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23 research outputs found
Chlamys-Schille in glaziomarinen Sedimenten (Pliozän) der King George Insel, Westantarktis
A. Gaździcki
A. Gaździcki
+15 more
A.D. Miall
A.K. Tokarski
Andrzej Gaździcki
C.M. Barton
J. Błaszyk
J.B. Anderson
K. Birkenmajer
K. Birkenmajer
K. Birkenmajer
K.M. Marsaglia
R. Wright
R.D. Kreisa
T. Aigner
T. Aigner
T. Aigner
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Re-evaluation of coquinoid sandstone depositional model, Upper Jurassic of central Wyoming and south-central Montana
Allen J.R.L.
Allen P.A.
+15 more
Blakey R.C.
Brenner R.L.
Bridges P.H.
Davies D.K.
Elliott Trevor
Figueiredo A.G.
Huthnance J.M.
Kenyon N.H.
Kreisa R.D.
Middleton G.V.
Seilacher A.
Stubblefield W.L.
Stubblefield W.L.
Swift D.J.P.
Swift D.J.P.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Taphonomy of Lower Carboniferous crinoids from the Hook Head Formation, Ireland
Aigner T.
Blyth Cain J.D.
+15 more
Brett C.E.
Brett C.E.
Donovan S.K.
Einsele G.
Franzh C.
Kammer T. W.
Kreisa R.D.
Lane N.G.
Liddell W.D.
Llewellyn G.
Meyer D.L.
Schubert J.K.
Schumacher G.A.
Seilacher A.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Cyclostratigraphy of the Lower Ordovician Dumugol Formation, Korea: meter-scale cyclicity and sequence-stratigraphic interpretation
A. Seilacher
C.A. Cowan
+55 more
C.E. Brett
C.H. Cheong
D. Cluzel
D. Cluzel
D. Osleger
D.A. Gervirtzman
D.A. Osleger
D.C. Jennette
G.L. Smith
H.-E. Reineck
I.S. Paik
J.C. Kim
J.C. Kim
J.C. Kim
J.C. Kim
J.D. Hays
J.D. Howard
J.F. Mount
J.F. Read
J.F. Read
J.J. Sepkoski
J.L. Cisne
J.P. Grotzinger
J.R. Markello
Jeong Chan Kim
K.-S. Seo
K.S. Seo
L.A. Hardie
L.C. Sloan
M. Elrick
M.E. Tucker
M.E. Tucker
N.K. Möller
N.P. James
R.D. Kreisa
R.D. Kreisa
R.K. Goldhammer
R.K. Goldhammer
R.N. Ginsburg
R.S. Yeats
S. Cloetingh
S.M. Holland
T. Aigner
T. Aigner
T. Sami
T.D. Herbert
T.P. Burchette
W. Schwarzacher
W.B. Bull
W.F. Koerschner
W.M. Ahr
Y.I. Lee
Y.S. Choi
Yong Il Lee
Z. Feng
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Hummocky cross-stratification in the surf zone: flow parameters and bedding genesis
Allen J.R.L.
Allen P.A.
+27 more
Ashley G.M.
Bourgeois J.
Burger J.A.
Campbell C.V.
Carstens M.R.
Clifton H.E.
Clifton H.E.
Davidson-Arnott R.G.D.
Davidson-Arnott R.G.D.
Folk R.L.
Goldring R.
Grant W.D.
Grant W.D.
Greenwood B.
Greenwood B.
Harms J.C.
Harms J.C.
Harms J.C.
Hill G.W.
Hunter R.E.
Kreisa R.D.
Lofquist K.E.B.
Reineck H-E
Sherman D.J.
Swift D.J.P.
Tanner W.F.
Walker R.G.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Absolute depths of Silurian benthic assemblages
Aigner T.
Aigner T.
+83 more
Aigner T.
Anderson E.J.
Baalen C.
Baarli B.G.
Beadle S.C.
Beadle S.C.
Beadle S.C.
Benedict G.L.
Boucot A.J.
Boucot A.J.
Boucot A.J.
Brett C.E.
Brett C.E.
Budd D.A.
Campbell S.E.
Cherns L.
Coates A.
Cocks L.R.M.
Cocks L.R.M.
Copper P.
Cotter E.
Dragonov S.J.
Driese S.G.
Dustan P.
Edwards B.D.
Embry A.F.
Frest T.J.
Fricke H.W.
Gillette T.G.
Golubic S.
Golubic S.
Golubic S.
Golubic S.
Hancock N. J.
Heckel P.H.
Hessland I.
Houten F.B.
James N.P.
Johnson M.E.
Johnson M.E.
Johnson M.E.
Jones B.
Jones B.
Jones B.
Kaljo D.L.
Kendrick B.
Kiyohara T.
Klappa C.F.
Komar P.D.
Komar P.D.
Kreisa R.D.
Kreisa R.D.
Kriz J.
Lauritzen O.
Liebau A.
Liebau A.
Logan B.W.
Magdefrau K.
