68 research outputs found

    Radiolariji u planktonu Jadranskog mora (Istočni dio Sredozemnog mora)

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    Samples for the study of radiolarians in the Southern Adriatic were collected during five cruises at three stations along the Dubrovnik transect (stations S-100 to S-1000) from April 1993 through February 1995. Moreover, samples were collected during 21 cruises at the deepest station, S-1000/1200, from June 2001 through December 2009. Samples were taken in 2 to 8 vertical layers with a Nansen net 53 Ī¼m equipped with a closing system. In the central part of the southern Adriatic Pit, a total of 95 radiolarian taxa were recorded: 32 species of spumellaria, 46 species of nassellaria and 17 species of phaeodaria. The present research added 49 taxa to the known radiolarian fauna of the Adriatic Sea. The most common species were the phaeodarian Challengeria xiphodon, the spumellarian Stylodictya multispina and the nassellarian Cornutella profunda, which were present in 99% of the vertical series. Radiolarians were rarely present in coastal areas and in the central Adriatic, whereas the highest abundances were recorded in the deepest parts of the south Adriatic Pit. Phaeodaria represented 20-86 % of the total average abundance. As a rule, very low abundances were noted in the euphotic layer except during October 2001, when a maximum of 169 ind. m-3 was recorded. Juvenile forms of the species Eucyrtidium acuminatum represented 98% of the total number in these samples. In most cases, the maximum abundances were found in layers between depths of 200-300 m. The populations of most species were renewed by incoming eastern Adriatic currents from the Ionian Sea.Za istraživanje radiolarija u južnom Jadranu uzorci su sakupljeni za vrijeme pet krstarenja na tri postaje uzduž dubrovačkog transekta (postaje S-100 do S-1000) od travnja 1993. do veljače 1995. Također su uzorci sakupljeni za vrijeme 21 krstarenja na dubokoj postaji, S-1000/1200, od lipnja 2001. do prosinca 2009. Uzorci su sakupljeni u 2 do 8 slojeva sa Nansenovom mrežom 53 Ī¼m opskrbljena sa mehanizmom za zatvaranje. U srediÅ”njem dijelu južnojadranske kotline zabilježili smo ukupno 95 radiolarijskih taksona: 32 spumelarije, 46 naselarija i 17 feodarija. Ovim istraživanjima smo obogatili s 49 taksona faunu radiolarija Jadranskog mora. NajčeŔće vrste su feodarij Challengeron xiphodon, spumelarij Stylodictya multispina i naselarij Cornutella profunda, koje su prisutne u 99% uzorkovanja. Radiolarije su rijetko prisutne u obalnim vodama i u srednjem Jadranu, dok je njihova najveća abundancija u najdobljem dijelu južnojadranske kotline. feodariji sudjeluju od 20 do 86 % u ukupnoj prosječnoj abundanciji. Redovito vrlo mala brojnost je u eufotičkom sloju osim u listopadu 2001, kada je zabilježen maksimum od 169 ind. m-3. Juvenilne jedinke vrste Eucyrtidium acuminatum činile su 98 % od ukupnog broja u uzorku. U najvećem broju slučajeva maksimalna abundancija je bila u sloju od 200-300 m. Populacija radiolarija se obnavlja posredstvom ulazne istočno jadranske struje iz Jonskog mora. Navedena struja je intenzivnija zimi s uplivom Levantinske intermedialne vodene mase (LIW). Prepostavljamo da su karnivorni kopepodi potencijalni grabežljivci feodarija u dubokim slojevima u južnom Jadranu

    Zajednica veslonožaca od Arktika do Antarktike: upotreba ā€žcitizen scienceā€œ u poznavanju globalne raspodjele brojnosti nauplija i postnauplija u epipelagijskom sloju

