102 research outputs found
Combining ability for oil content and its correlations with other yield components in sunflower (helianthus annuus l)
Oil yield is a major characteristic of each sunflower hybrid (Å koriÄ et al 2005). To be able to develop new high-oil sunflower hybrids by the method of interspecific hybridization, it is necessary to have information on mode of inheritance and combining abilities of inbred lines used. When selecting prospective lines as components of future hybrids, it is important to know correlations between yield components on one side and oil content on another. Seven new divergent cytoplasmic male sterile lines (A) developed by interspecific hybridization, three Rf-restorer lines used as testers and 21 F1 hybrids have been subjected to the line Ć tester analysis. Significant differences have been obtained in mean values for all characteristics under study. Significant differences were found between A lines and R lines on one side and their F1 hybrids on the other in oil content, plant height, head diameter, total number of seeds per head, 1000-seed weight and seed yield per plant. The line NS-GS-4 exhibited a highly significant positive GCA value for oil content. The line NS-GS-5 had a highly significant negative GCA value for oil content. The hybrid NS-GS-6 Ć RHA-R-PL-2/1 had a highly significant positive SCA value for oil content. Non-additive component of genetic variance played the main role in the inheritance of oil content, as indicated by the analysis of variance of combining abilities and the analysis of components of genetic variance. Further confirmation was the ratio GCA/SCA for oil content in the F1 generation which was smaller than unity (0.33). The highest average contribution to the expression of oil content (77.3%) was exhibited by the A lines. Highly significant negative correlations were found between oil content on one side and head diameter, total number of seed per head, 1000-seed weight and seed yield per plant on the other
Parametri nalivanja zrna i komponente prinosa pŔenice
Grain yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is influenced by number of grains per unit area and grain weight, which is result of grain filling duration and rate. The aim of the study was to investigate the relationships between grain filling parameters in 4 wheat genotypes of different earliness and yield components. Nonlinear regression estimated and observed parameters were analyzed. Rang of estimated parameters corresponds to rang of observed parameters. Stepwise MANOVA indicated that the final grain dry weight, rate and duration of grain filling were important parameters in differentiating among cultivars grain filling curves. The yield was positively correlated with number of grains/m2, grain weight and grain filling rate, and negatively correlated with grain filling duration. Correlation between grain weight and rate of grain filling was positive. Grain filling duration was negatively correlated with grain filling rate and number of grains/m2. The highest yield on three year average had medium late Mironovska 808, by the highest grain weight and grain filling rate and optimal number of grains/2 and grain filling duration.Prinos pÅ”enice (Triticum aestivum L.) odreÄuju broj zrna po jedinici povrÅ”ine i masa zrna, koja je rezultat dužine i intenziteta nalivanja zrna. Ogled je izveden u cilju ispitivanja veza parametara nalivanja zrna 4 genotipa pÅ”enice razliÄitog vremena stasavanja i komponenti prinosa. Analizirani su nelinearnom regresijom procenjeni i eksperimentalno utvrÄeni parametri nalivanja zrna. Rang procenjenih odgovara rangu eksperimentalno utvrÄenih parametara. Stepwise MANOVA-om su kao znaÄajni parametri koji uslovljavaju razlike meÄu krivama nalivanja zrna analiziranih genotipova izdvojeni masa zrna, intenzitet i dužina nalivanja zrna. Zabeležena je pozitivna korelacija prinosa i broja zrna/m2, mase zrna i intenziteta nalivanja zrna, kao i negativna korelacija sa dužinom nalivanja zrna. IzmeÄu mase zrna i intenziteta nalivanja zrna je utvrÄena pozitivna korelacija. Dužina nalivanja zrna je bila u negativnoj korelaciji sa intenzitetom nalivanja zrna i brojem zrna/m2. NajveÄi prinos je u trogodiÅ”njem proÅ”eku ostvarila srednje kasna Mironovska 808, sa najveÄim intenzitetom nalivanja i masom zrna i optimalnim brojem zrna/m2 i dužinom nalivanja zrna
Inheritance of plant height, spike length and number of spikelets per spike in Durum wheat
