38 research outputs found

    Behaviour Genetics of Pigs

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    The behavior of pigs can be divided into several categories, which include maternal behavior, aggressive behavior, sexual behavior, feeding behavior, and various other forms of emotional behavior. Domestication has caused many changes in the original behaviour of boar, such as in reproductive and sexual behaviour, and has lead to a general increase in social tolerance between animals. Further modifications in behaviour are also possible, as suggested by the optimization of environmental factors which affect maternal behavior. The behaviour of a sow after farrowing appeared as a consequence of natural selection for protection of piglets from predators in the wild boar population, and affects the survival of piglets and the longevity of the sow in breeding. The behavior of the sows which includes the protection of the piglets from predators appears as a consequence of natural selection in the wild boar population. Familiarity with the molecular mechanisms which determine the patterns of behavior enables understanding of behavioral problems such as aggressiveness and helps the improvement of the well-being of pigs. Research conducted on pigs has determined that there are regions on chromosomes 2, 6, 10, 14, and 15, and chromosome X which can explain the genetic aspect of appearance of some behavioral patterns in sows. The goal of this paper is to illustrate the behavioral patterns appeared in the populations of domestic breeds of pigs and their genetic aspects, which knowledge may provide some help in improving the production qualities and creating higher economic gain during production


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    Leptin je genetski produkt Lep gena, odnosno gena odgovornog za izazivanje pretilosti kod domaćih životinja. Leptin proizvode adipociti, a u organizmu djeluje kao adipostat. Signalizira o dostupnim količinama energije i na taj način utječe na rast, razvoj, razmnožavanje i metabolizam. Predstavlja metabolički signal izravno povezan s reproduktivnim sustavom. Starenjem životinja dolazi do povećavanja količine sintetiziranog leptina i pohranjenih triacilglicerola u masnome tkivu. To signalizira mozgu smanjenje unosa hrane, te povećanje potrošnje energije organizma. U slučaju ujednačene potrošnje energije, udio leptina jednak je količini pohranjenih triacilglicerola u masnom tkivu. Djelovanje leptina na hipotalamus očituje se u kontroli unosa hrane, termogenezi te regulaciji ekspresije i sekrecije neurotransmitera, neuropeptida te hormona hipotalamusa koji uključuju hormone oslobađanja gonadotropina (GnRH), galanin (GAL), neuropeptid Y, hormone oslobađanja hormona rasta (GHRH), somatostatin (ST), hormone oslobađanja tireotropina (TRH) i hormone oslobađanja kortikotropina (CRH). Djelovanje leptina izraženo je preko leptinskog receptora koji pripada skupini citokinskih receptora. Otkriće leptina omogućilo je bolje razumijevanje povezanosti funkcije masnoga tkiva i održavanja homeostaze kod svinja. Leptin povećava razinu gonadotropina, a njegovo izlučivanje reguliraju GnRH ili steroidni hormoni gonada, čini se, neovisno o izlučivanju LH.Leptin is a gene product of Lep gene which is responsible for causing obesity in domestic animals. It is a hormone which is synthesized in adipocytes and signaly to the body about available amounts of energy and in that way he affects the growth, development, reproduction, and metabolism. It is metabolic signal directly associated with the reproductive system. The amount of leptin and synthesized triglycerides stored in fatty tissue are increasing by the animals aging. It serves as the signal to the brain which will send information about reducing food intake and increasing energy consumption of the body. In the case of uniform consumption of energy proportion of leptin is equal to the amount of stored triglycerides in fatty tissue. The action of leptin in the hypothalamus is reflected in the control of food intake, thermogenesis and regulation of expression and secretion of neurotransmitters, neuropeptides and hormones of the hypothalamus, which include gonadotrophic releasing hormone (GnRH), galanin (GAL), neuropeptide Y, releasing growth hormone, somatostatin, thyroid releasing hormone and corticotropin releasing hormone. Its activity expressed through a leptin receptor that belongs to the cytokine family of receptors.The discovery of leptin has enabled a better understanding of the correlation between function of adipose tissue and the maintenance of homeostasis in pigs. Except leptin impact on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis have other mediators such as glucose and insulin, free fatty acids and adrenal hormones. The aim of this paper is to provide insight on the impact of leptin on hormonal status of reproductive system sows


