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    The paper has three parts. The first is called “Classical Conceptions”. It is a brief review of the most famous approaches, including turning attention to their weaknesses. Unlike most writers, who almost all theories divide to dualistic and monistic (provided that in the latter on the are the two different directions), the author identifies four approaches: 1) the primacy of municipal law, 2) dualism, 3) the primacy of international law, 4) pluralism. He specifically points to the historical context of these concepts ie. that they met the specific needs of the times in which they occurred. But in the meantime, the reality is radically changed. The second part is called “The Most Important Issues in Respect to the Relationship Between International and Municipal Law in Our Time.” Here the author tries to highlight the issue in question through the answers to four basic questions: 1) what is the impact of domestic and municipal law on each other (the problem of interaction), 2) whether the norms of international law and the municipal law are part of one single legal system (connection problem); 3) which norms (internal or municipal) in the event of a conflict prevail (or legal power problem i.e. hierarchy of norms), and 4) the problem of how to link domestic and municipal law. Finally, in the concluding remarks, the author notes, among other things, that the relation between international and municipal law is not limited to the question of primacy; that this relation should be distinguished from the mechanisms of introduction of international law in domestic law; and that in our time we are witnesses o of growing primacy of international law. The author ends his work by noting that a dispute over the primacy of international or national law is in fact unnecessary. According to him, intense discussions on the relation between international and municipal law in more than 100 years, have not yielded any tangible practical results, and in fact were nothing more then the sheer sophistry of legal theorists. Although they may be interesting from the point of municipal law or general legal theory, they are not, or in any case they are much and much less interesting from the standpoint of international law.Rad ima tri dela. U prvom je dat kratak prikaz osnovnih polazišta, ali i slabosti najpoznatijih pristupa koji se tiču odnosa međunarodnog i unutrašnjeg prava. Za razliku od većine pisaca, koji uglavnom sve teorije dele na dualističku i monističku (s tim da u okviru ove druge razlikuju dva pravca) autor izdvaja četiri pristupa: 1) primat unutrašnjeg prava, 2) dualizam, 3) primat međunarodnog prava, 4) pluralizam. On posebno ukazuje na istorijski kontekst ovih koncepcija tj. da su one zadovoljavale određene potrebe vremena u kome su se javile. U drugom delu rada, autor je pokušao da osvetli problem o kojem je reč kroz odgovore na četiri osnovna pitanja: 1) kakav je uticaj unutraš- njeg prava na međunarodno i obnuto; 2) da li su norme međunarodnog i unutrašnjeg prava deo jednog pravnog sistema; 3) koje norme (međunarodne ili unutrašnje) imaju u slučaju sukoba jaču pravnu snagu i 4) problem načina povezivanja unutrašnjeg i međunarodnog prava. U zaključnim razmatranjima, autor ponavlja najvažnije opšte zaključke - da se odnos međunarodnog i unutrašnjeg prava ne svodi samo na pitanje primata; da taj odnos treba razlikovati od mehanizama unošenja međunarodnog prava u unutrašnje; da je u naše vreme sve izraženiji pri mat međunarodnog prava. Na samom kraju on konstatuje da je čitav spor oko primata međunarodnog ili unutrašnjeg prava zapravo nepotreban. Po njemu, rasprave o odnosu međunarodnog i unutrašnjeg prava mogu biti zanimljive sa pozicija unutrašnjeg prava država odn. opšte pravne teorije, ali nisu, ili u svakom slučaju sve manje su, interesantne sa stanovišta međunarodnog prava. Ključne reči: međunarodno pravo, unutrašnje pravo, monizam, dualizam, doktrina


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    The Role of International (Public) Law is more significant nowdays than in past, which not only regulates relations in international community, but also relations of society in states in different ways (immediately and vicariously) in higher degree. Even those who do not practice international relations professionally, need to have elementary knowledge of that big, complex and interesting in many ways legal system, because of that reason. This article consist four elementary thematic parts. The first part deals with concept and name of International Law. Here is indicated difference between Domestic and International Law, then definition of International Law, with short but clear enough explanation