495 research outputs found


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    U ovom članku autor daje kratak prikaz rezultata linearnog programiranja i njegovu primjenu. Zatim na jednom primjeru prijevoza opeke, na osnovi primjene jedne transportne metode, prikazuje utvrđivanja minimalnih transportnih troÅ”kova. Primjer može poslužiti kadrovima koji rade kao disponenti motornih vozila za prijevoz tereta u transportnim organizacijama udruženog rada

    Svjesnost, stavovi i kupovina hrane s oznakama kvalitete u Sloveniji

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    Purpose ā€“ This study aims to identify the awareness of Slovenian consumers and their attitudes towards labels, as well as the reasons why consumers do not buy labeled food. Design/Methodology/Approach ā€“ A qualitative approach involving six focus groups (N = 60) and shopping with consumers (N = 16) was conducted in the winter of 2020/2021. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. Findings and implications ā€“ The results show that the awareness of quality labels is weak mainly due to their considerable number and poor designed, but also on account of ineffective communication campaigns. With respect to the awareness of and attitude to the quality scheme, the participants were divided into four groups: ā€œThe Awareā€, ā€œThe Scepticsā€, ā€œPotential Buyersā€, and ā€œThe Disinterestedā€. The reasons for not buying quality labeled foods despite being aware of the labels included overpriced products, no availability of labeled foods generally and those with a good taste and special nutritional value specifically, familiarity/experience with the product, and mistrust of the labeling and social system. The study stresses the important role of social perception and trust in the social system for the acceptance and purchase of such food. Limitations ā€“ The main limitation of the study is its focus on digitally literate consumers only. Originality ā€“ The relevant literature is enhanced by considering the shopping with consumers exercise given that no published study to date, according to the authorsā€™ knowledge, is based on the observation of quality labels at the time of purchase.Svrha ā€“ Cilj studije je identificirati svjesnost slovenskih potroÅ”ača, njihove stavove prema oznakama kvalitete i razloge zaÅ”to ne kupuju označenu hranu. MetodoloÅ”ki pristup ā€“ Provedeno je kvalitativno istraživanje sa Å”est fokus grupa (N = 60) i tijekom kupovine s potroÅ”ačima (N = 16) u zimi 2020./2021. Za analizu podataka koriÅ”tena je tematska analiza. Rezultati i implikacije ā€“ Rezultati pokazuju da je svjesnost o oznakama kvalitete slaba uglavnom zbog činjenice da ih ima izuzetno puno, loÅ”e su osmiÅ”ljene i zbog neučinkovitosti komunikacijskih kampanji. S obzirom na svjesnost i stav prema kvaliteti, sudionici istraživanja su podijeljeni u četiri skupine: ā€œSvjesniā€, ā€œSkepticiā€, ā€œPotencijalni kupciā€ i ā€œNezainteresiraniā€. Razlozi zbog kojih se ne kupuje hrana s oznakom kvalitete, usprkos svjesnosti o oznakama, jesu precijenjeni proizvodi i nedostatak dostupnosti hrane s oznakama općenito, a posebno zbog dobrog okusa i posebnih nutritivnih vrijednosti, poznavanja/iskustva s proizvodom i nepovjerenja u označavanje i druÅ”tveni sustav. Za kupovinu i prihvaćanje takve hrane studija naglaÅ”ava važnu ulogu druÅ”tvene percepcije i povjerenja u druÅ”tveni sustav. Ograničenja ā€“ Glavno ograničenje istraživanja jest u tome Å”to je usmjereno na digitalno pismene potroÅ”ače. Doprinos ā€“ Relevantna literatura obogaćena je razmatranjem kupovine s potroÅ”ačima s obzirom na to da se ni jedna do danas objavljena studija, prema saznanjima autora, ne temelji na promatranju oznaka kvalitete u trenutku kupovine

