13 research outputs found

    The history of written language disorders: reexamining Pitres’ case (1884) of pure agraphia

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    The first clinical description of pure agraphia was reported by the French neurologist Pitres in 1884. Pitres used the case study evidence to argue for modality-specific memory representations and the localization of writing. This article reviews Pitres’s contribution to the study of acquired writing disorders, the components of writing models and the cerebral localization which subserve writing, in light of the views entertained by his contemporaries and current authors. Although numerous cases have been reported throughout this century, the view that writing can be impaired while other language functions and motor activities remain intact is still challenged

    The Mordvinians : A doomed Soviet nationality ?

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    Isabelle Kreindler, The Mordvinians. A doomed Soviet nationality? Although the Soviet war-time deportations of eight entire nationalities have again become a non-event of history, the effects, both among the five nationalities who have been restored in their homelands and especially among the three who are still in exile, are still very much felt. This article summarizes the background of the deported nationalities and of the basic events of their tragic experience, while focusing on the continuing ramifications of the deportations on the nationalities involved and on Soviet nationality policy in general.Isabelle Kreindler, Les Mordves. Une nationalité soviétique condamnée ? Bien qu'il ne soit à nouveau plus de mise de parler des déportations massives de huit nationalités soviétiques à l'époque de la guerre, les effets s'en font encore sentir tant sur les cinq nationalités qui ont recouvré leur patrie que sur les trois autres, toujours en exil. Cet article retrace rapidement l'historique des Mordves et les principaux jalons de leur tragique expérience, tout en étant centré sur les prolongements actuels de ces déportations sur le peuple mordve et sur la politique soviétique des nationalités en général.Kreindler Isabelle T. The Mordvinians : A doomed Soviet nationality ?. In: Cahiers du monde russe et soviétique, vol. 26, n°1, Janvier-Mars 1985. pp. 43-62