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    The use of citizen science and opportunity sampling during commercial or tourist voyages can provide valuable insights into the structuring of the marine plankton community in broad biogeographic areas. With the goal of studying the distribution and abundance of smaller zooplankton using citizen science approach, plankton samples were collected at 33 stations spanning from the Arctic to Antarctic during the cruise of the S/V ā€œCroatian Ternā€ (1994-1997), using vertical tows with a 53Āµm mesh size Nansen net in the upper epipelagic layer. In this study, we summarize the observed distribution patterns of planktonic copepods by ontogenetic stages (nauplii, copepodites, adults) and by postnaupliar assemblages (calanoids, oithonids, oncaeids, harpacticoids, corycaeids), reporting also on the numerical ratio of nauplii to postnaupliar copepods, as an important indicator of the stability of copepod reproduction. The highest abundances of total copepods were found in the northeastern and southeastern Pacific, while the lowest values were found in the Mediterranean Sea and Southern Ocean. Overall, the copepod community was dominated by naupliar stages, while most postnaupliar assemblages (calanoids, oithonids, and oncaeids) were dominated by copepodites. Spatially, nauplii and postnaupliar oithonids showed similar latitudinal patterns, with both assemblages dominating in high latitudes of temperate zones on both sides of the equator, while contributions of calanoids, oncaeids, and corycaeids increased at lower latitudes. The ratio of nauplii to postnauplii varied from 1.1 to 6.4, and only at five stations was it slightly < 1. Latitudinally, the median values of this ratio varied from 1.1 in the marginal Arctic to 3.1 in the South Pacific, with no statistically significant differences among areas. The sudden change in nauplii/ postnauplii ratio could signal disturbances in the copepod community, provided that the average values are determined for all marine areas under different productivity conditions.KoriÅ”tenje ā€žcitizen scienceā€œ prilikom sakupljanja uzoraka tijekom komercijalnih ili turističkih brodskih putovanja može pružiti vrijedan uvid u strukturu zajednica morskog planktona u Å”irokim biogeografskim područjima. S ciljem proučavanja raspodjele i brojnosti manjeg zooplanktona koriÅ”tenjem navedenog pristupa, uzorci planktona prikupljeni su u gornjem dijelu epipelagijskog sloja na 33 postaje od Arktika do Antarktike tijekom krstarenja jedrilice ā€œHrvatska čigraā€ (1994.-1997.). Uzorci su sakupljeni vertikalnim potezima Nansen planktonske mreže veličine okca od 53 mikrometra. U ovoj studiji saželi smo uočene obrasce raspodjele planktonskih račića veslonožaca po ontogenetskim stadijima (naupliusi, kopepoditi, adulti) i po postnauplijarnim skupinama (kalanoidi, oitonidi, onceidi, harpaktoidi, koriceidi). Izneseni su podaci o brojčanom odnosu naupliusa i postnauplijskih kopepoda , kao pokazatelju stabilnosti razmnožavanja kopepoda. Najveće abundancije ukupnih kopepoda utvrđene su u sjeveroistočnom i jugoistočnom Pacifiku, dok su najmanje vrijednosti utvrđene u Sredozemnom moru i Južnom oceanu. Sveukupno, zajednicom kopepoda prevladavali su nauplijski stadiji, dok su u većini postnauplijskih skupina (kalanoidi, oitonidi i onceide) dominirali kopepoditi. Brojnosti nauplija i postnaupliarni oitonidi pokazali su slične geografske obrasce, pri čemu su obje skupine dominirale na visokim geografskim Å”irinama umjerenih zona s obje strane ekvatora, dok su se udjeli kalanoida, onceida i koriceida povećali na nižim geografskim Å”irinama. Omjer nauplija i postnauplija kolebao je od 1,1 do 6,4, a samo na pet postaja bio je neznatno < 1. Latitudinalno, srednje vrijednosti ovog omjera varirale su od 1,1 u rubnom Arktiku do 3,1 u južnom Pacifiku, bez statistički značajnih razlika među područjima. Nagla promjena u omjeru brojnosti nauplija i postnauplijarnih stadija mogla bi signalizirati poremećaje u zajednici kopepoda, pod uvjetom da su prosječne vrijednosti određene za sva morska područja pod različitim uvjetima produktivnosti

