3 research outputs found

    Cervical Length and Perinatal Outcome

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    Prematurity nowadays has taken on significant dimensions. It is a complex medical issue with socio-economic consequences. The estimation of cervical length, assessed during the second trimester of pregnancy, using transvaginal ultrasound, may help to reduce rates of prematurity. By predicting the risk of preterm birth and identifying women who are at high risk of preterm birth, certain practices could be implemented, such as the use of progesterone or cerclage placement. Nonetheless, it remains unsolved the question of certain strategies, such as the use of progesterone in pregnant women with shortened cervical lengths. This work examines the relationship of cervical length during pregnancy to the perinatal outcome

    Vaginal Seeding in Term Cesarean Section Is a Mandatory Condition for Improvement of Neonatal Health

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    The human vaginal microbiota is an important component of the defense system to fight microbial and viral infections. During pregnancy, a significant decrease in overall diversity is observed in the vaginal flora, and there is an increase in stability as the composition of the vaginal flora changes gradually. These alterations are linked to a decrease in vaginal pH and an augmentation in vaginal secretions. The composition of the vaginal microbiome changes according to gestational age, with its composition in advanced weeks of pregnancy resembling that of nonpregnant women. There is supporting evidence for the existence of differences in the neonate’s microbiome between those born via C-section and those delivered vaginally. The evidence suggests that this difference is a result of the changes that occur in the mother’s microbiome, particularly in the vagina. The vaginal microbiome serves as a crucial barrier between the external environment and the intra-amniotic cavity. The vaginal microbiome appears to play a significant role as an additional defense mechanism of the mother and, consequently, the fetus. Any abnormalities in this microbiome can potentially impact the pregnancy and perinatal outcome

    Uterine Embolization as a New Treatment Option in Adenomyosis Uteri

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    Adenomyosis is characterized by the development of endometrial ectopic glands and tissue in the myometrium layer in depth greater than 2.5 mm from the endometrial surface of the separative area by -myomas well as by hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the smooth muscles of the myometrium. This is filtration, not mere displacement, of the myometrium, from the endometrium. Clinical symptoms include dysmenorrhea and menorrhagia. It is diffuse (adenomyosis) or focal (adenomyoma), asymmetrically affects the uterine wall of premenopausal women (usually the posterior) and often coexists with myomas. The pathogenesis of adenomyosis remains unknown. The treatment options are: drug therapy, invasive treatment of fibroids: myomectomy (open—intra-abdominal, laparoscopic, hysteroscopic), hysterectomy, myolysis—cryocatalysis, microwave or radiofrequency thermal catalysis (RF-ablation), ultrasound focus catalysis (FUS), laser photocatalysis and percutaneous selective uterine artery embolization (UAE). Embolization remains an alternative and not a substitute of hysterectomy. The medical indication is made on a case-by-case basis, depending on age, desire for pregnancy and the clinical symptoms of adenomyosis