9 research outputs found

    Approaching the End of the Dialogue: Could a Land Swap between Kosovo and Serbia (Un)lock their Way Into the EU?

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    Following a long and intense series of negotiations aspiring the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia, recent developments have shown that representatives of both parties may now be looking forward to concluding the dialogue process though a bilateral agreement. With the European Union as the mediator and the dialogue as a path towards the parties’ integration thereto, many would expect for the final agreement to be funded in EU values and principles. Nevertheless, a potential deal recently set forth by the presidents of Kosovo and Serbia triggered a torrid debate in both the local and international community for its controversial provisions, as it entails ethnic-based land swap. Hence, this paper aims to address this issue by first providing an overview of the key events in the conflict between Kosovo and Serbia while focusing on the developments that lead to the sparking of the armed conflict and Kosovo’s declaration of independence. Subsequently, it will offer an overview of the dialogue process between the parties, to then tackle the detrimental impacts that an ethnic-based land swap would entail, not only for the concerned parties but for the region as a whole in respect to their ambitions towards EU integration. Conclusively, the paper will present an analysis of the reactions caused thereof and the need for both Kosovo and Serbia to focus on solutions which would not risk the overall integration process

    Development and piloting of an online course to improve knowledge, confidence and attitudes towards triaging images of skin lesions submitted online in primary care

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    Acknowledgements We would like to thank Peter Bartlam at the University of Aberdeen for his help with the technical aspects of the course and Dr Asha Venkatesh for her help setting aims for the course. We also want to thank all the Primary Care Practitioners for taking the course and providing feedback.Peer reviewe

    Barriers and facilitators of adherence to the use of ASICA, a digital app designed to support melanoma survivors : concise report of a qualitative study.

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    Open Access via the OUP Agreement Funding source: This study was funded by a grant from Cancer Research UK (Project Number C10673/A21685) Acknowledgements: The authors gratefully acknowledge the time and commitment of those patient participants who gave their time to be interviewed in the study. We also acknowledge the contribution of Billy Brant, Dermatology Nurse Practitioner, NHS Grampian, to the day to day running of the study. We acknowledge the support of Andrea Fraser of the ASICA trial team from the Centre of Healthcare Randomized Trials (CHaRT) at the University of Aberdeen. We also acknowledge Hazel Riley who transcribed the interviews for analysis.Peer reviewedPostprin


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    Kultura në vendin tonë ka potencial të lartë për tu zhvilluar,sepse të rinjëve nuk u mungon dëshira për të shfaqur artin në përgjithësi,mirëpo ajo që pengon për të realizuar këtë është hapësira e duhur reprezentative. Duke njohur rëndësin për një hapësirë të tillë,ishte i nevojshëm shqyrtimi i shumë analizave për të vendosur projektin e duhur në vendin e duhur. Projektimi i një hapësire të tillë nuk kërkon thjeshtë përmbushje të funksionit të saj fillestar, duhet realizuar arkitektur e cila na prezanton vetë ne.Kultura jonë duhet të shihet edhe me anë të ndërtimeve.Arti nuk fshihet vetëm në një shfaqje teatrale,veper muzikore apo pikture, ai buron edhe nga lëvizjet e thjeshta trupore.Arti i mirfilltë nuk prêt për tu krijuar, ai shfaqet vet, mund të shfaqet si poezi, veper muzikore, pikturë apo ide për krijimin arkitektonik. Ndërtimet në arkitekturë Vitruvi i vlerëson në bazë të vlerës,ndërtimit dhe bukurisë,elemente këto që e dallojnë krijimin arkitektonik nga ai thjeshtë ndërtim.Qëllimi i arkitektit është të krijoj afërsi me objektin duke krijuar emocion dhe këtë e arrijmë me anë të ngjyrave, formës dhe elementeve të tjera arkitektonike.Për të realizuar arkitekturë duhet të arrijmë përfundimin estetik, element dallues mes arkitekturës dhe shkencave të tjera të cilat përfundohen më shumë nga aspekti funksional.Një project i cili krijohet nga një ide dhe përmban në vetvete konceptin ,nuk është thjeshtë ndërtim është arkitekturë dhe flet po aq sa një vepër letrare.Për te krijuar arkitekturë dhe jo ndërtim është i nevojshëm krijimi i harmonisë dhe kjo bëhet me anë të proporcionit dhe raportit të masave , ngjyrës dhe dritës duke harmonizuar këto arrihet arkitektura ,kjo ishte dhe një nga mendimet e L.Corbusier.Duke u mahnitur nga mendimet e tyre , unë kam dashur të krijoj arkitekturë e cila flet, duke na ngjallur emocion ashtu siq na ngjallë një poezi

    Strategiorientering och finansiella bootstrappingmetoder i småföretag : en kvantitativ studie om småföretagares strategiorientering och dess påverkan på val av finansiella bootstrappingmetoder

