309 research outputs found

    The Virtues shown by Rama in the Nalaiyira Divya Prabandham

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    Virtue, wealth, happiness, and home/body are considered important for the lives of the people of the world. The first of them is a virtue. Morality is essential for individual life. All Tamil literature is based on the emphasis on morality. In Ramaavatharam, the incarnation of Tirumal, in his way of life, it is mentioned in the article on the virtue of Rama in his life, about his love and brotherhood without getting angry, to make sacrifices with love and brotherhood, to be friendly with good people, and to the manner in which he attains the Lord in the way of grace, and the manner in which he attains to the Lord in the way of grace, and the manner in which Rama has performed a hymn in his life, and how the Azhwars composed the hymns of the Lord as their refuge. The morality of the eleven scriptures found in the Pathinen Kilkanakku books is explained as evidence. The concepts of virtue and the semantic explanation of virtue are given. The virtues found in the shrines where the Azhwars sang imagining Thirumala as Rama is explained

    Folk Literature in Nalayira Divya Prabandham

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    Folk literature is the mirror of society. Folk literature reflects the experiences and feelings of the rural people. The customs, rituals, ceremonies and traditions of the country people are expressed in folk literature. The nature of folk literature is seen in many ways. One of them is Nalayira Divya Prabandham, the Vaishnava literatry work. The Alwars composed hymns describing the virtues of Tirumal's marriage and incarnations and showed it up in folk literature. Alwars also sung many lullabies. They have sung a folk song called "Pallandu Vaalththu”. The nature of a woman who is in love with God can be known through the proverbs. Alwars have shown that they celebrated festivals two thousand years ago itself. The repetition of a word in folk literature is one of its characteristics. The opinions of scholars related to folklore are explained in this article. This article reflects the nature of folk literature in Nalayira Divya Prabandham


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    Mosquitoes are the single most important group of insects in terms of public health significance and causing diseases. They are the vectors for the transmission of many viral pathogens and pose serious threat to human health. Chemical insecticides are widely used but they are non-selective and harmful to beneficial organisms. In the present study G. Sepium leaves extracts were used to analyse its effect against Aedes aegypti, to compare the mortality rate while using different solvent extracts of the leaf, to identify the solvent extract which give high rate of larval mortality and to characterise the compounds present in the corresponding leaf extract using phytochemical analysis. The ethanolic extract of G. sepium leaves constitute flavanoids, steroids, glycoside, carbohydrate and saponins compound. Thus it was found to have an inhibitory effect on the growth of larvae than other solvent extracts. In the statistical analysis highest significant difference was observed between 1.5g/l and 2.0g/l concentration of ethanolic extract and other extracts. However no significant difference was observed in other concentrations. The larvicidal activity of the plant extract may be attributed to the presence of active compounds like terpinoids, saponins and steroids

    HDL Implementation of Vending Machine by KCPSM3 Processor

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    The objective here to design vending machine controller which accepts money as input in any sequence and delivers the required product when the required amount has deposited and it also gives back the change. Here the additional facility is provided for our users. It is possible to withdraw the user deposited money in between if the customer wishes to pressing a specified button PUSH button. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15037

    A Correlative Study on Broncho Alveolar Cytology with Histopathology in Patients with Pulmonary Lesions.

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    The Respiratory Tract Serves The Dual Purpose Of Supplying Oxygen To And Removing Carbon Dioxide From The Circulating Blood And Is Likely To Develop All Neoplastic And Nonneoplastic Diseases. Patients With Diseases Of The Respiratory System Generally Present Because Of Symptoms, An Abnormality On A Chest Radiograph Or Both. The Diagnostic Modalities Available For Assessing The Patient With Suspected Or Known Respiratory System Disease Include Imaging Studies And Techniques For Acquiring Biopsy Specimens, Some Of Which Involve Direct Visualisation Of Part Of Respiratory System. Bronchoscopy Is One Among Such Procedures Which Not Only Visualizes The Respiratory System But Also Aids In Obtaining The Representative Sampling Material From The Regions That Are Directly Visualised And Also From The More Distal Pulmonary Parenchyma. Bal Is One Among Several Techniques Which Provides Sequential Access To Well Preserved Cells To Study The Natural History Of The Disease Process. As An Investigative Tool Bal Has Enormous Potential. Bal Has Been Found Useful In Diagnosing Opportunistic Infections In The Lung, Bronchoalveolar Hemorrhage And Alveolar Proteinosis. Bal Has Also Been Used To Investigate The Pathogenesis Of Such Diverse Lung Conditions Such As Emphysema, Ards, Occupation Lung Disease, Drug Hypersensitivity Reactions And Asthma. The Cytological Examination Of Cells Obtained By Bal Has Been Useful In The Diagnosis Of Primary Bronchogenic Cancer And The Metastatic Cancer To The Lung In Particular Lymphangitic Carcinomatosis. This Study Aims At Studying The Bronchoalveolar Lavage Samples Obtained From The Lungs In Various Pulmonary Lesions And Its Histopathological Correlation

