12 research outputs found

    Multi-touchless: Real-time fingertip detection and tracking using geodesic maxima

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    Since the advent of multitouch screens users have been able to interact using fingertip gestures in a two dimensional plane. With the development of depth cameras, such as the Kinect, attempts have been made to reproduce the detection of gestures for three dimensional interaction. Many of these use contour analysis to find the fingertips, however the success of such approaches is limited due to sensor noise and rapid movements. This paper discusses an approach to identify fingertips during rapid movement at varying depths allowing multitouch without contact with a screen. To achieve this, we use a weighted graph that is built using the depth information of the hand to determine the geodesic maxima of the surface. Fingertips are then selected from these maxima using a simplified model of the hand and correspondence found over successive frames. Our experiments show real-time performance for multiple users providing tracking at 30fps for up to 4 hands and we compare our results with stateof- the-art methods, providing accuracy an order of magnitude better than existing approaches. © 2013 IEEE

    Multi-touchless: Real-time fingertip detection and tracking using geodesic maxima

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    Since the advent of multitouch screens users have been able to interact using fingertip gestures in a two dimensional plane. With the development of depth cameras, such as the Kinect, attempts have been made to reproduce the detection of gestures for three dimensional interaction. Many of these use contour analysis to find the fingertips, however the success of such approaches is limited due to sensor noise and rapid movements. This paper discusses an approach to identify fingertips during rapid movement at varying depths allowing multitouch without contact with a screen. To achieve this, we use a weighted graph that is built using the depth information of the hand to determine the geodesic maxima of the surface. Fingertips are then selected from these maxima using a simplified model of the hand and correspondence found over successive frames. Our experiments show real-time performance for multiple users providing tracking at 30fps for up to 4 hands and we compare our results with stateof- the-art methods, providing accuracy an order of magnitude better than existing approaches. © 2013 IEEE

    Combining discriminative and model based approaches for hand pose estimation

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    In this paper we present an approach to hand pose estimation that combines both discriminative and modelbased methods to overcome the limitations of each technique in isolation. A Randomised Decision Forests (RDF) is used to provide an initial estimate of the regions of the hand. This initial segmentation provides constraints to which a 3D model is fitted using Rigid Body Dynamics. Model fitting is guided using point to surface constraints which bind a kinematic model of the hand to the depth cloud using the segmentation of the discriminative approach. This combines the advantages of both techniques, reducing the training requirements for discriminative classification and simplifying the optimization process involved in model fitting by incorporating physical constraints from the segmentation. Our experiments on two challenging sequences show that this combined method outperforms the current state-of-the-art approach

    Real time hand pose estimation for human computer interaction.

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    The aim of this thesis is to address the challenge of real-time pose estimation of the hand. Specifically this thesis aims to determine the joint positions of a non-augmented hand. This thesis focuses on the use of depth, performing localisation of the parts of the hand for efficient fitting of a kinematic model and consists of four main contributions. The first contribution presents an approach to Multi-touch(less) tracking, where the objective is to track the fingertips with a high degree of accuracy without sensor contact. Using a graph based approach, the surface of the hand is modelled and extrema of the hand are located. From this, gestures are identified and used for interaction. We briefly discuss one use case for this technology in the context of the Making Sense demonstrator inspired by the film ”The Minority Report”. This demonstration system allows an operator to quickly summarise and explore complex multi-modal multimedia data. The tracking approach allows for collaborative interactions due to its highly efficient tracking, resolving 4 hands simultaneously in real-time. The second contribution applies a Randomised Decision Forest (RDF) to the problem of pose estimation and presents a technique to identify regions of the hand, using features that sample depth. The RDF is an ensemble based classifier that is capable of generalising to unseen data and is capable of modelling expansive datasets, learning from over 70,000 pose examples. The approach is also demonstrated in the challenging application of American Sign Language (ASL) fingerspelling recognition. The third contribution combines a machine learning approach with a model based method to overcome the limitations of either technique in isolation. A RDF provides initial segmentation allowing surface constraints to be derived for a 3D model, which is subsequently fitted to the segmentation. This stage of global optimisation incorporates temporal information and enforces kinematic constraints. Using Rigid Body Dynamics for optimisation, invalid poses due to self-intersection and segmentation noise are resolved. Accuracy of the approach is limited by the natural variance between users and the use of a generic hand model. The final contribution therefore proposes an approach to refine pose via cascaded linear regression which samples the residual error between the depth and the model. This combination of techniques is demonstrated to provide state of the art accuracy in real time, without the use of a GPU and without the requirement for model initialisation

    Real time hand pose estimation for human computer interaction.

