35 research outputs found

    Optimisation of high-resolution fluorescence microscopy of normal- and preeclamptic placentas

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    Preeclampsia (PE) affects 3-5 % of pregnant women and may lead to maternal and/or fetal death. The main theory of PE is placental ischemia, leading to a dysfunctional placenta and clinical signs as hypertension and proteinuria in the mother. The primary aim of the thesis was to implement and optimise a method for high-resolution microscopy of placental cryo-sections. Secondary aims were to compare the morphology, total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and the oxidative stress between normal- and preeclamptic placentas. Placental tissue from the fetal and maternal side were collected from three normal pregnant women and three preeclamptic women. For each patient; eight cryo-sections were prepared, four from each side of the placenta. Two were used as negative controls investigated for autofluorescence and two were used as positive controls labelled for morphological analysis. Positive controls were labelled with CellMaskTM Orange, staining cell membranes and 4’,6 diamidino 2-phenylidole, dihydrochloride, staining nuclei. The TAC was determined by comparing the measured 3 ethylbenzothiazoline 6 sulphonic acid radical scavenging activity to an ascorbic acid standard curve. The oxidative stress was determined measuring the malondialdehyde content of the samples. Neither the normal nor the preeclamptic samples had autofluorescence affecting microscopy of the labelled sections. The method allowed visualisation of microscopic placental structures. In preeclamptic sections from the fetal side, there seemed to be more syncytial knots than in fetal sections from normal women. Bright red structures were detected in sections from the fetal side of preeclamptic samples and were not observed in normal sections. Because of their size, they were thought to be extravillous vesicles. The collection-, preservation- and labelling method was successfully implemented and is well suited for high-resolution microscopy. Although there were not found a significant difference in TAC and oxidative stress between normal- and preeclamptic placentas, neither on the fetal- or maternal side, the method is suited for placental tissue

    In situ characterisation for studying nucleation and growth of nanostructured materials and thin films during liquid-based synthesis

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    Knowledge about the nucleation, growth, and formation mechanisms during materials synthesis using sol-gel and solution-based methods is important to design a material with desired properties. We used aqueous chemical synthesis as an environmentally friendly and highly flexible route to tailored and reproducible synthesis of oxide nanomaterials and thin films. For studies of hydrothermal synthesis an in situ cell using synchrotron X-ray diffraction was used to investigate the formation mechanisms of SrxBa1-xNb2O6 piezoelectrics. Aqueous chemical solution deposition of phase pure oriented piezoelectric thin films demands strong control of processing parameters. An in situ cell for synchrotron X-ray diffraction studies of the annealing and crystallisation steps during aqueous chemical solution deposition was used to understand the nucleation and crystallisation of Ba0.85Ca0.15Zr0.1Ti0.9O3 (BCZT). We discuss how the knowledge about nucleation and growth obtained by in situ characterisation can be used to design the optimal procedure for fabrication of oxide materials with desired properties

    In situ Characterization of Ferroelectric Oxide Thin Films during Aqueous Chemical Solution Deposition

