30 research outputs found

    Numerical and experimental studies of the carbon etching in EUV-induced plasma

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    We have used a combination of numerical modeling and experiments to study carbon etching in the presence of a hydrogen plasma. We model the evolution of a low density EUV-induced plasma during and after the EUV pulse to obtain the energy resolved ion fluxes from the plasma to the surface. By relating the computed ion fluxes to the experimentally observed etching rate at various pressures and ion energies, we show that at low pressure and energy, carbon etching is due to chemical sputtering, while at high pressure and energy a reactive ion etching process is likely to dominate

    Plasma probe characteristics in low density hydrogen pulsed plasmas

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    Probe theories are only applicable in the regime where the probe's perturbation of the plasma can be neglected. However, it is not always possible to know, a priori, that a particular probe theory can be successfully applied, especially in low density plasmas. This is especially difficult in the case of transient, low density plasmas. Here, we applied probe diagnostics in combination with a 2D particle-in-cell model, to an experiment with a pulsed low density hydrogen plasma. The calculations took into account the full chamber geometry, including the plasma probe as an electrode in the chamber. It was found that the simulations reproduce the time evolution of the probe IV characteristics with good accuracy. The disagreement between the simulated and probe measured plasma density is attributed to the limited applicability of probe theory to measurements of low density pulsed plasmas. Indeed, in the case studied here, probe measurements would lead to a large overestimate of the plasma density. In contrast, the simulations of the plasma evolution and the probe characteristics do not suffer from such strict applicability limits. These studies show that probe theory cannot be justified through probe measurements

    袛袨小袥袉袛袞袝袧袧携 袩袪袨笑袝小袉袙 袙袠携袙袥袝袧袧携 袙袠袘校啸袨袧袝袘袝袟袩袝效袧袠啸 袩袪袝袛袦袝孝袉袙 袉袧袛校袣笑袉袡袧袠袦 孝袗 袪袗袛袉袨啸袙袠袥鞋袨袙袠袦 袦袝孝袨袛袗袦袠 袧袗 袨小袧袨袙袉 袪袝袟校袥鞋孝袗孝袉袙 袨袛袧袨肖袗袣孝袨袪袧袠啸 袝袣小袩袝袪袠袦袝袧孝袉袙