    Složena biokemija i biotehnoloŔka proizvodnja betalaina

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    The demand for natural food colourants is increasing because of public awareness of their health benefits. Betalains are nitrogen-containing plant pigments whose colours range from red-violet betacyanins to yellow betaxanthins. They are used for colouring dairy products, meat and frozen desserts. Betalains have attracted additional interest because of their antioxidative, anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic properties. The main source of commercially produced betalains is red beet root, but alternative sources are found in plants from the Amaranthaceae and Cactaceae families. Another alternative source is plant cell culture in bioreactors, although optimization of pigment production seems necessary. In this paper we synthesize the results of recent studies on betalain biosynthesis, chemical properties, sources, biotechnology and applications.Sve je veća potražnja za prirodnim bojilima zbog njihovih zdravstvenih pogodnosti. Betalaini su biljni pigmenti koji sadrže duÅ”ik, s rasponom boja od crveno-ljubičastih betacijana do žutih betaksantina. Koriste se za bojanje mliječnih proizvoda, mesa i smrznutih deserta. Zanimljivi su i zbog svoga antioksidativog, protuupalnog i antikancerogenog djelovanja. Glavni komercijalni izvor betalaina je korijen cikle, a alternativni izvori pigmenta nalaze se u biljkama iz porodica Amaranthaceae i Cactaceae. Biljne stanice uzgajane u bioreaktorima također su izvor pigmenata iako je potrebno daljnje optimiranje njihove proizvodnje. U ovom su radu sažeti rezultati nedavnih istraživanja biosinteze betalaina, njihovih kemijskih svojstava, izvora, biotehnologije i uporabe

    Složena biokemija i biotehnoloŔka proizvodnja betalaina

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    The demand for natural food colourants is increasing because of public awareness of their health benefits. Betalains are nitrogen-containing plant pigments whose colours range from red-violet betacyanins to yellow betaxanthins. They are used for colouring dairy products, meat and frozen desserts. Betalains have attracted additional interest because of their antioxidative, anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic properties. The main source of commercially produced betalains is red beet root, but alternative sources are found in plants from the Amaranthaceae and Cactaceae families. Another alternative source is plant cell culture in bioreactors, although optimization of pigment production seems necessary. In this paper we synthesize the results of recent studies on betalain biosynthesis, chemical properties, sources, biotechnology and applications.Sve je veća potražnja za prirodnim bojilima zbog njihovih zdravstvenih pogodnosti. Betalaini su biljni pigmenti koji sadrže duÅ”ik, s rasponom boja od crveno-ljubičastih betacijana do žutih betaksantina. Koriste se za bojanje mliječnih proizvoda, mesa i smrznutih deserta. Zanimljivi su i zbog svoga antioksidativog, protuupalnog i antikancerogenog djelovanja. Glavni komercijalni izvor betalaina je korijen cikle, a alternativni izvori pigmenta nalaze se u biljkama iz porodica Amaranthaceae i Cactaceae. Biljne stanice uzgajane u bioreaktorima također su izvor pigmenata iako je potrebno daljnje optimiranje njihove proizvodnje. U ovom su radu sažeti rezultati nedavnih istraživanja biosinteze betalaina, njihovih kemijskih svojstava, izvora, biotehnologije i uporabe

    Protein glycosylation in sugar beet cell line can be influenced by DNA hyper- and hypomethylating agents

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    Protein glycosylation is a co- and post-translational modification that influences protein function, stability and localization. Changes in glycoprotein pattern during differentiation/dedifferentiation events exist in animal cells and DNA methylation status is closely related to the changes. However, in plant cells this relationship is not yet established. In order to verify whether such a relation exists, hypermethylating drugs 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and hydroxyurea, or hypomethylating drug 5-azacytozine were applied to sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) cells during 14 days of in vitro subculture, and the glycoprotein patterns of the cells were compared. The applied drugs were not toxic, as observed from cell phenotype and by measuring growth of the control and treated cells. Hyper and hypomethylating treatments influenced the activity of enzymes related to differentiation state of the cells: peroxidases and esterases, and their isoform patterns. Electrophoretic patterns of soluble and membrane proteins were similar between control and treatments, but the treatments modified N- and O-linked glycoprotein patterns as visible from GNAand PNAlectin blots. This suggested that hypermethylation and hypomethylation of genomic DNA in sugar beet cells affect protein glycosylation patterns and cellular metabolism, possibly in a mechanism similar to that existing in animal cells

    Crown-gall tumor kao test za određivanje antitumorske aktivnosti proteina imele (Viscum album L.)