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    Ferroelectric materials are used in a wide range of applications, including capacitors and non-linear optical devices. Utilization of ferroelectric thin films is especially desirable due to the possibility to tailor the ferroelectric properties by controlling the degree of crystallographic texture in the films. Chemical solution deposition (CSD) of ferroelectric oxide thin films is a simple and environmentally friendly processing route. However, the decomposition and crystallization processes are complex and not well understood, making it challenging and time consuming to tailor the film properties and optimize processing conditions. In this work, novel in situ characterization techniques were used to study the decomposition and crystallization of ferroelectric oxides thin films based on BaTiO3 and K0.5Na0.5NbO3 (KNN) during aqueous CSD. In situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to determine mechanisms for crystallization and texture development, while a diffuse reflection (DRIFTS) cell for in situ infrared (IR) spectroscopy was adapted for studying the decomposition reactions during thermal annealing. For the BaTiO3-based films, the pyrolysis and removal of organic compounds in the precursor film occurred in the temperature range 400-500 °C, leaving only amorphous BaCO3-like and Ti-rich phases in the films. Upon further annealing, a metastable oxycarbonate phase with the proposed stoichiometry BaOx(CO3)1-x was formed, which has a crystal structure close to the calcite-type BaCO3 polymorph. Further heating lead to homogeneous nucleation of BaTiO3 above 530 °C by reaction of the oxycarbonate and Ti-rich phases. The nucleation temperature of BaTiO3 was influenced by the heating rate and type of substrate, while the microstructure depended solely on the heating rate during the nucleation stage. Films with modified chemical compositions were also investigated, and zirconium substitution was observed to increase the nucleation temperature and reduce the decomposition and texture formation kinetics, while the effect of calcium substitution was neglectable. Mechanisms for development of crystallographic texture in the BaTiO3-based films were proposed. In a single layer deposited by CSD, texture was found to depend on the intermediate phases present in the film as a result of decomposition and pyrolysis of the precursors. Prolonged annealing below the nucleation threshold (500 °C) gave a crystalline film with high degree of texture, enhanced by a low heating rate during BaTiO3 nucleation. Texture could also be induced in films prepared by multiple depositions by CSD due to Oswald ripening of favourably oriented grains during the repeated annealing, independent of the substrate. In general, the film texture adhered to the substrate orientation. In case of high annealing temperatures (>1000 °C) and high heating rates (> 1 °C/s), the formation of epitaxy occurred in the BaTiO3 thin films. The observed lattice parameters showed that the films had no-uniform strain, which arise both from lattice and thermal mismatch, especially for multilayer films. A possible formation mechanism for epitaxy and cube-on-cube growth was suggested, and electrical characterization confirmed that multilayer cube-on-cube grown films were ferroelectric. In the KNN films, the choice of niobium precursor affected the nucleation temperature, lattice parameter and secondary phase formation. KNN films based on a malic acid complexed niobium precursor nucleated at higher temperature and without formation of the secondary K4Nb6O17 phase, which was seen for the oxalate complexed niobium KNN films. However, all single layer KNN films were observed to be phase pure after annealing at 700-800 °C. No texture was seen in the single layer films, but texture formation by repeated annealing was suggested by the same mechanisms as for the BaTiO3-based films

    Sintering of lead-free piezoelectric materials

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    Piezoelectric ceramics are used in many types of devices, and today, lead zirconate titanate (PZT) dominates the market due to its superior properties. Environmental and health concerns have made the search for lead-free piezoelectric ceramics an important issue. Potassium sodium niobate (KNN) is a lead-free ceramic material, where good piezoelectric properties are possible through compositional engineering or texturing, but sintering is challenging due to coarsening and alkali evaporation. The formation of a liquid phase consisting of alkali hydroxides and carbonates at low temperatures is proposed to be the cause of the abnormal grain growth observed in KNN materials. A reducing atmosphere should destabilize these alkali hydroxides and carbonates, which will limit the coarsening and therefore improve the densification and enhance the piezoelectric performance. The effect of the sintering atmosphere in nominally stoichiometric KNN and KNN with 3 mol% nominal alkali excess was investigated. Conventional sintering and dilatometry was conducted in synthetic air, nitrogen and a reducing atmosphere. Characterization of the sintered pellets was done by XRD, SEM, infrared spectroscopy and piezoelectric measurements. This work confirms that the liquid phase forming in KNN materials at low temperatures during sintering (or calcination) consists of alkali carbonates and hydroxides. The reducing atmosphere limits the degree of coarsening and gives higher densities. In stoichiometric KNN the coarsening was especially limited, resulting in a microstructure consisting of small cubic grains. For piezoelectric applications, the samples had to be reoxidized, but this did not deteriorate the microstructure significantly. The piezoelectric measurements show that high density and proper sample preparation is important. The obtained values of the normalized strain and piezoelectric coefficient were generally low compared to the reported values in the literature. The polarization loops were round and had large leakage currents. However, the results suggest that a reducing atmosphere during sintering might be beneficial for enhanced piezoelectric performance

