22 research outputs found

    A Unified Approach in System Architecture Development During Energy Efficient Design of Cooling Plants

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    This paper aims to present the approach to the creation and rendering of a detailed solution for cooling plants including all supporting documents. The paper presents all steps and specific sub steps of the presented approach and the approach has been verified on an example of a cooling plant with water-cooled chillers in the pharmaceutical industry. The authors were motivated to use such approach to find an expedient and high-quality solution for the system architecture. They believe that optimal cooling plant system architecture can be provided by an adequate selection of the required equipment and all system parameters it needs to comply with, through two phases of evaluation analysis, including all supporting technical documents. The approach is based on the designersā€™ engineering knowledge and years of experience in this field. It is based on a so-called Configuration and Change Management approach where the required/acceptable solution is provided by configuring the product and changing product properties through several loopback steps. The approach is quite comprehensive and complex, however, it produces a satisfactory solution with well presented results, which makes it applicable to the creation of new cooling plants


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    The paper presents research on the development of a mathematical model and control algorithms for an industrial robot arm. Starting from the simplified architecture of the robot in plain view, a mathematical model of the direct kinematics with the representation of the position of the robot arm tool is derived. Based on this, the equations of inverse kinematics are derived, which provide the equations for the variables of the angles in the spaces of the ankle. In addition, a dynamic model of the actuator moments in the joints was created. Three algorithms for torque control with PD and PI controllers were proposed for the rotation of the robot joints in which the servo motors are located, as well as for the control with the contact force of the robot tool. The mathematical models and control algorithms were implemented in the computer program MATLAB Simulink, and a simulation of the response variables was performed for each of these algorithms. The simulation results are presented and a comparison of the given algorithms is given

    Integration of system design and production processes in robust mechatronic product architectures development: Extended M-FBFP framework

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    Složenost mehatroničkih proizvoda, kao Å”to su sustavi klima komora, dovodi do ogromnih poteÅ”koća u sagledavanju gdje su glavne neučinkovitosti u procesu. Dakle, vrlo je teÅ”ko odlučiti koja će poboljÅ”anja imati najznačajniji utjecaj na tvrtku ili za određeni projekt. Mehatronički proizvodi se odlikuju visokim stupnjem interdisciplinarnosti i složenosti u tehničkom sustavu i pripadajućem razvojnom procesu. Ovdje nam kao glavni izazov predstavlja kako se nositi s visokom složenoŔću i raznolikoŔću međuovisnosti u takvim proizvodima. Stoga je ovdje predstavljeno okruženje za integraciju modeliranja mehatroničkih proizvoda i proizvodnih procesa - proÅ”ireno M-FBFP okruženje. Ono nam nudi različite nezavisne poglede na cijeli proizvod kako bi se poboljÅ”ala njegova arhitektura. Kao rezultat predloženog okruženja, analize rizika u podsustavima kroz domenu komponenata i u procesima kroz domenu tehničkih procesa postaje moguća, te putem dobivenih povratnih informacija mogu se raditi izmjene u arhitekturi proizvoda. Da bi se testirala valjanost predloženog okruženja, ovdje je predstavljen primjer s klima komorom s regeneracijom topline.The complexity of mechatronic products, such as climate chamber subsystems, results in enormous difficulties in understanding where the main design process inefficiencies are. It is therefore extremely difficult to determine which improvements will have the most significant impact on a company or on a specific project. Mechatronic products are characterized by a high level of interdisciplinarity and complexity in the technical system and the relevant development processes. The main challenge in this respect is how to deal with the high complexity of and a variety of interdependencies in such products. We are therefore presenting a framework for integrated mechatronic product and process modelling - extended M-FBFP framework. This framework provides different independent perspectives of the overall product to improve their architecture. As a result of the proposed framework, risk analysis through subsystems in the components domain and through processes in the technical processes domain is enabled and it is now possible to provide feedback on product architecture. To obtain optimally robust product architectures from available alternative solutions, an evaluation analysis was performed across all stages, including the initialization and subsequent refinements with several evaluation criteria: complexity, interdependency and process duration. To test the validity of the proposed framework, we are presenting a case study involving a climate chamber with heat regeneration

    Razvoj tehničkih sustava temeljem modela ponaŔanja arhitekture sustava

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    Istraživanjem se proučila mogućnost predviđanja odstupanja u ponaÅ”anju složenih tehničkih sustava u odnosu na ponaÅ”anje sustava s predviđenim radnim parametrima. Neočekivano (neizvjesno) ponaÅ”anje sustava u promjenljivoj radnoj okolini modelirana je: modelom arhitekture tehničkog sustava i modelom ponaÅ”anja tehničkog sustava. Model arhitekture sustava temelji se na matrici komponenata DSM (engl. Design Structure Matrix), matričnom zapisu komponenata sustava. PonaÅ”anje sustava modelirano je prediktivnom metodom upravljanja. Obostrano preslikavanje podataka između modela omogućava modeliranje ponaÅ”anja sustava u neizvjesnim situacijama. Pomoću, u okviru istraživanja, razvijenog algoritma i postojećih računalnih alata, verificirani su rezultati istraživanja, na realnim primjerima složenih tehničkih sustava

