106 research outputs found

    Small-Scale structure in the Galactic ISM: Implications for Galaxy Cluster Studies

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    Observations of extragalactic objects need to be corrected for Galactic absorption and this is often accomplished by using the measured 21 cm HI column. However, within the beam of the radio telescope there are variations in the HI column that can have important effects in interpreting absorption line studies and X-ray spectra at the softest energies. We examine the HI and DIRBE/IRAS data for lines of sight out of the Galaxy, which show evidence for HI variations in of up to a factor of three in 1 degree fields. Column density enhancements would preferentially absorb soft X-rays in spatially extended objects and we find evidence for this effect in the ROSAT PSPC observations of two bright clusters of galaxies, Abell 119 and Abell 2142. For clusters of galaxies, the failure to include column density fluctuations will lead to systematically incorrect fits to the X-ray data in the sense that there will appear to be a very soft X-ray excess. This may be one cause of the soft X-ray excess in clusters, since the magnitude of the effect is comparable to the observed values.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, to appear in the Astrophysical Journal, vol. 597 (1 Nov 2003

    Random Forests Applied to High-precision Photometry Analysis with Spitzer IRAC

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    We present a new method employing machine-learning techniques for measuring astrophysical features by correcting systematics in IRAC high-precision photometry using random forests. The main systematic in IRAC light-curve data is position changes due to unavoidable telescope motions coupled with an intrapixel response function. We aim to use the large amount of publicly available calibration data for the single pixel used for this type of work (the sweet-spot pixel) to make a fast, easy-to-use, accurate correction to science data. This correction on calibration data has the advantage of using an independent data set instead of the science data themselves, which has the disadvantage of including astrophysical variations. After focusing on feature engineering and hyperparameter optimization, we show that a boosted random forest model can reduce the data such that we measure the median of 10 archival eclipse observations of XO-3b to be 1459 ± 200 ppm. This is a comparable depth to the average of those in the literature done by seven different methods; however, the spread in measurements is 30%–100% larger than those literature values, depending on the reduction method. We also caution others attempting similar methods to check their results with the fiducial data set of XO-3b, as we were also able to find models providing initially great scores on their internal test data sets but whose results significantly underestimated the eclipse depth of that planet

    Random Forests Applied to High-precision Photometry Analysis with Spitzer IRAC

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    We present a new method employing machine-learning techniques for measuring astrophysical features by correcting systematics in IRAC high-precision photometry using random forests. The main systematic in IRAC light-curve data is position changes due to unavoidable telescope motions coupled with an intrapixel response function. We aim to use the large amount of publicly available calibration data for the single pixel used for this type of work (the sweet-spot pixel) to make a fast, easy-to-use, accurate correction to science data. This correction on calibration data has the advantage of using an independent data set instead of the science data themselves, which has the disadvantage of including astrophysical variations. After focusing on feature engineering and hyperparameter optimization, we show that a boosted random forest model can reduce the data such that we measure the median of 10 archival eclipse observations of XO-3b to be 1459 ± 200 ppm. This is a comparable depth to the average of those in the literature done by seven different methods; however, the spread in measurements is 30%–100% larger than those literature values, depending on the reduction method. We also caution others attempting similar methods to check their results with the fiducial data set of XO-3b, as we were also able to find models providing initially great scores on their internal test data sets but whose results significantly underestimated the eclipse depth of that planet

    A Pilot Search for Population III Supernova Candidates in the Spitzer/IRAC Dark Field

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    We have undertaken a systematic search for candidate supernovae from high-redshift Population III stars in a field that has been observed with repeated imaging on a cadence of 2-3 weeks over a 2.2 year baseline, the Spitzer/IRAC Dark Field. The individual epochs reach a typical 5-sigma depth of 1 uJy in IRAC Channel 1 (3.6 um). Requiring a minimum of four epochs coverage, the total effective area searched is 214 sq arcminutes. The unprecedented depth and multi-epochal nature of these data make it ideal for a first foray to detect transient objects which may be candidate luminous Pair Instability Supernovae from the primordial-metallicity first stars. The search was conducted over a broad range of timescales, allowing for different durations of the putative candidates' light curve plateau phases. All candidates were vetted by inspection of the Spitzer imaging data, as well as deep HST/ACS F814W imaging available over the full field. While many resolved-source objects were found with Spitzer variability, no transient objects could plausibly be identified as high-redshift supernovae candidates. The resulting 95% confidence level upper limit is 23/sq deg/yr, for sources with plateau timescales under 400/(1+z) days and brightnesses above ~1 uJy.Comment: ApJL, in pres

