11 research outputs found

    Bolji zubi, bolje zdravlje? Odnos između hipoplazije zubne gleđi i skeletnih markera stresa u ranobronzanodopskim populacijama severne Srbije

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    The Early and Middle Bronze Age Maros culture has been the subject of many archaeological studies aiming to answer questions related to social differentiation, status, and life histories. Archaeological and skeletal material from the necropolises of Mokrin and Ostojićevo has been employed numerous times to answer questions on status, diet, activity and kinship. Even though some things have become clearer, further information on the health status of these Bronze Age populations is needed for a deeper understanding of the social mechanisms and norms of the Maros culture. This paper examines the health status of a Bronze Age population from two archaeological sites, Mokrin and Ostojićevo, using osteological markers of stress and enamel hypoplasia. We hypothesise that individuals who experienced childhood stress, as evidenced by enamel hypoplasia, would exhibit greater vulnerability to infections and disease, as indicated by the presence and frequency of osteological stress markers. The analysis was conducted on a sample of skeletal remains, controlled for age-at-death, and assessed the correlation between enamel hypoplasia and cribra orbitalia, porotic hyperostosis, and periostosis. The findings indicate that reducing the health status to a single osteological stress marker is not a viable approach for this sample size. The analysis of consolidated variables, considering the presence and frequency of any osteological stress markers, yielded more promising results. The frequency of osteological markers showed a statistically significant positive correlation with both the presence and frequency of enamel hypoplasia; so we highlight the importance of considering multiple osteological markers of stress when assessing health status in the past populations.Rano i srednjebronzanodopska kultura Maroš bila je predmet mnogih arheoloških istraživanja koja su imala za cilj odgovoriti na pitanja društvenog usložnjavanja, statusa i načina života. Arheološki i skeletni materijal s nekropola Mokrin i Ostojićevo više puta je korišćen da odgovori na pitanja o statusu, ishrani, fizičkoj aktivnosti i srodstvu. Iako su neki aspekti života nosioca maroške kulture postali jasniji, neophodne su detaljnije informacije o zdravstvenom stanju ovih bronzanodopskih populacija za dublje razumevanje društvenih mehanizama i normi kulture Maroš. Ovaj rad bavi se pitanjem zdravstvenog statusa populacija sahranjenih na nekropolama Mokrin i Ostojićevo oslanjajući se na skeletne markere stresa i hipoplaziju zubne gleđi. Naša hipoteza drži da su individue koje su u detinjstvu preživele epizodu stresa, koja je ostala zabeležena kao defekat gleđi, posledično imale veće šanse da svoju uvećanu osetljivost na infekcije i bolesti ispolje kroz veću prisustnost skeletnih markera stresa. Analiza je uređena uzimajući u obzir teoriju osteološkog paradoksa, te uz kontrolisanje starosti inidividua, prateći korelacije između hipoplazije zubne gleđi i kribre orbitalije, porotične hiperostoze i periostoze. Rezultati ukazuju da svođenje zdravstvenog statusa na praćenje samo jednog skeletnog markera stresa nije odgovarajući pristup, posebno kod relativno malih skeletnih serija. Analize koje su se koristile konsolidovanim varijablama prisustva i frekvencije skeletnih markera pokazale su se kao bolji pristup. Učestalost osteoloških markera stresa dalo je statistički značajnu korelaciju sa prisustvom i učestalošću hipoplazije zubne gleđi, te ukazuje na važnost praćenja više različitih markera stresa prilikom procenjivanja skeletnog statusa populacija u prošlosti

    Relationship between health and social status in Bronze age cuture Maros : necropolises Mokrin and Ostojićevo