of its elements. Afterwards, there is short retrospect of beginning and development of International Law (it is indicated that some international norms existed in Antique world, which many oppose) and explanation of name of this department of law. The second part deals with International Law as special legal system. International Law is law – set of legal rules, which is opposite to some opinions which can be heard even today. Afterwards, the author presents its most important characteristics. The third part deals with classification of International Law, and the fourth part with its distinction from similar phenomenon (International Private Law, International Commercial Law, Uniform law etc.). In conclusion the author says that modern International Law is in crisis, but it will continue to develop faster in various fields, except in case of some global disaster (world war, global epidemic etc.). However, world needs only democratic International Law. Democratically adopted law, which express and protect universal human values and which is suitable for all (conditionally, of course) is respected and appreciated by everyone. This is the only way to achieve stability, justice and harmony in international relations. Without this, in the long-term there will be no peace, progress and future.U naše vreme sve je veća uloga međunarodnog (javnog) prava koje ne samo da sve potpunije reguliše odnose u međunarodnoj zajednici, već isto tako na razne načine (neposredno i posredno) sve više uređuje i društvene odnose u državama. Stoga je čak i za one koji se ne bave profesionalno međunarodnim odnosima neophodno da imaju makar osnovna znanja o tom velikom, složenom i po mnogo čemu izuzetno zanimljivom pravnom poretku. Rad ima četiri osnovna tematska dela. Prvi se bavi pojmom i nazivom međunarodnog prava. Tu je ukazano na razlikovanje između unutrašnjeg i međunarodnog prava, a zatim je data definicija međunarodnog prava, uz sažeto ali dovoljno jasno objaš- njenje njenih elemenata. Takođe, dati su kratak osvrt na nastanak i razvoj međunarodnog prava (ukazano je na to da se o međunarodnopravnim normama može govoriti još u antičkom svetu, što neki osporavaju) i objašnjenje samog naziva ove grane prava. Drugi deo bavi se međunarodnim pravom kao osobenim pravnim poretkom. Tu je ukazano da suprotno osporavanjima koja se i danas ponekad mogu čuti, međunarodno pravo jeste pravo (skup pravnih pravila), a zatim je ukazano na njegove najvažnije osobenosti. Treći deo bavi se podelom međunarodnog prava, a četvrti njegovim razlikovanjem od nekih sličnih pojava (međunarodno privatno pravo, međunarodno privredno pravo, uniformno pravo i dr.).. U zaključnom osvrtu autor primećuje da je savremeno međunarodno pravo zapalo u krizu, ali da sve ukazuje da će, osim u slučaju nekakve sveopšte katastrofe (svetski rat, pandemija i sl.) ono nastaviti da se razvija na raznim poljima, i to sve brže. Međutim, svetu nije potrebno bilo kakvo, već demokratsko međunarodno pravo. Znači, takvo pravo koje je doneto na demokratski način, koje izražava i štiti opšteljudske vrednosti i odgovara svima (uslovno rečeno, razume se) i koje stoga svi poštuju i uvažavaju. Jedino tako se mogu postići potrebna stabilnost, pravi- čnost i sklad u međunarodnim odnosima. A bez toga, dugoročno gledajući nema mira, nema napretka, nema budućnosti

    Procjena PCBs-a i OCPs-a u brgljunu (Engraulis encrasicolus) i srdeli (Sardina pilchardus) iz Jadranskog mora, Hercegnovski zaljev (uz morski kanal Kumbor)

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    This manuscript presents research on six (6) Polyclorinated biphenyls (PCBs): PCB 28, PCB 52, PCB 101, PCB 138, PCB 153, PCB 180 and twenty-three (23) Organochlorine Pesticides (OCPs) in anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) and sardine (Sardina pilchardus), from the Adriatic Sea, Bay of Herceg Novi (alongside Kumbor marine channel). Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) have been syn-thesized for the first time in 1866 and their production at the industrial level began in 1929. Intensive manufactured have been since 1939 and their exports as chemicals and products have taken place literally in every country in the world. However, the distribution of PCBs in the environment and thus in the food chains were unknown until 1966 when it were identified in human and wildlife. Despite production discontinuation in a number of countries since the mid-1970s and early 1980s, PCBs are still pollutants of major international concern. All analyzed samples contained different concentrations of PCBs and among these congeners #153, #138, #180 and #101 were the most present regarding intensification. Concentration of the analyzed PCBs in anchovies’ samples (lipid content) decreased in the subsequent order: PCB153> PCB 138> PCB180> PCB101> PCB52. The grade of PCBs concentration in homogenized ancho-vies samples decreased in the same way: PCB 153> PCB 138> PCB >180 > PCB 101> PCB 52, as well as in sardine homogenized samples and in sardine lipid content, they appear in relation to quantity in the same order. Concentration of PCB 28 shows the same value in the all analyzed samples (PCB 138> PCB180> PCB101>PCB52. Stupanj koncentracije PCB-a u homogeniziranom uzorku brgljuna opada na isti način: PCB153> PCB 138> PCB>180.