5,150 research outputs found

    Efficient creation of molecules from a cesium Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We report a new scheme to create weakly bound Cs2_2 molecules from an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate. The method is based on switching the magnetic field to a narrow Feshbach resonance and yields a high atom-molecule conversion efficiency of more than 30%, a factor of three higher than obtained with conventional magnetic-field ramps. The Cs2_2 molecules are created in a single gg-wave rotational quantum state. The observed dependence of the conversion efficiency on the magnetic field and atom density shows scattering processes beyond two-body coupling to occur in the vicinity of the Feshbach resonance.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Europhysics Letter

    Observation of Feshbach-like resonances in collisions between ultracold molecules

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    We observe magnetically tuned collision resonances for ultracold Cs2 molecules stored in a CO2-laser trap. By magnetically levitating the molecules against gravity, we precisely measure their magnetic moment. We find an avoided level crossing which allows us to transfer the molecules into another state. In the new state, two Feshbach-like collision resonances show up as strong inelastic loss features. We interpret these resonances as being induced by Cs4 bound states near the molecular scattering continuum. The tunability of the interactions between molecules opens up novel applications such as controlled chemical reactions and synthesis of ultracold complex molecules

    Metastable Feshbach Molecules in High Rotational States

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    We experimentally demonstrate Cs2 Feshbach molecules well above the dissociation threshold, which are stable against spontaneous decay on the timescale of one second. An optically trapped sample of ultracold dimers is prepared in an l-wave state and magnetically tuned into a region with negative binding energy. The metastable character of these molecules arises from the large centrifugal barrier in combination with negligible coupling to states with low rotational angular momentum. A sharp onset of dissociation with increasing magnetic field is mediated by a crossing with a g-wave dimer state and facilitates dissociation on demand with a well defined energy.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Resolved Spectroscopy of the Narrow-Line Region in NGC 1068. I. The Nature of the Continuum Emission

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    We present the first long-slit spectra of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068 obtained by the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS); the spectra cover the wavelength range 1150 - 10,270 Angstroms at a spatial resolution of 0.05 - 0.1 arcsec and a spectral resolving power of 1000. In this first paper, we concentrate on the far-UV to near-IR continuum emission from the continuum ``hot spot'' and surrounding regions extending out to +/- 6 arcsec (+/-432 pc) at a position angle of 202 degrees In addition to the broad emission lines detected by spectropolarimetry, the hot spot shows the ``little blue bump'' in the 2000 - 4000 Ang. range, which is due to Fe II and Balmer continuum emission. The continuum shape of the hot spot is indistinguishable from that of NGC 4151 and other Seyfert 1 galaxies. Thus, the hot spot is reflected emission from the hidden nucleus, due to electron scattering (as opposed to wavelength-dependent dust scattering). The hot spot is ~0.3 arcsec in extent and accounts for 20% of the scattered light in the inner 500 pc. We are able to deconvolve the extended continuum emission in this region into two components: electron-scattered light from the hidden nucleus (which dominates in the UV) and stellar light (which dominates in the optical and near-IR). The scattered light is heavily concentrated towards the hot spot, is stronger in the northeast, and is enhanced in regions of strong narrow-line emission. The stellar component is more extended, concentrated southwest of the hot spot, dominated by an old (> 2 x 10 Gyr) stellar population, and includes a nuclear stellar cluster which is ~200 pc in extent.Comment: 32 pages, Latex, includes 11 figures (postscript), to appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    Probing the Ionization Structure of the Narrow Line Region in the Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC 4151

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    We present a study of the distribution of [O III] λ\lambda5007 and [O II] λ\lambda3727 emission in the Narrow Line Region (NLR) of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 4151. While the NLR of NGC 4151 exhibits an overall structure consistent with the unified model of Seyfert galaxies, narrow-band [O III] and [O II] images obtained with the Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 aboard the Hubble Space Telescope reveal significant emission from outside the the emission-line bi-cone. The [O III]/[O II] ratios are lower in these regions, consistent with a weaker ionizing flux. We performed a photoionization modeling analysis of the emission-line gas within a series of annuli, centered on the the central continuum source, with inner radii from 13 to 90 pc. The gas is ionized by radiation that has been attenuated by a relatively highly-ionized absorber (HABS), which completely covers the central source, and a lower-ionization absorber (LABS), which has a covering factor ranging from 0 to 1. We found that the [O III]/[O II] ratios are well fit by assuming that, within each segment of an annulus, some fraction of the NLR gas is completely within the shadow of LABS, while the rest is irradiated by the continuum filtered only by HABS. This suggests that the structure of the NLR is due to filtering of the ionizing radiation by ionized gas, consistent with disk-wind models. One possible scenario is that the low-ionization absorbers are dense knots of gas swept up by a wind.Comment: 43 pages, 18 figure Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa
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