19 research outputs found

    Lower-temperature fabrication of airbridges by grayscale lithography to increase yield of nanowire transmons in circuit QED quantum processors

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    Quantum hardware based on circuit quantum electrodynamics makes extensive use of airbridges to suppress unwanted modes of wave propagation in coplanar-waveguide transmission lines. Airbridges also provide an interconnect enabling transmission lines to cross. Traditional airbridge fabrication produces a curved profile by reflowing resist at elevated temperature prior to metallization. The elevated temperature can affect the coupling energy and even yield of pre-fabricated Josephson elements of superconducting qubits, tunable couplers, and resonators. We employ grayscale lithography to enable reflow and thereby reduce the peak temperature of our airbridge fabrication process from 200 to 150 °C and link this change to a substantial increase in the physical yield of transmon qubits with Josephson elements realized using Al-contacted InAs nanowires.QCD/DiCarlo LabQN/DiCarlo La

    Majorana zero modes in superconductor–semiconductor heterostructures

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    Realizing topological superconductivity and Majorana zero modes in the laboratory is a major goal in condensed-matter physics. In this Review, we survey the current status of this rapidly developing field, focusing on proposals for the realization of topological superconductivity in semiconductor–superconductor heterostructures. We examine materials science progress in growing InAs and InSb semiconductor nanowires and characterizing these systems. We then discuss the observation of robust signatures of Majorana zero modes in recent experiments, paying particular attention to zero-bias tunnelling conduction measurements and Coulomb blockade experiments. We also outline several next-generation experiments probing exotic properties of Majorana zero modes, including fusion rules and non-Abelian exchange statistics. Finally, we discuss prospects for implementing Majorana-based topological quantum computation.Accepted Author ManuscriptQN/Bakkers LabQRD/Kouwenhoven La

    Field effect enhancement in buffered quantum nanowire networks

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    III-V semiconductor nanowires have shown great potential in various quantum transport experiments. However, realizing a scalable high-quality nanowire-based platform that could lead to quantum information applications has been challenging. Here, we study the potential of selective area growth by molecular beam epitaxy of InAs nanowire networks grown on GaAs-based buffer layers, where Sb is used as a surfactant. The buffered geometry allows for substantial elastic strain relaxation and a strong enhancement of field effect mobility. We show that the networks possess strong spin-orbit interaction and long phase-coherence lengths with a temperature dependence indicating ballistic transport. With these findings, and the compatibility of the growth method with hybrid epitaxy, we conclude that the material platform fulfills the requirements for a wide range of quantum experiments and applications.QRD/Kouwenhoven LabQuTechBUS/GeneralQN/Kouwenhoven La

    Electronic properties of InAs/EuS/Al hybrid nanowires

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    We study the electronic properties of InAs/EuS/Al heterostructures as explored in a recent experiment, combining both spectroscopic results and microscopic device simulations. In particular, we use angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy to investigate the band bending at the InAs/EuS interface. The resulting band offset value serves as an essential input to subsequent microscopic device simulations, allowing us to map the electronic wave function distribution. We conclude that the magnetic proximity effects at the Al/EuS as well as the InAs/EuS interfaces are both essential to achieve topological superconductivity at zero applied magnetic field. Mapping the topological phase diagram as a function of gate voltages and proximity-induced exchange couplings, we show that the ferromagnetic hybrid nanowire with overlapping Al and EuS layers can become a topological superconductor within realistic parameter regimes. Our work highlights the need for a combined experimental and theoretical effort for faithful device simulations.ChemE/Delft Ingenious DesignQRD/Wimmer GroupQN/Wimmer Grou

    Broadband microwave spectroscopy of semiconductor nanowire-based Cooper-pair transistors

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    The Cooper-pair transistor (CPT), a small superconducting island enclosed between two Josephson weak links, is the atomic building block of various superconducting quantum circuits. Utilizing gate-tunable semiconductor channels as weak links, the energy scale associated with the Josephson tunneling can be changed with respect to the charging energy of the island, tuning the extent of its charge fluctuations. Here, we directly demonstrate this control by mapping the energy level structure of a CPT made of an indium arsenide nanowire with a superconducting aluminum shell. We extract the device parameters based on the exhaustive modeling of the quantum dynamics of the phase-biased nanowire CPT and directly measure the even-odd parity occupation ratio as a function of the device temperature, relevant for superconducting and prospective topological qubits.QRD/Geresdi LabQuTechQRD/Kouwenhoven LabQN/Kouwenhoven La

    Revealing charge-tunneling processes between a quantum dot and a superconducting island through gate sensing