>PCB101>PCB52, kao i u uzorcima srdele, koncentracija kongenera pojavljuje se istim redoslijedom. PCB 28 pokazuje istu vrijednost u svim analiziranim uzorcima (<10)


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    This article, which deals with the issue of international community’s fight against Somali sea robbers, has a four parts. In the first part, the author points to the significance of the problem of Somali piracy and analyses the causes of this problem. In addition, he points to the basic characteristics of Somali pirates and reviews forms of the fight against such criminals performed by international community so far. In the second part, the author presents international regulation concerning this issue. He first explains how international law regulates sea robbery in international waters (piracy in the narrower sense) and points to the provisions of the two most important international treaties – Convention on the High Seas (1958) and UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982). After that, the author analyses the relation between international law and sea robbery in territorial waters and Somalia. He reviews the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Act Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation (1988) with its protocols and especially the UN Security Council resolutions concerning the suppression of sea robbery near the Somali coast. Particular attention is given to the analysis of the influence of these resolutions on practice and it is concluded that resolutions did not improve international fight against Somali pirates so far. Therefore, it is expressed concern over the further rise in acts of Somali piracy despite of adoption of such resolutions. In the third part of the article, the author is trying to answer the question why the fight against pirates is unsuccessful while so many national intelligence agencies, maritime flotillas, international organizations and UN Security Council are engaged in this fight. The author notices that fight is not effective although international law provides precise framework for fight against sea robbers and UN Security Council resolutions give great authorities to foreign warship - including the right of hot pursuit in territorial waters, even on land of Somalia! The author identified some reasons for such unsuccess and classified them into three groups: 1) problems concerning the arrest of pirates; 2) uninterest of countries in fight against pirates on the high seas; 3) problems with pirates extradition to the countries in the region for trial and punishment. The last part of the article deals with possibilities of improvement of fight against Somali pirates. The author gives concrete proposals and notices that international community should invest in reconstruction of Somali society instead of spending huge amount of money for fight against piracy. In that case, it would probably not have to fight against sea robbers in that part of the world.Rad, koji je, kako mu naslov kaže, posvećen pitanju borbe međunarodne zajednice protiv somalijskih morskih razbojnika, ima četiri osnovna dela. U uvodnom delu ukazano je na značaj ovog problema, razloge koji su do njega doveli, kao i na osnovne karakteristike somalijskih pirata. Odmah zatim, dat je osvrt na dosadašnje oblike borbe međunarodne zajednice protiv ovih kriminalaca. Drugi deo posvećen je izlaganju međunarodnopravnog regulisanja u ovoj oblasti. Tu je prvo ukazano na to kako međunarodno pravo uređuje morsko razbojništvo u međunarodnim vodama (piaterija u užem smislu), pri čemu su analizirane odredbe dva najvažnija univerzalna međunarodna ugovora – Konvencije o otvorenom moru (1958) i Konvencije UN o pravu mora (1982). Nakon toga, pažnja je posvećena odnosu međunarodnog prava prema morskom razbojništvu u teritorijalnim vodama država i konkretno Somalije, pri čemu je dat osvrt na Konvenciju o suzbijanju nezakonitih dela protiv bezbednosti pomorske plovidbe (1988) i protokole uz nju, a posebno na odgovarajuće rezolucije Saveta bezbednosti, usmerene na suzbijanje morskog razbojništva u blizini obala Somalije. Posebna pažnja posvećena