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    Predmet istraživanja ove disertacije su skeletni i arheološki markeri zdravstvenog i društvenog statusa osoba sahranjenih na nekropolama Mokrin i Ostojićevo. Analizirani su skeleti odraslih individua pronađeni u moriškim grobovima, a posebna pažnja posvećena je analizi hipoplastičnih defekata gleđi, te markerima nespecifičnog stresa (cribra orbitalia, porotična hiperostoza i periostoza). Istraživan je odnos između preživljenih epizoda stresa u detinjstvu (praćenih kroz prisustvo hipoplazije gleđi) i zdravstvenih ishoda i dužine životnog veka. U analizu su uključeni podaci o polu/rodu i socijalnom statusu. Cilj istraživanja je da kroz analizu zdravstvenog statusa odgovorimo na pitanja o individualnom i populacionom zdravlju, vezi preživljenog stresa u detinjstvu sa kasnijim zdravstvenim ishodima, ali i odnosu zdravlja i društvenog uređenja moriške kulturne grupe. Pretpostavili smo da će individue koje su preživele epizodu stresa u detinjstvu imati više šanse da razviju patološke promene kasnije u životu, da će živeti kraće, te da će biti nižeg rasta. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da, merene na ovaj način, epizode stresa preživljene u detinjstvu nisu uticale na ostvarivanje potencijala telesnog rasta, a da postoje naznake negativnog uticaja na dužinu životnog veka kod muškaraca i ograničenog negativnog uticaja na zdravstveni status. Analize odnosa zdravstvenih i društvenih markera upućuju nas na tumačenje društvenog uređenja moriške kulturne grupe kroz model rangiranih društava po kome razlilke u pristupu osnovnim resursima koji mogu uticati na zdravstvene ishode ne postoje među pripadnicima različitog pola/roda i društvenih kategorija.The subjects of research of this dissertation are skeletal and archaeological markers of health and social status of individuals buried in the necropolises of Mokrin and Ostojićevo. Skeletons of adult individuals found in Maros graves were analyzed, and special attention was paid to the analysis of hypoplastic defects of enamel, and markers of non-specific stress (cribra orbitalia, porotic hyperostosis and periostosis). The relationship between survival of stress episodes in childhood (monitored through the presence of enamel hypoplasia) and health outcomes and life expectancy was investigated. Sex/gender and social status data are included in the analysis. The aim of the research is to answer questions about individual and population health, the connection between surviving childhood stress and later health outcomes, but also the relationship between health and social organization of the Maros cultural group. We hypothesized that individuals who survived an episode of childhood stress would be more likely to develop pathological changes later in life, to have shorter life expectancy, and to be of shorter stature. The results of the research showed that, measured in this way, episodes of stress experienced in childhood did not affect the realization of physical growth potential, and that there are indications of negative impact on life expectancy in men and limited negative impact on health status. Analyses of the relationship between health and social markers lead us to interpret the social organization of Maros cultural group using the model of ranked societies, which posits that differences in access to basic resources that may affect health outcomes do not exist among members of different sexes/genders and social categories

    Notes on Columbella shells from the Bronze age necropolis Mokrin, Northern Serbia

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    The cemeteries of the Maros culture have been the subject of archaeological investigations since the 19th century. One of the best known is the Mokrin necropolis, located in the northern part of Serbian Banat, near the town of Kikinda. Although general picture of funerary practices executed at the Mokrin necropolis has already been formed, some details in the primary publication of the finds attracted our attention and resulted in a small-scale study on presence of Columbella shells in the graves. They occur in the graves with more opulent fittings, equally in the graves of males and females, but mostly adults. Their usage in clothes and accessories is restricted to a single zone: head, chest or waist. The accessible shell items were examined, both the ones that had been published as fossils and the ones that had not, and eventually we were able to dismiss the assumption that the beads were made out of fossils. After the re-examination we came to the conclusion that the available morphological characteristics were not sufficient to diagnose all of the items with any certainty to the level of species. In accordance with it goes the determination of them as Columbella sp., but also the assumption that we actually deal with the C. rustica species, being that it is the only member of the Columbella genus inhabiting the Mediterranean. Looking at the Mediterranean as the place of origin of the Collumbelae in Mokrin gave us more solid base to claim the existence of networks of long distance trade and exchange

    Ancient genomes provide insights into family structure and the heredity of social status in the early Bronze Age of southeastern Europe

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    Twenty-four palaeogenomes from Mokrin, a major Early Bronze Age necropolis in southeastern Europe, were sequenced to analyse kinship between individuals and to better understand prehistoric social organization. 15 investigated individuals were involved in genetic relationships of varying degrees. The Mokrin sample resembles a genetically unstructured population, suggesting that the community's social hierarchies were not accompanied by strict marriage barriers. We find evidence for female exogamy but no indications for strict patrilocality. Individual status differences at Mokrin, as indicated by grave goods, support the inference that females could inherit status, but could not transmit status to all their sons. We further show that sons had the possibility to acquire status during their lifetimes, but not necessarily to inherit it. Taken together, these findings suggest that Southeastern Europe in the Early Bronze Age had a significantly different family and social structure than Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age societies of Central Europe

