22 research outputs found
Interactive Exploration of Temporal Event Sequences
Life can often be described as a series of events. These events contain rich information that, when put together, can reveal history, expose facts, or lead to discoveries. Therefore, many leading organizations are increasingly collecting databases of event sequences: Electronic Medical Records (EMRs), transportation incident logs, student progress reports, web logs, sports logs, etc.
Heavy investments were made in data collection and storage, but difficulties still arise when it comes to making use of the collected data.
Analyzing millions of event sequences is a non-trivial task that is gaining more attention and requires better support due to its complex nature.
Therefore, I aimed to use information visualization techniques to support exploratory data analysis---an approach to analyzing data to formulate hypotheses worth testing---for event sequences.
By working with the domain experts who were analyzing event sequences, I identified two important scenarios that guided my dissertation:
First, I explored how to provide an overview of multiple event sequences?
Lengthy reports often have an executive summary to provide an overview of the report. Unfortunately, there was no executive summary to provide an overview for event sequences. Therefore, I designed LifeFlow, a compact overview visualization that summarizes multiple event sequences, and interaction techniques that supports users' exploration.
Second, I examined how to support users in querying for event sequences when they are uncertain about what they are looking for.
To support this task, I developed similarity measures (the M&M measure 1-2) and user interfaces (Similan 1-2) for querying event sequences based on similarity, allowing users to search for event sequences that are similar to the query.
After that, I ran a controlled experiment comparing exact match and similarity search interfaces, and learned the advantages and disadvantages of both interfaces. These lessons learned inspired me to develop Flexible Temporal Search (FTS) that combines the benefits of both interfaces. FTS gives confident and countable results, and also ranks results by similarity.
I continued to work with domain experts as partners, getting them involved in the iterative design, and constantly using their feedback to guide my research directions. As the research progressed, several short-term user studies were conducted to evaluate particular features of the user interfaces.
Both quantitative and qualitative results were reported.
To address the limitations of short-term evaluations, I included several multi-dimensional in-depth long-term case studies with domain experts in various fields to evaluate deeper benefits, validate generalizability of the ideas, and demonstrate practicability of this research in non-laboratory environments. The experience from these long-term studies was combined into a set of design guidelines for temporal event sequence exploration.
My contributions from this research are LifeFlow, a visualization that compactly displays summaries of multiple event sequences, along with interaction techniques for users' explorations;
similarity measures (the M&M measure 1-2) and similarity search interfaces (Similan 1-2) for querying event sequences; Flexible Temporal Search (FTS), a hybrid query approach that combines the benefits of exact match and similarity search; and case study evaluations that results in a process model and a set of design guidelines for temporal event sequence exploration. Finally, this research has revealed new directions for exploring event sequences
Analyzing User Behavior Patterns in Adaptive Exploratory Search Systems with LifeFlow
Adaptive exploratory search is a method that can provide user-centered personalized search results by incorporating interactive user interfaces. Analyzing the user behavior pat- terns of these systems can be complicated when they sup- port transparent and controllable open user models. This paper suggests to use a visualization tool to address the problem, as a complement to the typical statistical analy- sis. By adopting an event sequence visualization tool called LifeFlow, we were able to easily find out user interesting behavior patterns, especially regarding the open user model exploration
Finding comparable temporal categorical records: A similarity measure with an interactive visualization
An increasing number of temporal categorical databases are being collected: Electronic Health Records in healthcare organizations, traffic incident logs in transportation systems, or student records in universities. Finding similar records within these large databases requires effective similarity measures that capture the searcher’s intent. Many similarity measures exist for numerical time series, but temporal categorical records are different. We propose a temporal categorical similarity measure, the M&M (Match & Mismatch) measure, which is based on the concept of aligning records by sentinel events, then matching events between the target and the compared records. The M&M measure combines the time differences between pairs of events and the number of mismatches. To accommodate customization of parameters in the M&M measure and results interpretation, we implemented Similan, an interactive search and visualization tool for temporal categorical records. A usability study with 8 participants demonstrated that Similan was easy to learn and enabled them to find similar records, but users had difficulty understanding the M&M measure. The usability study feedback, led to an improved version with a continuous timeline, which was tested in a pilot study with 5 participants
Network stack diagnosis and visualization tool
End users are often frustrated by unexpected problems while using networked software, leading to frustrated calls to the help desk seeking solutions. However, trying to locate the cause of these unexpected behaviors is not a simple task. The key to many network monitoring and diagnosis approaches is using cross-layer information, but the complex interaction between network layers and usually large amount of collected data prevent IT support personnel from determining the root of errors and bottlenecks. There is a need for the tools that reduce the amount of data to be processed, offer a systematic exploration of the data, and assist whole-stack performance analysis. In this paper, we present Visty, a network stack visualization tool that allows IT support personnel to systematically explore network activities at end hosts. Visty can provide an overview picture of the network stack at any specified time, showing how errors in one layer affect the performance of others. Visty was designed as a prototype for more advanced diagnosis tools, and also may be used to assist novice users in understanding the network stack and relationships between each layer. Copyright 2009 ACM