3 research outputs found

    Undifferentiated Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma with Oral Manifestation: A Case Report

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    Nazofaringealni karcinom (NPC) rijetka je maligna bolest u većem dijelu svijeta, pa se zato često pogreÅ”no dijagnosticira. Ta se vrsta raka teÅ”ko pronađe među karcinomima glave i vrata zbog predilekcijskog mjesta, malignih karakteristika rasta, posebnih teÅ”koća u otkrivanju i određivanju stupnja proÅ”irenosti te visoke stope neuspjeha u liječenju, iako je osjetljiv na radioterapiju. O toj bolesti malo se zna i obično na godinu oboli jedna osoba u populaciji od 100 tisuća. Uobičajen je u južnoj Kini i sjevernoj Africi, gdje se njegova etiologija povezuje s prehrambenim navikama. Kako bismo bolje razumjeli etioloÅ”ku patogenezu i mogli prepoznati klinička obilježja te postaviti ranu dijagnozu i prognozu NPC-a, izvjeÅ”tavamo o rijetkom slučaju nazofaringealnog karcinoma u srednjoj Indiji. Pacijentica je bila u dobi od 19 godina i doÅ”la je na liječenje zbog tkivne mase u sklopu vrata intraoralno uključene u meko nepce.Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a rare malignancy in most parts of the world and is one of the most confusing, commonly misdiagnosed, and poorly understood diseases. It is unusual among all the head and neck cancers due to its marked geographical predilection, highly malignant tumor growth characteristics, special difficulties in detection and staging and a high rate of treatment failure despite of its radiosensitivity. This carcinoma is rare in most parts of the world with reported incidence of around 1 case per 100,000 population per year. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is common in Southern China and North Africa, where the etiology is related to dietary habits but it is rare in other parts of the world. Therefore, for better understanding of etiopathogenesis, clinical pathological features, early diagnosis and prognosis of NPC, we report a rare case of a nasopharyngeal carcinoma in Central India, of a 19 year old female patient who presented with a mass in her neck and intraoral involvement of the soft palate

    Optical Systems of Biopsy: The Invisible Eye

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    The exploration of new methods and techniques for the diagnosis of malignant tumours has always attracted the attention of scientists. The development of adjunct tools to facilitate the non invasive screening of high risk lesions in real time has the potential to significantly improve our ability to reduce the dismal morbidity and mortality of oral cancer. Despite easy accessibility of the oral cavity to examination, there is no satisfactory method to adequately screen and detect precancers non-invasively. The current method of oral cancer diagnosis clinically relies heavily on visual examination of the oral cavity. However, discerning potentially malignant and early malignant lesions from common benign inflammatory conditions can be difficult at times. There is a need for an objective method that could provide real- time results and be routinely applied to a large population. Though science is yet to present such a perfect technique, Optical Biopsy Systems developed using knowledge of light and tissue interaction, can provide a plausible option