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    Leptin je genetski produkt Lep gena, odnosno gena odgovornog za izazivanje pretilosti kod domaćih životinja. Leptin proizvode adipociti, a u organizmu djeluje kao adipostat. Signalizira o dostupnim količinama energije i na taj način utječe na rast, razvoj, razmnožavanje i metabolizam. Predstavlja metabolički signal izravno povezan s reproduktivnim sustavom. Starenjem životinja dolazi do povećavanja količine sintetiziranog leptina i pohranjenih triacilglicerola u masnome tkivu. To signalizira mozgu smanjenje unosa hrane, te povećanje potrošnje energije organizma. U slučaju ujednačene potrošnje energije, udio leptina jednak je količini pohranjenih triacilglicerola u masnom tkivu. Djelovanje leptina na hipotalamus očituje se u kontroli unosa hrane, termogenezi te regulaciji ekspresije i sekrecije neurotransmitera, neuropeptida te hormona hipotalamusa koji uključuju hormone oslobađanja gonadotropina (GnRH), galanin (GAL), neuropeptid Y, hormone oslobađanja hormona rasta (GHRH), somatostatin (ST), hormone oslobađanja tireotropina (TRH) i hormone oslobađanja kortikotropina (CRH). Djelovanje leptina izraženo je preko leptinskog receptora koji pripada skupini citokinskih receptora. Otkriće leptina omogućilo je bolje razumijevanje povezanosti funkcije masnoga tkiva i održavanja homeostaze kod svinja. Leptin povećava razinu gonadotropina, a njegovo izlučivanje reguliraju GnRH ili steroidni hormoni gonada, čini se, neovisno o izlučivanju LH.Leptin is a gene product of Lep gene which is responsible for causing obesity in domestic animals. It is a hormone which is synthesized in adipocytes and signaly to the body about available amounts of energy and in that way he affects the growth, development, reproduction, and metabolism. It is metabolic signal directly associated with the reproductive system. The amount of leptin and synthesized triglycerides stored in fatty tissue are increasing by the animals aging. It serves as the signal to the brain which will send information about reducing food intake and increasing energy consumption of the body. In the case of uniform consumption of energy proportion of leptin is equal to the amount of stored triglycerides in fatty tissue. The action of leptin in the hypothalamus is reflected in the control of food intake, thermogenesis and regulation of expression and secretion of neurotransmitters, neuropeptides and hormones of the hypothalamus, which include gonadotrophic releasing hormone (GnRH), galanin (GAL), neuropeptide Y, releasing growth hormone, somatostatin, thyroid releasing hormone and corticotropin releasing hormone. Its activity expressed through a leptin receptor that belongs to the cytokine family of receptors.The discovery of leptin has enabled a better understanding of the correlation between function of adipose tissue and the maintenance of homeostasis in pigs. Except leptin impact on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis have other mediators such as glucose and insulin, free fatty acids and adrenal hormones. The aim of this paper is to provide insight on the impact of leptin on hormonal status of reproductive system sows

    Production of fruit and vine planting material in 2017 in Croatia

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    Proizvodnju voćnog i loznog poljoprivrednog sadnog materijala u 2017. godini za stručni nadzor Hrvatskom centru za poljoprivredu, hranu i selo, Zavodu za sjemenarstvo i rasadaničarstvo prijavilo je 60 rasadnika voćnih sadnica i 15 rasadnika loznih cijepova. Ukupno je prijavljeno 4.394.442 voćnih sadnica i 3.057.226 loznih cijepova, što predstavlja blagi porast količine proizvodnje voćnog i loznog sadnog materijala. Ukupno su u proizvodnji 31 voćna vrsta i 69 sorti vinove loze. U prijavljenoj strukturi proizvodnje voćnih sadnica najviše su zastupljene jabuke sa 36,01 % i lijeska sa 20,11 %, a zatim masline (6,42 %), kruške (5,76 %), višnje (4,68 %), trešnje (3,82 %), šljive (3,65 %), itd. Od ukupne prijavljene količine voćnih sadnica 15 % su sadnice certificirane kategorije, dok je od ukupne prijavljene količine loznih cijepova certificiranih 54 %.In the 2017 60 fruit and 15 grape vine nurseries have applied for official inspection of nursery production to Croatian Centre for Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Institute for Seeds and Seedlings. 4.394.442 of fruit plants (33 species), and 3.057.226 of grape vine plants (69 varieties) have entered the sistem of official inspection which represents a minor increasing trend in fruit and vine planting material production. The largest part in production of fruit planting material are apples (36.01 % of total fruit species), followed by hazelnuts (20.11 %), olives (6.42 %), pears (5.76 %), cherries (4.68 %), sweet cherries (3.82 %), plums (3.65 %), etc. 15 % of the fruit plants and 54 % of grape vine plants in the system of official inspection of nursery control were category “certified”

    Behaviour Genetics of Pigs

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    The behavior of pigs can be divided into several categories, which include maternal behavior, aggressive behavior, sexual behavior, feeding behavior, and various other forms of emotional behavior. Domestication has caused many changes in the original behaviour of boar, such as in reproductive and sexual behaviour, and has lead to a general increase in social tolerance between animals. Further modifications in behaviour are also possible, as suggested by the optimization of environmental factors which affect maternal behavior. The behaviour of a sow after farrowing appeared as a consequence of natural selection for protection of piglets from predators in the wild boar population, and affects the survival of piglets and the longevity of the sow in breeding. The behavior of the sows which includes the protection of the piglets from predators appears as a consequence of natural selection in the wild boar population. Familiarity with the molecular mechanisms which determine the patterns of behavior enables understanding of behavioral problems such as aggressiveness and helps the improvement of the well-being of pigs. Research conducted on pigs has determined that there are regions on chromosomes 2, 6, 10, 14, and 15, and chromosome X which can explain the genetic aspect of appearance of some behavioral patterns in sows. The goal of this paper is to illustrate the behavioral patterns appeared in the populations of domestic breeds of pigs and their genetic aspects, which knowledge may provide some help in improving the production qualities and creating higher economic gain during production


