5 research outputs found


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    S ciljem da se utvrde relacije između kvalitete samopoÅ”tovanja adolescenata na početku ovog razvojnog doba te kvalitete roditeljskih stavova i obiteljskih odnosa u kojima adolescenti odrastaju, odabran je uzorak od 120 parova roditelja i adolescenata, učenika sedmih razreda. Istraživanje je provedeno u Å”est zagrebačkih osnovnih Å”kola, pri čemu su koriÅ”tene skcde samoprocjene pod nazivom: indeks samopoÅ”tovanja, indeks obiteljskih odnosa te indeks roditeljskiih stavova. Kanoničkom korelacijskom analizom dobivena su dva značajna para kanoničkih faktora, koji upućuju na visoku korelaciju između prostora ispitanikova samopoÅ”tovanja i prostora obiteljskih odnosa. ViÅ”a razina razina samopoÅ”tovanja vezana je uz kvalitetnije obiteljske odnose.In order to examine the statistical significnce offamily relations quality andparental attitude toward child and how does it refer to a child self-esteem, and its self-image in general, there was made a sample of 120 pairs seventh grade pupils and their parents: In the research there were included six primary schools in the area of Zagreb. The author has used three types of measuring Instruments, formed as measuring selfperception scales (ā€œIndexofself-esteemā€ , ā€œIndexoffamily relationsā€ and ā€œIndexofparentā€™sattitude toward child"). Ali administered scales were submitted to canonical corelation analysis. The outcomming results have supportedpresumed hypotheses: In thefamily where the general atmosphere provides possibilities for basic psihological needs to be met, and where child has expirienced security, satisfaction, joy, beeing significant and accepted, he will develop a self-concept of a person content with himself and with his significant others. Also, in thefamily where the interpersonal communication is deficient, with the lack of contacts and intensiv emotions (ā€œeveningā€ or ā€œweekend" contacts), child develops a poor self-concept and lower self-esteem, tending to compensate needs of ā€œbeeing emportantā€ . and ā€œbeeing acceptedā€ elsewhere. There is, as well, statisticaly significant corelation between parentā€™s attitude and childā€™s self-esteem: where parents have percepted their child as a source offrustration, iritation, and are generally discontent with him, child develops ā€œlooserā€™s" selfconcept, feeling defeated, hopeless and not worthy. According to the presented results, author emphasizes the emportance of supportive, stimulating andemotionalywarmfamily atmosphere for adolescentā€™ s quality of selfconcept and the level ofhis self-esteem


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    Ovo je izvjeŔće o iskustvu autora u radu s grupom adolescenata na području zagrebačke općine Dubrava. Rad se odvijao kroz upotrebu interakcijskih igara u okviru grupe za osobni rast i razvoj, s ciljem stjecanja novih spoznaja o sebi i svom socijalnom okruženju, rjeÅ”avanja i preveniranja osobnih i grupnih problema, uobičajenim u ovom razvojnom periodu kada se mlada osoba priprema za ulazak u ā€œsvijet odraslih". Autorica predlaže ovakav oblik rada kao jednu od nedovoljno koriÅ”tenih mogućnosti u svrhu preventivne djelatnosti u okviru odgojno-obrazovnog procesa


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    Prvi cilj ovog rada bio je metodom analize slučaja istražiti obiteljske odnose na uzorku obitelji maloljetnih delinkvenata koji su bili u tretmanu Klinike za psiholoÅ”ku medicinu u Zagrebu. Drugi cilj bio je integrirati različite teorijske koncepte i analizirati njihov mogući doprinos u objaÅ”njenju prijenosa nekih obilježja u obitelji maloljetnih delinkvenata. Rezultati temeljeni na kliničkoj praksi u radu s tim obiteljima, te na analizi terapijske dokumentacije upućuju na to da odnos roditelj-dijete u tim obiteljima nije dovoljno podržavajući, te da se u fazi adolescencije zbog osjećaja nedovoljne prihvaćenosti adolescent brani od anksioznosti razvojem agresivnog, odnosno, asocijalnog ponaÅ”anja.The first goal of this paper is to explore family relations (using case analyses) of juvenile delinquents families who were in out-patient treatment at the Clinic for Psychological Medicine in Zagreb. The other goal was to integrate various theoretical concepts and to analyze their contribution while explaining transfers of some characteristics in juvenile delinquents families. Results, based upon clinical practice of working with those families and upon therapy documentation analyses, are showing that parentehild relations are not enough supportive and that adolescent is ā€œdefending ā€from anxiousness (caused by feeling of insufficient acceptance) by developing aggressive and anti-social behaviors