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    The experience of conducting military operations in modern military conflicts has shown that one of their dangerous consequences is the contamination of territories with explosive objects, which pose a threat to both the military and the civilian population. Ukraine is no exception, which today is among the countries most polluted by explosive objects in the world. With the beginning of the Russian Federation's undeclared war against Ukraine in 2014 and the subsequentlarge-scale invasion in February 2022, this problem has become more acute. The relevance of the issue of reconnaissance and demining of the area from explosive-proof objects both during the conduct of hostilities and in their absence hasincreased many times. The experience of the war shows that the enemy, despite international conventions on the prohibition of certain types of mine weapons, uses its entire available arsenal of mines and improvised explosive devices,which are often set to non-removable. In addition to mines and improvised explosive devices, the territory of Ukraine, where hostilities are conducted or released, is contaminated by a large number of various unexploded ordnance.The execution of the tasks of reconnaissance of the area for the presence of explosive objects and demining during hostilities is mainly entrusted to the engineering units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and in the absence of hostilitiesto the pyrotechnic groups of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. Analysis of the execution of reconnaissance and demining tasks by engineering units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and pyrotechnic groups of the State Emergency Service shows that the main method today remains manual, which is extremely dangerous for the lives of personnel. To ensure the safety of the performance of these tasks, work is underway to create domestic means of remote reconnaissance and demining. One of the components of such means is to search elements for explosive objects that work on different physical principles. In addition to theoretical provisions, one of its important stages is conducting an experimental study.The article, based on previously developed theoretical provisions, provides simulations of the processes of detecting explosive objects by induction and radio wave methods using mine detectors that are in service with the Armed Forcesof Ukraine and the State Emergency Service, namely IMP, RVM-2(M), MMP (two-channel), during the of a one-factor experiment to substantiate individual indicators of the effectiveness of search elements for explosive objects of remotecontrolled demining complexes.