17 research outputs found
Die sprachlichen Realisierungen der "Verstärker" in den Argumentationsprozessen. Kontrastive Analyse der modificateurs surréalisants im Deutschen und im Tschechischen
This article deals with, from a contrasting point of view, the linguistic means that amplify the applicability of the lexical predicate in argumentation processes. The theoretical basis consists of the works of Anscombre and Ducrot, which have treated the specific role of linguistic modifiers in argumentation processes since the 1970s, as well as a comprehensive study by Atayan (2006). Special attention is devoted to the modificateurs surréalisants (M.S.) defined by Negroni (1995). In everyday communicative situations, these modifiers obviously behave differently from modificateurs réalisants (M.R.) and modificateurs déréalisants (M.D.) – the two groups described by Ducrot.
First, the composition as a possibility to realise M.S. in German is analysed in connection with the analysis of the Czech prefix pře- in the role of M.S. and further the suffixes -ánsk(ý), -anánsk(ý), -it(ý), -ostn(ý) in the role of M.S., and their equivalents in German are discussed. Lastly, diminuation as a potential means to express M.S. in both languages is presented in more detail.
In the comparative analysis of the selected linguistic realisations of this specific group of argumentative modifiers, the samples proposed by Negroni are critically discussed on the one hand, and on the other, the potential of argumentation-oriented analyses for translation science is presented
Defensiv oder offensiv? Fallanalyse der sprachlichen Realisierungen von Argumentation anhand eines Sportinterviews
Der Beitrag konzentriert sich auf die Analyse sprachlicher Strategien im reziproken Argumentationsprozess. Dabei wird methodologisch auf den Ansatz von Harald Wohlrapp (2008) zurückgegriffen, der von sechs grundlegenden Argumentationszügen ausgeht. Für die Analyse der Argumentationsvorgänge wurde ein prototypisches Beispiel des medialen Dialogs ausgewählt: ein Interview mit dem langjährigen Trainer des traditionsreichen Fußballklubs St. Pauli, Holger Stanislawski. Mit der Analyse werden in erster Linie zwei Ziele verfolgt: 1) die These von Wohlrapp zu überprüfen, dass Argumentationen in einfachen, sich wiederholenden Schritten realisiert werden; 2) die Funktion der sprachlichen Realisierungen der einzelnen Argumentationsschritte zu überprüfen.The article focuses on the analysis of the linguistic means of argumentation in the dialogical form of argumentation. The theoretical basis for the analysis is the model developed by Wohlrapp (2008). A relatively prototypical example of a dialogical text type was chosen for the analysis of the argumentation-process: an interview between Holger Stanislawski, long-time trainer of the traditional football club St. Pauli, and a reporter. The article pursues two basic goals: 1) to verify the thesis by Wohlrapp that the argumentation processes are realised in simple repetitive argumentation moves; 2) to prove the fact that the argumentation strategies could partially be identified already on the level of linguistic expression
One text – two reception horizons. On the Czech translation of the German novel Feuchtgebiete
Drawing on the German novel Feuchtgebiete by Charlotte Roche and its translation into Czech – Vlhká místa, the paper will examine the different horizons of reception in the source and target cultures. Roche has brought many topoi belonging to the discourse of open corporeality to the centre of the canonized literary polysystem in the German space. Consequently, the author of this paper will discuss to what extent this centripetal movement can be transferred to the Czech literary landscape. While the German source text was labelled “a manifesto of sexual spontaneity” and was in the centre of media attention for a long time, the text of the Czech translation experienced a completely different reception. The paper has the following aims: 1) to show the differences that can be interpreted as direct consequences of the translation process; 2) to mediate the specifics of the reception of the source and target texts and to define their position in the respective literary polysystems
Was ist am Übersetzen der Argumentationsstrukturen die Herausforderung? : Transformationen im Argumentationsaufbau infolge der Übersetzung aus dem Deutschen ins Tschechische