je uticaju relevantnih rezolucija Saveta bezbednosti na stanje u praksi, pri čemu je konstatovano da one nisu dovele do nikakvog opipljivog poboljšanja stanja, već je, naprotiv, došlo do dalje porasta napada somalijskih morskih razbojnika. Treći deo rada pokušava da odgovori zašto je borba protiv pirata, u kojoj su angažovane i vodeće obaveštajne službe najvećih država sveta, čitave pomorske flotile, odnosno multinacionalne pomorske snage iz 30-tak država, i razne međunarodne organizacije, pa čak u sve većoj meri i sam Savet bezbednosti UN, za sada bezuspešna. Posebno u situaciji kada ne samo da postojeće opšte međunarodno pravo daje dovoljno precizne i čvrste okvire za borbu protiv morskih razbojnika, već postoje i posebne rezolucije Saveta bezbednosti koje ratnim brodovima stranih država daju do sada neviđena ovlašćenja – uključujući i pravo progona morskih razbojnika u teritorijalnim vodama, pa čak i na kopnu Somalije! Autor je identifikovao nekoliko razloga, koje je svrstao u tri osnovne grupe: 1) problemi u vezi sa samim hapšenjem; 2) nezainteresovanost država za gonjenje pirata na otvorenom moru i 3) problemi u vezi sa aranžmanima o predaji pirate državama iz regiona radi suđenja i kažnjavanja. Poslednji deo rada bavi se mogućim načinima unapređenja borbe protiv somalijskih pirata. Tu autor daje neke konkretne predloge i, pored ostalog, primećuje da, da su, kojim slučajem, ogroman novac koji troše na borbu protiv piraterije razvijene zemlje uložile u rekonstrukciju somalijskog društva, danas se najverovatnije ne bi ni morale baviti borbom protiv morskih razbojnika u tom delu sveta

    ЖЕНЕВСКА КОНВЕНЦИЈА О ПОБОЉШАЊУ СУДБИНЕ ВОЈНИХ РАЊЕНИКА У РАТУ (1864) Поводом 140 година од приступања Србије Конвенцији

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    The paper deals with the Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded in Armies in the Field (1864). In the introduction, the author refers to the origins of humanitarian rules in antiquity and the Middle Ages until the nineteenth century. Also, with regard to the wars in the 19th century which, due to increased numbers of combatants and new, much more lethal means of warfare produced enormous number of killed and wounded, he shows that during this period there appeared clear necessity at the universal level, for regulation of protection of the sick and wounded in the war. The second part of the paper deals with the Geneva Convention of 1964. The author refers to the historical background of this agreement, turns attention to the content of its the most important solutions and then briefly show further development of international humanitarian law. The third part is dedicated to the importance of the Convention of 1864. Here the author shows the impact of this agreement on the internal regulations of the countries, the impact on the development of international humanitarian law and, in particular, the impact on practice. In the latter case, he analyzes immediate impact on practice, indirect influence and impact on the development of a culture of human rights. Particularly interesting are the places where the author points to the impact of the Convention on the development of the then Principality of Serbia relevant national law, as well as, in many ways, on an amazing example of applying the principles of the Convention by Serbia in the war against Bulgaria (1885). The general conclusion of the author is that one should not assume that there have been no violations Geneva Conventions and that such violation will not take place in the future. However, he believes that the overall picture is positive. In this regard he suggests that one has to to imagine how the world would look like without the Geneva Convention. There would still be wars, but to the sufferings of victims would be much worse.Пре век и по Србија је ушла у чланство изузетно важног међународног споразума из материје ратног и хуманитарног права – Женевске конвенције о побољшању судбине војних рањеника у рату (1864). У уводном делу аутор се осврће на зачетке хуманитарних правила у антици и средњем веку, све до XIX века. Такође, са позивом на ратове у XIX в. који су услед повећања бројности армија и нових, много убојитијих средстава ратовања имали огромне жртве, он показује да су у том периоду сазреле објективне потребе да се на универзалном плану регулише заштита рањеника и болесника у рату Други део рада односи се на Женевску конвенцију из 1864., историјску позадину њеног закључења, садржину најважнијих решења и даљи ток развоја међународног хуманитарног права. Треће део посвећен је значају Конвенције. Ту аутор указује на утицај тог споразума на унутрашње прописе држава, на развој међународног хуманитарног права и, посебно, на праксу, али и на развој културе људских права. Посебно су занимљива места на којима аутор указује на утицај Конвенције на развој релевантног права тадашње Кнежевине Србије, као и на, по много чему, невероватан пример примене принципа Конвенције од стране Србије у рату против Бугарском (1885). Општи закључак аутора је да се не треба заваравати да кршења Женевске конвенције и њених принципа није било. Ипак, општа слика је несумњиво позитивна. Довољно је само замислити како би изгледао свет без Конвенције из 1864. и Женевских конвенција које су за њом уследиле. И даље би се ратовало, али жртве и њихове патње били би много већи