Using the line x tester analysis we studied the combining ability and gene effects of plant height, spike length and number of spikelets per spike in durum wheat. The results of the study show that non-additive genes play more important role than additive genes in the inheritance of plant height, number of spikelets per spike in both years and in inheritance of spike length only in the first year of research. Variety Belfugito, the best general combiner for plant height and number of spikelets per spike, combined well in two best hybrids: Belfugito x Alifen and Belfugito x Yavaros 79, and these hybrids may be used in wheat breeding programs. In the majority of the cases, good specific combining ability (SCA) effects were associated with crosses of two genetically divergent parents having at least one parent as a good general combiner
Efekat heterozisa za prinos semena i komponente prinosa suncokreta
The development of new high-yielding and stable sunflower hybrids based on interspecific hybridization requires information on the heterotic effects for agronomically important traits in the F, generation. Heterotic effects for seed yield, plant height and head diameter were studied in interspecific sunflower hybrids developed by the line x tester method. The female inbred lines were developed by interspecific hybridization, while the male restorer inbreds with good combining abilities were used as testers in the form of fertility restorers. F, hybrids were obtained by crossing each tester with each female inbred. The inbred lines and their F, hybrids differed significantly in their mean values of the traits under study. Heterosis values for seed yield per plant were positive and highly significant relative to both the parental mean (98.4-274.1%) and the better parent (54.8-223.2%). Significantly less heterosis was recorded in the case of plant height relative to parental mean (19.0-66.0%) and better parent (-3.9-51.6%). With head diameter, the heterotic effect ranged from 19.0 to 55.6% (parental mean) and from 7.8 to 36.6% (better parent). The results of this study may be used for the development of new high-yielding and stable sunflower hybrids based on interspecific hybridization.Stvaranje visoko prinosnih i stabilnih hibrida suncokreta na bazi interspecijes hibridizacije zahteva posedovanje informacije o efektu heterozisa za agronomski važna svojstva u F, generaciji. Efekat heterozisa za prinos semena. visinu biljke i preÄnik glave prouÄavan je kod interspecijes hibrida nastalih ukrÅ”tanjem primenom linija x tester metoda. Inbred linije majke nastale su interspecijes hibridizacijom, a restorer inbred linije oca dobrih kombinacionih sposobnosti koriÅ”Äene su kao testeri u formi restauratora fertilnosti. Hibridi F1 generacije nastali su ukrÅ”tanjem svakog testera sa svakom inbred linijom majke. Vrednosti heterozisa za prinos semena po biljci bile su pozitivne i visoko znaÄajne u odnosu na roditeljski prosek (98.4-274.1%) i u odnosu na boljeg roditelja (54.8-223.2%). Znatno niži efekat heterozisa ustanovljen je za visinu biljke (19.0-66.0%) u odnosu na roditeljski prosek i u odnosu na boljeg roditelja (6.1-51.6%). Kod preÄnika glave vrednosti heterozisa su se kretale od 19.0% do 74.7% u odnosu na roditeljski prosek i od 11.6-36.6% u odnosu na boljeg roditelja
Linija X tester analiza morfoloÅ”kih svojstva i njihova meÄuzavisnost sa prinosom i sadržajem ulja suncokreta (Helianthus annuus L.)
One of the primary tasks of sunflower breeding is the development of inbred lines by interspecific hybridization for the purpose of obtaining high-yielding, stable hybrids that are characterized by altered plant appearance and the ability to produce a higher number of plants per unit area under intensive agriculture conditions. Studied in this paper by the line x tester method were seven new divergent cms inbred lines (A) lines, three Rf restorers utilized as testers, and 21 F1 hybrids developed. Significant differences in the mean values of all the traits studied were observed. Highly significant GCA and SCA values were obtained for petiole length (PL) and total leaf area per plant (TLA). The nonadditive component of genetic variance played the main role in the inheritance of both these traits. This was confirmed by the GCA/SCA ratios for PL and LA in the F1 generation, which were below the value of one (0.43 and 0.07, respectively). The greatest average contribution to the expression of PL (49.9%) and TLA (57.1%) was found in the female A lines. A positive correlation was found between seed yield (SY) and PL (0.374*) and TLA (0.630**), while seed oil content (SOC) and TLA were found to be negatively correlated (-0.520**). The findings of this study can be used in the development of new high-yielding sunflower hybrids with high yields based on interspecific hybridization.Jedan od primarnih zadataka oplemenjivanja suncokreta je stvaranje inbred linija putem interspecijes hibridizacije radi dobijanja visokoprinosnih i stabilnih hibrida promenjenog izgleda koji u uslovima intenzivne agrotehnike omoguÄavaju poveÄanje broja biljaka po jedinici povrÅ”ine. Za linija x tester analizu koriÅ”Äeno je sedam novih divergentnih (A) citoplazmatski muÅ”ko