    Relationship between health and social status in Bronze age cuture Maros : necropolises Mokrin and Ostojićevo

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    Predmet istraživanja ove disertacije su skeletni i arheološki markeri zdravstvenog i društvenog statusa osoba sahranjenih na nekropolama Mokrin i Ostojićevo. Analizirani su skeleti odraslih individua pronađeni u moriškim grobovima, a posebna pažnja posvećena je analizi hipoplastičnih defekata gleđi, te markerima nespecifičnog stresa (cribra orbitalia, porotična hiperostoza i periostoza). Istraživan je odnos između preživljenih epizoda stresa u detinjstvu (praćenih kroz prisustvo hipoplazije gleđi) i zdravstvenih ishoda i dužine životnog veka. U analizu su uključeni podaci o polu/rodu i socijalnom statusu. Cilj istraživanja je da kroz analizu zdravstvenog statusa odgovorimo na pitanja o individualnom i populacionom zdravlju, vezi preživljenog stresa u detinjstvu sa kasnijim zdravstvenim ishodima, ali i odnosu zdravlja i društvenog uređenja moriške kulturne grupe. Pretpostavili smo da će individue koje su preživele epizodu stresa u detinjstvu imati više šanse da razviju patološke promene kasnije u životu, da će živeti kraće, te da će biti nižeg rasta. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da, merene na ovaj način, epizode stresa preživljene u detinjstvu nisu uticale na ostvarivanje potencijala telesnog rasta, a da postoje naznake negativnog uticaja na dužinu životnog veka kod muškaraca i ograničenog negativnog uticaja na zdravstveni status. Analize odnosa zdravstvenih i društvenih markera upućuju nas na tumačenje društvenog uređenja moriške kulturne grupe kroz model rangiranih društava po kome razlilke u pristupu osnovnim resursima koji mogu uticati na zdravstvene ishode ne postoje među pripadnicima različitog pola/roda i društvenih kategorija.The subjects of research of this dissertation are skeletal and archaeological markers of health and social status of individuals buried in the necropolises of Mokrin and Ostojićevo. Skeletons of adult individuals found in Maros graves were analyzed, and special attention was paid to the analysis of hypoplastic defects of enamel, and markers of non-specific stress (cribra orbitalia, porotic hyperostosis and periostosis). The relationship between survival of stress episodes in childhood (monitored through the presence of enamel hypoplasia) and health outcomes and life expectancy was investigated. Sex/gender and social status data are included in the analysis. The aim of the research is to answer questions about individual and population health, the connection between surviving childhood stress and later health outcomes, but also the relationship between health and social organization of the Maros cultural group. We hypothesized that individuals who survived an episode of childhood stress would be more likely to develop pathological changes later in life, to have shorter life expectancy, and to be of shorter stature. The results of the research showed that, measured in this way, episodes of stress experienced in childhood did not affect the realization of physical growth potential, and that there are indications of negative impact on life expectancy in men and limited negative impact on health status. Analyses of the relationship between health and social markers lead us to interpret the social organization of Maros cultural group using the model of ranked societies, which posits that differences in access to basic resources that may affect health outcomes do not exist among members of different sexes/genders and social categories