袛芯褋胁褨写 胁械写械薪薪褟 斜芯泄芯胁懈褏 写褨泄 褍 褋褍褔邪褋薪懈褏 胁芯褦薪薪懈褏 泻芯薪褎谢褨泻褌邪褏 锌芯泻邪蟹邪胁, 褖芯 芯写薪懈屑 褨蟹 薪械斜械蟹锌械褔薪懈褏 褩褏 薪邪褋谢褨写泻褨胁 褦 蟹邪斜褉褍写薪械薪薪褟 褌械褉懈褌芯褉褨泄 胁懈斜褍褏芯薪械斜械蟹锌械褔薪懈屑懈 锌褉械写屑械褌邪屑懈, 褟泻褨 褋褌邪薪芯胁谢褟褌褜 蟹邪谐褉芯蟹褍 褟泻 胁褨泄褋褜泻芯胁懈屑, 褌邪泻 褨 褑懈胁褨谢褜薪芯屑褍薪邪褋械谢械薪薪褞. 袧械 褦 胁懈薪褟褌泻芯屑 褨 校泻褉邪褩薪邪, 褟泻邪 褋褜芯谐芯写薪褨褕薪褨 芯锌懈薪懈谢邪褋褟 胁 褔懈褋谢褨 薪邪泄斜褨谢褜褕 蟹邪斜褉褍写薪械薪懈褏 胁懈斜褍褏芯薪械斜械蟹锌械褔薪懈屑懈 锌褉械写屑械褌邪屑懈 泻褉邪褩薪 褋胁褨褌褍. 袟 锌芯褔邪褌泻芯屑 胁械写械薪薪褟 薪械芯谐芯谢芯褕械薪芯褩 胁褨泄薪懈 褉芯褋褨泄褋褜泻芯褩 褎械写械褉邪褑褨褩 锌褉芯褌懈 校泻褉邪褩薪懈 褍 2014 褉芯褑褨, 邪 薪邪写邪谢褨 褕懈褉芯泻芯屑邪褋褕褌邪斜薪芯谐芯 胁褌芯褉谐薪械薪薪褟 褍 谢褞褌芯屑褍 2022 褉芯泻褍, 褑褟 锌褉芯斜谢械屑邪 蟹邪谐芯褋褌褉懈谢邪褋褜. 袗泻褌褍邪谢褜薪褨褋褌褜 锌懈褌邪薪薪褟 褉芯蟹胁褨写泻懈 褌邪 褉芯蟹屑褨薪褍胁邪薪薪褟 屑褨褋褑械胁芯褋褌褨 胁褨写 胁懈斜褍褏芯斜械蟹锌械褔薪懈褏 锌褉械写屑械褌褨胁 褟泻 锌褨写 褔邪褋 胁械写械薪薪褟 斜芯泄芯胁懈褏 写褨泄, 褌邪泻 褨 蟹邪胁褨写褋褍褌薪芯褋褌褨 褩褏 蟹斜褨谢褜褕懈谢芯褋褜 胁 褉邪蟹懈. 袛芯褋胁褨写 胁褨泄薪懈 锌芯泻邪蟹褍褦, 褖芯 锌褉芯褌懈胁薪懈泻 薪械蟹胁邪卸邪褞褔懈 薪邪 屑褨卸薪邪褉芯写薪褨 泻芯薪胁械薪褑褨褩 褖芯写芯 蟹邪斜芯褉芯薪懈 锌械胁薪懈褏 胁懈写褨胁 屑褨薪薪芯褩 蟹斜褉芯褩, 蟹邪褋褌芯褋芯胁褍褦 胁械褋褜 褋胁褨泄 薪邪褟胁薪懈泄 邪褉褋械薪邪谢 屑褨薪 褌邪 褋邪屑芯褉芯斜薪褨 胁懈斜褍褏芯胁褨 锌褉懈褋褌褉芯褩, 褟泻褨褔邪褋褌芯 胁褋褌邪薪芯胁谢褞褞褌褜褋褟 薪邪 薪械胁懈谢褍褔褍胁邪薪褨褋褌褜. 袨泻褉褨屑 屑褨薪 褌邪 褋邪屑芯褉芯斜薪懈褏 胁懈斜褍褏芯胁懈褏 锌褉懈褋褌褉芯褩胁 褌械褉懈褌芯褉褨褟 校泻褉邪褩薪懈, 写械 胁械写褍褌褜褋褟 斜芯泄芯胁褨 写褨褩 邪斜芯 蟹胁褨谢褜薪械薪邪, 蟹邪斜褉褍写薪械薪邪 胁械谢懈泻芯褞 泻褨谢褜泻褨褋褌褜 褉褨蟹薪芯屑邪薪褨褌薪懈褏 斜芯褦锌褉懈锌邪褋褨胁, 褟泻褨 薪械 褉芯蟹褨褉胁邪谢懈褋褟.袙懈泻芯薪邪薪薪褟 蟹邪胁写邪薪褜 蟹 褉芯蟹胁褨写泻懈 屑褨褋褑械胁芯褋褌褨 薪邪 薪邪褟胁薪褨褋褌褜 胁懈斜褍褏芯薪械斜械蟹锌械褔薪懈褏 锌褉械写屑械褌褨胁 褌邪 褉芯蟹屑褨薪褍胁邪薪薪褟 锌褨写 褔邪褋 胁械写械薪薪褟 斜芯泄芯胁懈褏 写褨泄 胁 芯褋薪芯胁薪芯屑褍 锌芯泻谢邪写械薪芯 薪邪 褨薪卸械薪械褉薪褨 锌褨写褉芯蟹写褨谢懈 袟小 校泻褉邪褩薪懈, 邪 蟹邪 胁褨写褋褍褌薪芯褋褌褨 斜芯泄芯胁懈褏写褨泄 - 薪邪 锌褨褉芯褌械褏薪褨褔薪褨 锌褨写褉芯蟹写褨谢懈 袛械褉卸邪胁薪芯褩 褋谢褍卸斜懈 校泻褉邪褩薪懈 蟹 薪邪写蟹胁懈褔邪泄薪懈褏 褋懈褌褍邪褑褨泄. 袗薪邪谢褨蟹 胁懈泻芯薪邪薪薪褟 蟹邪胁写邪薪褜 褖芯写芯 褉芯蟹胁褨写泻懈 褌邪 褉芯蟹屑褨薪褍胁邪薪薪褟 褨薪卸械薪械褉薪懈屑懈 锌褨写褉芯蟹写褨谢邪屑懈 袟小 校泻褉邪褩薪懈 褌邪 锌褨褉芯褌械褏薪褨褔薪懈屑懈 谐褉褍锌邪屑懈 袛械褉卸邪胁薪芯褩 褋谢褍卸斜懈 校泻褉邪褩薪懈 蟹 薪邪写蟹胁懈褔邪泄薪懈褏 褋懈褌褍邪褑褨泄 锌芯泻邪蟹褍褦, 褖芯 芯褋薪芯胁薪懈屑 褋锌芯褋芯斜芯屑 薪邪 褋褜芯谐芯写薪褨褕薪褨 蟹邪谢懈褕邪褦褌褜褋褟 褉褍褔薪懈泄, 褟泻懈泄 褦 胁泻褉邪泄 薪械斜械蟹锌械褔薪懈屑 写谢褟 卸懈褌褌褟 芯褋芯斜芯胁芯谐芯 褋泻谢邪写褍. 袟 屑械褌芯褞 蟹邪斜械蟹锌械褔械薪薪褟 斜械蟹锌械泻懈 胁懈泻芯薪邪薪薪褟 褑懈褏 蟹邪胁写邪薪褜 胁械写械褌褜褋褟 褉芯斜芯褌邪 蟹褨 褋褌胁芯褉械薪薪褟 胁褨褌褔懈蟹薪褟薪懈褏 蟹邪褋芯斜褨胁 写懈褋褌邪薪褑褨泄薪芯褩 褉芯蟹胁褨写泻懈 褌邪 褉芯蟹屑褨薪褍胁邪薪薪褟. 袨写薪褨褦褞 褨蟹 褋泻谢邪写芯胁懈褏 褌邪泻懈褏 蟹邪褋芯斜褨胁 褦 锌芯褕褍泻芯胁褨 械谢械屑械薪褌懈 胁懈斜褍褏芯薪械斜械蟹锌械褔薪懈褏 锌褉械写屑械褌褨胁, 褟泻褨 锌褉邪褑褞褞褌褜 薪邪 褉褨蟹薪懈褏 褎褨蟹懈褔薪懈褏 锌褉懈薪褑懈锌邪褏. 袨泻褉褨屑 褌械芯褉械褌懈褔薪懈褏 锌芯谢芯卸械薪褜 芯写薪懈屑 褨蟹 胁邪卸谢懈胁懈褏 泄芯谐芯 械褌邪锌褨胁 褦 锌褉芯胁械写械薪薪褟 械泻褋锌械褉懈屑械薪褌邪谢褜薪芯谐芯 写芯褋谢褨写卸械薪薪褟. 袙 褋褌邪褌褌褨 薪邪 芯褋薪芯胁褨 褉邪薪褨褕械 褉芯蟹褉芯斜谢械薪懈褏 褌械芯褉械褌懈褔薪懈褏 锌芯谢芯卸械薪褜 薪邪胁械写械薪芯 屑芯写械谢褞胁邪薪薪褟 锌褉芯褑械褋褨胁 胁懈褟胁谢械薪薪褟 胁懈斜褍褏芯薪械斜械蟹锌械褔薪懈褏 锌褉械写屑械褌褨胁 褨薪写褍泻褑褨泄薪懈屑 褌邪 褉邪写褨芯褏胁懈谢褜芯胁懈屑 屑械褌芯写邪屑懈 蟹 胁懈泻芯褉懈褋褌邪薪薪褟 屑褨薪芯褕褍泻邪褔褨胁, 褟泻褨 锌械褉械斜褍胁邪褞褌褜 薪邪 芯蟹斜褉芯褦薪薪褨 袟小 校泻褉邪褩薪懈 褌邪 袛小袧小, 邪 褋邪屑械 袠袦袩, 袪袙袦-2(袦), 袦袦袩 (写胁芯泻邪薪邪谢褜薪懈泄), 锌褨写 褔邪褋 锌褉芯胁械写械薪薪褟 芯写薪芯褎邪泻褌芯褉薪芯谐芯 械泻褋锌械褉懈屑械薪褌褍 蟹 屑械褌芯褞 芯斜覒褉褍薪褌褍胁邪薪薪褟 芯泻褉械屑懈褏 锌芯泻邪蟹薪懈泻褨胁 械褎械泻褌懈胁薪芯褋褌褨 械谢械屑械薪褌褨胁 锌芯褕褍泻褍 胁懈斜褍褏芯薪械斜械蟹锌械褔薪懈褏 锌褉械写屑械褌褨胁 写懈褋褌邪薪褑褨泄薪芯-泻械褉芯胁邪薪懈褏 泻芯屑锌谢械泻褋褨胁 褉芯蟹屑褨薪褍胁邪薪薪褟