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    The work consists of three parts. The first one deals with the term “human rights” and what is meant by it - a special concept, fundamental legally protected human rights and freedoms, specific legal solutions, what happens in practice, clearly defend human rights and freedoms that belong to specific persons i.e. groups, area of law that regulates human rights, a special subject taught in law schools, etc. After that here it is pointed out a fundamental difference between human rights and freedoms, as well as the distinction between human rights and some similar social phenomenom. In the second part, it was pointed out that human rights are a very complex social phenomenon. Accordingly, an overview of their various dimensions - philosophical, ideological, political, economic, social, educational and legal is given. The third part deals with the legal regulation as a mandatory part of human rights. Here it is emphasized that there are no human rights if they are not legally regulated and it is explained why this is so. It was pointed out that the legal regulation means that human rights are legally guaranteed, that their holders have a legal basis to request their free enjoyment and, if necessary, protection i.e. that, viewed from another angle, the obligations of the state and other entities are legal obligations, mandatory rules of conduct. In other words, non-compliance or violation of human rights is a violation of law as an objective normative order, which means that it entails legal liability. The author emphasizes that in terms of substance, when it comes to human rights, it is no longer issue of good will or discretionary assessment of respective entities, primarily states, but it is a system of legal rules of national and international law, which are intertwined and complementary.Rad ima tri dela. Prvi se bavi nazivom “ljudska prava” i onim što se pod tim podrazumeva – poseban koncept, osnovna pravno zaštićena ljudska prava i slobode, konkretna pravna rešenja, ono što se dešava u praksi, jasno defnisana ljudska prava i slobode koji pripadaju konkretnim licima odn. grupama, oblast prava kojom je regulisana materija ljudskih prava, poseban predmet koji se predaje na pravnim i srodnim fakultetima, itd. Tu je zatim ukazanona načelnu razliku između ljudskih prava i sloboda, kao i na razlikovanje ljudskih prava od nekih sličnih društvenih pojava. U drugom delu istaknuto je da su ljudska prava vrlo složena društvena pojava. U skladu s tim dat je osvrt na njihove razne dimenzije – flozofsku, ideološku, političku, ekonomsku, socijalnu, pedagošku i pravnu. Treći deo bavi se pravnim regulisanjem kao obaveznim delom ljudskih prava. Tu je istaknuto da nema ljudskih prava ako ona nisu pravno regulisana i objašnjeno je zašto je to tako. Ukazano je na to da pravno regulisanje znači da su ljudska prava pravno zajamčena, da njihovi titular imaju pravni osnov da zahtevaju njihovo nesmetano uživanje i, po potrebi, zaštitu odnosno da, gledano iz drugog ugla, obaveze države odnosno drugih subjekata su pravne obaveze, obavezna pravila ponašanja. Drugim rečima, nepoštovanje ili povreda ljudskih prava predstavlja kršenje prava kao objektivnog normativnog poretka, što znači da povlači pravnu odgovornost. Autor posebno ističe da u suštinskom smislu, kada je reč o ljudskim pravima, više nije u pitanju dobra volja ili diskreciona ocena odnosnih subjekata, pre svega država, već se radi o sistemu pravnih pravila unutrašnjeg i međunarodnog prava, koja se međusobno prepliću i dopunjuju


