7 research outputs found

    Productivity Costs in Economic Evaluations

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    The increase in health expenditures has raised important questions about the appropriate height of health care spending as well as the justification of these expenditures. One tool in the search of ensuring the optimal allocation of scarce societal and health care resources is economic evaluation of health care interventions, such as new pharmaceuticals, diagnostics or preventive measures. In economic evaluations, the costs of an intervention are compared to its benefits, expressed in some meaningful manner. Consistently applying these evaluations, in theory, would ensure an optimal level of spending in the health care sector (that is, the size of the budget, or how much to spend on health) as well as an optimal use of the available resources within the budget (that is, on what the budget is spent). This optimal spending can be defined in light of the twin goals of health care policy; efficiency and equity. As such, economic evaluations can be seen as applied welfare economics, aimed at informing social choices to come to a maximization of broadly defined welfare

    New findings from the time trade-off for income approach to elicit willingness to pay for a quality adjusted life year

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    In this paper we empirically investigate how to appropriately model utility of wealth and health. We use a recently proposed alternative approach to value willingness to pay (WTP) for health, making use of trade-offs between income and life years or quality of life, which we extend to allow for a more realistic multiplicative utility function over health and money. Moreover, we show how reference-dependency can be incorporated into this model and derive its predictions for WTP elicitation. We propose three experimental elicitation procedures and test these in a feasibility study, analysing the responses under different assumptions about the discount rate. Several interesting results are reported: first, the data are highly skewed, but if we trim the 5% lowest and highest values, we obtain plausible WTP estimates. Second, the results differ considerably between procedures, indicating that WTP estimates are sensitive to the assumed utility function. Third, respondents appear to be loss averse for both health and money, which is consistent with assumptions from prospect theory. Finally, our results also indicate that respondents are more willing to trade quality of life than life years

    Measurement and evaluation of quality of life and well-being in individuals having or having had fertility problems: a systematic review

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    __Objectives:__ The aims of this study were: (1) to identify which measurement instruments are used in practice to assess the quality of life or well-being of individuals with and without (sub)fertility; (2) to describe the design and outcomes of studies comparing quality of life or well-being of individuals with and without fertility problems; and (3) to determine which of the outcomes of the identified studies could be used in cost-utility studies. __Methods:__ A systematic literature review was performed of studies published before July 2018, using multiple databases. Included studies investigated (health-related) quality of life or well-being of individuals with fertility problems. The applied instruments were assessed, as were the outcomes and suitability for use in cost-utility studies. __Results:__ Twenty-six studies met the inclusion criteria. Twelve distinct instruments of measurement were applied: two generic quality-of-life instruments, five generic well-being instruments and five disease-specific instruments. Most studies found negative associations in one or more domains assessing fertility problems and quality of life or well-being. However, two studies found the opposite. None of the studies reported outcomes relevant for cost-utility studies. __Conclusion:__ Quality of life and well-being related to having fertility problems are regularly studied. However, the reported information is not suitable for use in cost-utility studies. There is a clear need for studies investigating the impact of fertility problems on quality of life in a way that outcomes can be compared across studies and disease areas

    A noticeable difference? Productivity costs related to paid and unpaid work in economic evaluations on expensive drugs

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    Productivity costs can strongly impact cost-effectiveness outcomes. This study investigated the impact in the context of expensive hospital drugs. This study aimed to: (1) investigate the effect of productivity costs on cost-effectiveness outcomes, (2) determine whether economic evaluations of expensive drugs commonly include productivity costs related to paid and unpaid work, and (3) explore potential reasons for excluding productivity costs from the economic evaluation. We conducted a systematic literature review to identify economic evaluation

    Health state utilities for infertility and subfertility

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    Background: Health state utility values allow for comparison of treatments across different diseases. Utility values for fertility-impaired health states are currently unavailable. Such values are necessary in order to determine the relative costs-effectiveness of fertility treatments. Methods: This study aimed to determine utility weights for infertile and subfertile health states. In addition, it explored the Dutch general population’s opinions regarding the inclusion of infertility treatments in the Dutch health insurers’ basic benefit package. An online questionnaire was designed to determine the health-related quality of life values of six fertility-impaired health states. The study population consisted of a representative sample of the Dutch adult population. Respondents were asked to evaluate the health states through direct health valuation methods, i.e. the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and the Time Trade-Off (TTO) method. In addition, respondents were asked about their opinions regarding reimbursement of fertility-related treatments. Results: The respondents’ (n = 767) VAS scores ranged from 0.640 to 0.796. TTO utility values ranged from 0.792 to 0.868. Primary infertility and subfertility was valued lower than secondary infertility and subfertility. In total, 92% of the respondents stated that fertility treatments should be fully or partially reimbursed by the health insurance basic benefit package. Conclusions: Having fertility problems results in substantial disutilities according to the viewpoint of the Dutch general population. The results make it possible to compare the value for money of infertility treatment to that of treatments in other disease areas. There is strong support among the general population for reimbursing fertility treatments through the Dutch basic benefit package

    SeHCAT [tauroselcholic (selenium-75) acid] for the investigation of bile acid malabsorption and measurement of bile acid pool loss

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    Background The principal diagnosis/indication for this assessment is chronic diarrhoea due to bile acid malabsorption (BAM). Diarrhoea can be defined as the abnormal passage of loose or liquid stools more than three times daily and/or a daily stool weight > 200 g per day and is considered to be chronic if it persists for more than 4 weeks. The cause of chronic diarrhoea in adults is often difficult to ascertain and patients may undergo several investigations without a definitive cause being identified. BAM is one of several causes of chronic diarrhoea and results from failure to absorb bile acids (which are required for the absorption of dietary fats and sterols in the intestine) in the distal ileum. Objective For people with chronic diarrhoea with unknown cause and in people with Crohn's disease and chronic diarrhoea with unknown cause (i.e. before resection): (1) What are the effects of selenium-75-homocholic acid taurine (SeHCAT) compared with no SeHCAT in terms of chronic diarrhoea, other health outcomes and costs? (2) What are the effects of bile acid sequestrants (BASs) compared with no BASs in people with a positive or negative SeHCAT test? (3) Does a positive or negative SeHCAT test predict improvement in terms of chronic diarrhoea, other health outcomes and costs? Data sources A systematic review was conducted to summarise the evidence on the clinical effectiveness of SeHCAT for the assessment of BAM and the measurement of bile acid pool loss. Search strategies were based on target condition and intervention, as recommended in the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD) guidance for undertaking reviews in health care and the Cochrane Handbook for Diagnostic Test Accuracy Reviews. The following databases were searched up to April 2012: MEDLINE; MEDLINE In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations; EMBASE; the Cochrane Databases; Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects; Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Database; and Science Citation Index. Research registers and conference proceedings were also searched. Review methods Systematic review methods followed the principle

    Unequal access to newly registered cancer drugs leads to potential loss of life-years in Europe

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    __Background__ Many new cancer medicines have been developed that can improve patients’ outcomes. However, access to these agents comes later in Europe than in the United States (US). The aim of this study is to assess the access in Europe to newly registered cancer drugs and to get more insight in the implications of these variations for patients. __Methods__ A retrospective database study was conducted. Analyses involved 12 cancer drugs and 28 European countries in the period 2011–2018. Time to patient access, speed of drug uptake, and the pote