    The Transiting Exoplanet Community Early Release Science Program for JWST

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    The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) presents the opportunity to transform our understanding of planets and the origins of life by revealing the atmospheric compositions, structures, and dynamics of transiting exoplanets in unprecedented detail. However, the high-precision, timeseries observations required for such investigations have unique technical challenges, and prior experience with Hubble, Spitzer, and other facilities indicates that there will be a steep learning curve when JWST becomes operational. In this paper, we describe the science objectives and detailed plans of the Transiting Exoplanet Community Early Release Science (ERS) Program, which is a recently approved program for JWST observations early in Cycle 1. We also describe the simulations used to establish the program. The goal of this project, for which the obtained data will have no exclusive access period, is to accelerate the acquisition and diffusion of technical expertise for transiting exoplanet observations with JWST, while also providing a compelling set of representative data sets that will enable immediate scientific breakthroughs. The Transiting Exoplanet Community ERS Program will exercise the timeseries modes of all four JWST instruments that have been identified as the consensus highest priorities, observe the full suite of transiting planet characterization geometries (transits, eclipses, and phase curves), and target planets with host stars that span an illustrative range of brightnesses. The observations in this program were defined through an inclusive and transparent process that had participation from JWST instrument experts and international leaders in transiting exoplanet studies. The targets have been vetted with previous measurements, will be observable early in the mission, and have exceptional scientific merit. Community engagement in the project will be centered on a two-phase Data Challenge that culminates with the delivery of planetary spectra, timeseries instrument performance reports, and open-source data analysis toolkits in time to inform the agenda for Cycle 2 of the JWST mission

    Spitzer Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) Pipeline: final modifications and lessons learned

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    In more than ten years of operations, the Spitzer Space Telescope has conducted a wide range of investigations from observing nearby asteroids to probing atmospheric properties of exoplanets to measuring masses of the most distance galaxies. Observations using the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) at 3.6 and 4.5um will continue through mid-2019 when the James Webb Space Telescope will succeed Spitzer. In anticipation of the eventual end of the mission, the basic calibrated data reduction pipeline designed to produce flux-calibrated images has been finalized and used to reprocess all the data taken during the Spitzer warm mission. We discuss all final modifications made to the pipeline

    The Transiting Exoplanet Community Early Release Science Program for JWST

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    The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) presents the opportunity to transform our understanding of planets and the origins of life by revealing the atmospheric compositions, structures, and dynamics of transiting exoplanets in unprecedented detail. However, the high-precision, timeseries observations required for such investigations have unique technical challenges, and prior experience with Hubble, Spitzer, and other facilities indicates that there will be a steep learning curve when JWST becomes operational. In this paper, we describe the science objectives and detailed plans of the Transiting Exoplanet Community Early Release Science (ERS) Program, which is a recently approved program for JWST observations early in Cycle 1. We also describe the simulations used to establish the program. The goal of this project, for which the obtained data will have no exclusive access period, is to accelerate the acquisition and diffusion of technical expertise for transiting exoplanet observations with JWST, while also providing a compelling set of representative data sets that will enable immediate scientific breakthroughs. The Transiting Exoplanet Community ERS Program will exercise the timeseries modes of all four JWST instruments that have been identified as the consensus highest priorities, observe the full suite of transiting planet characterization geometries (transits, eclipses, and phase curves), and target planets with host stars that span an illustrative range of brightnesses. The observations in this program were defined through an inclusive and transparent process that had participation from JWST instrument experts and international leaders in transiting exoplanet studies. The targets have been vetted with previous measurements, will be observable early in the mission, and have exceptional scientific merit. Community engagement in the project will be centered on a two-phase Data Challenge that culminates with the delivery of planetary spectra, timeseries instrument performance reports, and open-source data analysis toolkits in time to inform the agenda for Cycle 2 of the JWST mission

    Calibration trending in the Spitzer beyond era

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    The Spitzer Space Telescope currently operates in the "Beyond Era", over nine years past an original cryogenic mission. As the astronomy community continues to advance scientific boundaries and push beyond original specifications, the stability of the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) instrument is paramount. The Instrument Team (IST) monitors the pointing accuracy, temperature, and calibration and provides the information in a timely manner to observers. The IRAC IST created a calibration trending web page, available to the general astronomy community, where the team posts updates of three most pertinent scientific stability measures of the IRAC data: calibration, bias, and bad pixels. In addition, photometry and telescope properties from all the staring observations (>1500 as of April 2018) are trended to examine correlations with changes in the age or thermal properties of the telescope. A long, well-sampled baseline established by consistent monitoring outside anomalies and space weather events allows even the smallest changes to be detected
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