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    We report direct detection of charge tunneling between a quantum dot and a superconducting island through radio-frequency gate sensing. We are able to resolve spin-dependent quasiparticle tunneling as well as two-particle tunneling involving Cooper pairs. The quantum dot can act as an RF-only sensor to characterize the superconductor addition spectrum, enabling us to access subgap states without transport. Our results provide guidance for future dispersive parity measurements of Majorana modes, which can be realized by detecting the parity-dependent tunneling between dots and islands.QRD/Kouwenhoven LabQuTechQN/Kouwenhoven La

    Microwave Susceptibility Observation of Interacting Many-Body Andreev States

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    Electrostatic charging affects the many-body spectrum of Andreev states, yet its influence on their microwave properties has not been elucidated. We developed a circuit quantum electrodynamics probe that, in addition to transition spectroscopy, measures the microwave susceptibility of different states of a semiconductor nanowire weak link with a single dominant (spin-degenerate) Andreev level. We found that the microwave susceptibility does not exhibit a particle-hole symmetry, which we qualitatively explain as an influence of Coulomb interaction. Moreover, our state-selective measurement reveals a large, ?-phase shifted contribution to the response common to all many-body states which can be interpreted as arising from a phase-dependent continuum in the superconducting density of states.BUS/Quantum DelftQRD/Geresdi La

    Rapid Microwave-Only Characterization and Readout of Quantum Dots Using Multiplexed Gigahertz-Frequency Resonators

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    Superconducting resonators enable fast characterization and readout of mesoscopic quantum devices. Finding ways to perform measurements of interest on such devices using resonators only is therefore of great practical relevance. We report an experimental investigation of an InAs nanowire multiquantum dot device by probing gigahertz resonators connected to the device. First, we demonstrate accurate extraction of the dc conductance from measurements of the high-frequency admittance. Because our technique does not rely on dc calibration, it could potentially obviate the need for dc measurements in semiconductor qubit devices. Second, we demonstrate multiplexed gate sensing and the detection of charge tunneling on microsecond timescales. The gigahertz detection of dispersive resonator shifts allows rapid acquisition of charge stability diagrams, as well as resolving charge tunneling in the device with a signal-to-noise ratio of up to 15 in 1μs. Our measurements show that gigahertz-frequency resonators may serve as a universal tool for fast tuneup and high-fidelity readout of semiconductor qubits.QRD/Kouwenhoven LabQN/Kouwenhoven LabBUS/Quantum Delf

    Rapid Detection of Coherent Tunneling in an InAs Nanowire Quantum Dot through Dispersive Gate Sensing

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    Dispersive sensing is a powerful technique that enables scalable and high-fidelity readout of solid-state quantum bits. In particular, gate-based dispersive sensing has been proposed as the readout mechanism for future topological qubits, which can be measured by single electrons tunneling through zero-energy modes. The development of such a readout requires resolving the coherent charge tunneling amplitude from a quantum dot in a Majorana-zero-mode host system faithfully on short time scales. Here, we demonstrate rapid single-shot detection of a coherent single-electron tunneling amplitude between InAs nanowire quantum dots. We realize a sensitive dispersive detection circuit by connecting a sub-GHz, lumped-element microwave resonator to a high-lever arm gate on one of the dots. The resulting large dot-resonator coupling leads to an observed dispersive shift that is of the order of the resonator linewidth at charge degeneracy. This shift enables us to differentiate between Coulomb blockade and resonance - corresponding to the scenarios expected for qubit-state readout - with a signal-to-noise ratio exceeding 2 for an integration time of 1μs. Our result paves the way for single-shot measurements of fermion parity on microsecond time scales in topological qubits.QRD/Kouwenhoven LabQuTechQN/Kouwenhoven La

    Magnetic-field-dependent quasiparticle dynamics of nanowire single-Cooper-pair transistors

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    Parity control of superconducting islands hosting Majorana zero modes (MZMs) is required to operate topological qubits made from proximitized semiconductor nanowires. We test this control by studying parity effects in hybrid InAs-Al single-Cooper-pair transistors (SCPTs) to evaluate the feasibility of this material system. In particular, we investigate the gate-charge modulation of the supercurrent and observe a consistent 2e-periodic pattern indicating a general lack of low-energy subgap states in these nanowires at zero magnetic field. In a parallel magnetic field, an even-odd pattern develops with a gate-charge spacing that oscillates as a function of field demonstrating that the modulation pattern is sensitive to the presence of a single bound state. In addition, we find that the parity lifetime of the SCPT decreases exponentially with magnetic field as the bound state approaches zero energy. Our work shows that aluminum is the preferred superconductor for future topological qubit experiments and highlights the important role that quasiparticle traps and superconducting gap engineering would play in these qubits. Moreover, we demonstrate a means by which bound states can be detected in devices with superconducting leads.QuTechQRD/Kouwenhoven LabQRD/Geresdi LabQN/Theoretical Physic