    Det nordiske kraftmarkedet: Priseffekter ved en forsterkning av sentralnettet

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    Optimisation of high-resolution fluorescence microscopy of normal- and preeclamptic placentas

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    Preeclampsia (PE) affects 3-5 % of pregnant women and may lead to maternal and/or fetal death. The main theory of PE is placental ischemia, leading to a dysfunctional placenta and clinical signs as hypertension and proteinuria in the mother. The primary aim of the thesis was to implement and optimise a method for high-resolution microscopy of placental cryo-sections. Secondary aims were to compare the morphology, total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and the oxidative stress between normal- and preeclamptic placentas. Placental tissue from the fetal and maternal side were collected from three normal pregnant women and three preeclamptic women. For each patient; eight cryo-sections were prepared, four from each side of the placenta. Two were used as negative controls investigated for autofluorescence and two were used as positive controls labelled for morphological analysis. Positive controls were labelled with CellMaskTM Orange, staining cell membranes and 4’,6 diamidino 2-phenylidole, dihydrochloride, staining nuclei. The TAC was determined by comparing the measured 3 ethylbenzothiazoline 6 sulphonic acid radical scavenging activity to an ascorbic acid standard curve. The oxidative stress was determined measuring the malondialdehyde content of the samples. Neither the normal nor the preeclamptic samples had autofluorescence affecting microscopy of the labelled sections. The method allowed visualisation of microscopic placental structures. In preeclamptic sections from the fetal side, there seemed to be more syncytial knots than in fetal sections from normal women. Bright red structures were detected in sections from the fetal side of preeclamptic samples and were not observed in normal sections. Because of their size, they were thought to be extravillous vesicles. The collection-, preservation- and labelling method was successfully implemented and is well suited for high-resolution microscopy. Although there were not found a significant difference in TAC and oxidative stress between normal- and preeclamptic placentas, neither on the fetal- or maternal side, the method is suited for placental tissue

    Årsaker til omtak på CR og DR – en sammenligning. En kvantitativ studie med egenrapportering som metode

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    NORSK: Formål: Formålet vårt er å bevisstgjøre radiografene om hvilke årsaker som fører til omtak av thorax. Det kan også være til hjelp for å iverksette tiltak, som kan forbedre arbeidsvanene til radiografene slik at omtaksprosenten går ned. Tidligere studier viser at thoraxundersøkelser står for den største delen av antall omtak sammenlignet med andre røntgenundersøkelser. Metode: Vi har benyttet en kvantitativ metode, der radiografene selv skulle stå for rapporteringen. Vi laget et avkrysningsskjema som ble plassert ved røntgenlaboratoriene ved to sykehus. Radiografene skulle sette to kryss på dette avkrysningsskjemaet, et for om de tok bilde med CR eller DR og et for hovedårsaken til omtaket av thoraxbilde. På skjemaet hadde vi fylt ut ulike årsaker til omtak, disse var feilposisjonering, artefakter, pasientbevegelse, utilstrekkelig inspirasjon og ekspirasjon, over- og undereksponering og overkollimering. Etter undersøkelsesperioden ble resultatene samlet inn og analysert. For å vise frem resultatene har vi valgt å legge frem dette i form av statistikk. Resultat: Det har blitt rapportert inn lite antall omtak ved bruk av CR på sykehus 1. Dette kan tolkes som en mulig underrapportering. Vi har med dette som bakgrunn valgt å konsentrere oss om sykehus 2 i resultatkapittelet. Totalt ble det tatt 13 omtak av 1096 thoraxbilder ved bruk av DR, omtaksprosenten ble med dette 1,2 %. Ved bruk av CR ble det tatt opp igjen 12 bilder av totalt 182, omtaksprosenten ble med dette 6,6 %. Konklusjon: CR har høyere omtaksprosent enn DR når vi sammenligner resultatene fra sykehus 2. Ut i fra vår studie har vi funnet ut at feilposisjonering er den mest dominerende årsaken til omtak av røntgen thorax. Egenrapportering som metode har vi funnet ut at er en mindre god metode, fordi avkrysningsskjemaer lett kan oversees og resultatene vi innhenter ikke blir reelle