The paper will focus on the analysis of selected linguistic markers of argumentation structures in Czech and German. On the basis of corpus‑based analysis, I work with the assumption that argumentation structures are one of the parameters of equivalence in translation. The theoretical starting point for this analysis is the hypothesis that the linguistic form of arguments has a significant impact on their identification and potential. In my paper, I will pursue the following specific questions: 1) What are the linguistic markers of argument strength / weakness in German and in Czech? 2) How do the mutual relationships between structure and linguistic outcome change as a result of the translation? 3) Might the effects resulting from the translation of the argumentation structures be interpreted as processes of explicitation and implicitation? 4) What are the advantages and disadvantages of working with a parallel corpus as a basis for the analysis of the translation of local argumentative structures? Since the structures of argumentation are one of the elementary fundamentals of a text, issues connected to their translation represent one of the central research interests in Translation Studies
The reception of Radical Argumentativism in the context of German-language research of argumentation
The paper deals with the theses of so-called Radical Argumentativism, an approach which has been shaped and repeatedly modified by the French linguists Jean-Claude Anscombre and Oswald Ducrot since the end of the 1970s. After a brief summary of the fundamental questions of this approach in the context of research of argumentation, the reception of Anscombre and Ducrot's work in the German research of argumentation is outlined. In the process, the focus of interest lies on Atayan Vahram's book "The Macrostructures of Argumentation in German, French and Italian", published in 2006. Vahram's theses directly rest upon the theoretical basis of Radical Argumentativism. With the help of a discussion of his analysis of the indicators of argumentative weakness and strength, the article presents the advantages and disadvantages of Anscombre and Ducrot's approach, which have previously been received only peripherally in the German context
One text – two reception horizons. On the Czech translation of the German novel Feuchtgebiete
Drawing on the German novel Feuchtgebiete by Charlotte Roche and its translation into Czech – Vlhká místa, the paper will examine the different horizons of reception in the source and target cultures. Roche has brought many topoi belonging to the discourse of open corporeality to the centre of the canonized literary polysystem in the German space. Consequently, the author of this paper will discuss to what extent this centripetal movement can be transferred to the Czech literary landscape. While the German source text was labelled “a manifesto of sexual spontaneity” and was in the centre of media attention for a long time, the text of the Czech translation experienced a completely different reception. The paper has the following aims: 1) to show the differences that can be interpreted as direct consequences of the translation process; 2) to mediate the specifics of the reception of the source and target texts and to define their position in the respective literary polysystems
Translation of e. T. A. Hoffmann’s stories into czech as a stylistic balancing between authenticity and language acceptability
V příspěvku se zaměřujeme na otázku, do jaké míry je vědomé rozhodnutí překladatele/překladatelky realizovatelné v rámci možností cílové kultury a cílového jazyka. Tato problematika je diskutována na základě analýz vybraných povídek ze sbírky „Nachtstücke“ německého spisovatele von E. T. A. Hoffmanna a jejich překladů do češtiny sjednocených ve sbírce „Noční kousky“, které vytvořily autorky této studie. V analýzách je zaměřena pozornost především na souvztažnosti mezi překladatelskými strategiemi na syntaktické a lexikální rovině. Cílem příspěvku je jednak poukázat na rozpor mezi subjektivními rozhodnutími překladatelek a jejich aplikací, jednak načrtnout možnosti kompenzace napříč jazykovými rovinami, v tomto případě především možnosti kompenzace stylistické neutralizace na syntaktické rovině pomocí lexikálních prostředků
Translation of e. T. A. Hoffmann’s stories into czech as a stylistic balancing between authenticity and language acceptability