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    Epigenetika predstavlja novi način analize genoma, odnosno ekspresije gena koja se događa bez promjena DNA sekvence. Promjene koje se odvijaju zovemo epigenetskim modifikacijama, a uključuju posttranslacijske modifikacije histona i metilaciju DNA. Kemijske skupine koje se dodaju tijekom navedenih procesa na molekulu DNA dovode do njezine promjene te stvaraju epigenom. Posljedica toga je pojava imprintiranih gena u genomu. Genetski imprinting je epigenetska modifikacija tijekom koje se inaktivira jedan od naslijeđenih roditeljskih alela. Njegov se utjecaj očituje na proizvodnim i reproduktivnim svojstvima. Otkrivanje novih imprintiranih gena važno je zbog njihove konzervacije i razumijevanja njihove funkcije.Epigenetics is represents a new way of genome analysis, respectively gene expression that occurs without DNA sequence change. Changes that occur are epigenetic modifications and they include post-translational histone modification and DNA methylation. Chemical groups that are added on DNA molecule cause changes in DNA and create epigenome. The consequence of that is appearance of imprinted genes in genome. Genetic imprinting is epigenetic modification in which one of inherited alleles inactivates. Its influence can be seen on productive and reproductive traits. Discovering new imprinted genes is important because of their conservation and understanding their function


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    U zadnjih 15 godina došlo je do razvoja novog načina analize utjecaja gena na proizvodna svojstva svinja. Intenzivni uvjeti proizvodnje doveli su do iskorištavanja genetskog potencijala svinja u pogledu poboljšanja njihovih proizvodnih i reproduk¬tivnih svojstava. Razvoj novih metoda analize genoma omogućuje ostvarenje po¬stavljenih ciljeva. Definiciju epigenetike postavio je Waddington 1940. godine. Pojmom „epigenetika“ objašnjava se kontrola „iznad“ gena, odnosno utjecaj okolišnih čimbenika na regulaciju genske ekspresije. Ona se temelji na izučavanju nasljednih varijacija ekspresije gena koje se odvijaju bez promjene DNA sekvence. Imprinti¬rani geni nastaju kao posljedica epigenetskih modifikacija koje uključuju metilaci¬ju DNA ili posttranslacijske modifikacije histona. Kemijski dodaci na molekuli DNA koji mijenjaju molekulu DNA stvaraju epigenom. Promjene epigenoma mogu se dogoditi zbog utjecaja okoliša ili mutacija. Iako su prisutna oba alela nekog gena, samo je jedan od njih izražen, dok je drugi neaktivan. Do sada je identificirano 120 imprintiranih gena kod čovjeka i miša, 10 kod ovaca, 7 kod goveda i 22 kod svinja. Zastupljenost imprintiranih gena u genomu je teško utvrditi zbog specifičnosti tkiva i stadija razvoja. Prvi otkriveni imprintirani gen je IGF2. To je gen izražen preko oca, a njegov utjecaj kod svinja ogleda se u svojstvima mišićne mase i odlaganja masnog tkiva. Genetski imprinting ima utjecaj na proizvodna svojstva. Debljina leđne slanine, tjelesna masa i rast svojstva su pod utjecajem imprintiranih gena. Imprintirani geni najveći utjecaj imaju na prenatalni i neonatalni rast. Razumijevanje aktivnosti imprintiranih gena koje nosi svinja bit će moguće tek razvojem metoda njihove analize.Over the past 15 years of a new way in analyzing the impact of genes on production traits in swine developed. Intensive production conditions have led to the exploitation of the swine genetic potential in the improvement of their productive and reproductive traits. The development of new methods for analysing the genome provides the realization of planned goals. Definition of epigenetics was set by Waddington in 1940. The term “epigenetics” explains control “over the genes” and the influence of environmental factors on the regulation of gene expression. It is based on the study of inherited variations in gene expression that occur without changes in DNA sequence. Imprinted genes occur as a result of epigenetic modifications that include DNA methylation and histone post-translational modifications. Chemical additions on the DNA that alter DNA molecule create epigenom. Changes in epigenom can occur because of environmental factors impact or mutations. Although both allele of a gene are present, only one of them is expressed, while the other is inactive. Until now, 120 imprinted genes have been identified in humans and mouse, 10 in sheep, 7 in cattle and 22 in pigs. The presence of imprinted genes in genome is difficult to determine because of their presence in specific tissues and development stages. First discovered imprinted gene was IGF2. This gene is expressed through the father and his influence in swine is reflected on the properties of muscle and adipose tissue. Genetic imprinting has great influence on production traits. Back fat thickness, body weight and growth are characteristics affected by imprinted genes. Imprinted genes have the greatest influence on the prenatal and neonatal growth. Understanding the activities of imprinted genes will be possible only with the development of methods of their analysis