2,712 research outputs found

    Wingless activity in the precursor cells specifies neuronal migratory behavior in the Drosophila nerve cord.

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    Neurons and their precursor cells are formed in different regions within the developing CNS, but they migrate and occupy very specific sites in the mature CNS. The ultimate position of neurons is crucial for establishing proper synaptic connectivity in the brain. In Drosophila, despite its extensive use as a model system to study neurogenesis, we know almost nothing about neuronal migration or its regulation. In this paper, I show that one of the most studied neuronal pairs in the Drosophila nerve cord, RP2/sib, has a complicated migratory route. Based on my studies on Wingless (Wg) signaling, I report that the neuronal migratory pattern is determined at the precursor cell stage level. The results show that Wg activity in the precursor neuroectodermal and neuroblast levels specify neuronal migratory pattern two divisions later, thus, well ahead of the actual migratory event. Moreover, at least two downstream genes, Cut and Zfh1, are involved in this process but their role is at the downstream neuronal level. The functional importance of normal neuronal migration and the requirement of Wg signaling for the process are indicated by the finding that mislocated RP2 neurons in embryos mutant for Wg-signaling fail to properly send out their axon projection

    On the eye diameter-total length relationship of the Indian mackerel Rastrelliger kanagurta (Cuvier)

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    Results of studies of chemical, bacteriological and organoleptic quality of cured fish collected from four major curing centres along the Tamil Nadu coast are reported. Only 32.43% of the samples had moisture level below 35%, 0.9% had salt 25% and above. None of the samples showed acid insoluble ash below 1.5%. The main defects were unhygienic processing, inadequate salting, use of poor quality salt and incomplete drying. Recommendations for improvement of quality are given

    Volumetric Properties of Cyclic Alanylalanine in Aqueous Solutions of MnCl2, NiCl2 and ZnCl2 at Temperatures T = (293.15 to 313.15) K

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    The partial molar volumes, isentropic compressibilities, partial molar isentropic compressions and transfer molar quantities of cyclic alanylalanine in water and in aqueous solutions of MnCl2, NiCl2 and ZnCl2 were determined using the experimental density and speed of sound values. Refractive indices of all the solutions were recorded to calculate the molar refractions. The molecular interactions existing in the systems have been discussed based on the derived parameters. It has been found that M2+-O2H bond distances of hydrated cations influence on the volumetric properties of cyclic alanylalanine. Further, the greater effect of hydrophobic hydration has been substantiated by the Sv values of least square fits of apparent molar volume against solute molality

    Post COVID-19 Guillain Barre syndrome with syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone

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    Guillain Barre syndrome (GBS) is a rare but potentially fatal immune mediated disorder of peripheral nerves and nerve roots usually triggered by infections characterized by ascending paralysis with or without sensory symptoms, hyporeflexia to areflexia. Usually preceded by gastrointestinal or respiratory infection. Post COVID-19 neurological manifestation include GBS, transverse myelitis etc., occur at varying incidence rates at various places. Here we report a 42-year-old lady who had COVID-19 recovered presented with quadriparesis with absent deep tendon reflexes with electro-diagnostically proven AMSAN variety of GBS treated successfully with IVIg. Patient was having hyponatremia which was diagnosed to be due to SIADH and was successfully treated with fluid restriction and tolvaptan. This case is being reported due to combination of COVID-19, COVID vaccination shortly before GBS and hyponatremia due to syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) which is quite rare combination

    A note on the record of juveniles of Rastrelliger kanagurta (Cuvier) in the distant waters off Ratnagiri

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    Mackerel fishery of India is constituted mainly by Rastrelliger kanagurta. Young slages of it are reported to be caught only occasionally from the easl and west coast of our countr

    A note on tbe record of juveniles of Rastrelliger kanagurta (cuvier) in the distant waters off Ratnagiri

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    Mackerel fishery of India is constituted mainly by RastrelJiger kanagurta. Young stages of it are reported to be caught only occasionaliy from the east and west coast of our country ,. Recently larval and post larval stages of the mackerel .have, however, been identified in the plankton 2-3. The spawning ground of the species is not yet clearly known

    A randomized cross over trial of oral nifedipine and intravenous labetalol in pregnant women with severe pre-eclampsia and eclampsia