    Causes of retakes of CR and DR – a comparison. A quantitative study of self-report as a method

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    NORSK: Formål: Formålet vårt er å bevisstgjøre radiografene om hvilke årsaker som fører til omtak av thorax. Det kan også være til hjelp for å iverksette tiltak, som kan forbedre arbeidsvanene til radiografene slik at omtaksprosenten går ned. Tidligere studier viser at thoraxundersøkelser står for den største delen av antall omtak sammenlignet med andre røntgenundersøkelser. Metode: Vi har benyttet en kvantitativ metode, der radiografene selv skulle stå for rapporteringen. Vi laget et avkrysningsskjema som ble plassert ved røntgenlaboratoriene ved to sykehus. Radiografene skulle sette to kryss på dette avkrysningsskjemaet, et for om de tok bilde med CR eller DR og et for hovedårsaken til omtaket av thoraxbilde. På skjemaet hadde vi fylt ut ulike årsaker til omtak, disse var feilposisjonering, artefakter, pasientbevegelse, utilstrekkelig inspirasjon og ekspirasjon, over- og undereksponering og overkollimering. Etter undersøkelsesperioden ble resultatene samlet inn og analysert. For å vise frem resultatene har vi valgt å legge frem dette i form av statistikk. Resultat: Det har blitt rapportert inn lite antall omtak ved bruk av CR på sykehus 1. Dette kan tolkes som en mulig underrapportering. Vi har med dette som bakgrunn valgt å konsentrere oss om sykehus 2 i resultatkapittelet. Totalt ble det tatt 13 omtak av 1096 thoraxbilder ved bruk av DR, omtaksprosenten ble med dette 1,2 %. Ved bruk av CR ble det tatt opp igjen 12 bilder av totalt 182, omtaksprosenten ble med dette 6,6 %. Konklusjon: CR har høyere omtaksprosent enn DR når vi sammenligner resultatene fra sykehus 2. Ut i fra vår studie har vi funnet ut at feilposisjonering er den mest dominerende årsaken til omtak av røntgen thorax. Egenrapportering som metode har vi funnet ut at er en mindre god metode, fordi avkrysningsskjemaer lett kan oversees og resultatene vi innhenter ikke blir reelle.ENGELSK: Purpose: The purpose of our study is to highlight the main causes for retakes of chest x-ray. It may help to improve the work habits of the radiographers so the number of retakes reduces. Previous studies indicate that chest examinations are the leading cause for retakes compared with other radiographic examinations. Method: We used a quantitative method, were the radiographs themselves were responsible for the reporting. We made a crossing form that was located in the x-ray laboratories at two hospitals. The radiographs would set two marks on this form, one for if they used CR or DR and one for the main cause for the retake. On the form we had already filled out various causes, these were: incorrect positioning, artefacts, patient movement, insufficient inspiration and expiration, over- and underexposure and too much collimation. The results of our study were collected and analysed. We chose to present our results in term of statistics. Result: It has been reported small numbers of retakes in hospital 1, were CR was used. This can indicate possible underreporting. Considering this we have decided to concentrate on the results of hospital 2. Overall, there were 13 retakes of a total 1096 chest images using DR, the percent of this reject rate is 1,2 %. When using CR, it was 12 retakes of a total of 182 chest images, the reject rate is 6,6 %. Conclusion: When we compare results from hospital 2, CR has a higher reject rate then DR. According to our results the most common reason for image rejection is incorrect positioning. During our study we realized that the method is less good for this type of study

