1,076 research outputs found

    Covering theorems for Artinian rings

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    The covering properties of Artinian rings which depend on their additive structure only, are investigated

    Design, production and characterization of mirrors for ultra-broadband, high-finesse enhancement cavities

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    To enable the enhancement of few-cycle pulses in high-finesse passive optical resonators, a novel complementary-phase approach is considered for the resonator mirrors. The design challenges and first experimental results are presented.Comment: 3 page

    Carrier-wave Rabi flopping signatures in high-order harmonic generation for alkali atoms

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    We present the first theoretical investigation of carrier-wave Rabi flopping in real atoms by employing numerical simulations of high-order harmonic generation (HHG) in alkali species. Given the short HHG cutoff, related to the low saturation intensity, we concentrate on the features of the third harmonic of sodium (Na) and potassium (K) atoms. For pulse areas of 2π\pi and Na atoms, a characteristic unique peak appears, which, after analyzing the ground state population, we correlate with the conventional Rabi flopping. On the other hand, for larger pulse areas, carrier-wave Rabi flopping occurs, and is associated with a more complex structure in the third harmonic. These new characteristics observed in K atoms indicate the breakdown of the area theorem, as was already demonstrated under similar circumstances in narrow band gap semiconductors

    Relativistic Doppler effect: universal spectra and zeptosecond pulses

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    We report on a numerical observation of the train of zeptosecond pulses produced by reflection of a relativistically intense femtosecond laser pulse from the oscillating boundary of an overdense plasma because of the Doppler effect. These pulses promise to become a unique experimental and technological tool since their length is of the order of the Bohr radius and the intensity is extremely high 1019\propto 10^{19} W/cm2^2. We present the physical mechanism, analytical theory, and direct particle-in-cell simulations. We show that the harmonic spectrum is universal: the intensity of nnth harmonic scales as 1/np1/n^{p} for n<4γ2n < 4\gamma^2, where γ\gamma is the largest γ\gamma--factor of the electron fluid boundary, p=3p=3 and p=5/2p=5/2 for the broadband and quasimonochromatic laser pulses respectively.Comment: 4 figure

    Theory of high harmonic generation in relativistic laser interaction with overdense plasma

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    High harmonic generation due to the interaction of a short ultra relativistic laser pulse with overdense plasma is studied analytically and numerically. On the basis of the ultra relativistic similarity theory we show that the high harmonic spectrum is universal, i.e. it does not depend on the interaction details. The spectrum includes the power law part Inn8/3I_n\propto n^{-8/3} for n<8αγmax3n<\sqrt{8\alpha}\gamma_{\max}^3, followed by exponential decay. Here γmax\gamma_{\max} is the largest relativistic γ\gamma-factor of the plasma surface and α\alpha is the second derivative of the surface velocity at this moment. The high harmonic cutoff at γmax3\propto \gamma_{\max}^3 is parametrically larger than the 4γmax24 \gamma_{\max}^2 predicted by the ``oscillating mirror'' model based on the Doppler effect. The cornerstone of our theory is the new physical phenomenon: spikes in the relativistic γ\gamma-factor of the plasma surface. These spikes define the high harmonic spectrum and lead to attosecond pulses in the reflected radiation.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Characterization of nonlinear effects in edge filters

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    A specially designed and produced edge filter with pronounced nonlinear effects is carefully characterized. The nonlinear effects are estimated at the intensities close to the laser-induced damage.Comment: 3 page

    Ultrasmall divergence of laser-driven ion beams from nanometer thick foils

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    We report on experimental studies of divergence of proton beams from nanometer thick diamond-like carbon (DLC) foils irradiated by an intense laser with high contrast. Proton beams with extremely small divergence (half angle) of 2 degree are observed in addition with a remarkably well-collimated feature over the whole energy range, showing one order of magnitude reduction of the divergence angle in comparison to the results from micrometer thick targets. We demonstrate that this reduction arises from a steep longitudinal electron density gradient and an exponentially decaying transverse profile at the rear side of the ultrathin foils. Agreements are found both in an analytical model and in particle-in-cell simulations. Those novel features make nm foils an attractive alternative for high flux experiments relevant for fundamental research in nuclear and warm dense matter physics.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Attosecond physics at the nanoscale

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    Recently two emerging areas of research, attosecond and nanoscale physics, have started to come together. Attosecond physics deals with phenomena occurring when ultrashort laser pulses, with duration on the femto- and sub-femtosecond time scales, interact with atoms, molecules or solids. The laser-induced electron dynamics occurs natively on a timescale down to a few hundred or even tens of attoseconds, which is comparable with the optical field. On the other hand, the second branch involves the manipulation and engineering of mesoscopic systems, such as solids, metals and dielectrics, with nanometric precision. Although nano-engineering is a vast and well-established research field on its own, the merger with intense laser physics is relatively recent. In this article we present a comprehensive experimental and theoretical overview of physics that takes place when short and intense laser pulses interact with nanosystems, such as metallic and dielectric nanostructures. In particular we elucidate how the spatially inhomogeneous laser induced fields at a nanometer scale modify the laser-driven electron dynamics. Consequently, this has important impact on pivotal processes such as ATI and HHG. The deep understanding of the coupled dynamics between these spatially inhomogeneous fields and matter configures a promising way to new avenues of research and applications. Thanks to the maturity that attosecond physics has reached, together with the tremendous advance in material engineering and manipulation techniques, the age of atto-nano physics has begun, but it is in the initial stage. We present thus some of the open questions, challenges and prospects for experimental confirmation of theoretical predictions, as well as experiments aimed at characterizing the induced fields and the unique electron dynamics initiated by them with high temporal and spatial resolution