    Taksonomska i ekoloŔka istraživanja vrste Centropages ponticus (Copepoda, Calanoida) u slanom jezeru Mir (Dugi Otok, Jadransko more)

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    Calanoid copepod Centropages ponticus, endemic to the Mediterranean and Black Sea, is the only pelagic copepod species which was found in the closed ecosystem of the saline Lake Mir on Dugi Otok, eastern Adriatic Sea. This paper presents some important morphological characteristics and the annual population structure investigated from November 1999 to October 2000 at one station in the deepest part of Lake Mir. Investigation topics included the temporal distribution and abundances of nauplii, copepodites and adult specimens, as well as the density of their faecal pellets. It would appear that only C. ponticus is adapted to the extreme conditions of the lake, low winter and high summer temperatures, as well as long period of hypersaline conditions. During the summer-autumn period, the abundances of nauplii, copepodites and adult specimens reach extreme values. Lake Mir is ecologically very interesting and generally among very rare habitats. Our results suggest the necessity for further complex research of this natural laboratory for the purpose of its full protection.Kalanoidni kopepod Centropages ponticus, endem Sredozemnog i Crnog mora, jedina je pelagična vrsta kopepoda prisutna u zatvorenom ekosustavu slanog jezera Mir na Dugom otoku u istoč- nom Jadranu. U radu su prikazane važne morfoloÅ”ke karakteristike vrste, kao i podaci o strukturi populacije za razdoblje od jedne godine od studenog 1999. do listopada 2000. godine, na jednoj postaji u najdubljem dijelu jezera Mir. Istraživanja uključuju vremensku raspodjelu i abundancije nauplija, kopepodita i odraslih jedinki, kao i gustoću fekalnih peleta. Čini se da je samo vrsta C. ponticus prilagođena ekstremnim uvjetima u jezeru, niskim zimskim i visokim ljetnim temperaturama, kao i dugom razdoblju hipersalinih uvjeta. Tijekom ljeta/jeseni, naupliji, kopepoditi i odrasle jedinke postižu ekstremne vrijednosti abundancije. Jezero Mir je ekoloÅ”ki vrlo zanimljivo i općenito vrlo rijetko staniÅ”te. NaÅ”i rezultati potiču daljnja multidisciplinarna istraživanja ovog prirodnog laboratorija radi njegove trajne zaÅ”tite

    Struktura populacija planktonskih protista i malih metazoa u Malostonskom zaljevu (Jadransko more) - pokazatelji za utvrđivanje trofičkog stupnja i potencijala za uzgoj Å”koljkaÅ”a