    Duktilitet av lettbetong

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    Tema i denne masteroppgaven var å studere duktilitet av lettbetongbjelker ved testing, samt å se på effekten av ulike tiltak som kan gi lettbetong økt duktilitet. Tiltakene som ble testet var tverrarmering i bjelkenes midtsone, stålfiber i betongenblandingen og en kombinasjon av disse.I laboratoriet ble åtte bjelker produsert. Fire av dem ble laget med tverrarmering over hele lengden (dette prosjektet) og fire uten tverrarmering i midtsonen (parallelt prosjekt). Bjelkene ble laget både med og uten fiberarmert betong. Etter ca. 28 døgn ble alle bjelkene testet. Hver test ble dokumentert med bilder og logging av last, nedbøyning og tøyninger.Litteraturstudiet ble utført med hovedvekt på lettbetong og fiberarmering. Det ble også gjort beregninger av bjelkene etter Eurokode 2 og resultatene fra laboratorietestene ble sammenlignet med de beregnede verdiene. Testresultatene fra alle åtte bjelkene ble sammenlignet med hverandre og analysert.Testresultatene viste at bruddet ble mindre sprøtt for bjelkene med tverrarmering i midtsonen enn bjelkene uten og at bjelkene med fiberarmering hadde mindre sprø brudd enn bjelkene uten fiberarmering. Det viste seg også at bjelkene uten tverrarmering i midtsonen hadde mer utbytte av fiberarmering enn bjelkene med tverrarmering over hele lengden.Man kan konkludere med at begge tiltakene hadde en positiv effekt med tanke på å øke duktiliteten av lettbetong. Resultatene ble spesielt bra ved en kombinasjon av tiltakene

    Når tilliten settes på prøve: Et casestudie av virtuelle team som skal håndtere kritiske hendelser med storulykkepotensiale

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    Denne masteroppgaven tar utgangspunkt i virtuelle team og ser på hvordan tilliten utfordres når teamene skal evne å håndtere en kritisk hendelse med storulykkepotensiale. Oppgaven er bygget opp som en casestudie, hvor studien i hovedsak baserer seg på undersøkelser gjort hos olje- og gasselskapet Statoil ASA. Første del av oppgaven beskriver hvordan tilliten utfordres i virtuelle team som skal håndtere en kritisk hendelse med storulykkepotensiale. Funnene viser at for teammedlemmer på tvers av lokasjoner er det flere barrierer som utfordrer tillit. Virtuelle medier og mangel på fysisk nærhet gjør det vanskelig for teammedlemmene å nyansere og forstå hverandres fulle atferdsspekter. Dette kan medføre at teammedlemmene selv må tillegge det som skjer mening, og tolke intensjonen bak hverandres atferd basert på antagelser. Dette kan forårsake at teammedlemmene oppleves som uforutsigbare, som igjen kan skape misforståelser, konflikter og frustrasjon. Tillitsutfordringene medfører at det er krevende for de virtuelle teamene å ha tillit i betydningen av en åpen og ærlig kommunikasjon. Betydningen teammedlemmene legger i tillitsbegrepet, vil videre påvirke hvordan teamledelse utøves, kunnskap deles og muligheten teammedlemmene har til å identifisere hverandres mentale modeller. Som en følge av dette, avdekker analysen at de virtuelle teamene opererer på et noe lavt modenhetsnivå i forhold til hva som vil være hensiktsmessig, dersom det oppstår en kritisk hendelse med storulykkepotensiale. Konsekvensen av dette er at det oppstår et gap mellom formålsnivået en krise potensielt vil kunne kreve av de virtuelle teamene, og formålsnivået teamene er i stand til å operere på. Andre del av oppgaven beskriver hvordan interaktiv simulering kan være et egnet verktøy for å bidra til å løse flere av tillitsutfordringene som er identifisert. Det påpekes at interaktiv simulering må sees på som en del av en lengre og grundig planlagt teambyggingsprosess. Interaktive simuleringsverktøy kan gi team muligheten til å prøve ut, reflektere og få tilbakemelding på sitt atferdsspekter i omgivelser som til dels samsvarer med hva teammedlemmene utsettes for i en krise. Interaktiv simulering som et teambyggingsverktøy, vil derfor kunne utvikle disse teamene til et høyere formålsnivå. Verktøyet vil i lys av dette bidra til å løse de identifiserte tillitsutfordringene, og øke de virtuelle teamenes evne til å håndtere en kritisk hendelse med storulykkepotensiale