    Problem of thermoelasticity for a half plane with a partially contacting crack

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    Measurements of hydrogen gas stopping efficiency for tin ions from laser-produced plasma

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    Experimental studies of stopping of ion fluxes from laser-produced plasma by a low-pressure gas atmosphere are presented. A modification of the time-of-flight spectroscopy technique is proposed for the stopping cross-sectional measurements in the ion energy range of 0.1-10 keV. The application of the proposed technique is demonstrated for Sn ion stopping by H2 gas. This combination of elements is of particular importance for the development of plasma-based sources of extreme ultraviolet radiation for lithographic applications

    Infrared suppression by hybrid EUV multilayer-IR etalon structures

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    We have developed a multilayer mirror for extreme UV (EUV) radiation (13.5nm), which has near-zero reflectance for IR line radiation (10.6 mu m). The EUV reflecting multilayer is based on alternating B(4)C and Si layers. Substantial transparency of these materials with respect to the IR radiation allowed the integration of the multilayer coating in a resonant quarter-wave structure for 10.6 mu m. Samples were manufactured using magnetron sputtering deposition technique and demonstrated suppression of the IR radiation by up to 3 orders of magnitude. The EUV peak reflectance amounts 45% at 13: 5nm, with a bandwidth at FWHM being 0.284 nm. Therefore such a mirror could replace conventional multilayer mirrors to suppress undesired spectral components in monochromatic imaging applications, including EUV photolithography. (C) 2011 Optical Society of America</p