754 research outputs found

    Adsorption of a semiflexible polymer onto interfaces and surfaces

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    We consider the adsorption of a semiflexible polymer chain onto interfaces and surfaces by using the differential equation of the distribution function G(R,L)G(R,L) of the end-to-end distance RR, which is associated with the moment expansion of the latter. We present the results of the approximative treatment consisting of taking into account the 2nd and 4th moments in the differential equation for G(R,L)G(R,L). The essential features of adsorption of the semiflexible polymer are: {\it i}) the existence of a new local length scale, which results in two-exponential decay of the monomer density of adsorbed polymer; {\it ii}) the binding of the semiflexible polymer is weaker than that for flexible one for both interface and wall. The approximative theory presented is restricted to the regime of weak adsorption, where the effect of the rodlike behavior of the polymer on small scales is weak.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Sequence-Dependent Effects on the Properties of Semiflexible Biopolymers

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    Using path integral technique, we show exactly that for a semiflexible biopolymer in constant extension ensemble, no matter how long the polymer and how large the external force, the effects of short range correlations in the sequence-dependent spontaneous curvatures and torsions can be incorporated into a model with well-defined mean spontaneous curvature and torsion as well as a renormalized persistence length. Moreover, for a long biopolymer with large mean persistence length, the sequence-dependent persistence lengths can be replaced by their mean. However, for a short biopolymer or for a biopolymer with small persistence lengths, inhomogeneity in persistence lengths tends to make physical observables very sensitive to details and therefore less predictable

    Three Bead Rotating Chain model shows universality in the stretching of proteins

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    We introduce a model of proteins in which all of the key atoms in the protein backbone are accounted for, thus extending the Freely Rotating Chain model. We use average bond lengths and average angles from the Protein Databank as input parameters, leaving the number of residues as a single variable. The model is used to study the stretching of proteins in the entropic regime. The results of our Monte Carlo simulations are found to agree well with experimental data, suggesting that the force extension plot is universal and does not depend on the side chains or primary structure of proteins

    Unfolding and unzipping of single-stranded DNA by stretching

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    We present a theoretical study of single-stranded DNA under stretching. Within the proposed framework, the effects of basepairing on the mechanical response of the molecule can be studied in combination with an arbitrary underlying model of chain elasticity. In a generic case, we show that the stretching curve of ssDNA exhibits two distinct features: the second-order "unfolding" phase transition, and a sharp crossover, reminiscent of the first-order "unzipping" transition in dsDNA. We apply the theory to the particular cases of Worm-like Chain (WLC) and Freely-Joint Chain (FJC) models, and discuss the universal and model--dependent features of the mechanical response of ssDNA. In particular, we show that variation of the width of the unzipping crossover with interaction strength is very sensitive to the energetics of hairpin loops. This opens a new way of testing the elastic properties of ssDNA.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, substantially revised versio

    Microtubule dynamics depart from wormlike chain model

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    Thermal shape fluctuations of grafted microtubules were studied using high resolution particle tracking of attached fluorescent beads. First mode relaxation times were extracted from the mean square displacement in the transverse coordinate. For microtubules shorter than 10 um, the relaxation times were found to follow an L^2 dependence instead of L^4 as expected from the standard wormlike chain model. This length dependence is shown to result from a complex length dependence of the bending stiffness which can be understood as a result of the molecular architecture of microtubules. For microtubules shorter than 5 um, high drag coefficients indicate contributions from internal friction to the fluctuation dynamics.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Updated content, added reference, corrected typo

    Protein-Mediated DNA Loops: Effects of Protein Bridge Size and Kinks

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    This paper focuses on the probability that a portion of DNA closes on itself through thermal fluctuations. We investigate the dependence of this probability upon the size r of a protein bridge and/or the presence of a kink at half DNA length. The DNA is modeled by the Worm-Like Chain model, and the probability of loop formation is calculated in two ways: exact numerical evaluation of the constrained path integral and the extension of the Shimada and Yamakawa saddle point approximation. For example, we find that the looping free energy of a 100 base pairs DNA decreases from 24 kT to 13 kT when the loop is closed by a protein of r = 10 nm length. It further decreases to 5 kT when the loop has a kink of 120 degrees at half-length.Comment: corrected typos and figures, references updated; 13 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Radial Distribution Function for Semiflexible Polymers Confined in Microchannels

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    An analytic expression is derived for the distribution G(R⃗)G(\vec{R}) of the end-to-end distance R⃗\vec{R} of semiflexible polymers in external potentials to elucidate the effect of confinement on the mechanical and statistical properties of biomolecules. For parabolic confinement the result is exact whereas for realistic potentials a self-consistent ansatz is developed, so that G(R⃗)G(\vec{R}) is given explicitly even for hard wall confinement. The theoretical result is in excellent quantitative agreement with fluorescence microscopy data for actin filaments confined in rectangularly shaped microchannels. This allows an unambiguous determination of persistence length LPL_P and the dependence of statistical properties such as Odijk's deflection length λ\lambda on the channel width DD. It is shown that neglecting the effect of confinement leads to a significant overestimation of bending rigidities for filaments

    Global cross-over dynamics of single semiflexible polymers

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    We present a mean-field dynamical theory for single semiflexible polymers which can precisely capture, without fitting parameters, recent fluorescence correlation spectroscopy results on single monomer kinetics of DNA strands in solution. Our approach works globally, covering three decades of strand length and five decades of time: it includes the complex cross-overs occurring between stiffness-dominated and flexible bending modes, along with larger-scale rotational and center-of-mass motion. The accuracy of the theory stems in part from long-range hydrodynamic coupling between the monomers, which makes a mean-field description more realistic. Its validity extends even to short, stiff fragments, where we also test the theory through Brownian hydrodynamics simulations.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures; updated with minor changes to reflect published versio

    Disordered, stretched, and semiflexible biopolymers in two dimensions

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    We study the effects of intrinsic sequence-dependent curvature for a two dimensional semiflexible biopolymer with short-range correlation in intrinsic curvatures. We show exactly that when not subjected to any external force, such a system is equivalent to a system with a well-defined intrinsic curvature and a proper renormalized persistence length. We find the exact expression for the distribution function of the equivalent system. However, we show that such an equivalent system does not always exist for the polymer subjected to an external force. We find that under an external force, the effect of sequence-disorder depends upon the averaging order, the degree of disorder, and the experimental conditions, such as the boundary conditions. Furthermore, a short to moderate length biopolymer may be much softer or has a smaller apparent persistent length than what would be expected from the "equivalent system". Moreover, under a strong stretching force and for a long biopolymer, the sequence-disorder is immaterial for elasticity. Finally, the effect of sequence-disorder may depend upon the quantity considered
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