    Robust product architecture development combining matrix-based approaches and function-based failure propagation method: M-FBFP framework

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    Ovaj rad predlaže okruženje M-FBFP sa ciljem da se pomogne konstruktorima prilikom reÅ”avanja problema sa rizikom, koji se pojavljuje u arhitekturi proizvoda, te sa efektima pri radu u neizvesnim radnim uslovima. Predloženo okruženje predstavlja kombinaciju matrično baziranih pristupa (QFD i MDM) i FBFP metode. QFD pristup je integrisani skup alata za prikupljanje zahteva korisnika, inženjerskih karakteristika, koje zadovoljavaju te zahteve, te ostalih veza između inženjerskih karakteristika, dok se MDM pristup primenjuje za modeliranje struktura i zavisnosti između domena, te unutar samih njih. FBFP metoda se primenjuje na funkcionalnom nivou, te nam daje potencijalnu informaciju o nedostatku ili greÅ”ci u samim funkcijama proizvoda i njegovim podsistemima tokom faze projektovanja. Kao rezultat ovog okruženja, moguće je sprovesti analizu rizika u podsistemima proizvoda i samim tim dobiti povratnu informaciju, da li je neÅ”to u predloženoj arhitekturi potrebno dodati ili promeniti. U okviru ovog rada prikazan je primer klima-komore sa regeneracijom toplote, čime je prikazan princip rada predloženog okruženja.This paper proposes an M-FBFP framework with the objective to help designers tackle the problem of risk emerging from product architecture and the effects of uncertain operating conditions. The proposed framework combines matrix approaches (QFD and MDM) and the FBFP method. The QFD is an integrated set of tools for recording user requirements, engineering characteristics that satisfy these requirements, and any tradeoffs that might be necessary between the engineering characteristics, while the MDM is applied to model structural arrangements and dependencies between the domains and within themselves. The FBFP method, on the other hand, is applied at the functional level, provides potential failure information based on product functions during conceptual design in product subsystems. As a result of the proposed framework, risk analysis of subsystems becomes possible and feedback on product architecture could be provided. To test validity of the proposed approach, here is presented a case study with climate chamber with heat regeneration

    An Approach to Nonlinear Behaviour Prediction of Technical Systems

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    Robust product architecture development combining matrix-based approaches and function-based failure propagation method - M-FBFP framework

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    Ovaj rad predlaže okruženje M-FBFP sa ciljem da se pomogne konstruktorima prilikom reÅ”avanja problema sa rizikom, koji se pojavljuje u arhitekturi proizvoda, te sa efektima pri radu u neizvesnim radnim uslovima. Predloženo okruženje predstavlja kombinaciju matrično baziranih pristupa (QFD i MDM) i FBFP metode. QFD pristup je integrisani skup alata za prikupljanje zahteva korisnika, inženjerskih karakteristika, koje zadovoljavaju te zahteve, te ostalih veza između inženjerskih karakteristika, dok se MDM pristup primenjuje za modeliranje struktura i zavisnosti između domena, te unutar samih njih. FBFP metoda se primenjuje na funkcionalnom nivou, te nam daje potencijalnu informaciju o nedostatku ili greÅ”ci u samim funkcijama proizvoda i njegovim podsistemima tokom faze projektovanja. Kao rezultat ovog okruženja, moguće je sprovesti analizu rizika u podsistemima proizvoda i samim tim dobiti povratnu informaciju, da li je neÅ”to u predloženoj arhitekturi potrebno dodati ili promeniti. U okviru ovog rada prikazan je primer klima-komore sa regeneracijom toplote, čime je prikazan princip rada predloženog okruženja.This paper proposes an M-FBFP framework with the objective to help designers tackle the problem of risk emerging from product architecture and the effects of uncertain operating conditions. The proposed framework combines matrix approaches (QFD and MDM) and the FBFP method. The QFD is an integrated set of tools for recording user requirements, engineering characteristics that satisfy these requirements, and any tradeoffs that might be necessary between the engineering characteristics, while the MDM is applied to model structural arrangements and dependencies between the domains and within themselves. The FBFP method, on the other hand, is applied at the functional level, provides potential failure information based on product functions during conceptual design in product subsystems. As a result of the proposed framework, risk analysis of subsystems becomes possible and feedback on product architecture could be provided. To test validity of the proposed approach, here is presented a case study with climate chamber with heat regeneration

    A New Methodology for the Temperature Testing of Thermostatic Chambers Used in the Food-Meat Industry

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    This paper aims to develop a new testing methodology to evaluate the measurement uncertainty of temperature field of thermostatic chambers used in the food-meat industry. The proposed methodology qualitatively evaluates the following parameters of a chamber\u27s working space: mass of a product in a batch, thermal processing temperature, temperature in the geometric centre of product after shower cooling, duration of thermal processing, spatial temperature gradients and stability, heating and cooling dynamics between two temperature working points and temperature measurement uncertainty. As many different practical technical issues arose, by using the Response Surface Method, we analysed the impact of input test parameters to predict the unknown values of predefined output parameters based on known values of influential input parameters, and to actually rank each resulting impact of each input test parameter