In the paper we focus on the question to what extend the conscious decision of the translators can be realized within the scope of the target culture and the target language. This issue is discussed on the basis of analyses of selected short stories from the collection “Nachtstücke” by the German writer E. T. A. Hoffmann and their translations by the authors of this study into Czech, as compiled into the collection “Noční kousky”. In the analyses the focus is mainly on the correlation between the translation strategies on the syntactic and lexical levels. The aim of the contribution is to point out the contradiction between the subjective decisions of translators and their applications, and to outline the possibilities of compensation across language planes, in this case especially the possibilities of compensating stylistic neutralization at the syntactic level using lexical means.Im vorliegenden Aufsatz wird der Frage nachgegangen, in wieweit die bewusste Entscheidung des Translators / der Translatorin für eine Übersetzungsstrategie in dem von der Zielkultur und -sprache gegebenen Spielraum realisierbar ist. Dies wird anhand von Analysen ausgewählter Erzählungen aus dem Band “Nachtstücke” von E. T. A. Hoffmann und ihrer Übersetzungen ins Tschechische diskutiert. In den Analysen wird auf das Zusammenspiel zwischen den Übersetzungsstrategien auf der syntaktischen und lexikalischen Ebene Akzent gelegt. Das Ziel ist einerseits auf die Inkongruenz zwischen der subjektiven Entscheidung der Übersetzerinnen und der Durchführbarkeit des Vorhabens innerhalb der Grenzen der Zielkultur und -sprache hinzuweisen, andererseits die Kompensationsmöglichkeiten im Übersetzungsprozess quer durch die sprachlichen Ebenen zu skizzieren.V příspěvku se zaměřujeme na otázku, do jaké míry je vědomé rozhodnutí překladatele/překladatelky realizovatelné v rámci možností cílové kultury a cílového jazyka. Tato problematika je diskutována na základě analýz vybraných povídek ze sbírky „Nachtstücke“ německého spisovatele von E. T. A. Hoffmanna a jejich překladů do češtiny sjednocených ve sbírce „Noční kousky“, které vytvořily autorky této studie. V analýzách je zaměřena pozornost především na souvztažnosti mezi překladatelskými strategiemi na syntaktické a lexikální rovině. Cílem příspěvku je jednak poukázat na rozpor mezi subjektivními rozhodnutími překladatelek a jejich aplikací, jednak načrtnout možnosti kompenzace napříč jazykovými rovinami, v tomto případě především možnosti kompenzace stylistické neutralizace na syntaktické rovině pomocí lexikálních prostředků.W artykule poruszona zostaje kwestia tego, w jakim stopniu możliwa jest realizacja świadomych decyzji tłumacza/tłumaczki w ramach możliwości docelowej kultury i docelowego języka. Problem ten zostaje przedstawiony na podstawie analizy wybranych opowiadań z tomu „Nachtstücke“ niemieckiego pisarza E. T. A. Hoffmanna i ich przekładów na język czeski zebranych w tomie „Noční kousky“, których dokonały autorki niniejszego opracowania. Analiza skupia się przede wszystkim na relacjach między strategiami translatorskimi na płaszczyźnie syntaktycznej i leksykalnej. Celem opracowania jest zarówno zwrócenie uwagi na rozdźwięk pomiędzy subiektywnymi decyzjami tłumaczek a ich zastosowaniem, jak również przedstawienie możliwych kompensacji w wielu różnych wartwach języka, w tym przypadku przede wszystkim kompensacji neutralizacji stylistycznej w warstwie syntaktycznej za pomocą środków leksykalnych
Transcription impairment and cell migration defects in elongator-depleted cells: Implication for familial dysautonomia
Mutations in IKBKAP, encoding a subunit of Elongator, cause familial dysautonomia (FD), a severe neuro-developmental disease with complex clinical characteristics. Elongator was previously linked not only with transcriptional elongation and histone acetylation but also with other cellular processes. Here, we used RNA interference (RNAi) and fibroblasts from FD patients to identify Elongator target genes and study the role of Elongator in transcription. Strikingly, whereas Elongator is recruited to both target and nontarget genes, only target genes display histone H3 hypoacetylation and progressively lower RNAPII density through the coding region in FD cells. Interestingly, several target genes encode proteins implicated in cell motility. Indeed, characterization of IKAP/hELP1 RNAi cells, FD fibroblasts, and neuronal cell-derived cells uncovered defects in this cellular function upon Elongator depletion. These results indicate that defects in Elongator function affect transcriptional elongation of several genes and that the ensuing cell motility deficiencies may underlie the neuropathology of FD patients