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    The aim of this thesis is to address the challenge of real-time pose estimation of the hand. Specifically this thesis aims to determine the joint positions of a non-augmented hand. This thesis focuses on the use of depth, performing localisation of the parts of the hand for efficient fitting of a kinematic model and consists of four main contributions. The first contribution presents an approach to Multi-touch(less) tracking, where the objective is to track the fingertips with a high degree of accuracy without sensor contact. Using a graph based approach, the surface of the hand is modelled and extrema of the hand are located. From this, gestures are identified and used for interaction. We briefly discuss one use case for this technology in the context of the Making Sense demonstrator inspired by the film ”The Minority Report”. This demonstration system allows an operator to quickly summarise and explore complex multi-modal multimedia data. The tracking approach allows for collaborative interactions due to its highly efficient tracking, resolving 4 hands simultaneously in real-time. The second contribution applies a Randomised Decision Forest (RDF) to the problem of pose estimation and presents a technique to identify regions of the hand, using features that sample depth. The RDF is an ensemble based classifier that is capable of generalising to unseen data and is capable of modelling expansive datasets, learning from over 70,000 pose examples. The approach is also demonstrated in the challenging application of American Sign Language (ASL) fingerspelling recognition. The third contribution combines a machine learning approach with a model based method to overcome the limitations of either technique in isolation. A RDF provides initial segmentation allowing surface constraints to be derived for a 3D model, which is subsequently fitted to the segmentation. This stage of global optimisation incorporates temporal information and enforces kinematic constraints. Using Rigid Body Dynamics for optimisation, invalid poses due to self-intersection and segmentation noise are resolved. Accuracy of the approach is limited by the natural variance between users and the use of a generic hand model. The final contribution therefore proposes an approach to refine pose via cascaded linear regression which samples the residual error between the depth and the model. This combination of techniques is demonstrated to provide state of the art accuracy in real time, without the use of a GPU and without the requirement for model initialisation

    Guided Optimisation through Classification and Regression for Hand Pose Estimation

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    This paper presents an approach to hand pose estimation that combines discriminative and model-based methods to leverage the advantages of both. Randomised Decision Forests are trained using real data to provide fast coarse segmentation of the hand. The segmentation then forms the basis of constraints applied in model fitting, using an efficient projected Gauss-Seidel solver, which enforces temporal continuity and kinematic limitations. However, when fitting a generic model to multiple users with varying hand shape, there is likely to be residual errors between the model and their hand. Also, local minima can lead to failures in tracking that are difficult to recover from. Therefore, we introduce an error regression stage that learns to correct these instances of optimisation failure. The approach provides improved accuracy over the current state of the art methods, through the inclusion of temporal cohesion and by learning to correct from failure cases. Using discriminative learning, our approach performs guided optimisation, greatly reducing model fitting complexity and radically improves efficiency. This allows tracking to be performed at over 40 frames per second using a single CPU thread

    Guided Optimisation through Classification and Regression for Hand Pose Estimation

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    This paper presents an approach to hand pose estimation that combines discriminative and model-based methods to leverage the advantages of both. Randomised Decision Forests are trained using real data to provide fast coarse segmentation of the hand. The segmentation then forms the basis of constraints applied in model fitting, using an efficient projected Gauss-Seidel solver, which enforces temporal continuity and kinematic limitations. However, when fitting a generic model to multiple users with varying hand shape, there is likely to be residual errors between the model and their hand. Also, local minima can lead to failures in tracking that are difficult to recover from. Therefore, we introduce an error regression stage that learns to correct these instances of optimisation failure. The approach provides improved accuracy over the current state of the art methods, through the inclusion of temporal cohesion and by learning to correct from failure cases. Using discriminative learning, our approach performs guided optimisation, greatly reducing model fitting complexity and radically improves efficiency. This allows tracking to be performed at over 40 frames per second using a single CPU thread