34 research outputs found

    Homomorphic encryption and secure comparison

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    We propose a protocol for secure comparison of integers based on homomorphic encryption.We also propose a homomorphic encryption scheme that can be used in our protocol, makes it more efficient than previous solutions, and can also be used as the basis of efficient and general secure Multiparty Computation (MPC). We show how our comparison protocol can be used to improve security of online auctions, and demonstrate that it is efficient enough to be used in practice. For comparison of 16 bits numbers with security based on 1024 bits RSA (executed by two parties), our implementation takes 0.28 sec including all computation and communication. Using precomputation, one can save a factor of roughly 10

    Homomorphic encryption and secure comparison

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    We propose a protocol for secure comparison of integers based on homomorphic encryption.We also propose a homomorphic encryption scheme that can be used in our protocol, makes it more efficient than previous solutions, and can also be used as the basis of efficient and general secure Multiparty Computation (MPC). We show how our comparison protocol can be used to improve security of online auctions, and demonstrate that it is efficient enough to be used in practice. For comparison of 16 bits numbers with security based on 1024 bits RSA (executed by two parties), our implementation takes 0.28 sec including all computation and communication. Using precomputation, one can save a factor of roughly 10

    A correction to 'efficient and secure comparison for on-line auctions'

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    In this paper, we describe a correction to the cryptosystem proposed in Damgard et al. from Int. J. Applied Cryptography, Vol.1, No.1. Although, the correction is small and does not affect the performance of the protocols from Damgard et al.,it is necessary,as the cryptosystem is not secure without it

    A correction to 'efficient and secure comparison for on-line auctions'

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    In this paper, we describe a correction to the cryptosystem proposed in Damgard et al. from Int. J. Applied Cryptography, Vol.1, No.1. Although, the correction is small and does not affect the performance of the protocols from Damgard et al.,it is necessary,as the cryptosystem is not secure without it

    Asynchronous multiparty computation: Theory and Implementation

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    We propose an asynchronous protocol for general multiparty computation. The protocol has perfect security and communication complexity , where n is the number of parties, |C| is the size of the arithmetic circuit being computed, and k is the size of elements in the underlying field. The protocol guarantees termination if the adversary allows a preprocessing phase to terminate, in which no information is released. The communication complexity of this protocol is the same as that of a passively secure solution up to a constant factor. It is secure against an adaptive and active adversary corrupting less than n/3 players. We also present a software framework for implementation of asynchronous protocols called VIFF (Virtual Ideal Functionality Framework), which allows automatic parallelization of primitive operations such as secure multiplications, without having to resort to complicated multithreading. Benchmarking of a VIFF implementation of our protocol confirms that it is applicable to practical non-trivial secure computations

    Asynchronous multiparty computation: Theory and Implementation

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    We propose an asynchronous protocol for general multiparty computation. The protocol has perfect security and communication complexity , where n is the number of parties, |C| is the size of the arithmetic circuit being computed, and k is the size of elements in the underlying field. The protocol guarantees termination if the adversary allows a preprocessing phase to terminate, in which no information is released. The communication complexity of this protocol is the same as that of a passively secure solution up to a constant factor. It is secure against an adaptive and active adversary corrupting less than n/3 players. We also present a software framework for implementation of asynchronous protocols called VIFF (Virtual Ideal Functionality Framework), which allows automatic parallelization of primitive operations such as secure multiplications, without having to resort to complicated multithreading. Benchmarking of a VIFF implementation of our protocol confirms that it is applicable to practical non-trivial secure computations

    Efficient and secure comparison for on-line auctions

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    We propose a protocol for secure comparison of integers based on homomorphic encryption. We also propose a homomorphic encryption scheme that can be used in our protocol and makes it more efficient than previous solutions. Our protocol is well-suited for application in on-line auctions, both with respect to functionality and performance. It minimizes the amount of information bidders need to send, and for comparison of 16 bit numbers with security based on 1024 bit RSA (executed by two parties), our implementation takes 0.28 seconds including all computation and communication. Using precomputation, one can save a factor of roughly 10

    Asynchronous multiparty computation: Theory and Implementation

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    We propose an asynchronous protocol for general multiparty computation. The protocol has perfect security and communication complexity , where n is the number of parties, |C| is the size of the arithmetic circuit being computed, and k is the size of elements in the underlying field. The protocol guarantees termination if the adversary allows a preprocessing phase to terminate, in which no information is released. The communication complexity of this protocol is the same as that of a passively secure solution up to a constant factor. It is secure against an adaptive and active adversary corrupting less than n/3 players. We also present a software framework for implementation of asynchronous protocols called VIFF (Virtual Ideal Functionality Framework), which allows automatic parallelization of primitive operations such as secure multiplications, without having to resort to complicated multithreading. Benchmarking of a VIFF implementation of our protocol confirms that it is applicable to practical non-trivial secure computations

    Scalable multiparty computation with nearly optimal work and resilience

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    We present the first general protocol for secure multiparty computation in which the total amount of work required by n players to compute a function f grows only polylogarithmically with n (ignoring an additive term that depends on n but not on the complexity of f). Moreover, the protocol is also nearly optimal in terms of resilience, providing computational security against an active, adaptive adversary corrupting a (1/2¿-¿e) fraction of the players, for an arbitrary e>¿0