1,279 research outputs found

    Effect of Vitamin E, Lutein, Selenium and Oil Mixture Added to Feed and Cooking Length on Yolk Color and Egg Quality

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    The aim of this research was to determine the quality of eggs laid by Tetra SL hens fed standard diet (B) or diet supplemented with 100 mg vitamin E/kg+200 mg/kg lutein+0.5 mg/kg selenium+5% oil mixture (BK). The effect of treatment was determined for yolk color values (P0.05). However, the treatment had statistically significant effect (P0.05)

    Analysis of pig meat production with respect to different housing systems of pig

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    The research focused on two production systems of fattening pigs: conventional system (housing on cross - barred floor) and ecological system (housing on deep litter). Favorable climatic conditions for pig meat production, possibilities to produce cheaper food of better quality and great amounts of litter, are a good basis for making ecological pig production widely accepted by family farms. Ecological aspect of such production of pigs, along with its economic analysis will be key factors, which will influence pig producers in their choice of the most suitable technological solution. In comparison to the conventional way of keeping pigs, main advantages of pig housing on deep litter are cheaper building and equipping of pens, better effect on health conditions of pigs, as well as easier manipulating with manure. Following this context, the research objective was to analyze economic indicators of different pig production systems and to compare economic results obtained in conventional and ecological way of pig production. The research aim was to determine economic possibilities and to evaluate results of production systems in question, justifying their economic and social aspects.Economic Analysis, Conventional Production, Ecological Production, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Increase of the Lutein Content in Hens' Eggs

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    Lutein is a plant pigment that belongs to the xantophyll group of carotenoids. In nature it is widespread (prevalent) in green leafy vegetables (spinach, kale, collard greens, lettuce) but also in peppers, tangerines, corn and egg yolk. Since it cannot be synthesized in the body it has to be taken with food. In human body lutein is concentrated in the retina and macula lutea and its content in those tissues rises with increased intake through food or supplements. It has antioxidant activity, protects eyes from high-energy blue light and helps in reducing the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. Until now, lutein was used in poultry industry mostly for pigmenting broiler's meat and skin and egg yolk and lately there have been more studies whose goal is to increase lutein content in yolk and production of enriched, functional food. Although table egg is not the best source of lutein, studies have shown that its bioavailability in human body is higher from lipid matrix of yolk compared with lutein from vegetable sources or food supplements. The egg is highly nutritious food because it contains high-quality proteins with balanced amino acid composition, essential fatty acids, minerals and vitamins necessary for proper functioning of the body and with increased content of lutein it becomes a value-added product. Addition of natural or synthetic sources of lutein in mixtures for laying hens enables the transfer of lutein through hen's metabolism into egg yolk. The increase of lutein content in yolk is noticeable already after one week of feeding the hens with modified mixtures although it takes a longer time for its content to be stabilized. Egg with increased content of lutein in yolk represents quality and accessible source of lutein in human nutrition. Consumption of enriched eggs contributes to increased intake of lutein as well as its accumulation in the human organism


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    This paper deals with the influence of the level of feed on the results of the performance test of Large White boars between 30 and 100 kg live weight The test was performed through three years on three different farms including a total of 320 boars. The average production results were as follows: the age of boars at the beginning of the test was 87.07 days, the age at the end of the test was 165-61 days, daily weight gain 0.904 kg, daily feed intake 2.30 kg, conversion ratio 2.55 kg and the average thickness of bacon was 16.34 mm. To appraise of the influence of the systematic factors of the environment at the tested characteristics of the boars the analysis of the variation according to the LSQ method was used. The production characteristics of the boars were reviewed for each farm separately. The phenotype affinity between the fattening indicators is determined by the correlation coefficients. The higher daily feed consumption on all three farms was connected with a shorter fattening period (r=-0.46**, -0.51**, -0.44**), with a higher daily wight gain (r=0.47**, 0.36*, 0.46*) and a higher feed conversion ratio (r=0,40*, 0,47**, 0.45*). The results show a significant influence of the level of feed intake to the phenotype declared indicators of boars production and could be used in the breeding