    Agency of the individual in the process of divination in Cicero's De divinatione

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    Предмет овог рада је Цицеронов спис De divinatione, који ће нам својим многобројним примерима из историје грчког и римског народа помоћи да сагледамо узрочно-последични низ кризе, дивинације и њеног превазилажења, те улоге појединца у поменутом низу. Цицерон у овом спису новијег филозофског дискурса са религијском тематиком аргументовано расправља о дивинацији, износећи опречне ставове кроз свој лик и лик свог брата Квинта. Занима нас шира слика јавног мњења Римљана о овој вештини, колики утицај појединац који добија дивинацију има на исход прореченог с обзиром на то да традиција доношења како јавних тако и личних одлука у складу са ауспицијама сеже до ab urbe condita. Анализираћемо примере које нам дају Квинт и Марко, и утврдити који су путеви преноса дивинације од богова ка људима, да ли је комуникација једносмерна или двосмерна и да ли се из ње могу „прочитати“ намере богова који их шаљу.The subject of this paper is Cicero's treatise De divinatione, which will help us, through its numerous examples from the history of the Greek and Roman peoples, to see the cause-and-effect sequence of the crisis, divination and its overcoming, and the role of the individual in the mentioned sequence. In this more modern philosophical discourse with a religious theme, Cicero discusses divination in an argumentative manner, presenting conflicting views through his character and that of his brother Quintus. We are interested in the broader picture of the public opinion of the Romans about this skill, how much agency the individual who receives divination has on the outcome of what was prophesied, given that the tradition of making both public and personal decisions in accordance with auspices goes back to ab urbe condita. We will analyze the examples given to us by Quintus and Marco and determine what were the ways of transmission of divination from the gods to people; whether the communication was one-sided or not; and whether the intentions of the gods who send the divinations could be “divined” from them

    Античке епидемије: могућности и ограничења античких извора и (био)археолошког приступа

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    The main idea of this paper is to present two different approaches in researching social responses in times of major health crisis in the Roman Empire. By dealing with the written sources and the (bio)archaeological remains concerning the Antonine and Cyprian Plagues, we shall try to understand the strengths and limitations of these complementary perspectives. We will point out the advantages and weaknesses of both disciplines – archaeology (including bioarchaeology) and classical philology. Finally, we will offer conclusions that lean towards interdisciplinarity and contextualization of the material.Главни циљ овог рада је да сагледа два различита приступа у истраживању промена у друштву изазваних кризом јавног здравља у Римском царству. Бавећи се писаним изворима и био(археолошким) остацима који се тичу Антонинске и Кипријанове куге, покушаћемо да разумемо могућности и ограничења ових комплементарних перспектива. Указаћемо на предности и слабости обе дисциплине – археологије (укључујући биоархеологију) и класичну филологију. На крају ће бити изнети закључци који нагињу ка интердисциплинарности и контекстуализацији материјала

    Projekat INFANO: Devojčice i dečaci u Bronzanom dobu Evrope. Uticaj biološkog pola na zdravlje, rast i razvoj, ishranu i socijalni status 2100-1500. p.n.e.

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    INFANO je projekat koji primenom interdisciplinarnih metoda istražuje vezu između društvenog položaja i bioloških aspekata kod devojčica i dečaka sahranjenih na nekropolama bronzanog doba Mokrin i Ostojićevo. Projekat INFANO odgovoriće na sledeća pitanja: 1) da li postoji razlika u pogrebnom ritualu između devojčica i dečaka, u smislu prisustva grobnih priloga, prostorne distribucije sahrana u okviru nekropole i karakteristika sahrane; 2) da li potencijalne razlike u ovim aspektima odgovaraju razlikama između muškaraca i žena, koje su posledica rodnih uloga i društvenog statusa; 3) koji faktor ima veći uticaj na ishranu i zdravlje deteta: pol/rod ili društveni status, koji je reflektovan u arheološkim karakteristikama sahrane. Putem analize peptida odrediće se pol dece, dok će se putem analiza stabilnih izotopa utvrditi vrsta hrane koja je konzumirana. Uporedo s tim, njihov zdravstveni status, rast i razvoj analiziraće se uz pomoć makroskopskih, histoloških i radioloških metoda (analize neonatalne linije zuba, panoramska radiografija vilice). Takođe, analiziraće se Harisove linije na tibijama odraslih individua kako bi se utvrdio broj stresnih epizoda preživljenih u detinjstvu. Rezultati pomenutih analiza posmatraće se zajedno kako bi se utvrdilo da li je biološki pol dece uticao na njihov društveni status, rodni identitet i buduću ulogu u društvu. Projekat INFANO (2024-2026) finansira Fond za nauku Republike Srbije u okviru programa PRIZMA. Nosilac projekta je Laboratorija za bioarheologiju, Filozofskog fakulteta, Univerziteta u Beogradu u saradnji sa Medicinskim fakultetom, Univerziteta u Novom Sadu.Srpsko arheološko društvo 47. skupština i godišnji skup, Niš 30. maj - 01. jun 2024. godin