46 research outputs found
e-Health Application, Implementation and Challenges: A Literature Review
Background: World Health Organization, through a partnership with European Union, encourages the implementation e-health systems. E-health is a relatively old concept that is upgraded with new technologies and is directed toward monitoring different health conditions with the help of technology. Objectives: This paper\u27s main objective is to demonstrate e-health application possibilities in today’s healthcare organisations and its impact on the quality of provided health care services using ISO/TR 14639 Health informatics Capacity-based eHealth architecture roadmap. Methods/Approach: In this paper, we used the e-health architecture model for literature review based on individual areas of the model - ICT infrastructure, e-health infastructure, health process domain components, governance and national ownership. Results: Research confirms that new technologies have a favourable and significant impact on population health; however, more developed countries show a better understanding of the concept and are moving towards implementing laws and regulations for e-health practices. Conclusions: Through this research, we concluded that new technology significantly impacts health, but this impact is limited due to different development of countries. That is why it is very important to develop health literacy, which is the ability to comprehend, access, retrieve, and use health information or health services
Employee Loyalty: Differences between Genders and the Public and the Private Sector
This article presents the results of the research on important parameters of the loyalty of employees in the public and the private sector. The research was conducted in the Republic of Croatia as a part of the research focused on the essential parameters of the loyalty of employees that contribute to building and retaining loyal behaviour. Loyalty and employee satisfaction are the key parameters that influence the success of a company. In addition, loyal and satisfied employees are important in building good relationships with customers, suppliers and all stakeholders involved in business processes of an organization or a company. The purpose of this article is to define whether there is a difference in parameters of the loyalty of employees in the public and the private sector in Croatia, as well as whether there are certain differences based on gender
The Influence of Modern Business Environment on Management Changes
The business environment that is characterized by the dynamics of change has had a significant impact in the development of scientific thinking in the field of management from the beginning of the nineteenth century until today. In the 1950s, modern theories and management concepts were developed as a response to the demands of a new business environment. That particular feature, as well as the way in which its influence is accepted, enables them a potential application and importance even in a modern business environment. But, on the other hand, there are great differences between the environment in the world of the 1950s, when modern management theory appear, and the world and the environments that today are. Globalization, internationalization, virtual economy, and smart cities are just some of the features that are changing the contemporary environment and the world we live in, and which have a significant impact on the need for change and adaptation of traditional theories in business and management. The aim of the paper is to highlight the need for developing new theories and management concepts according to the problems that mangement and managers face today as the first as well as modern management theory has not been developed in accordance with today\u27s business and general environment.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p
Distribucija upravljanja troškovima
Understand current and future needs of clients and know how to fulfill them is the task of any successful company. Therefore, to make the company has always been in step with the development of modern economies they try organizationally, technological and IT reorient their business in order to increase their productivity. Increasing productivity in business enterprises can achieve with focus on high-quality of cost management, in this paper, with a focus on distribution costs. Logistics distribution is a very important item of the company because the company over it links directly with users or customers. Therefore, the logistics distribution is closely related to marketing. The most important aim of logistics distribution is to achieve the highest level of service delivery, but with the least possible cost. Special attention in this paper is dedicate to the distribution costs and their properly management.Razumjeti sadašnje i buduće potrebe klijenata i znati kako ih ispuniti, zadatak je svakog uspješnog poduzeća. Stoga, da bi poduzeća uvijek bila u koraku s razvojem suvremenih gospodarstava ona pokušavaju organizacijski, tehnološki i informacijski preorijentirati svoje poslovanje kako bi se povećala njihova produktivnost. Povećanje produktivnosti u poslovanju, poduzeća mogu postići osiguranjem visoke kvalitete upravljanja troškovima, s naglaskom na troškove distribucije u ovom radu. Logistika distribucije je vrlo važna za poslovanje poduzeća, jer se poduzeća preko njega povezuje izravno s korisnicima ili kupcima. Stoga, logistika distribucije je usko povezana s marketingom. Najvažniji cilj logistike distribucije je postizanje najviše razine pružanja usluga, ali uz najmanje moguće troškove. Posebna pažnja u ovom radu odnosi se na troškove distribucije i njihovo pravilno upravljanje
Model of Investment in Road Maintenance as Preservation of Road Infrastructure Value
The aim of research is to indicate the failure to use information on road depreciation in the process of making decisions about investment into road maintenance. Depreciation as accountancy category has not been sufficiently used as managerial information and its status has been marginalised. A big problem is also the non-defined status of “emergency” maintenance which some legal subjects responsible for road management book as investment maintenance which is used to compensate for the road value, and some as expenditure, in which case the mentioned investments do not even enter the base for depreciation calculation. In writing this paper the data about the book road value were taken into consideration, the amount of depreciation as well as the data about investments into the maintenance on state roads in the period from 2001 to 2008. In data analysis the methodology of descriptive statistics and regression analysis have been implemented. The results of the study of correlation between the value of depreciation and the investment into emergency maintenance have shown that the investment amount is at the level of 74% of the depreciation amount, which indicates the underestimated depreciation rate regarding the fact that roadway condition evaluations are not in harmony with such investment.Key words: road depreciation, periodic maintenance, road value, road management</p
Internet of things and smart warehouses as the future of logistics
Innovations and market changes in warehouse and logistics systems force the adaptation and transformation of the existing business model into a business model based on modern technology. With the development of the Internet, RFID (radio-frequency identification) technology and sensors, new innovations are being created that allow the improvement of the existing mode of activity. Implementation of the new technology brings along a number of challenges that organizations must find an adequate response to. However, warehouse systems are not the only affected by the new technologies. The development of technology and technological innovations enable organizations to develop sustainability. Sustainable development is imperative due to increasing awareness of the need for environmental protection. The supply chain can also be managed much more efficiently if sensors that collect information of customer habits and process performance are implemented. Given the accelerating development of Industry 4.0 and the opportunities offered by newly developed technology, this paper provides an overview of current developments in the implementation of Industry 4.0 technological innovations in logistics
Conceptual Model of Managing Resilience in Supply Chain
The supply chain is the basis for the functioning of today\u27s society because it ensures the timely supply of all the resources needed to produce products or provide services offered in the market. Due to changes in the environments in which the supply chain exists, new risks arise that could jeopardize its functioning. Interruption in the normal functioning of the chain may result in the risk of inability to meet the requirements of stakeholders. Given this, the aim of this paper is to define a conceptual model of supply chain resilience management. The paper is based on the conducted secondary research and analysis of the achievements of other researchers in this field. The model described in this paper is based on the principles of the quality management system and provides a systematic approach to the analysis of supply chain threats, defining measures to reduce the threat, and testing and improving the established system
Uspješno delegiranje – potencijal učinkovitije državne uprave
Jedno od kljucnih pitanja javne uprave jest kako ju usmjeriti na građane i gospodarstvo. Programom gospodarskog oporavka hrvatske Vlade iz travnja 2010. definirani su ključni ciljevi za javnu upravu: racionalizacija sustava javne uprave i povećanje učinkovitosti u pružanju javnih usluga. Pojedine mjere koje su navedene u planu aktivnosti za provedbu Programa, kao što su smanjenje broja zaposlenih, zahtijevaju primjenu suvremenih menadžerskih vještina u procesu upravljanja, s jedne strane, i potrebu proširenja područja izvršenja zadataka uz sve vecu otvorenost, samoinicijativnost i prilagodljivost izvršitelja u ostvarenju zadanih ciljeva radnog mjesta. U žarištu istraživanja ovoga rada su vještine vođenja, napose vještina delegiranja