4 research outputs found

    Integrated heat energy system of the livestock building and ground boreholes

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    Z prac r贸偶nych badaczy dotycz膮cych pozyskiwania energii z sond geotermalnych wynika, 偶e temperatura gruntu z sond膮 geotermaln膮 spada pod koniec okresu grzewczego, a w pobli偶u sondy grunt och艂adza si臋 przez pierwsze 2-3 lata. Po tym okresie proces si臋 stabilizuje, ale temperatura gruntu pozostaje ni偶sza o 1-2 K w por贸wnaniu z gruntem bez sondy. Symulacja tego procesu w okresie 25-letniej eksploatacji pokaza艂a, 偶e po tym okresie deficyt temperatury pozostaje na poziomie 0,1 K. Poniewa偶 odzysk ciep艂a z sondy geotermalnej mo偶e powodowa膰 zachwiania we w艂a艣ciwo艣ciach cieplnych gruntu, w IBMER podj臋to prace nad przywr贸ceniem tej r贸wnowagi. W pierwszym etapie badano system oparty na wymiennikach gruntowych bez pod艂膮czenia dachu energetycznego. Badania prowadzono w okresie od 26.01-16.03.2007. Dokonywano odczyt贸w energii cieplnej uzyskanej z sond geotermalnych oraz energii, kt贸ra zosta艂a przes艂ana do obiegu g贸rnego 藕r贸d艂a (c.o.). Uzyskano 5,834 GJ energii cieplnej (1620,56 kWh), a dostarczono 447,1 kWh energii elektrycznej. Z oblicze艅 energii dostarczonej do uzyskanej wynika, 偶e wsp贸艂czynnik COP wynosi 3,9. W tym okresie dostarczono do obiegu c.o. 5,836 GJ energii cieplnej.Many studies by different researchers show that the temperature close to a borehole is dropping quickly in winter during first 2 years, only to stay more or less stable over the next years. In the summer time, initial temperatures are not achieved again, but the temperature drop is decreasing from year to year. According to computer simulation, a complete recovery will occur after an indefititely long time period; nevertheless, the remaining temperature deficit after 25 years since the operation has been stopped, at the level of 0.1 K only. Because the heat recovery from boreholes could disturb thermal properties of the ground, some research works were undertaken by IBMER, to bring this balance back. The aim of research dealing with the system which included energy roof, deep litter and ground boreholes, was to determine the efficiency of heat delivery/recovery to and from the boreholes, in aspects of hydrogeothermal processes near the boreholes. System of boreholes (without energy roof) was investigated at the first stage of research. Investigations were conducted since 26.01. to 16.03.2007. Amounts of the heat from boreholes and heat conveyed to the central heating system were recorded. Over investigation period 5.834 GJ (1620.56 kWh) of heat energy have been gained, in comparison to electric en-ergy input on the level 447.1 kWh. The input energy to the gained energy ratio (COP) amounted to 3.9. During investigations 5.836 GJ of heat energy were delivered to the central heating system

    Economical and energy aspects of exploitation of energy roof

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    Okre艣lono wp艂yw podstawowych parametr贸w technicznych instalacji i na drodze eksperymentalnej okre艣lono, 偶e najwy偶sz膮 warto艣膰 strumienia ciep艂a (艣rednio 670 W/m2) uzyskano dla pr臋dko艣ci przep艂ywu cieczy roboczej wynosz膮cej 200 l/h. Uzyskane dane po przeprowadzonych badaniach dachu energetycznego w okresie od maja do wrze艣nia 2004 roku potwierdzaj膮 przydatno艣膰 tego rozwi膮zania w budownictwie inwentarskim.The investigation of energy roof model of animal building was done. Research was conducted since May to September of year 2004. The obtained data confirmed that the photo-thermal cells are suitable for animal building which could produce energy for its own requirements. The influence of basic technical parameters was considered, such as liquid velocity in the system and incoming temperature of liquid on stream of heat. It was reported that velocity of liquid and ambient temperature had significant influence on amount of heat stream. The biggest obtained value of heat stream occurred for liquid flow at 200 l/h. The average power gained for that flow was 670 W/m2. Lower incoming temperature has allowed to obtain higher power from the roof

    Farm building with a positve energy balance

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    Przeprowadzono badania modeli dachu energetycznego budynku inwentarskiego w okresie od marca do maja 2004. Przedstawione wyniki bada艅 wst臋pnych potwierdzaj膮 celowo艣膰 zastosowania ogniw fototermicznych w budynkach generuj膮cych energi臋 ponad w艂asne zapotrzebowanie.The research was conducted regarding the energetic roof models of a farm building from March to May 2004. The presented results of preliminary research conform the usefulness of applying photothermal cells in buildings generating energy in excess of their own needs