Minnery G.A.
Musteikis P.
Nestor H.
Nichol J.A.C.
Nitecki M.H.
Nitecki M.H.
Norton T.A.
Perkins R.D.
Pratt B.R.
Raup D.M.
Riding R.
Rippka R.
Rong Jia-yu
Rosen B.R.
Roux A.
Shabica S.V.
Stanier R.Y.
Stanier R.Y.
Vogel K.
Wang Yu
Weaver J.S.
Westermann G.
Westermann G.
Whittington H.B.
Witzke B.R.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Facies analysis and high-resolution sequence stratigraphy of the Lower Eocene shallow marine Ametlla Formation, Spanish Pyrenees
Allen G.P.
Allen J.R.L.
+33 more
Begin Z.B.
Cant D. J.
Cloyd K.C.
Dalrymple R.W.
Dreyer T.
Galloway W.E.
Garrido-Mejias A.
Ghibaudo G.
Greek S.A.
Harris C.W.
Jordan T.E.
Kreisa R.D.
Leckie D.A.
Mutti E.
Nio S.D.
Pienkowski G.
Plint A.G.
Posamentier H.W.
Posamentier H.W.
Puigdefabregas C.
Puigdefabregas C.
Rahmani R.A.
Ramos A.
Reineck H.E.
Ross C.A.
Rubin D.M.
Santisteban C
Smith D.G.
Strobl R.S.
Terwindt J.H.J.
Wagoner J.C.
Walker R.G.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Characteristics of coarse-grained sequences deposited in nearshore, wave-dominated environments-examples from the Miocene of south-west Oregon
Addicott W.O.
Aigner T.
+45 more
Aigner T.
Armentrout J.M.
Boersma J.R.
Bourgeois J.
Bridges P.H.
Byers C.W.
Campbell C.V.
Cant D.J.
Clifton H.E.
Clifton H.E.
Clifton H.E.
Clifton H.E.
Clifton H.E.
Davidson-Arnott R.G.D.
Denton G.H.
Drake D.E.
Flood R.D.
Goldring R.
Goloring R.
Greensmith J.T.
Hamblin A.P.
Hantzschel W.
Harms J.C.
Howard J.D.
Howard J.D.
Howard J.D.
Howard J.D.
Hunter R.E.
Hunter R.E.
Hunter R.E.
Keen M.A.
Kreisa R.D.
Kumar N.
Leckie D.A.
Lewis K.B.
Pitman W.C.
Reineck H.-E.
Rhoads D.C.
Shackleton N.J.
Shinn E.A.
Vail P.R.
Warme J.E.
Weimer R.J.
Whitaker J.H. McD.
Wright M.E.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Hummocky cross-stratification, tropical hurricanes, and intense winter storms
Allen P.A.
Arnold J.E.
+57 more
Bartsch-Winkler S.
Beardsley R.C.
Boicourt W.C.
Bourgeois J.
Bourgeois J.
Cacchione D.A.
Campbell C.V.
Carlson T.N.
Carlson T.N.
Carozzi A.V.
Demicco R.V.
Duke W.L.
Duke W.L.
Duke W.L.
Duke W.L.
Duke W.L.
Emery K.O.
Fischer A.G.
Forristall G.Z.
Frakes L.A.
Gilbert G.K.
Gray W.M.
Greenwood B.
Hamblin A.P.
Hayes M.O.
Higgs R.
Hoogendoorn E.L.
Hunter R.F.
Keller G.H.
Klein G.
Klein G. deV.
Kreisa R.
Kreisa R.D.
Leckie D.A.
Lonsdale P.
Marsaglia K.M.
Marsaglia K.M.
Masuda F.
Miller M.C.
Moore P.S.
Murray S.P.
Prave A.R.
Scotese C.R.
Serra S.
Shepard F.P.
Smith A.G.
Smith N.P.
Swift D.J.P.
Swift D.J.P.
Swift D.J.P.
Ujiie H.
Voo R.
Walker R. G.
Wendt J.
Wright L.D.
Wright M.E.
Ziegler A.M.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Flat-pebble conglomerate: its multiple origins and relationship to metre-scale depositional cycles
Aitken J.D.
Blackwelder E.
+36 more
Bottjer D.J.
Chow N.
Clukey E.C.
Deiss C.
Deiss C.H.
Demicco R.V.
Dionne J.C.
Dorf E.
Embry A.F.
Grant R.E.
Greensmith J.T.
Grotzinger J.P.
Henkel D.J.
James N.P.
Jansa L.F.
Kazmierczak J.
Koerschner W.F.
Kreisa R.D.
Lee Y.I.
Lochman-Balk C.
Markello J.R.
Martin W.D.
McKee E.D.
Mount J.F.
Myrow P.M.
Obermeier S.F.
Osleger D.
Osleger D.
Peale A.C.
Prior D.B.
Roehl P.O.
Saltzman M.R.
Sanderson D.
Sepkoski J.J.
Walker R.G.
Wright V.P.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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