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    The crown gall tumor test system on potato tuber discs was used for the study of antiumor activity of mistletoe protein extracts. By estimating the number and weight of tumors we found that crude mistletoe protein extract inhibits tumor induction and growth. The refined protein fraction was even more efficient. The mistletoe proteins also showed stimulative effects on rhizogenesis.Crown-gall tumori na tkivu gomolja krumpira koriÅ”teni su kao test-sistem za ispitivanje antitumorske aktivnosti proteina u ekstraktu imele. Određivanje broja i mase tumora pokazalo je, sa statističkom sigurnoŔću, da već sirovi ekstrakt inhibira tumorsku indukciju i rast. Inhibitomo djelovanje pročiŔćenih proteinskih frakcija joÅ” je izrazitije. Proteinski ekstrakt stimulirao je rizogenezu u tumorskom tkivu

    Electrophoretic protein patterns and peroxidase activity related to morphogenesis in Mammillaria gracillis tissue culture

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    The cactus Mammillaria gracillis Pfeiff. was propagated in vitro on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium without any growth regulators. At the bases of some plants abundant callus masses developed. Lower agar and higher MS salt concentrations stimulated callus production. In the culture, morphologically normal and hyperhydric shoots were regenerated. The growth of crown-gall tumour was induced on disc-like explants of in vitro grown plants infected with Agrobacterium tumefaciens, B6S3 strain. Calli appeared on both infected and control explants. The tumorous tissue grew more intensively than the control. The transformed character of the callus was confirmed by PCR amplification of a gene 6a of T-DNA. Gene expression in cactus shoots (grown in vitro or in pot), callus, hiperhydric and morphologically normal regenerated shoots and crown-gall tumour were analysed at the level of the electrophoretic pattern of soluble proteins. Some tumour-specific polypeptides were detected (76, 32-39, and 23 kDa). That of 42 kDa was highly expressed in callus and hyperhydric shoots. A faint 58 kDa band was found in all extracts except in the pot-grown shoot. Relatively high peroxidase activity was detected in callus and shoot regenerants and it was lower in tumour and the lowest in plant shoots


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    Analysis of inbreeding and inbreeding depression was done on the data of routine breeding value estimation for milk production data on Holstein population in Slovenia. A pedigree file of 106 433 animals born from 1952 to 2005 was investigated for the occurrence of inbreeding. The maximum inbreeding was 37.5. However average inbreeding coefficients of inbred cows (1.3 %) and of all cows with test day records (0.989 %) were low. Daily milk, protein, and fat yield of first five lactation for 86 122 cows were analyzed. Inbreeding was included in the animal model as a linear covariate. The regression coefficients of milk, fat, and protein yield, multiplied with 305 days present inbreeding depression of lactation yields, were -22.17 kg, -0.601 kg and -0.387 kg respectively, for 1 % of inbreeding

    Analiza nastanka adventivnih pupova u kulturi embrija crnog bora (Pinus nigra Am.)

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    The development of adventitious buds in Black Pine (Pinus nigra Arn). embryo culture was studied from its beginning to its end, i. e. from the 4th to the 21st day of culturing. The formation of meristemoids brought up in about 12, of primordial buds 16 and of leaf primordia in 19 days. The adventitious buds developed in 21 days and then started to grow. During the culturing of Black Pine embryos the total activity of peroxydases was observed. From the 12th to the 19th day a large increase in peroxidase activity and a characteristic anodic separation pattern of two isoenzymes were stated.Razvitak adventivnih pupova u kulturi embrija crnog bora praćen je histoloÅ”ki i na temelju promjena u aktivnosti i elektroforetskoj slici izoproksidaza. HistoloÅ”ke analize pokazale su da su se adventivni pupovi počeli razvijati oko 4. dana, a njihovo formiranje je bilo okončano oko 21. dana trajanja kulture. Vremenski slijed četiriju sekvencija na koje je razvitak adventivnih pupova bio raŔčlanjen izgledao je ovako: nastajanje maristemoida bilo je zavrÅ”eno oko 12. dana, primordijalnih pupova oko 16. dana, a primordijalnih listova oko 19. dana nakon čega su rasli sve do kraja kulture. Praćenjem promjena u aktivnosti i elektroforetskoj slici izoperoksidaza utvrđeno je da je ukupna aktivnost peroksidaza u embrijima crnog bora tijekom njihove kulture rasla tako da je između 12. i 19. dana doÅ”lo do naglog porasta aktivnosti. Slika izoperoksidaza dobivena anodnim razdvajanjem pokazala je karakteristično razdvajanje na dva izoenzima također između 12. i 19. dana
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