555 research outputs found

    Optical read out and feedback cooling of a nanostring optomechanical cavity

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    Optical measurement of the motion of a 940 kHz mechanical resonance of a silicon nitride nanostring resonator is demonstrated with a read out noise imprecision reaching 37 dB below that of the resonator's zero-point fluctuations. Via intensity modulation of the optical probe laser, radiation pressure feedback is used to cool and damp the mechanical mode from an initial room temperature occupancy of nˉb=6.5×106\bar{n}_{b} = 6.5 \times 10^6 (Tb=295T_{b}=295K) down to a phonon occupation of n=66±10\langle n \rangle = 66 \pm 10, representing a mode temperature of Tm3T_{m} \approx 3mK. The five decades of cooling is enabled by the system's large single-photon cooperativity (C1=4)(C_{1} = 4) and high quantum efficiency of optical motion detection (ηt=0.27\eta_{t} = 0.27).Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure

    2D-FFTLog: Efficient computation of real space covariance matrices for galaxy clustering and weak lensing

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    Accurate covariance matrices for two-point functions are critical for inferring cosmological parameters in likelihood analyses of large-scale structure surveys. Among various approaches to obtaining the covariance, analytic computation is much faster and less noisy than estimation from data or simulations. However, the transform of covariances from Fourier space to real space involves integrals with two Bessel integrals, which are numerically slow and easily affected by numerical uncertainties. Inaccurate covariances may lead to significant errors in the inference of the cosmological parameters. In this paper, we introduce a 2D-FFTLog algorithm for efficient, accurate and numerically stable computation of non-Gaussian real space covariances for both 3D and projected statistics. The 2D-FFTLog algorithm is easily extended to perform real space bin-averaging. We apply the algorithm to the covariances for galaxy clustering and weak lensing for a Dark Energy Survey Year 3-like and a Rubin Observatory's Legacy Survey of Space and Time Year 1-like survey, and demonstrate that for both surveys, our algorithm can produce numerically stable angular bin-averaged covariances with the flat sky approximation, which are sufficiently accurate for inferring cosmological parameters. The code CosmoCov for computing the real space covariances with or without the flat sky approximation is released along with this paper.Comment: MNRAS accepted; 13 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables; fixed a typo in Eq.41; 2DFFTLog code available at https://github.com/xfangcosmo/2DFFTLog ; 3x2pt covariance code CosmoCov at https://github.com/CosmoLike/CosmoCo

    A new third-order cosmic shear statistics: Separating E/B-mode correlations on a finite interval

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    Decomposing the shear signal into E and B-modes properly, i.e. without leakage of B-modes into the E-mode signal and vice versa, has been a long-standing problem in weak gravitational lensing. At the two-point level this problem was resolved by developing the so-called ring statistics, and later the COSEBIs; however, extending these concepts to the three-point level is far from trivial. Currently used methods to decompose three-point shear correlation functions (3PCFs) into E- and B-modes require knowledge of the 3PCF down to arbitrary small scales. This implies that the 3PCF needs to be modeled on scales smaller than the minimum separation of 2 galaxies and subsequently will be biased towards the model, or, in the absence of a model, the statistics is affected by E/B-mode leakage (or mixing). In this paper we derive a new third-order E/B-mode statistic that performs the decomposition using the 3PCF only on a finite interval, and thereby is free of any E/B-mode leakage while at the same time relying solely on information from the data. In addition, we relate this third-order ring statistics to the convergence field, thereby enabling a fast and convenient calculation of this statistic from numerical simulations. We note that our new statistics should be applicable to corresponding E/B-mode separation problems in the CMB polarization field

    Leading the Way, but Also Following the Trend : The Slovak National Party

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    Despite spells outside parliament, with its blend of nationalist and populist appeals the Slovak National Party (SNS) has been a prominent fixture on Slovakia’s political scene for three decades. Unlike some of the newer parties in Slovakia and across the region, partly as a product of the point of its (re-)creation, SNS has a comparable organizational density to most established parties in the country and has invested in party branches and recruiting members. Although ordinary members exercised some power and influence during the fissiparous era of the early 2000s, SNS has been notable for the role played by its leader in decision-making and steering the party. Each leader placed their stamp on the projection, pitch and functioning of the party, both as a decision-making organization and an electoral vehicle. Ordinary members have been largely—but not exclusively—relegated to the role of cheerleaders and campaigners for the party’s tribunes; a situation which has not changed significantly in the era of social media. The pre-eminent position of the leader and the limited options for “voice” has led unsuccessful contenders for top posts and their supporters to opt instead for “exit.” Despite having some of the traits of the mass party and having engaged in some of the activities common for mass parties, especially in the earlier years of its existence, in more recent times in particular, SNS falls short of the mass party model both in aspiration and reality