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    Background: The aim of treatment of severe pre-eclampsia and eclampsia is to quickly bring about a smooth reduction in blood pressure to levels that are safe for both mother and baby but avoiding any sudden drops. There are not many studies comparing nifedipine and labetalol for this purpose. Authors conducted this study with the aim of comparing their efficacy in reducing maternal blood pressure.Methods: It was a cross over trial with 30 patients in each group conducted at a tertiary care hospital. 60 pregnant women were randomized to receive nifedipine (20mg loading dose followed by 10 mg tablet, orally, up to maximum of five doses) or  intravenous labetalol  (in an escalating dose regimen of 20, 40, 80, 80 and 80 mg)  every 20 minutes until the target blood pressure of 150/100 mmHg was achieved. Crossover treatment was affected if the initial treatment regimen was unsuccessful after 20 min of the last dose of the drug in the respective groups.Results: The mean time to achieve the target blood pressure was 32.0 ±18.64 minutes (mean ± SD) in nifedipine group as compared with 37.04 ± 16.36 minutes in those receiving labetalol (P = .002). In the nifedipine group 63.3% required only one dose compared to 36.6% in the labetalol group.  Only two women in the nifedipine group required maximum number of doses that is five doses. Cross over treatment was required by 10% of patients in the labetalol group and none in the nifedipine group.Conclusions: This study shows that oral nifedipine is more effective than intravenous labetalol in rapid control of hypertension in severe pre-eclampsia and eclampsia

    A study to assess the utility of poison severity score, pseudocholinesterase levels and Glasgow coma scale in predicting severity and clinical outcome of organophosphorus poisoning

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    Background: Suicides due to organophosphate self-poisoning is a major cause of concern world over. Organophosphate compounds (OP) possess a major cause of suicide in India.  There is a greater need for tools to predict severity of OP poisoning. We in this study try to assess the utility of the Glasgow coma scale (GCS), pseudocholinesterase levels and the poisoning severity score (PSS) in estimating severity and clinical prognosis of OP poisoning in patients of south India.Methods: A prospective study was conducted over 2 years in department of medicine, KIMS hospital and research centre, patients who were >18 years of age were included. OP poisoning was determined by either history of consumption or clinical features. Pseudocholinesterase levels at admission, PPS and GCS scores were assessed at admission and at 24 hours. Clinical, demographical, and certain laboratory investigation were recorded. Patients were followed till the patient stayed in intensive care unit.Results: In present study 100 patients were enrolled. Significant association was observed between GCS (p<0.001), PSS (p<0.001) and outcome of OP poisoning. Unexpectedly no significant association was observed with pseudocholinesterase level (p=0.118). A total of 83% patients were improved after treatment and mortality rate observed was 17%. Out of these 83% severe complications were observed in 14% of the patients.Conclusions: The findings of this study highlight the usefulness of GCS and PSS systems for predicting severity of OP poisoning. Identification of severity at an early stage followed by prompt treatment can prevent deaths. Our study did not find any association between pseudocholinesterase levels at admission and severity of OP poisoning

    Quantitative analysis of heart type fatty acid binding protein in early detection of acute coronary syndrome

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    Background: Coronary heart disease is a major cause of mortality, morbidity and disability in developed countries. Even though coronary heart disease mortality rates worldwide have reduced over the past five decades, coronary heart disease is the major cause of death in one-third of people more than 35 years of age.Many risk factors and biomarkers have been studied in the past and research is on in detecting the acute coronary syndrome at the earliest so that reperfusion therapy can be undertaken as early as possible to save the life of patients. Heart-type fatty acid binding protein is a newer modality of investigation developed for the above purpose.Methods: Single centre cross-sectional observational study was conducted from 1 September 2017 to May 2019 with an aim to study novel cardiac biomarker h-FABP in patients with acute coronary syndrome and compare sensitivity and specificity of the same with that of troponin -T in the early detection of acute coronary events after fulfilling inclusion and exclusion criteria .The data of 80 patients were collected after getting informed consent. The clinical, demographic and investigations were performed as per the hospital protocol and such patients were recorded in the proforma. The additional test heart-type fatty acid binding protein is performed in the triage by collecting patient’s serum and by using point of care analysis machine. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 20.0 and results were obtainedResults: Out of 80 patients selected males were 35 and female are 45. Chest pain was present in 58 people, dyspnoea was in 28, sweating in 40 people, 35 had anterior wall MI, 30 had Inferior wall MI and 15 had global hypokinesia. Median values of h-FABP values were 82 ng/dl, 53.2 ng/dl, 35.3 ng/dl at 0-6 hours, 6-12 hours, and 12-24 hours respectively after the onset of symptoms with a significant p< 0.001. There were major differences between median values between different time groups of symptoms onset. Median troponin T values were 0.061 ng/ml, 0.350 ng/ml, 1.56 ng/ml after 0-6 hours, 6-12 hours and 12-24 hours of onset of symptoms respectively. There was no correlation between h-FABP and troponin-T values.Conclusions: h-FABP rises early in coronary events in first 6 hrs of onset of symptoms of ACS serum levels of h-FABP decreases as time progresses in 24 hours. In comparison troponin-t levels continue to rise as time progresses. h-FABP serum levels can be used as novel marker for early detection of ACS