4 research outputs found

    The First Eighteen Months of African Swine Fever in Wild Boar in Saxony, Germany and Latvia—A Comparison

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    African swine fever (ASF) emerged in Latvia in 2014. In 2020, the virus has been detected in the German federal state, Saxony. In both regions, the virus was probably introduced by infected wild boar coming from affected neighboring countries. As the current ASF control strategy at EU level had not yet been developed at the time of ASF introduction into Latvia, disease control measures in both study areas differed over time. Assessing the course of ASF in Saxony and the implemented control strategies, the first 18 months of the ASF epidemic were epidemiologically compared between Saxony and Latvia. ASF wild boar surveillance data were analyzed and the prevalence of ASF virus-positive wild boar was estimated. For estimating the wild boar density, the numbers of wild boar per km² were calculated for the respective geographical areas. The number of samples collected from hunted wild boar and wild boar found dead was higher in Saxony. The ASF virus prevalence in Latvia was significantly higher than in Saxony, indicating that Saxony has had more time for getting prepared for dealing with an ASF incursion. Experience from other countries and the rapid implementation of new control strategies may have helped Saxony deal with ASF

    Eight Years of African Swine Fever in the Baltic States: Epidemiological Reflections

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    African swine fever (ASF) was first detected in Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia in 2014 and has since been circulating in the Baltic States with a similar epidemiological course characterized by persistence of the disease in the wild boar population and occasional spill-over infections in domestic pigs. The aim of the present study was to evaluate surveillance data on ASF in wild boar from the three countries to improve our understanding of the course of the disease. ASF surveillance and wild boar population data of the countries were analyzed. In all three countries, a decrease in the prevalence of ASF virus-positive wild boar was observed over time. Although somewhat delayed, an increase in the seroprevalence was seen. At the same time, the wild boar population density decreased significantly. Towards the end of the study period, the wild boar population recovered, and the prevalence of ASF virus-positive wild boar increased again, whereas the seroprevalence decreased. The decreasing virus prevalence has obviously led to virus circulation at a very low level. Together with the decreasing wild boar population density, the detection of ASF-infected wild boar and thus ASF control has become increasingly difficult. The course of ASF and its continuous spread clearly demonstrate the necessity to scrutinize current ASF surveillance and control strategies fundamentally and to consider new transdisciplinary approaches

    African Swine Fever Outbreak Investigations—The Significance of Disease-Related Anecdotal Information Coming from Laypersons

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    Veterinarians who have conducted numerous investigations of African swine fever outbreaks in pig farms in various European countries over the years shared their experiences during a workshop in Germany in early 2020. One focus was on the so-called “anecdotal information” obtained from farmers, farm workers or other lay people during the outbreak investigations. Discussions revolved around how to correctly interpret and classify such information and how the subjective character of the statements can influence follow-up examinations. The statements of the lay persons were grouped into three categories according to their plausibility: (i) statements that were plausible and prompted further investigation, (ii) statements that were not plausible and could therefore be ignored, and (iii) statements that were rather implausible but should not be ignored completely. The easiest to deal with were statements that could be classified without doubt as important and very plausible and statements that were not plausible at all. Particularly difficult to assess were statements that had a certain plausibility and could not be immediately dismissed out of hand. We aim to show that during outbreak investigations, one is confronted with human subjective stories that are difficult to interpret but still important to understand the overall picture. Here, we present and briefly discuss an arbitrary selection of reports made by lay persons during outbreak investigations