10 research outputs found

    Efficient Neutron Production from a Novel Configuration of Deuterium Gas-Puff Z-Pinch

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    A novel configuration of a deuterium z pinch has been used to generate fusion neutrons. Injecting an outer hollow cylindrical plasma shell around an inner deuterium gas puff, neutron yields from DD reactions reached Y-n = (2.9 +/- 0.3) x 10(12) at 700 ns implosion time and 2.7 MA current. Such a neutron yield means a tenfold increase in comparison with previous deuterium gas puff experiments at the same current generator. The increase of beam-target yields was obtained by a larger amount of current assembled on the z-pinch axis, and subsequently by higher induced voltage and higher energies of deuterons. A stack of CR-39 track detectors on the z-pinch axis showed hydrogen ions up to 38 MeV. Maximum neutron energies of 15 and 22 MeV were observed by radial and axial time-of-flight detectors, respectively. The number of DD neutrons per one joule of stored plasma energy approached 5 x 10(7). This implies that deuterium gas puff z pinches belong to the most efficient plasma-based sources of DD neutrons

    Temporal distribution of linear densities of the plasma column in a plasma focus discharge

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    Experiments were carried out on the PF-1000 plasma focus device, with a deuterium filling and with deuterium puffing from a gas-puff nozzle placed on the axis of the anode face. The current was reaching 2 MA. 15 interferometric frames from one shot were recorded with a Nd:YLF laser and a Mach–Zehnder interferometer, with 10–20 ns delay between the frames. As a result, the temporal and spatial distribution of the linear densities and the radial and axial velocities of the moving of plasma in the dense plasma column could be estimated

    Energy transformation in Plasma Focus discharge with wire and liner as a load

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    We present the results of experiments focused on energy transformations during the implosion of the hydrogen current sheath towards an Al wire (120 ěm in diameter) positioned on the top of the inner electrode of the PF-1000 plasma focus facility at the IPPLM in Warsaw. A wire corona is formed at the current sheath impact and ~60 ns after the impact a soft X-ray pulse is emitted. Its spectrum contains AlVI-XII lines accompanied by their satellites. The amount of emitted energy is recorded by two filtered PIN diodes and thermoluminescent dosimeters and depends on symmetry of the current sheath and quality of the current sheath focus. The mean value of energy of keV photons emitted in the runs done without the wire (~1 J) is higher than the energy obtained with the wire (~0.4 J). A time delay between the impact of the current sheath and X-ray pulse, the plasma focus dynamics and soft X-ray emission are interpreted by an axial magnetic field generation and transformations

    Status of a mega-joule scale Plasma-Focus experiments

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    This paper presents results of the recent plasma-focus (PF) experiments carried out with PF facilities, which was operated at energies ranging from 0.5 MJ to about 1 MJ. Particular attention has been paid to pinch evolution, the emission of pulsed X-ray, fast electron beams, and fusion produced neutrons. Some theoretical models of the initial breakdown, which occurs at the insulator surface, are compared. It is pointed out that modeling of the breakdown is sensitive to kinetics of ionization processes and transport coefficients. Progress in experimental studies of the axial acceleration phase is unsatisfactory. Important experimental data have been collected, but new measurements are still needed. For the radial collapse phase, it was shown that the MHD modeling is efficient until the maximum compression, but plasma instabilities require more sophisticated approaches. The pinch phase was investigated by means of different diagnostics. Fusion neutron yields were measured in different experiments, but some discrepancies in scaling must still be explained. The conclusions concern directions for further studies and optimization of large-scale high-current PF facilities

    Interferometry of the plasma focus equipped with forehead cathode

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    The PF-1000 plasma-focus facility in Warsaw, equipped with Mather-type coaxial electrodes working with a deuterium filling, was modified by the addition of a cathode disk in front of the anode front-plate at a distance of 3 cm. The plasma was diagnosed with temporal resolved interferometry and neutron diagnostics. The modified electrode configuration showed an increase of the current in the pinch phase and a decrease of the total neutron yield. The lower total neutron yield is caused by a lower energy of deuterons producing the observed neutrons and by a decrease of the velocity of transformations of the structures in the pinch column

    Stabilizing of Z-pinch and Plasma Focus discharges due to thick wires

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    This paper presents the results of the diagnostics observing the impact of the plasma sheath imploded in megaamper Z-pinch or plasma focus devices onto the Al or C wires of 30-300 mi m in diameter fixed in the center axis. The discharges were operated with a maximum current of 1.5-3 MA at two devices, PF 1000 at IPFLM in Warsaw, and Stand 300 at RRC Kurchatov Institute in Moscow. At the plasma impact the 10-50 ns XUV pulse was emitted in K-shell lines from the ring or helical-like forms on the surface of the wire corona. The scenario of the production of the non-equilibrium intensities of the C and Al H-like and He-like lines is discussed considering fast transformation of magnetic field, electron beams acceleration, total ionization of the ions and fast recombination in dense and magnetized wire corona