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    The paper has three parts. The first one is introductory, where the author explains why there is a primacy of international law. In the second part of the article he answers the most common arguments that challenge this primacy. In the third, concluding part the author notes the existence of another very important problem, which consists in the request that in order to have legitime primacy, international law must be democratic, one that suits the interests of all members of the international community and not a law that could be turned into an instrument of political and other domination of the most powerful nations.Autor obrazlaže zašto u naše vreme postoji primat međunarodnog prava. On odgovara na najčešće argumente kojima se taj primat osporava, dokazujući da su ti prigovori mahom preterani ali bar prevaziđeni. Istovremeno on sam primećuje postojanje jednog drugog, veoma važnog problema koji se sastoji u tome da stvarni primat međunarodnog prava pretpostavlja ispunjenje određenih pretpostavki. Najvažnija od njih svodi se na zahtev da, da bi njegov primat bio legitiman, to pravo mora biti demokratsko, takvo koje odgovara interesima svih članova međunarodne zajednice, a ne neko pravo koje bi se pretvorilo u instrument političke i druge dominacije najmoćnijih sila


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    The paper deals with various methods of acquiring state territory. At the outset, author explains that each and every country acquires state territory at the moment of its creation, as the territory constitutes the mandatory prerequisite for state creation. However, author further stresses that the state territory is variable category. With regard to that, author indicates that states generally may acquire new territory in numerous manners, which in theoretical terms might be divided in original and derivative methods. When it comes to practical criteria, we may distinguish a number of concrete methods of acquiring state territory, such as cession, non-forceful occupation, positive prescription and increment. However, it is worth mentioning that due to the absence of strict rules regarding the given methods, there are a number of different approaches to these issues among legal scholars. As basic methods of acquiring state territory, author identifies: enslavement (which was common practice in the past, but nowadays it is not in line with the international law), increment, non-forceful occupation, positive prescription, cession, plebiscite, adjudication and disposal on behalf of international community. This paper particularly elaborates the aforementioned methods of acquiring state territories. The relevant state practices, especially the most recent ones, are provided as well. Finally, author concludes that nevertheless that states, in the long run, may get reorganized to supranational entities, the notion of territory is not expected to lose its importance. It may only happen that the concept of state territories gets overshadowed by the category of supranational territories.Rad se bavi raznim načinima sticanja državne teritorije. Prvo je dat kratak uvod u kojem autor primećuje da svaka država stiče državnu teritoriju momentom svog nastanka, što je logično samo po sebi, jer bez teritorije nema ni države, ali da državna teritorija nije jednom zauvek data, nepromenjiva kategorija. S tim u vezi, pisac ukazuje na to da u praksi države stiču i novu teritoriju odn. uvećavaju svoju teritoriju, na razne načine koji se u teoriji, opšte uzev, obično dele na izvorne (originarne) i izvedene (derivativne). Bliže gledajući, moguće je, međutim, razlikovati više konkretnih načina sticanja državne teritorije. Obično se kao takvi identifikuju cesija, mirna okupacija, priraštaj i održaj, ali pošto u međunarodnom pravu nema krutih pravila o tome, razni pisci daju unekoliko različita viđenja. Autor članka kao osnovne načine sticanja državne teritorije izdvaja: porobljavanje (subjugaciju) za koje odmah kaže da je istorijska kategorija odn. prevaziđena ustanova koja nije u sklada sa važečim međunarodnim pravom, a kada je reč o savremenoj praksi, priraštaj, mirnu okupaciju, održaj, ustupanje (cesiju), plebiscit, adjukaciju i raspolaganje u ime međunarodne zajednice. Rad se posebno bavi ovim načinima uvećanja državne teritorije. Izlaganje je obogaćeno primerima iz prakse, uključujući i neke od najnovijih slučajeva. U okviru zaključnih razmatranja autor primećuje da je moguće da se brže nego što očekujemo svet preoblikuje u smislu da države kakvim ih danas znamo nestanu i ustupe mesto nekim drugim oblicima društvenog organizovanja (naddržavnim tvorevinama i sl.) ali da sve dok postoje države kao suverene jedinke, postojaće i njihove državne teritorije, što znači da će i dalje biti aktuelno pitanje načina sticanja (povećanja) državne teritorije. S druge strane, čak i ako umesto država nastanu neke nove tvorevine i one će, po logici stvari, biti teritorijalne, što znači da će ovo pitanje ostati otvoreno i tada, premda će možda poprimiti nešto drugačiju sadržin