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    The research on effects of different oils on the profile of fatty acids in egg yolks was performed on 80 ISA Brown laying hens (40 in control and 40 in experimental group). Hens were 50 weeks old. The control group of hens was fed diets supplemented with sunflower oil (6%), and the experimental group was given a combination of rapeseed oil (4%) and fish oil (2%). Hensā€™ diets contained 16.8% of crude protein and 11.57 MJ ME. The research lasted for 28 days. Content of fatty acids in yolk lipids was determined on 10 samples taken from each group. Supplemented oils (sunflower, rapeseed and fish oil) in hensā€™ diets had significant effect on the profile of fatty acids in yolk lipids. Compared to the control group, yolk lipids of eggs produced by hens in the experimental group contained significantly higher (P<0.001) portion of favorable fatty acids (linolenic, C18:3n-3; eicosapentaenoic, C20:5n-3 and docosahexaenoic, C22:6n-3). Moreover, the experimental group of hens laid eggs that contained less unfavorable saturated fatty acids (P<0.001) and less linoleic (C18:2n-6) and arachidonic acid (C20:4n-6) in their lipids. Content of oleic acid (C18:1) and total monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) was significantly higher (P<0.001) in yolk lipids of the experimental group. The experimental group contained less unfavorable polyunsaturated fatty acids of the n-6 type (n-6 PUFA, P<0.001), more favorable fatty acids of the n-3 type (n-3 PUFA, P<0.001) and more favorable n-6 / n-3 PUFA ratio (P<0.001) in yolk lipids than the control group.Istraživanje utjecaja različitih ulja na profil masnih kiselina u žumanjcima jaja obavljeno je na 80 ISA Brown nesilica (40 u kontrolnoj i 40 u pokusnoj skupini) starih 50 tjedana. Kontrolna skupina nesilica dobivala je u hrani suncokretovo ulje (6%), a pokusna skupina kombinaciju repičinog (4%) i ribljeg (2%) ulja. Smjese za nesilice sadržavale su 16,8% sirovih bjelančevina i 11,57 MJ ME. Istraživanje je trajalo 28 dana. Sadržaj masnih kiselina u mastima žumanjka određen je na 10 uzoraka iz svake skupine. KoriÅ”tena ulja (suncokretovo, repičino i riblje) u hrani za nesilice imala su značajan utjecaj na profil masnih kiselina u mastima žumanjaka jaja. U mastima žumanjaka kod pokusne skupine nesilica utvrđen je značajno veći (P<0,001) sadržaj poželjnih masnih kiselina (linolenske, C18:3n-3; eikozapentaenske, C20:5n-3 i dokozaheksaenske, C22:6n-3) u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu. Osim toga, pokusna skupina nesilica imala je manji sadržaj (P<0,001) nepoželjnih zasićenih masnih kiselina te linolne (C18:2n-6) i arahidonske kiseline (C20:4n-6) u mastima žumanjaka. Sadržaj oleinske kiseline (C18:1) i ukupnih mononezasićenih masnih kiselina (MUFA) bio je značajno veći (P<0,001) u mastima žumanjaka pokusne skupine. Pokusna skupina nesilica imala je manji sadržaj nepoželjnih polinezasićenih masnih kiselina n-6 tipa (n-6 PUFA, P<0,001), veći sadržaj poželjnih masnih kiselina n-3 tipa (n-3 PUFA, P<0,001) i povoljniji omjer n-6 / n-3 PUFA (P<0,001) u mastima žumanjaka jaja odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu


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    The research into growth characteristics of turkey hybrid was carried out on 60 one-day-old turkeys (30 toms and 30 hens) of Nicholas 700 provenience. The research lasted for 19 weeks. Each turkey was marked with a leg ring. During the experiment, turkeys were fed commercial mixtures. Evaluation of the inflection point and of separate growth phases was obtained by means of asymmetric S-function (Kralik and Scitovski, 1993). End weight of turkey toms was higher than the one of hens by 34.63% (14811Ā±906 g : 11005Ā±993 g). Differences in final weights between sexes, as well as in weights over the whole fattening period were statistically highly significant (P<0.001). Average absolute and relative gains (gain rates) of toms in comparison to hens were 776 g and 12.45%, and 567 g and 12.11%, respectively. By the parameters of asymmetric S-function, intensification of progressive growth phase in turkey toms started after the 5th week, and in turkey hens it was prolonged for several days. Determined biological maximum in toms was 17.966 kg, and in hens 12.889 kg. Intensive growth of hens lasted up to the beginning of the 15th week, while toms grew intensively up to the end of the 15th week. Positions of the inflection point in hens were determined at the beginning of the 10th week, and in toms in the middle of that week
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