    Modelling of Flow in an Unsaturated Zone of A Tank Clustered Catchment

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    Source: ICHE Conference Archive - https://mdi-de.baw.de/icheArchiv


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    ABSTRACTObjective: The present study was carried out with the main objective of studying Terminalia catappa nut phyto-constituents through GC-MS/MS, aswell as its antibacterial, antifungal activities.Methods: The T. catappa nut collected was shade dried and extracted with ethanol, the obtained ethanol extract was used for the whole study- GCMS/MS, antimicrobial activity.Results: The results of GC-MS/MS showed 12 peaks. Among the 12 peaks obtained, the highest peak area percent of 48.58 for Propane, 1,1-diethoxyand24.36% for t-Butyl hydrogen phthalate followed by 3-Isopropoxy-1,1,1,7,7,7-hexamethyl-3,5,5-tris (trimethylsiloxy) tetrasiloxane showing 12.80as peak area percent and all the other compound was found to be moderate in peak area percent which was in the range of 3.52-1.10 except β-l-Arabinopyranoside methyl, and Cyclopropanecarboxylic acid, oct-3-en-2-yl ester as its peak area percent was very low showing 0.08 and 0.13. Theantibacterial activity was good with Escherichia coli when compared to Staphylococcus aureus likewise, the antifungal activity was good with Candidaalbicans on comparison with Aspergillus niger.Conclusion: The naturally occurring non –nutrient plant chemicals called as phytochemicals especially phenolics – a natural antioxidant containedin T. catappa nut would have contributed for its antibacterial, antifungal properties by interfering with the phospholipid bilayer of the cell membraneand destroying the enzymes required for cellular processes ensuring its therapeutic potential. The variation in therapeutic potential depends on thenutrient content of the soil and other climatic conditions. This confirms the need, validity for phytochemical characterization via analytical methods.Keywords: Antimicrobial, Analytical, Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry/MS, Terminalia sp

    Survey on dynamic resource allocation strategy in cloud computing enviornment

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    Abstract-Cloud computing becomes quite popular among cloud users by offering a variety of resources. This is an on demand service because it offers dynamic flexible resource allocation and guaranteed services in pay as-you-use manner to public. In this paper, we present the several dynamic resource allocation techniques and its performance. This paper provides detailed description of the dynamic resource allocation technique in cloud for cloud users and comparative study provides the clear detail about the different techniques

    Advanced Prediction-Based System for Cloud Bandwidth and Cost Reduction

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    Abstract In this paper, we present PACK (Predictive ACKs), a novel endto-end traffic redundancy elimination (TRE) system, designed for cloud computing customers. Cloud-based TRE needs to apply a judicious use of cloud resources so that the bandwidth cost reduction combined with the additional cost of TRE computation and storage would be optimized. PACK's main advantage is its capability of offloading the cloud-server TRE effort to end-clients, thus minimizing the processing costs induced by the TRE algorithm. Unlike previous solutions, PACK does not require the server to continuously maintain clients' status. This makes PACK very suitable for pervasive computation environments that combine client mobility and server migration to maintain cloud elasticity. PACK is based on a novel TRE technique, which allows the client to use newly received chunks to identify previously received chunk chains, which in turn can be used as reliable predictors to future transmitted chunks. We present a fully functional PACK implementation, transparent to all TCP-based applications and net-work devices. Finally, we analyze PACK benefits for cloud users, using traffic traces from various sources


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    Abstract A simple, rapid reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatographic method was developed and validated for the simultaneous estimation of Ezetimibe and Simvastatin in bulk and pharmaceutical dosage forms. Chromatography was carried out by using Chromosil C-18,column having 250 x 4.6mm internal diameter with a mixture of Methanol:Acetonitrile:0.1%Orthophosphoric Aid in the ratio of 75:20:05 (v/v/v) as mobile phase. Determination of the different analytical parameters such as linearity, precision, accuracy, and specificity, limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) was done. The calibration curve was found to be linear for each analyte in the desired concentration range. The average recovery was found to be 99.88 and 100.12 for Ezetimibe and Simvastatin respectively. The proposed method is highly sensitive, precise and accurate, which was evident from the LOD value of 1.2ppm and 0.25ppm for Ezetimibe and Simvastatin respectively and hence the present method can be applied successfully for the quantification of active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) content in the combined formulations of Ezetimibe and Simvastatin