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    Among the various other means of peaceful settlement of international disputes special place belongs to the settlement of disputes by international organizations and their organs. In the first part of the work the author briefly deals with international disputes, the obligation to resolve them exclusively by peaceful and the general role of international organizations in all of this. The second part of the paper contains short presentation of disputes settlement before the United Nations, including International Court of Justice, Security Council, General Assembly. The third part is dedicated to resolving disputes under the auspices of other universal international organizations (UN specialized agencies, IAEA, WTO, OPCW), the fourth deals with the settlement of disputes by the regional organizations, and the fifth refers to international bodies which are not international organizations (in particular, the International Criminal Court). In his final remarks the author concludes that there are more and more international organizations, that there the mechanisms for resolving disputes within are more and more diverse and more efficient, but that in some cases the practice continues to fail. When it comes to political disputes, in matters where competing interests collide, disputes still often tend to be tackled in the open or hidden use of force, although this is prohibited by international law. This is especially true in cases involving some of the great powers.Među načinima mirnog rešavanja međunarodnih sporova posebno mesto pripada rešavanju sporova pred međunarodnim organizacijama i njihovim organima. Prvi deo rada bavi bavi se međunarodnim sporovima, obavezom njihovog rešavanja isključivo mirnim sredstvima i opštom ulogom međunarodnih organizacija u tome; u drugom delu je izloženo rešavanje sporova pred UN, treci deo posvecen je rešavanju sporova pod okriljem ostalih univerzalnih međunarodnih organizacija, četvrti se bavi rešavanjem sporova od strane regionalnih organizacija, a peti se odnosi na međunarodna tela koja nisu međunarodne organizacije. Autor zaključujuje da je sve više međunarodnih organizacija, da su mehanizmi za rešavanje sporova u okviru njih sve raznovrsniji i sve efkasniji, ali da u praksi i dalje u nekim slučajevima sve to zataji. Kada je reč o političkim sporovima, u materijama gde se sudaraju suprotstavljeni interesi, sporovi i dalje često imaju tendenciju da budu rešavani otvorenom ili prikrivenom silom, mada je to zabranjeno međunarodnim pravom. Ovo posebno važi za sporove koji uključuju neku od velikih sila


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    The article deals with the problem of dividing international criminal into those in the wider and broader sense. The first part points to the essence of this division and the fact that it appeared at the XIV International Association of Penal Law (Vienna, 1989) and was then accepted from a part of the theorist. The second part gives an overview of the most important criteria on which these divisions are based. Although also pointing to some other possible criteria, the author notes that in the end everything is mainly reduced to whether the international community precisely criminalizes, prosecutes and punishes the perpetrators, or establishes special international courts, responsible for determining the criminal responsibility of the defendants and, when there is appropriate, sentencing them. The third, most important part is a critical review. After pointing out a number of specific reasons for this, the author concludes that there is no reason to make a difference between international crimes in the wider and broader sense. He believes that various divisions of international crimes are welcome, but this one does not seem justified.Članak se bavi problemom podele međunarodnih krivičnih dela na ona u užem i u širem smislu. U prvom delu ukazuje se na suštinu te podele i činjenicu da se ona javila na XIV Međunarodnom kongresu krivičara (Beč 1989) a zatim bila prihvaćena od jednog broja teoretičara. U drugom delu dat je osvrt na najvažnije kriterijume na kojima se zasniva ove podela. Premda ukazuje i na druge moguće kriterijume, autor primećuje da se na kraju sve uglavnom svodi na to da li je međunarodna zajednica precizno inkriminisanje, gonjenje i kažnjavanje izvršilaca dela prepustila državama ili su osnovani posebni međunarodni sudovi, nadležni za utvrđivanje krivične odgovornosti okrivljenih i, kada tome ima mesta, izricanje kazne. Treći, najvažniji deo predstavlja kritički osvrt. Autor na kraju, nakon što ukazuje na brojne konkretne razloge za to, zaključuje da nema razloga za pravljenje razlike između međunarodnih krivičnih dela u užem i širem smislu. On smatra da su razne podele međunarodnih krivičnih dela dobrodošle, ali da se ova ne čini opravdanom