sterilnih inbred linija nastalih interspecijes hibridizacijom, tri Rf-restorer linije kao testeri i 21 hibrid F1 generacije. Dobijene su znaÄajne razlike u srednjim vrednostima za sva ispitivana svojstva. IzraÄunate su visoko znaÄajne vrednosti OKS i PKS za dužinu lisne drÅ”ke (DLD) i ukupne lisne povrÅ”ine po biljci (ULP). Glavnu ulogu u nasleÄivanju oba svojstva ima neaditivna komponenta genetske varijanse. To potvrÄuje i odnos OKS/PKS u F1 generaciji koji je manji od jedinice i iznosi 0.43 za DLD i 0.07 za ULP. NajveÄi proseÄan doprinos u ekspresiji ovih svojstava imale su A-linije majke i to (49.9%) za DLD i (57.1%) za ULP. Ustanovljena je pozitivna meÄuzavisnost prinosa semena (PS) sa DLD (0.374*) i ULP (0.630**). IzmeÄu sadržaja ulja u semenu (SU) i ULP ustanovljena je znaÄajna negativna meÄuzavisnost (-0.520**). Ova istraživanja mogu biti od znaÄaja za stvaranje novih visoko prinosnih genotipova suncokreta na bazi interspecies hibridizacije
Eksperimentalno utvrÄena dužina trajanja, proseÄni i maksimalni intenzitet nalivanja zrna genotipova pÅ”enice razliÄite ranostasnosti
Grain yields of wheat (Triticum aestivitm L) are influenced partly by final grain dry weight, which is largely determined by the rate and duration of the grain filling process. A study was undertaken to compare the observed final grain dry weight of five groups of wheat genotypes differing in earliness (extra early, medium early, medium late, late and a control group of high yielding NS cultivars) with the observed duration and average and maximum rates of grain filling in two different environments. Correlation coefficients were used to determine which grain filling parameter had more influence on final grain dry weight, in an environment common for our country (2002), final grain dry weight was strongly positively correlated with the average and maximum rates and strongly negatively correlated with the duration of grain filling. The medium late and control groups had the highest final grain dry weights. Correlations between final grain dry weight and the duration and average rate of grain filling were positive in an unfavorable environment (2001). The NS cultivars and extra early genotypes had the highest final grain dry-weights. The rate and duration of grain filling are usually negatively correlated. The influence of grain filling parameters on final grain dry weight is not the same in different environments, so the ability of the genotype to compensate for the low grain filling rate with grain fill prolongation in unfavorable environments might be more important. The observed average grain filling rate is probably more important as a parameter for describing these processes than the maximum one.Prinos zrna pÅ”enice (Triticnm aestivum L) je delom uslovljen krajnjom masom suvog zrelog zrna. koja je u velikoj meri odreÄena intenzitetom i dužinom trajanja procesa nalivanja zrna. Cilj istraživanja je poreÄenje eksperimentalno utvrÄene krajnje mase suvog zrelog zrna 5 grupa genotipova pÅ”enice razliÄite ranostasnosti (ekstra rane, srednje rane, srednje kasne kasne i kontrolna grupa najprinosnijih NS sorti) sa eksperimentalno utvrÄenim proseÄnim i maksimalnim intenzitetom, te dužinom trajanja nalivanja zrna u razliÄitim uslovima sredine. Korelacioni koeficijenti su upotrebljeni u pokuÅ”aju da se odredi koji parametar nalivanja zrna ima veÄi uticaj na krajnju masu suvog zrelog zrna. U kod nas uobiÄajenim uslovima sredine (2002) je krajnja masa suvog zrelog zrna bila u jakim pozitivnim vezama sa proseÄnim i maksimalnim intenzitetom i u jakoj negativnoj vezi sa dužinom trajanja nalivanja zrna. NajveÄe krajnje mase suvih zrelih zrna postigli su srednje kasni i genotipovi kontrolne grupe. Korelacije izmeÄu krajnje mase suvog zrelog zrna i dužine trajanja, te prosecnog intenziteta nalivanja zrna su bile znaÄajno pozitivne u nepovoljnim uslovima sredine (2001). Novosadske sorte i ekstra rani genotipovi su imali najveÄe mase suvih zrelih zrna. Intenzitet i dužina trajanja nalivanja zrna su obiÄno u negativnoj korelaciji. Uticaj parametara nalivanja zrna na krajnju masu suvog zrelog zrna nije jednak u razliÄitim uslovima sredine, tako da bi mogla biti bitnija sposobnost genotipa da u nepovoljnim uslovima sredine niske intenzitete nalivanja zrna nadomesti produženjem akumulacije suve materije. Za opisivanje ovih procesa bi proseÄni intenzitet nalivanja zrna mogao biti važniji parametar od maksimalnog
Parametri nalivanja zrna visokoprinosnih ns sorti pŔenice
