid-phase extraction (SPE) columns and detection by liquid chromatography were used after validation. Limit of detection for ZEA in wheat was 18.6 μg/kg and the limit of quantification was 56.5 μg/kg. Recovery values ranged between 86% and 97%. The occurrence of ZEA in wheat was rather high with 53.3% of positive samples with the average value of 330 μg/kg. Incidences were found from 68 μg/kg to 1079 μg/kg. Contamination levels were above the established maximum limit for unprocessed cereals, other than maize, in as many as seventeen samples. These results were compared to the results of investigation of deoxynivalenol and fumonisin content, established in our previous work on the same samples. The results obtained were also compared to those of the neighboring countries where the relevant data existed and to the data of previous studies in our country.Na prisustvo zearalenona analizirano je ukupno 45 uzoraka pšenice sa tri različite lokacije u Vojvodini. Korišćene su analitičke metode zasnovane na prečišćavanju ekstrakcijom na čvrstoj fazi, te kvantifikacija tečnom hromatografijom, nakon validacije metode. Granica detekcije za zearalenon u pšenici je iznosila 18,6 μg/kg, a granica određivanja 56,5 μg/kg. Efikasnost metode je bila u opsegu od 86% do 97%. Zearalenon je bio prisutan u 53,3% ispitivanih uzoraka, sa prosečnim sadržajem od 330 μg/kg. Dobijene vrednosti sadržaja zearalenona su bile u opsegu od 68 μg/kg do 1079 μg/kg. U čak sedamnaest uzoraka je pronađena koncentracija ovog toksina koja prevazilazi maksimalni dozvoljeni sadržaj zearalenona u netretiranim žitaricama. Ovi rezultati su upoređeni sa vrednostima sadržaja deoksinivalenola i fumonizina u istim uzorcima dobijenim u našim prethodnim istraživanjima. Rezultati su takođe upoređeni sa dostupnim rezultatima dobijenim u našoj i susednim zemljama tokom prethodnih godina

    Prisustvo deoksinivalenola u uzorcima strnih žita u žetvenoj 2009/10. godini

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    Fusarium head blight (FHB) is present in all growing regions of small grains and causes significant losses in yield and grain quality. In our environmental conditions, dominant species is Fusarium graminearum Group 2. During 2009/10 there was a significant Fusarium infestation on wheat, barley and triticale. The aim of this study was to examine the contents of deoxynivalenol (DON) in cereal samples taken after 2009/10 harvest season. We analyzed 22 NS varieties of small grains from Rimski Šančevi, including 16 varieties of winter wheat, one facultative wheat variety, four varieties of winter barley and one variety of triticale. Analytical methods based on clean-up by solid-phase extraction (SPE) columns and detection by liquid chromatography were used. Fifteen out the 22 analyzed samples were positive for the presence of DON at a mean level of 0.537 mg/kg. The highest concentration was 1.952 mg/kg. These findings were in correlation with percentage of the Fusarium damaged kernels.Patogeni iz roda Fusarium su prisutni u svim rejonima gajenja strnih žita i nanose značajne gubitke u prinosu i kvalitetu zrna. Fuzariozu klasa pšenice prouzrokuje veći broj vrsta iz roda Fusarium. U našim uslovima gajenja dominantna je vrsta Fusarium graminearum Grupa 2. U toku 2009/10. godine došlo je do značajne pojave fuzarioza na pšenici, ječmu i tritikaleu. Cilj rada je bio da se ispita sadržaj DON-a na uzorcima strnih žita uzetih posle žetve iz uslova prirodne zaraze. Analizirane su 22 novosadske sorte strnih žita iz lokaliteta Rimski Šančevi, od čega: 16 sorti ozime pšenice, jedna fakultativna sorta pšenice, četiri sorte ozimog ječma i jedna sorta tritikalea. Uzorci su uzeti sa parcela različitih površina u zavisnosti od značaja i rasprostranjenosti gajene sorte. Analitičko određivanje je zasnovano na prečišćavanju sirovog ekstrakta analiziranih uzoraka pomoću tzv. Mucosep kolona, a zatim je sadržaj DON-a kvantitativno određen tečnom hromatografijom. Od 22 analizirana uzorka strnih žita čak 15 (68,2%) je bilo pozitivno na prisustvo DON-a. Još veći procenat zaraženosti DON-om je utvrđen kada je u pitanju samo pšenica (82,4%). Prosečan sadržaj DON-a je iznosio 0,537 mg/kg a najveća koncentracija je utvrđena u uzorku tritikalea i iznosila je visokih 1,952 mg/kg. Od svih uzoraka koji su bili pozitivni na prisustvo ovog mikotoksina, 2 su prevazilazila koncentracije koje su propisane od strane Evropske komisije. Sve ovo ukazuje na visoku zaraženost strnih žita sa naših polja iz žetve 2010. Procenat fuzarioznih zrna kod 16 ispitivanih sorti pšenice kretao se od 1 do 11,5%, a gubici u masi 1000 zrna od 1,2 do 5,7%. Između jačine zaraze u polju i sadržaja mikotoksina DON ustanovljena je potpuna pozitivna korelacija kod pojedinih sorti. Fakultativna sorta pšenice Nataša je imala visoku koncentraciju DON od 1,572 mg/kg, pri stepenu zaraze u polju od 33,3% zaraženih klasova po 1 m2. Sorta Zvezdana imala je najniži procenat zaraze u polju od 1% i kod nje nije determinisano prisustvo mikotoksina DON

    The composition of fatty acids and tocopherols in wheat bran oil

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    Wheat is a significant component in human diet. The health effects of whole kernel utilization have been associated with their unique phytochemical compounds distributed in the endosperm, germ and bran fractions. The wheat brans represent rich source of tocopherols and essential fatty acids, such as linoleic acid (18:2n6) and linolenic acid (18:3n3). The aim of this study was to analyse tocopherol and fatty acid contents in bran oil of 17 wheat cultivars in order to identify genotypes with higher nutritional value. The oil was extracted from wheat bran using classical Rushkovsky method. Normal phase high performance liquid chromatography (NP-HPLC) with fluorescence detection was used for identification and quantitation of tocopherols. Trimethylsilyl esters of fatty acids were determined from wheat bran oils by using gas chromatography with a flame ionisation detector (GC-FID). Total tocopherol content ranged from 40.86 mg kg-1 (cv. NS rana 5) to 124.85 mg kg-1 (cv. Partizanka), with average content of 22.9 mg kg-1 α- tocopherols, 8 mg kg-1 β-tocopherols and 47 mg kg-1 γ- tocopherols. Cvs. Partizanka and NS 40S were identified as genotypes with significantly higher than average contents of all tocopherols. The content of 18:2n6, oleic and 18:3n3 acids were within the ranges of 55.85-73.05%, 9.09-24.82% and 3.63-7.81% of the total fatty acids, respectively. Our results showed that contents of both tocopherol and essential fatty acids (18:2n6 and 18:3n3) varied significantly in the investigated cultivars, suggesting that it is feasible to breed wheat cultivars with increased levels of beneficial phytochemicals for human health