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    Samplings in the Bay Mali Ston were performed between January 2002 and January 2003 at station Usko, conducted either once a week or twice a month, with 5-L Niskin water sampler at 1 m depth intervals from the surface to 13 m. The investigations of the population of planktonic protists and small metazoans covered the major assemblages: taxopodids, non-loricate ciliates, tintinnids, rotatorians, copepod nauplii, calanoids, oithonids, oncaeids, harpacticoids, bivalve larvae and juvenile appendicularians. The diversity and abundance of all assemblages on an annual basis is primarily dependent on variations in the hydrographic conditions. During periods of low temperature and high salinity, oncaea copepodites and adults show very high abundance, and together with non-loricate ciliates, tintinnids and planktonic harpacticoids form the winterspring zooplanktonic community. During the warmer period in conditions of higher temperature and salinity the summer-autumn zooplanktonic communities comprise high abundances of post-naupliar calanoids and oithonids, juvenile appendicularians and summer tintinnids. From the abundance of planktonic protists and small metazoans it can be concluded that the Bay Mali Ston has mesooligotrophic characteristics. This paper discusses the importance of the bio-deposition of faecal material from the shellfish that are cultured in the Bay and the potential negative impact on the ecological balance resulting from any significant increased capacity in aquaculture.Uzorkovanja u Malostonskom zaljevu provedena su u razdoblju od siječnja 2002. do siječnja 2003. na postaji Usko, jednom tjedno ili dva puta mjesečno, s 5L Niskin crpcem u slojevima od 1 m od povrÅ”ine do 13 m dubine. Istraživale su se populacije planktonskih protista i malih metazoa, kao Å”to su: taxopodidi, nelorikatnih cilijati, tintinidi, rotatorii, od kopepoda, nauplii, kalanoidi, oitonidi, onceidi, harpacticoidi, ličinke Å”koljkaÅ”a i juvenilne apendikularije. Raznolikost i bogatstvo svih skupina na godiÅ”njoj razini u prvom redu ovisi o varijabilnostima hidrografskih parametara. Tijekom razdoblja niskih temperatura i visokog saliniteta, onceidni kopepoditi i odrasli su vrlo brojni, a zajedno s nelorikatnim cilijatima, tintinidima i planktonskim harpaktikoidima čine zimsko-proljetnu zooplanktonsku zajednicu. Tijekom toplijeg razdoblja u uvjetima visokih temperatura i slanosti je ljetno-jesenska zooplanktonska zajednica, koju čine postnaupliarni kalanoidi i oitonidi, nedorasle apendikularije i ljetni tintinidi. Iz brojnosti planktonskih protista i malih metazoa može se zaključiti da je Malo Stonski zaljev mezo-oligotrofnih karakteristika. U radu se raspravlja o važnosti biodepozicije fekalnog materijala Å”koljki koje se uzgajaju u zaljevu i o mogućem negativnom utjecaju na ekoloÅ”ku ravnotežu zbog mogućeg značajnog povećanje kapaciteta Å”koljkaÅ”a u uzgoju

    Taxonomic composition and abundance of phytoplankton in the middle reach of the karstic Zrmanja Estuary (Croatia)

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    The taxonomic composition and abundance of phytoplankton were analyzed in relation to thermohaline and hydrological conditions in the middle reach of the karstic river Zrmanja Estuary, eastern Adriatic coast, Croatia, in the period December 1981 to November 1982, and June 1998 to June 1999. General trophic interrelations were characterized by the spring-summer development of marine phytoplankton (mainly diatoms) and autumn- winter development of small herbivores (copepods, nauplii, copepodites). Two maxima of naked ciliates indirectly indicated the regeneration of alochtonous organic matter in winter, and autochtonous organic matter in late summer. In general, dominant phytoplankton species provided seasonal recurrent assemblages. Freshwater phytoplankton above the halocline is less abundant in the lower than in the upper reach of the estuary. Instead of freshwater phytoplankton, the brackish diatom Thalassiosira (a short-chained, small- celled species) was abundant above the halocline during the winter-spring period

    A Research Into the Artistic Aspect of Culture of the PeŔćenica Residents (An Apartment Building in ā€žOld PeŔćenica")

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    This is a preliminary report of an investigation into the figurative art culture of the inhabitants of PeŔćenica The term "figurative art culture" denotes art objects, creative activities and reception of art - in short, the satisfaction of aesthetic needs. An object is considered the object of art if it contains some elements of artistic expression, regardless of its possible practical function. The author surveyed residents of 24 apartments in an apartment building. She asked questions about their artistic activities, and recorded decorative objects in their apartments. Results were somewhat surprising: the residents owned more original paintings than thĆ© author had expected, there was a very prominent custom of giving paintings as gifts, and a significant number of people engaged in creative activities (painting, sculpturing, crocheting, macramĆ© knotting and tapestry \u27 making)

    Fragmenti i cjelina u radu Božidara RaŔice

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    Recenzija, prikaz knjige "Božidar RaÅ”ica: arhitektura, scenografija, slikarstvo, pedagoÅ”ki i znanstveni rad" Vere Marsić, Petra Selema, Zvonka Makovića
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