Grain yield of wheat is dependent on grain weight, which is the result of grain filling duration and rate. The study was undertaken to examine the relation between grain weight and rate and duration of grain filling in five high-yielding NS wheat cultivars. Stepwise multivariate analysis of nonlinear regression estimated grain filling parameters was used to examine cultivar differences in grain filling. On the basis of three-year average, the highest grain dry weight had cultivar Renesansa, and the lightest grains were measured for cultivar Evropa 90. Stepwise multivariate analysis indicated that all three nonlinear regression estimated parameters (grain weight, rate and duration of grain filling) were equally important in characterizing the grain filling curves of the cultivars studied, although sequence of their significance varied in different years, which is probably caused by different environmental conditions in three years of experiment.Prinos pÅ”enice zavisi od mase zrna, koja je rezultat dužine i intenziteta nalivanja zrna. Cilj rada je bio ispitivanje veza izmeÄu mase zrna i intenziteta i dužine nalivanja zrna kod pet visokoprinosnih NS sorti pÅ”enice. Stepnjise multivarijaciona analiza nelinearnom regresijom procenjenih parametara nalivanja zrna je upotrebljena da se ispitaju razlike meÄu sortama u pogledu nalivanja zrna. U trogodiÅ”njem proseku je najveÄu masu zrna imala sorta Renesansa dok su najlakÅ”a zrna izmerena kod sorte Evropa 90. Stepnjise multivarijaciona analiza je pokazala da su sva tri nelinearnom regresijom procenjena parametra (masa zrna, intenzitet i dužina nalivanja zrna) jednako znaÄajna za karakterizaciju krivih nalivanja zrna prouÄavanih sorti, mada je redosled znaÄajnosti varirao u razliÄitim godinama. Ovome su verovatno uzrok razliÄiti uslovi sredine kojima su prouÄavane sorte bile izložene tokom tri godine eksperimenta
Komponente varijanse i efekat gena morfoloŔkih svojstava suncokreta (Helianthus annuus L.)
In order to enable progress in sunflower breeding, an increasing amount of attention has to be paid to the morpho-physiological traits (petiole angle and length) of this crop that have a significant effect on its seed yield and oil concentration. In the inheritance of petiole angle and petiole length the additive component of genetic variance had the predominant role in the F1 and F2 generation. The mean degree of dominance (H1/D)1/2 and the intersection of the expected regression line with the Wr axis indicated partial dominance in the inheritance of petiole angle and petiole length. Broad sense heritability for petiole angle was 88% and for petiole length 85%.Da bi se obezbedio napredak u selekciji suncokreta potrebno je obratiti veÄu pažnju na morfo-fizioloÅ”ke osobine (ugao lisne drÅ”ke i dužinu lisne drÅ”ke) koje znaÄajno utiÄu na prinos semena i sadržaj ulja. Radi prouÄavanja nasleÄivanja, efekta gena, komponenti genetske varijanse i heritabilnosti ugla i dužine lisne drÅ”ke Å”est genetski divergentnih inbred linija suncokreta u F1 i F2 generaciji primenjena analiza dialelenih ukrÅ”tanja za kombinacione sposobnosti, Griffing, 1956 metod 2, model I. Za ocenu komponenti genetske varijanse i regresionu analizu koriÅ”Äen je metod MATHER and Jinks (1982). Ocena heritabilnosti u užem smislu je raÄena po formuli MATHER and Jinks (1971). U nasleÄivanju ugla i dužine lisne drÅ”ke aditivna komponenta genetske varijanse je bila predominantna u F1 i F2 generaciji. ProseÄan stepen dominacije (H1/D)1/2 i presek oÄekivane linije regresije sa Wr osom ukazuje na parcijalnu dominaciju u nasleÄivanju ugla i dužine lisne drÅ”ke. Heritabilnost u užem smislu za ugao lisne drÅ”ke iznosi 88%, a za dužinu lisne drÅ”ke 85%
Effect of nitrogen rate on grain yield of bread wheat genotypes
Gorjanovic B., M. Zoric, and M. Kraljevic Balalic (2010): Effect of nitrogen rate on grain yield of bread wheat genotypes. - Genetika, Vol 42, No. 2, 279 -286. The improvement in grain yield is the main objective of bread wheat breeding programs. Numerous studies indicate that nitrogen is the key factor of yield and quality in the wheat. The goal of this paper is to investigate variability of grain yield, of twelve bread wheat genotypes, on three nitrogen level. ANOVA showed that this trait was mostly under influence of the genotype (36, 3%), year x genotype interaction (26, 3%), year of investigation (14, 1%), and in the smallest amount of the nitrogen rate (8, 8%). On all three nitrogen level, the highest grain yield was found in the variety Malyska. The lowest grain yield in control was found in the variety Nevesinjka, while in the N75 and N100 rates it was found in the variety Tamaro. The mean performance of individual cultivars, in nine environments (three years x three nitrogen rates), was depicted using which-won-were view of SREG2 biplot. The nine environments fall into two sectors, which is an indication of a strong crossover GE interaction. Genotype Malyska was the winner (the highest yielding variety) in first sector containing seven environments, while genotypes Pertrana and Axis were the winners in second sector containing two environments
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