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    Denna kandidatuppsats syftar till att undersöka hur småföretags strategiorientering påverkar det val av alternativa finansiella bootstrappingmetoder, som småföretag väljer att tillämpa. Småföretagare motsvarar 96 procent av samtliga svenska verksamma företag och utgör därmed en betydande roll i samhället. Detta för att de ses som samhällsbärare, då fyra av fem arbetstillfällen skapas av svenska småföretag och bidrar vidare till välfärd. Trots deras betydande roll i samhället möts de av finansiella barriärer som leder till att småföretag hamnar i ett så kallat finansiellt gap. För att ta sig ur det finansiella gapet, tvingas småföretagare finna alternativa finansieringsmetoder. De alternativa finansieringsmetoderna benämns finansiella bootstrappingmetoder, vilka har kommit att bli avgörande för småföretags överlevnad. Småföretags strategiorientering anses påverka valet av finansiella boostrappingmetoder. Således omfattas studien av småföretags strategiorientering, vilka har identifierats utifrån Miles och Snows typologi. En kvantitativ forskningsansats med en positivistisk forskningsfilosofi har legat till grund för studien vilket möjliggör att resultatet ska kunna generaliseras. Studiens enkätundersökning omfattar 84 svenska småföretag som bidragit till studiens resultat. Slutligen är studiens resultat att prospektörer är positivt relaterade till användningen av de ägarrelaterade- och minimerande bootstrappingmetoderna. Medan försvarare är positivt relaterade till användningen av den relationsorienterade bootstrappingmetoden.This bachelor thesis aims to explore how strategy orientations influence the choice of financial bootstrapping methods among small firms. Small firms represent 96 percent of all Swedish operating companies and thus represent a significant role in the society. This because they contribute to welfare, since four out of five jobs are created by Swedish small firms. Despite their significant role in the society, they are faced with financial barriers that lead to small firms ending up in a so called financial gap. To get out of the financial gap, small firms are forced to find alternative financing methods. The alternative financing methods are called financial bootstrapping methods, which have become crucial for the survival of small firms. The strategy orientation in small firms is considered to affect the choise of financial bootstrapping methods. Thus, the study covers small business strategy orientation which has been identified based on Miles and Snow’s typology. A quantitative research approach with a positivist research philosophy has been the bases of the study which enables the result to be generalized. The survey included 84 Swedish small firms that contributed to the results of this study. Finally, the results of this study are that prospectors are positively related to the use of the owner-related and minimizing bootstrapping methods. While defenders are positively related to the use of the relationship-oriented bootstrapping method

    Sinnesmarknadsföring – : Butikers chans att skapa en upplevelse

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    Examensarbete, Marknadsförinsgprogrammet, Ekonomihögskolan vid Linnéuniversitetet, Kurskod 2FE07E , VT 2010 Författare: Albana Krasniqi, Emelie Lindman och Rondek Zirari. Handledare: Krister Jönsson Examinator: Frederic Bill Titel: Sinnesmarknadsföring – butikers chans att skapa en upplevelse. Forskningsfråga: Hur arbetar butiker medvetet med att stimulera de fem mänskliga sinnena för att skapa en upplevelse? Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att identifiera hur detaljhandelsbutiker arbetar med att skapa sinnesupplevelser i deras butiksmiljö. Metod: Uppsatsen är en flerfallsstudie gjord på fyra olika butiker. Det är en kvalitativ studie där både observationer och semi-strukturerade intervjuer har genomförts. Slutsatser: De verktyg som används är utställningar utanför butik och i skyltfönstren, färger, belysning, personalens bemötande, bakgrundsmusik, produkt och komplement dofter, smakprover, känsel via beröring och atmosfär. Alla dessa ovanstående faktorer bidrar till sinnesupplevelser på differentierade sätt beroende på hur de tillämpas och hur många sinnen som interagerar. Till vilken utsträckning dessa används och hur pass kreativa butikerna är i implementeringen blir resultaten olika. Butikernas koncept, vad de ska förmedla, vilka känslor de vill frambringa är det som resulterar i hur deras sinnestrategi utformas för att skapa en sinnesupplevelse. Det som kan konstateras är att butikerna arbetar med att tilltala minst tre av människans sinnen.   Nyckelord: Sinnesmarknadsföring, upplevelsemarknadsföring, upplevelserummet, butikskommunikation, butiksatmosfär

    Urban Interstices

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    This special issue grew out of a two day conference entitled Whose space is it? Interstices and urban commons: the city from an interdisciplinary perspective, which was held at the University of Tours in December 2020. Despite of difficult conditions and impredictibality of situation due to Covid-19 pandemic, the conference was a real success and brought together researchers from various disciplines of social science and more than ten countries. This conference provided an excellent venue within which to begin the discussions on the signification, the use and the ways of appropriation of what is called urban interstices covered in this issue. Urban interstices were one of the two main research themes of this conference whose scientific purpose has been collectively prepared by myself, Bénédicte Florin and Ulrike Krampl, all of us from University of Tours. The interesting point was to see how our different scientific disciplines, respectively sociology, geography and history provided a large scope to understand the interstices and their perception.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Liminal, state of in-betweenness

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    As a part of this year’s call for submissions to the journal, we invite contributions that reflect on the role of street art, graffiti and general urban creativity studies on the current "Liminal" times. Questions of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: Were and how do urban creativity, graffiti and street art relate with a polarized world?; Which/whose are the limits of the graffiti and street art concepts and how this discussion contribute to the present global challenges?; What methodological experiments are you undertaking and what methods are being developed?; Which novel theoretical insights can we draw upon to bring the street art and graffiti studies forward?. In addition to this specific themed call for submissions we also welcome contributions that deal in a more general way with issues pertaining to urban creativity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio